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King Eider

King Eider is a large-sized migratory sea duck native to the coastal waters of the Arctic belt spanning over North America, Europe and Asia. They belong to the Anatidae family and

  1. American White Pelican

    The American White Pelican is a majestic waterbird distinguished by its massive orange bi

  2. Baltimore Oriole

    The Baltimore oriole is a migratory songbird of eastern North America, named after the or

  3. Cackling Goose

    A waterfowl native to North America, the Cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii) is a member o

View all Birds


Black Tetra

Black Tetra fish is a South American species living in the freshwaters and the clearly vis

Basking Shark

Basking sharks are the second largest shark in the world, after the whale shark, which al

Humphead Wrasse

The humphead wrasse is a colorful fish found in the Indo-Pacific region. It is the larges

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March 19th
Steller Sea Lion

Steller sea lion, also known as the northern sea l

March 18th
King Eider

King Eider is a large-sized migratory sea duck nat