General University Hospital and 1
Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague
The World of Diagnostic Images
Head and Neck
Spine and Axial
Biliary tree
Kidney and adrenals
Large bowel
Mediastinum and pleural cavity
Oral cavity
Peritoneal cavity
Retroperitoneum, pelvis
Small bowel
Soft tissue
Thyroid and Parathyroids
Urinary tract
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Mastoiditis Schuller view
Hemosinus fracture of maxillary sinus
Rundstrom Stenvers Schuller view chronic mastoiditis
Wrist normal x ray
Acute sinusitis Waters view
Nephrolithiasis kidney stones calcified splenic artery Chinese dragon sign
Dandy Walker variant mega cisterna magna
Greenstick fracture of radius and ulna subperiosteal fracture
Lung metastases cannon ball metastases
Subdural hygroma
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Head and Neck
Spine and Axial
System and Organ
Biliary tree
Kidney and adrenals
Large bowel
Mediastinum and pleural cavity
Oral cavity
Peritoneal cavity
Retroperitoneum, pelvis
Small bowel
Soft tissue
Thyroid and Parathyroids
Urinary tract
Imaging Modality
AG: Angiography
CT: Computed tomography
MMG: Mammography
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NM: Nuclear medicine
RF: Fluoroscopy
US: Ultrasound
X-ray: Plain radiograph
Skill level
Easy: Easy images
eXtreme: eXtremely difficult
Challenging: Challenging
More difficult: Medium difficulty
Index of images
Imaging cases
A tiny intracranial aneurysm on the branching of ICA
Abdomen radiograph, right decubitus, stomach bubble mimicking pneumoperitoneum
Abdominal sacroma
Abruption of articular surface of humeral head, osteonecrosis
Abruption of the greater tubercle of humerus
Abruption of the rim of glenoid
Abruption of transverse process of lumbar vertebra
Abruption of triquetrum, transverse fracture of distal radius, abruption of unlar styloid process
Abscess after diverticulitis
Abscess at the proximal anastomosis of aorto-femoral bypass
Abscess in liver, cholangoitis, maturation, second CT
Abscess of thigh, perianal abscess
Abscess, Crohn's disease
Abscess, Crohn's disease, intra-abdominal abscess
Abscess, cutaneous fistula, colonic fistula
Abscess, perihepatic abscess, drainage, pig-tail
Abscesses in abdominal wall following appendectomy
Abscessing pneumonia
Accessory fissure
Accessory interlobium
Accessory interlobium
Accessory interlobium, pulmonary edema
Accessory salivary gland, Stafne's defect, VRT
Accumulation of iron in the medial globus pallidus, globus pallidus internus
Acetabular fracture, posterior dislocation of the femoral head, dashboad injury
Acromioclavicular dislocation
Acromioclavicular joint, separation
Acroosteolysis in diabetes mellitus, amputation in Chopart joint, gangrene
Active bleeding in the thigh
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis on ultrasound
Acute appendicitis, appendicolith
Acute appendicitis, fecolith
Acute appendicitis, pelvic position
Acute appendicitis, periappendiceal infiltrate
Acute colitis, inflammatory lymph nodes
Acute diverticulitis on ultrasound
Acute diverticulitis, perforation, peritonitis, pneumoperitoneum
Acute diverticulitis, peridiverticulitis, sigmoid colon
Acute diverticulitis, sigmoid colon
Acute enteritis, enteritis, edema of the valvulae conniventes
Acute enterocolitis, enteritis and colitis
Acute gangrenous cholecystitis
Acute cholecystitis
Acute cholecystitis on CT
Acute cholecystitis, CT
Acute cholecystitis, pericholecystitic abscess
Acute lung embolism
Acute lung embolism, massive
Acute necrosing pancreatitis
Acute nephritis
Acute osteomyelitis of the foot
Acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis on ultrasound
Acute pancreatitis, exsudative stage
Acute pancreatitis, chylous pancreatitis, hypertriglyceridemia-associated acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis, mediastinitis
Acute parotitis
Acute pyelonephritis, left kidney
Acute sinusitis
Acute sinusitis, maxillary sinus
Acute sinusitis, Waters view
Acute subdural hemorrhage, active bleeding, subfalcine herniation
Adenocarcinoma of biliary duct
