2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Homemade Costumes for Babies

Homemade Halloween Costumes for Babies

When it's time for Halloween, cute and humorous baby costumes become all the rage. This year we've seen a variety of original homemade costumes. Since babies don't have much of a say in what they wear, the costumes can get interesting as you have the option of turning them into whatever you think will be the cutest or funniest.

Costumes range from animal costumes to cartoon characters, and many of these costumes were made completely from the imagination. Taking the little ones trick or treating can be exciting indeed, but dressing them in adorable costumes is often the best part. Most of the costumes below are all homemade and original!

Rather than the typical costumes you see most babies in, these costumes below were made entirely with creativity! Whether its baby's first Halloween, second, or third, homemade Halloween costumes can be quite impressing. Here are some babies posing in their unique costumes from our annual Halloween costume contest.

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Baby Robot

Gettin' Old


Teddy Graham


The Grannies

Happy Pumpkin


Cabbage Patch Doll


Baby Chef

Foxy Baby

Cheesy Escapades


Russell the boyscout from UP

Harry Potter

Baby Mojo Dojo Ken


Tommy Boy


Baby Winifred Sanderson - Hocus Pocus


Lilo & Stitch

Boss Baby

Pumpkin Bones

Cabbage Patch Doll

Fluffy Chicken

Cabbage Patch Doll in a Box

Hot Air Balloon

Boo, Monsters Inc.

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