All You Can Books
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Our Story

Welcome to All You Can Books, the ultimate destination for book lovers.

Welcome to All You Can Books, the ultimate destination for book lovers.

As avid readers, we understand the joy of immersing ourselves in a captivating story or getting lost in the pages of a good book. That's why we founded All You Can Books back in 2010, to create a platform where people can access an extensive library of quality content and discover new favorites.

Since our founding days, we’ve continuously added to our vast library and currently have over 200,000 titles, including ebooks, audiobooks, language learning courses, podcasts, bestseller summaries, travel books, and more! Our goal at All You Can Books is to ensure we have something for everyone.

Join our community of book lovers and explore the world of literature and beyond!


With our free app for iOS and Android, you can take your books on a magical adventure with you, exploring new worlds and ideas on the go. Discover over 200,000 audiobooks, ebooks, podcasts, and more, all waiting for you to dive in. Our in-app playback controls make it as easy as waving a wand to pause, play, and skip ahead, ensuring a seamless listening experience. With our app, listening and learning have never been more enjoyable.

So why wait? Download our free app today and start exploring the world of literature and beyond. Your community of book lovers awaits.


Whether you're looking for a light read, a page-turner, or an intellectual challenge, we've got you covered. We aim to make it easy for you to discover new authors, genres, and perspectives you may still need to consider. With our inspired recommendations, you can trust that you'll always have something engaging to listen to or read. So, if you're tired of browsing endless shelves or scrolling through online catalogs, let us help you find your next favorite book!

Our mission

Our mission is simple: to bring the joy of reading and learning to everyone, no matter where you are or what your budget is. We believe that knowledge and entertainment should be accessible to all, and we're here to make that happen! With our easy-to-use platform and a huge library of ebooks, audiobooks, and courses, you can explore new worlds, learn new skills, and dive into new experiences at your own pace. We're all about flexibility, convenience, and exceptional value, and we're always working to make our service better for you. And best of all, we're not just about big names and bestsellers - we're committed to showcasing independent authors and creators, too, so you can discover new voices and perspectives you won't find anywhere else.

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Being an avid reader, this service couldn't be a better way to feed my passion.

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Reader's paradise. Need I Say more?

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Love love LOVE THIS APP!!

Christina & Leslie R.

Thank you for the great love of books.

Abir H.

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