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Thomas J. Hanks s-a nascut pe 9 iulie 1956 in Concord, California. Parintii Amos si Janet Hanks l-au dat la scoala din Oakland, California, tot aici urmand si liceul. Inca din timpul liceului, pe cand invata la Skyline, i-a placut baseball-ul si drama.
S-a inscris in clubul Thespian si a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun actor in "South Pacific". Dupa terminarea colegiului, el a incercat sa obtina un rol in piesa lui Shakespeare. Il obtine pe cel al lui Callimaco in "The Mandrake".
Thomas J. Hanks s-a nascut pe 9 iulie 1956 in Concord, California. Parintii Amos si Janet Hanks l-au dat la scoala din Oakland, California, tot aici urmand si liceul. Inca din timpul liceului, pe cand invata la Skyline, i-a placut baseball-ul si drama.
S-a inscris in clubul Thespian si a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun actor in "South Pacific". Dupa terminarea colegiului, el a incercat sa obtina un rol in piesa lui Shakespeare. Il obtine pe cel al lui Callimaco in "The Mandrake".
Ia legatura cu o agentie din Los Angeles, care ii aranjeaza sa joace in primul sau film "He Knows You’re Alone". In 1980 Tom obtine de la televiziunea ABC un contract de 50 de mii de dolari si sansa sa joace in "Bosom Buddies". Alte seriale in care a jucat sunt: "Happy Days", "Family Ties", "The Love Boat" si "Taxi". Ron Howard ii ofera sansa sa joace in noul sau film "Splash". In 1984 obtine un nou succes o data cu filmul "Bachelor Party".
Un an mai tarziu joaca in "The Man With One Red Shoe", "Volunteers" si "The Money Pit". In 1986 lui Tom i se ofera sansa sa joace intr-un film foarte apropiat lui de suflet - "Nothing In Common". "Every Time We Say Goodbye" reprezinta un film de succes si se numara printre cele care ii vor aduce multi bani.
Un an mai tarziu filmeaza "Dragnet", iar la sfarsitul anului o cere in casatorie pe Rita Wilson. Un mare succes obtine cu filmul "Big", cu incasari de 100 de milioane de dolari numai in America. Urmatoarele filme nu-i aduc succesul mult asteptat – "The Bonfire Of Vanities", "A League Of Their Own". In 1994 Tom castiga Oscarul pentru cel mai bun actor, cu filmul "Philadelphia". In acelasi an filmeaza "Forrest Gump", "Toy Story" si "Apollo 13".
Un an mai tarziu obtine acelasi premiu, de data aceasta pentru "Forrest Gump". In 1996 apare ca regizor, cat si ca scenarist al filmului "That Thing You Do". In 1997, Tom calatoreste prin Europa pentru a filma "Saving Private Ryan", film care ii aduce cea de-a patra nominalizare la Oscar (doi ani mai tarziu). In anii care urmeaza il regasim in roluri precum cele din "You’ve Got Mail" (1998), alaturi de Meg Ryan si in "The Green Mile" si "Toy Story 2". Indiferent de proiectele in care este implicat putem fi siguri ca rezultatul muncii sale va reprezenta un succes.
Thomas Jeffrey Hanks este unicul actor din a doua jumatate a secolului XX castigator a doua premii Oscar consecutive .Tatal sau Mefford Hanks, lucra ca ajutor se scenarist la teatru, iar mama, Janet Marylyn era infirmiera intr-un spital. Perechea a avut trei copii, Sandra Hanks, Lawrence Hanks si Thomas Hanks. Tom a studiat in "Skyline High School" din Oakland, California., si apoi la Universitatea de Arte Frumoase din Oakland.
In 1979 familia sa s-a mutat la New York, unde a a debutat in filmul “He knows You Are Alone “ (1981), unde a avut un rol secundar. Doi ani mai tarziu, prietenul tatalui sau, Neal Israel, l-a chemat pe Tom si l-a intrebat cat este de interesat este de cinema si i-a oferit rolul principal in noul sau film. In 1988 Tom se casatoreste cu Rita Wilson si se muta definitiv in Los Ángeles.
