Customer Review

  • Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2014
    Its a great system, but perfect; no. The speakers suck, worse speakers on any handheld to date; way too quiet. The XL also has a manufacturers flaw that the square ridge around bottom screen rubs on the top screen when closed. You will eventually notice the top-screen damage if you dont put a fix to it early on. I did with some plastic dots that had adhesive on one side, I stuck on in each bottom corner (beside select/start buttons); they were just big enough to separate the screens enough from rubbing when closed.

    The control stick; great. Pad, great. The face buttons I get so confused on the letters because of other game systems but whatever. The L and R buttons seem sorta weak, and the select/start/home seem sketchy too. Most importantly the 3D switch is fine, but the actual use of it in a game is crap. You will only use it in cut-scenes in most games because it causes lag.

    So thats alot of the bad, and few of the good. I am done with the review, because everything else I didn't mention was because its AMAZING. Its a great system, just those faults I mentioned held it back from 5-stars. Plus they will probably put out a new 3DS in a year or so anyway.
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