Hollister Rally Returns for 2025

The City of Hollister has approved the motorcycle rally to return on July 4th and 5th, 2025. Naturally, we’ll be rolling out the red carpet at the Corbin factory and looking forward to welcoming you back! 


Corbin factory will be open for business Tuesday, July 1st through Sunday, July 6th, and we welcome you to stop by and meet the makers of the world’s finest motorcycle saddle.

At Corbin Factory & Online

Corbin Factory Tour the world-famous Workshop of Wizards. Walk freely about the shop, meet our craftspeople and discover the limitless possibilities. It is located two miles north of downtown Hollister, across from the airport. We’ll be open 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Sunday.

Ride-In Service Have your new Corbin saddle customized while you wait. Appointments are preferred, but we will strive to facilitate everyone.

Wizard’s Cafe Our 50’s style diner is a great place to relax and grab a bite. Open Breakfast and Lunch Tuesday through Saturday.

Rally Discount In celebration of Independence Day and the return of the Hollister Rally, our traditional Rally Discount will be in effect July 1 – July 6, 2025 at the Corbin factory.

Vendors Once again, we’ll be opening up our space for a variety of vendors on the Corbin lot. We’ll post more info as we gather up a list.

Hollister Powersports

Hollister PowersportsDespite being located in a small, rural town, Hollister Powersports is one of the largest motorsports dealers in Northern and Central California. With over 30,000 square feet of showroom and hundreds of units in stock, it’s a must-stop on your visit.

Indian Demo TruckIndian Motorcycle Demo Rides: Take a demo ride and check out the all-new 2025 Scout lineup! Or, throw your leg over any of the other new Indian Motorcycle models!

Custom Paint HPS has been making a lot of noise with its custom paint program. Check out their huge showroom loaded with custom-painted Indian Chief and Scout models ready to roll. Hollister Powersports works with local paint artist E Z E Solorio, who has been creating some incredible bikes.

More Info: HollisterPowersports.com

Johnny’s Bar & Grill

Johnny's Bar & Grill LogoThe textbook definition of needs no introduction. Many come to town for the sole purpose of tipping one back at this legendary watering hole. If Hollister is the Birthplace of the American Biker, then Johnny’s Bar & Grill was the midwife.

Extended Patio Fourth of July weekend always proves to be a big one, regardless of whether there’s an official event. As a result, Johnny’s expands outside to make more room for folks to come and enjoy the local scene and historic bar.

Drink Specials Johnny’s already has an extensive list of signature cocktails they have on special throughout the year. We haven’t heard this straight from the horse’s mouth, but we’re guessing they’ll be coming up with something creative, especially for the weekend. Of course, you can always just have a Bud if you’re not feeling adventurous.

The Wall Johnnys Bar & Grill has occupied the same spot since 1946, and it’s historic. So it’s safe to say that renovations and modernizations should be handled carefully. Johnny’s new curator is doing just that and making some very nice improvements to this classic establishment while paying homage to the history.

More Info: JohnnysBarandGrill.com