Adevarata cariera cinematografica a lui Tom a inceput atunci cand a castigat primul sau Óscar pentru cel mai bun actor, in filmul, Philadelphia in 1993. Tom a atins din nou culmile , jucand in Forrest Gump (1994) reusind sa castige al doilea Óscar pentru cel mai bun actor al anului, ceea ce l-a transformat in singurul actor , din a doua jumatate a secolului XX care a castigat consecutive doua premii Oscar, in anul 1998 a fost nominalizat din nou la Osacar pentru rolul din Saving Private Ryan si a mai fost nominalizat in anul 2000 pentru Cast Away.
A mai jucat in filme ca Catch Me If You Can (2002) si The Terminal (2004). Ultimul rol a fost cel al profesorului Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code in 2006. Tom Hanks traieste in resedinta sa din Los Ángeles cu sotia sa actuala, Rita Wilson si cu doi din cei patru copii pe care ii are: Colin Hanks, de asemenea actor , nascut in 1977 si Truman Theodore nascut in 1995.
Hanks este unul din cei mai bine platiti actori din Hollywood. Onorariul pentru ultimele filme in care a jucat este de aproape 20 milioane de dolari. A intrat in Guinness pentru ca a jucat in opt filme ce au avut incasari mai mari de 100 milioane de dolari .
S-a casatorit cu actrita Rita Wilson, pe care a cunoscut-o in timpul turnarii filmului Punchline (1988). Cu ea are doi copii pe : Chester si Truman si mai are inca doi copii, Colin si Elizabeth, din casatoria precedenta a actorului cu Samantha Lewes, 1978-1987.
Acest actor a fost recompensat cu o stea pentru filmele sale, amplasată în partea de sud, aria 7000, pe Bulevardul Walk of Fame din Hollywood.
- Freaky Tales
- In the Garden of Beasts - William Dodd (zvon)
- Here (2024) - Richard Trailer
- A Man Called Otto / Un bărbat pe nume Otto (2023) - Otto Trailer
- Disney 100: A Century of Dreams - A Special Edition of 20/20 / Disney 100: Un secol de vise - Ediție specială a 20/20 (2023)
- Asteroid City (2023) - Stanley Zak Trailer
- Pinocchio (2022) - Geppetto Trailer
- Elvis (2022) - colonelul Tom Parker Trailer
- Finch (2021) - Finch Trailer
- 1883 (2021) Trailer
- News of the World / Noutăți din lumea largă (2020) - Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd Trailer
- Greyhound / USS Greyhound: Bătălie în Atlantic (2020) - Ernest Krause Trailer
- Borat Subsequent Moviefilm / Borat: Filmul ulterior (2020) - Tom Hanks Trailer
- A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood / O zi minunată în cartier (2019) - Fred Rogers Trailer
- Toy Story 4 / Povestea jucăriilor 4 (2019) - Woody (voce) Trailer
- The Movies / Filmele (2019)
- The 2000s / The 2000s (2018) - el însuși
- Big City Greens / Familia Green la oraș (2018)
- 1968: The Year That Changed America / 1968: The Year That Changed America (2018) - el însuși
- The Post / The Post: Secretele Pentagonului (2018) - Ben Bradlee Trailer
- Spielberg (2017) - el însuși
- The Circle / Cercul (2017) - Bailey Trailer
- Sully: Sully Sullenberger - The Man Behind the Miracle / Sully: Sully Sullenberger - The Man Behind the Miracle (2016) - el însuși
- Hollywood Film Awards / Hollywood Film Awards (2016) - el însuși
- Tom Hanks: A League of His Own / Tom Hanks: A League of His Own (2016) - el însuși
- California Typewriter / California Typewriter (2016) - el însuși
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to John Williams / AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to John Williams (2016) - el însuși
- Stand Up to Cancer (2016) - el însuși
- A Case of the Cold War: Bridge of Spies / A Case of the Cold War: Bridge of Spies (2016) - el însuși
- The Eighties / The Eighties (2016) - el însuși
- Sully / Sully: Miracolul de pe râul Hudson (2016) - Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger Trailer
- Inferno (2016) - Robert Langdon Trailer
- A Hologram for the King / Hologramă pentru rege (2016) - Alan Trailer
- The Seventies (2015) - el însuși
- Bridge of Spies / Podul spionilor (2015) - James B. Donovan Trailer
- Ithaca (2015) - Matthew Macauley Trailer
- Everything Is Copy / Totul e inspirație (2015) - el însuși
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver / Știrile săptămânii cu John Oliver (2014) - el însuși
- Toy Story That Time Forgot / Povestea jucăriilor: Timpul uitat (2014) - Woody (voce)
- The Sixties (2013) - el însuși