Adenocarcinoma of gallbladder, fistula to colon
Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon, peritoneal metastasis
Adenoma of adrenal gland
Adenoma of hypophysis
Adenoma of hypophysis, before and after resection
Adenoma of parathyroid gland, brown tumours
Adenoma of the hypophysis
Adenomyosis of gallbladder, focal adenomyosis
Adenomyosis of gallbladder, localized
Adhesions, enteroclysis
Adrenal adenoma
Adrenal adenoma, 3-phase CT
Adrenal adenoma, adenoma of adrenal gland
Adrenal metastasis
Adrenal metastasis and skeletal metastasis of pulmonary carcinoma, correlation
Adrenal myelolipoma
Adrenal myelolipoma
Adrenal tumour, extensive, embolotherapy
Agenesis of lung lobe
Achalasia of oesophagus
Air bubbles in spinal canal after stentgraft placement and spinal anesthesia, spinal paraparesis
Air in bowel wall
Air trapping
Alveolar hemorrhage
Alveolar hemorrhage, acute stage
Alveolar hemorrhage, ANCA vasculitis, paraseptal emphysema
Alveolar lung edema
Alveolar lung edema
Alveolar lung edema, unilateral
Alveolar pattern, HRCT
Alveolar pulmonary edema
Amiodarone deposition in liver parenchyma
Amiodarone liver
Amiodarone lung, toxic pneumonitis
Anaplastic lymphoma in peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal and mesenterial lymphadenopathy
Anastomosis of large bowel on barium enema
ANCA vasculitis, lung involvement
Anemia, heart
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta on plain radiograph, stent
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta, AAA, ruptured, cardiac arrest, deceased
Aneurysm of abdominal aorta, AAA, ruptured, retroperitoneal bleeding
Aneurysm of internal carotid artery, left
Aneurysm of lienal artery
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, AAA, aorto-iliac stentgraft
Aneurysm of the internal carotid artery
Aneurysm of thoracic aora
Aneurysm of thoracic aorta on chest radiograph
Angiography of lipoma, arm, thoracoacromial artery, preoperative, DSA
Angioinvasive aspergilosis
Angioinvasive aspergilosis, course in time
Angiolipoma, subcutaneous, selective embolisation
Angiomyolipoma of kidney
Angiomyolipoma of kidney
Angiomyolipoma of kidney, atypical
Angiomyolipoma of kidney, renal angiomyolipoma
Angiomyolipoma of kidney, small
Angiomyolipoma, adenoma, adrenal adenoma, multiple
Angiomyolipoma, renal, bilateral
Ankylosing spondylitis, Bechterew's disease, Crohn's disease
Ankylosis in Dupytren contracture
Anomally of the little finger of the foot, congenital
Anomalous blood supply from systemic circulation in left lower lung lobe
Anterior dislocation of shoulder
Antireflux plastic, Nissen, slipped above the diaphraghm
Aortic dissection, Standford B, dissecting aneurysm, re-entry, CPR
Aortic dissection, Stanford A, hemopericard
Aortic valve, calcified aortic valve
Aortocaval fistula, aneurysm of abdominal aorta, AAA
Aortomesenteric compression, SMA syndrome, superior mesenteric artery
Appendiceal orifice
Appendicitis, appendicolith
Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis
Appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis, gangrene
Appendicography, appendicolith, fecal stone
Appendix, appendicolith
Appendix, normal appearance
Appendix, normal appearance
Arachnoid cyst, frontal lobe
Arachnoidal cyst
ARDS, interstitial edema
Arrested hydrocephalus
Arteria lusoria, anomally of the subclavian artery, right
Arteriovenous malformation of kidney
Arteriovenous malformation of liver, AV malformation, CEUS
Arthrosis of metatarsophalangeal joint, I. MTP
Arthrosis of SI joint
Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, osteoarthritis
Arthrosis of temporomandibular joint, TMJ
Artifact of posterior cranial fossa on CT
Artificial mass in the coecum
Artificial shadow, abdominal radiograph
Ascites, echogenic ascites, perofration of stomach ulcer
Aseptic necrosis of femoral head
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head
Aseptic necrosis of the head of second metatarsal bone, Freiberg-Kohler disease
Aspergilloma, aspergillosis, angio-invasive aspergillosis, doubling time
Aspergiloma, invasive aspergilosis
