Become an AD Designer
Architectural Designs is always interested in partnering with new, talented designers and we appreciate your interest in working with us. We are a family-owned business and as our tagline states, have been "selling quality house plans for generations." Our highly curated portfolio presented on the most relevant platform in the home plan industry is what sets us apart from the competition. We care deeply about the customer journey and our seasoned staff works tirelessly to ensure a positive experience for our growing community of homeowners, builders, and real estate agents.
What are we looking for?
High quality home plans that reflect today's lifestyle. Designs must include strong visual presentation through photorealistic renderings and/or high-quality photographs. Videos and 360° panoramic renderings of key rooms that we can use to build a tour are welcome additions.
How to join
To be considered, please fill out the form below, tell us a little something about you, and upload the required number of samples of your work. Please click the Apply Now button to fill out the application.
What you’ll need
Please prepare two sets of work samples.