- Toy Story of Terror / Povestea jucăriilor: Teroarea (2013) - Woody (voce)
- Killing Lincoln (2013) - el însuşi - narator Trailer
- Saving Mr. Banks / Saving Mr. Banks: În căutarea poveștii (2013) - Walt Disney Trailer
- Captain Phillips / Căpitanul Phillips (2013) - căpitanul Richard Phillips Trailer
- Toy Story Toons: Partysaurus Rex / Povestea jucăriilor: Partysaurus Rex (2012) - Woody (voce)
- The 84th Annual Academy Awards (2012) - el însuși
- Electric City / Electric City (2012) - Cleveland Carr
- Cloud Atlas / Atlasul norilor (2012) - dr. Henry Goose / manager hotel / Isaac Sachs / Dermot Hoggins Trailer
- Close Up (2011) - el însuși
- Toy Story Toons: Small Fry (2011) - Woody (voce)
- Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation (2011) - Woody (voce)
- Larry Crowne (2011) - Larry Crowne Trailer
- Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close / Extrem de tare și incredibil de aproape (2011) - Thomas Schell Trailer
- The 82nd Annual Academy Awards (2010) - el însuși
- Toy Story 3 / Povestea jucăriilor 3 (2010) - Woody (voce) Trailer
- The Pacific / Pacific (2010) - narator (voce)
- Toy Story 2 3D (2010) - Woody (voce)
- Streisand: Live in Concert (2009) - el însuși
- Beyond All Boundaries (2009) - narator (voce)
- Angels & Demons / Îngeri și Demoni (2009) - Robert Langdon Trailer
- Toy Story 3D / Toy Story: Povestea jucăriilor 3D (2009) - Woody (voce) Trailer
- Delivering 'You've Got Mail' (2008) - el însuși
- The Great Buck Howard / Marele Buck Howard (2008) - dl Gable Trailer
- Charlie Wilson's War / Războiul lui Charlie (2007) - Charlie Wilson Trailer
- The Simpsons Movie / Simpsonii - filmul (2007) - el insusi (voce) Trailer
- Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) - (arhivă)
- 30 Rock (2006) - Tom Hanks Trailer
- The Da Vinci Code / Codul lui Da Vinci (2006) - Robert Langdon Trailer
- Cars / Mașini (2006) - Woody Car (voce) Trailer
- Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005) - narator (voce)
- Elvis Has Left the Building / Atentie, mor sosiile! (2004) - Mailbox Elvis
- The Terminal / Terminalul (2004) - Viktor Navorski Trailer
- The Polar Express / Polar Expres (2004) - Eroul / tatăl / conductorul (voci) Trailer
- The Ladykillers / Cum scăpăm de Coana Mare? (2004) - prof. G.H. Dorr Trailer
- The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch (2004) - el însuși
- Freedom: A History of Us / Freedom: A History of Us (2003) - Abraham Lincoln / Charles E. Wood / Jacob Coxey
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Tom Hanks (2002) - el însuși
- Life with Bonnie / Viața cu Bonnie (2002)
- The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) - el însuși
- Catch Me If You Can / Prinde-mă! Dacă poți! (2002) - Carl Hanratty Trailer
- Road to Perdition / Drumul spre pierzanie (2002) - Michael Sullivan Trailer
- America: A Tribute to Heroes (2001) - el însuși
- Band of Brothers / Camarazi de război (2001) - ofițer france / ofițer britanic Trailer
- 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) - el însuși
- Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years (2000) - el însuși
- Cast Away / Naufragiatul (2000) - Chuck Noland Trailer
- The Green Mile / Culoarul morții (1999) - Paul Edgecomb Trailer
- Toy Story 2 / Povestea jucăriilor 2 (1999) - Woody (voce) Trailer
- You’ve Got Mail / Ai Primit E-mail (1998) - Joe Fox Trailer
- Saving Private Ryan / Salvați soldatul Ryan (1998) - căpitanul Miller Trailer
- From the Earth to the Moon / De la Pamant la Luna (1998) - Jean-Luc Despont
- That Thing You Do! / Rock'n'roll (1996) - dl. White
- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart / The Daily Show (1996) - James Lovell
- 50 Years of Funny Females (1995) - el însuși (arhivă)
- The Wonderful World of Disney (1995) - Woody
- Toy Story / Povestea jucăriilor (1995) - Woody (voce) Trailer
- Apollo 13 (1995) - Jim Lovell Trailer
- Vault of Horror I (1994)
- Forrest Gump (1994) - Forrest Gump Trailer
- Sleepless in Seattle / Nopți albe în Seattle (1993) - Sam Baldwin Trailer
- Philadelphia (1993) - Andrew Beckett Trailer
- Fallen Angels / Crime perfecte (1993)
- HBO First Look (1992) - el însuși
- Radio Flyer / Vis inaripat (1992) - Mike, în vârstă
- A League of Their Own / Liga feminină de baseball (1992) - Jimmy Dugan
