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In 2016, the company entered a three-year commitment to the Adopt-a-School Foundation. The foundation was established in 2002 by Mr Cyril Ramaphosa and Mr James Motlatsi. The core concept of the foundation’s model focuses on fostering a timebound relationship between the school and the funder. The foundation conducts a detailed needs assessment and analysis in every school prior to adoption and then presents the proposal to funders for consideration. It assesses the infrastructure, skills and social needs in the school environment, through interviews and site visits.
In 2015 Adapt IT invested in
Adapt IT believes in facilitating the development of sustainable businesses that will create jobs. The company provides opportunities as well as assistance to a number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
In 2018 Adapt IT invested in various black owned businesses, through financial and non-financial support. The businesses are led by very capable ICT professionals and entrepreneurs who have leveraged Adapt IT’s assistance and enterprise development support to accelerate their successes.
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