Aspergilosis of lung, crescent sign
Aspergilosis of the lung
Aspergilosis of the lung, pericardial effusion, mediastinal lymphoma
Aspiration of contrast, dysphagia
Aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia
Atelectasis and tumorous infiltration of right upper lobe
Atelectasis of left lung wing
Atelectasis of right upper lobe of lung
Atheroma in intergluteal cleft
Atheroma, arm
Atherosclerosis, subclavian artery
Atlas, C1, spina bifida, incomplete ring
Atresia of external auditory canal
Atrial septal defect on chest radiograph
Atypical fracture of calcaneus, fracture
Atypical hemangioma
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia
Atypical pneumonia, CMV
Atypical pneumonia, crazy-paving pattern and follow-up
Atypical pneumonia, influenza, H1N1, 10 months after
Atypical pneumonia, pleural effusion
Atypical pneumonia, pneumocystis carini
Atypical pneumonia, Pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP
Atypical pneumonia, subacute stage, lung fibrosis
AV fistula, arteriovenous fistula in the leg
Avulsion of ischial tuberosity
Avulsion of tuber ischiadicum, old
Axis, C2, development of vertebra
Baker's cyst on CT
Baker's cyst, rupture
Banana in rectum
Bariatric surgery, pean
Barium, beam hardening artifacts
Barton fracture
Basal bronchopneumonia
Basicervical fracture of femur
Bennett's fracture
Bennett's fracture
Bennett's fracture of the right hand
Bezoar of oesophagus
Bifid, forked rib
Biliary stent, obstruction
Biliary T-drain, drain into liver abscess, fistulography
Biloma, complication of biliary drainage, PTC
Biloma, CT fistuography
Biloma, leak from biliodigestive anastomosis
Bimalleolar ankle fracture
Bimalleolar ankle fracture with abruption of the posterior edge of tibia
Bimalleolar fracture with fracture of the posterior edge of tibia, after removal of compression plate
Biopsy of breast
Biopsy of breast
Bipartite patella
Bladder carcinoma, bone metastasis
Bleeding in sigmoid colon, embolization
Bleeding into large bowel, embolisation
Bleeding into urinary bladder
Blind stenosis of sigmoid colon, ileus
Bone cyst of calcaneus
Bone defect after bone graft harvest
Bone infact
Bone infarct, secondary finding
Bone infarction
Bone infarction, atherosclerosis
Bone island, metacarpal bone
Bone sequestration, osteomyelitis
Bowel ischemia, gas in portal vein and liver
Bowel ischemia, vascular ileus
Bowel obstruction, carcinoma of sigmoid colon, SBO, ileus, colorectal cancer
Boxer's fracture
Boxer's fracture
Brain contusion
Brain contusion, subarachnoidal hematoma, beam hardening artifact
Brain edema, subfalcine herniation
Brain hemorrhage, hypertonic, hemocephalus
Brain ischemia, MCA, development in time, insular ribbon sign
Brain metastasis
Brain tumour, meningioma
Branchial cleft cyst, parotid gland
Breast carcinoma
Breast carcinoma, big
Breast carcinoma, small
Breast carcinoma, ultrasound guided biopsy
Breast cyst
Breast implant
Breast implants on chest radiograph
Breast implants on chest radiograph
Breast implants, mammography
Breast tumour
bronchial carcinoma, central, pneumonitis
Bronchial dilators
Bronchiectasia, cystic bronchiectasia
Bronchiectasia, HRCT
Bronchiectasias, postspecific changes
Bronchitis, panlobular emphysema
Bronchoinvasive aspergillosis, aspergillosis
Bronchoinvasive aspergilosis
Bronchopneumonia, bilateral
Bronchopneumonia, bilateral, pleural effusion
Bronchopneumonia, biopsy, recurrence
Bronchopneumonia, pleural effusion
Bronchopneumonia, tree-in-bud
Budd-Chiari syndrome, thrombosis of hepatic veins, liver cirrhosis, TIPSS, splenomegally
Bulbar ulcer
Bullous emphysema
Bullous emphysema
Bullous emphysema
Bullous emphysema, lung tumour
Bullous emphysema, pneumothorax
Burkitt's lymphoma of small bowel and liver
Calcar calcanei, calcifications in plantar aponeurosis, spur
Calcification in adrenal gland
Calcification in basal ganglia
Calcification in goiter, thyroid gland
Calcification in lymph nodes in axilla, malposition of endotracheal tube, interstitial pulmonary edema
Calcification in patellar ligament, infrapatellar bursa
Calcification in TFCC, triangular fibrocartilage complex