- Joe Versus the Volcano / Joe împotriva vulcanului (1990) - Joe
- The Bonfire of the Vanities / Rugul vanitatilor (1990) - Sherman McCoy
- Turner and Hooch / Turner si Hooch (1989) - Scott Turner
- The 'burbs / Vecinii (1989) - Ray Peterson
- Tales from the Crypt / Aventuri în Casa Morții (1989) - Baxter
- Punchline / Poanta (1988) - Steven Gold
- Big / Vreau să fiu mare (1988) - Josh Trailer
- Dragnet / Vine razia! (1987) - Streebek
- Nothing in Common / Nimic în comun (1986) - David Basner
- The Money Pit / Un sac de bani (1986) - Walter Fielding
- Every Time We Say Goodbye / Cand ne luam ramas-bun (1986) - David
- Volunteers (1985) - Lawrence Bourne III
- The Man with One Red Shoe / Omul cu un pantof roșu (1985) - Richard
- Splash / Sirena îndrăgostită (1984) - Allen Bauer Trailer
- Bachelor Party / Petrecerea burlacilor (1984) - Rick Gassko
- Mazes and Monsters / Labirinturi și monștri (1982) - Robbie Wheeling
- Family Ties (1982) - Ned Donnelly
- He Knows You're Alone (1980) - Elliot
- Bosom Buddies / Bosom Buddies (1980) - Kip Wilson / Buffy Wilson
- Taxi (1978) - Gordon
- The Love Boat / Croaziera de lux (1977) - Rick Martin
- Saturday Night Live (1975)
- Happy Days (1974) - dr. Dwayne Twitchell
- Larry Crowne (2011) Trailer
- Band of Brothers / Camarazi de război (2001) Trailer
- From the Earth to the Moon / De la Pamant la Luna (1998)
- That Thing You Do! / Rock'n'roll (1996)
- Vault of Horror I (1994)
- A League of Their Own / A League of Their Own (1993)
- Fallen Angels / Crime perfecte (1993)
- Tales from the Crypt / Aventuri în Casa Morții (1989)
Filmografie - producător
- In the Garden of Beasts
- Masters of the Air (2024) Trailer
- A Man Called Otto / Un bărbat pe nume Otto (2023) Trailer
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 / Nuntă a la grec 3 (2023) Trailer
- No Better Place to Die / (2020)
- My Gift: A Christmas Special from Carrie Underwood / Carrie Underwood: Darul meu – Special de Crăciun (2020) Trailer
- The Movies / Filmele (2019)
- The 2000s / The 2000s (2018)
- Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again / Mamma Mia! O luăm de la capăt (2018) Trailer
- 1968: The Year That Changed America / 1968: The Year That Changed America (2018)
- The Nineties / The Nineties (2017)
- Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House / Felt (2017)
- Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (2016)
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 / Nuntă a la grec 2 (2016) Trailer
- Olive Kitteridge (2014) Trailer
- Parkland / Asasinarea lui Kennedy (2013) Trailer
- They Marched Into Sunlight (2013)
- Game Change / Jocul se schimbă (2011) Trailer
- Beyond All Boundaries (2009)
- Where the Wild Things Are / Tărâmul monștrilor (2009) Trailer
- Surfer, Dude / Pe val (2008) Trailer
- City of Ember / Ember - Orașul din adâncuri (2008) Trailer
- The Great Buck Howard / Marele Buck Howard (2008) Trailer
- We're with the Band (2005)
- The Polar Express / Polar Expres (2004) Trailer
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding / Nuntă a la grec (2002)
Filmografie - scenarist
Filmografie - scriitor
- Greyhound / USS Greyhound: Bătălie în Atlantic (2020) Trailer
- Electric City / Electric City (2012)
- Larry Crowne (2011) Trailer
- Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005)
- Band of Brothers / Camarazi de război (2001) Trailer
- From the Earth to the Moon / De la Pamant la Luna (1998)
- That Thing You Do! / Rock'n'roll (1996)
Filmografie - în dezvoltare
- Agent Zigzag (2014)
- A Wilderness of Monkeys (2013)
- Major Matt Mason (2012)
- How Starbucks Saved My Life (2012)
- Talk of the Town (2012)
- The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (2011)
- 1776 (2011)
- Untitled Deep Throat Project (2011)
Filmografie - producător asociat
- Black & White in Colors / (2012)
Filmografie - producător executiv
Filmografie - el însuşi / ea însăşi
- We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial (2009) - Himself
- The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2009) - Himself - Winner
- A Hero's Journey: The Making of Beowulf (2008) - Himself
- 2008 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards (2008) - Himself
- Live from the Red Carpet: The 2008 Emmy Awards (2008) - Himself
- A Timeless Call (2008) - Himself - Narrator
- Sexo en serie (2008) - Himself
- The 50th Annual Grammy Awards (2008) - Himself - Presenter
- The 60th Primetime Emmy Awards (2008) - Himself - Winner: Outstanding Miniseries
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (2008) - Himself
- The 80th Annual Academy Awards (2008) - Himself - Presenter: Best Documentary Feature and Short Subject
- Julia Roberts: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2007) - Himself
- The Pixar Story (2007) - Himself Trailer
- The 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2007) - Himself - Presenter
- The 79th Annual Academy Awards (2007) - Himself - Presenter
- Miracles and Mystery: Creating 'The Green Mile' (2006) - Himself
- The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2006) - Himself
- Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? (2006) - Himself
- Moving Image Salutes Ron Howard (2006) - Himself
- The 48th Annual Grammy Awards (2006) - Himself - Presenter
- The 78th Annual Academy Awards (2006) - Himself
- Who Needs Sleep? (2006) - Himself
- The Mark Twain Prize: Steve Martin (2005)
- Earth to America (2005) - Himself
- AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to George Lucas (2005) - Himself
- Why Shakespeare? (2005) - Himself
- Bambi Verleihung 2004 (2004) - Himself
- Making a 'Splash' (2004) - Himself - 'Allen Bauer'
- Making 'Saving Private Ryan' (2004) - Himself
- 'Saving Private Ryan': Parting Thoughts (2004) - Himself
- Waiting for the Flight: Building 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- Take Off: Making 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- Landing: Airport Stories (2004) - Himself
- Boarding: The People of 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- 'Saving Private Ryan': Re-Creating Omaha Beach (2004) - Himself
- 'Saving Private Ryan': Boot Camp (2004) - Himself
- Inside 'The Terminal' (2004) - Himself
- 'Saving Private Ryan': Miller and His Platoon (2004) - Himself
- World War II Memorial Dedication (2004) - Himself; guest speaker
- The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) - Himself - Presenter: Bob Hope Tribute
- The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch (2004) - Interviewee
- Heroes... Twenty Years with AIDS Project Los Angeles (2003) - Himself - Host
- 'Catch Me If You Can': The Casting of the Film (2003) - Himself
- 'Catch Me If You Can': In Closing (2003) - Himself
- Frank Abagnale: Between Reality and Fiction (2003) - Himself
- Rebels of Oakland: The A's, the Raiders, the '70s (2003) - Himself (Oakland Resident 1966-1976)
- Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (2003) - Horatio Nelson Jackson
- Concert for George (2003) - Mountie
- 'Catch Me If You Can': Behind the Camera (2003) - Himself
- Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2003) - Himself
- The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003) - Himself - Past Winner
- People Like Us: Making 'Philadelphia' (2003) - Himself
- The Honeymooners 50th Anniversary Celebration (2002) - Himself
- The Making of 'Road to Perdition' (2002) - Himself
- The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002) - Himself
- The Island (2001) - Himself
- The Making of 'Band of Brothers' (2001) - Himself
- Wilson: The Life and Death of a Hollywood Extra (2001) - Himself
- The Making of 'Cast Away' (2001) - Himself
- The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2001) - Himself
- Rescued from the Closet (2001) - Himself
- 7th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2001) - Himself - Nominee: Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
- The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Writing Awards
- Walking the Mile (2000) - Himself - 'Paul Edgecomb'
- Behind the Scenes: Cast Away (2000) - Himself
- Shooting War (2000) - Himself/Narrator/Host
- The Story Behind 'Toy Story' (2000) - Himself
- Saturday Night Live 25 (1999) - Himself
- Stephen King: Shining in the Dark (1999) - Himself
- The Miracle of 'The Green Mile' (1999) - Himself
- The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Return to Normandy (1998) - Himself
- Return with Honor (1998) - Narator
- Christopher Reeve: A Celebration of Hope (1998) - Himself
- Into the Breach: 'Saving Private Ryan' (1998) - Himself
- I Am Your Child (1997) - Himself
- 2nd Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1996)
- Lost Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13 (1996) - Himself
- The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) - Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (1996) - Himself - Host
- The 21st Annual People's Choice Awards (1995) - Himself
- 1st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (1995)
- Hasty Pudding Awards (1995) - Himself
- The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Actress in a Leading Role
- The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) - Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
- The Wonderful World of Disney: 40 Years of Television Magic (1994) - Himself
- Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump (1994) - Himself
- The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Documentary Awards
- The 64th Annual Academy Awards (1992) - Himself
- The 62nd Annual Academy Awards (1990) - Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography
- The 61st Annual Academy Awards (1989) - Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role
- Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary (1989) - Himself
- The 59th Annual Academy Awards (1987) - Himself - Presenter: Best Short Film, Animated
Filmografie - mulţumiri
- All the Presidents' Movies: The Movie (2009)
- Lose Weight with Cancer (2007)
- Making a 'Splash' (2004)
- The Making of 'Band of Brothers' (2001)
- Walking the Mile (2000)
- Lost Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13 (1996)
Filmografie - imagini de arhiva
- President Hollywood (2008)
- Premio Donostia a Antonio Banderas (2008)
- Ceremonia de inauguración - 56º festival internacional de cine de San Sebastián (2008)
- Oscar, que empiece el espectáculo (2008)
- Saturday Night Live in the '90s: Pop Culture Nation (2007)
- El camino de Antonio Banderas (2006)
- Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero (2006)
- The Sci-Fi Boys / Băieții SF (2006)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of Jon Lovitz (2005)
- El oficio de actor (2005)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Hanks (2004)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of Christopher Walken (2004)
- 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004)
- 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
- Die Geschichte des erotischen Films (2004)
- Lord Stanley's Cup: Hockey's Ultimate Prize (2000)
- Saturday Night Live: Game Show Parodies (2000)
- Sharon Stone - Una mujer de 100 caras (1998)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of Mike Myers (1998)
- The Harryhausen Chronicles (1998)
- Best of Saturday Night Live: Special Edition (1992)
- Saturday Night Live: Presidential Bash (1992)
2 premii şi 4 nominalizări Oscar, 4 premii şi 6 nominalizări Globul de Aur, 2 nominalizări BAFTA, un premiu Berlin
Toate premiile »
listă cu 65 actori, creată de IonutzP18 pe 10 Decembrie 2013
listă cu 100 actori, creată de Jazz-Stalker pe 8 Noiembrie 2012
listă cu 50 actori, creată de casalo2010 pe 28 August 2012
Despre Tom Hanks
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A colaborat cu
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
- Animaţie
- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
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- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
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Premii filme
Filme noi
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- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Premiere cinema
- Futni mentem
- Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the...
- Limonov: The Ballad
- Wolf Man
- Marcello mio
- All We Imagine as Light
În curând la cinema
- Companion
- Dog Man
- The Seed of the Sacred Fig
- Țăndări
- Presence
- The Brutalist
- Smok Diplodok
- A Complete Unknown
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Tom Hanks
Părerea ta
Spune-ţi părereaRolul lui din Forrest Gump este extraordinar jucat. In The Green Mile (Culoarul Mortii), Cast Away (Naufragiatul), Catch me if you can ( Prinde-ma daca poti ) si in Saving Private Ryan ( Salvati soldatul Ryan) face deasemenea niste roluri de zile mari.
claudiu-daniel lugoj
Spune-ţi părerea despre Tom Hanks
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