Calcification in triangular fibrocartilage complex, TFCC
Calcification of metastases in liver from the ovarian cancer with regressive changes after treatment
Calcifications in breast
Calcifications in lung parenchyma, vasculitis
Calcifications in soft tissue in a dialysed patient
Calcifications in spleen, miliary calcifications, tuberculosis
Calcifications in thyroid gland
Calcifications in uterine fibroid, myoma, CEP, cervical endoprosthesis
Calcified axillary lymph nodes
Calcified hilar nodes
Calcified lymph node in lung hilum
Calcified pachypleuritis, pachypleuritis calcarea
Callus luxurians, callus, hypetrophic callus
Caput medusae, liver cirrhosis, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, splenomegally, VRT, MIP
Caput medusae, porto-venous shunts, splenomegaly
Carcinoid metastatses in the liver
Carcinoid of ileum and mesentery, liver metastasis, CT enterography
Carcinoid of small bowel
Carcinoid of terminal ileum, mesentery, desmoplastic reaction, prestenotic dilatation
Carcinoid of the lung
Carcinoma of adrenal gland, adrenal carcinoma
Carcinoma of ascending colon, colorectal carcinoma
Carcinoma of bladder, metastasis in liver and abdominal wall, necrotic metastasis
Carcinoma of cecum, necrotic lymph node
Carcinoma of colon, lienal flexure, large bowel ileus, lung metastasis
Carcinoma of esophagus, distal esophagus, placement of stent, liver metastasis
Carcinoma of gallbladder
Carcinoma of gallblader
Carcinoma of oesophagus and cardia
Carcinoma of oesophagus, middle third, bifurcation stent
Carcinoma of oesophagus, stenosis
Carcinoma of oesophagus, tumorous stenosis
Carcinoma of pancreas
Carcinoma of pancreas
Carcinoma of pancreas, gigantic, liver metastases
Carcinoma of sigmoid colon, barium enema
Carcinoma of sigmoid colon, large bowel obstruction, ileus
Carcinoma of sigmoid colon, metastasis in liver
Carcinoma of stomach, antrum
Carcinoma of stomach, scirrhotic carcinoma, infiltration of the wall
Carcinoma of the lienal flexure
Carcinoma of the mouth floor and tongue
Carcinoma of the tongue
Carcinoma of transverse colon, ileus, perforation of bowel, peritonitis
Carcinoma of urinary bladder, invasion into prostate
Carcinomatous lymphangoitis, lymphangoitis carcinosa, osteolysis of shoulder blade
Carcinomatous peritonitis, mixed tumour of appendix, carcinoid and adenocarcinoma
Carcinosis of mesentery
Carcinosis of pericard and pleura, empyema, nephrectomy
Carcinosis of the peritoneum
Carcionoid, pancreas, head of pancreas, calcification
Cardiac tamponade, mediastinal hematoma, dissection of truncus brachiocephalicus
Cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion
Cardiomegally on chest radiograph
Cardiomegally, azygous vein
Cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy
Casting renal stones
Casting renal stones, nefrolithiasis
Castleman's disease
Caval filter
Cavity in the lung, cavern, TBC, tuberculosis
Cavocaval anastomoses, VRT
Cavum septi pellucidi
Cavum septi pellucidi
Cavum septi pellucidi, cavum vergae
Cavum septi pellucidi, cavum vergae
CCEP, replacement of shoulder joint, cervico-capital endoprosthesis
Celiac disease, foamy content of jejunum, CT enterography
Central venous line, persistent left superior vena cava
Centrilobular emphysema
Cerebellar metastasis
Cerebral hemorrhage, hypertonic hemorrhage, hemocephalus, subfalcine herniation, descendent transtentorial herniation
Cerebral ischemia, craniotomy, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Cervical cyst, medial, retention cyst
Cervical rib
Cervical rib
Cervical rib, compression of subclavian vein, trombosis of subclavian vein
Cervical rib, megatransverse process, unilateral
Circulatory assist device
Circumaortic renal vein
Circumarotic left renal vein
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris permagna
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris permagna
Clip in the lung parenchyma after resection of bulla
Coagulation necrosis of basal ganglia
Colitis, acute colitis of the right colon, cecum and ascendens
Colitis, ileitis, inflammation of terminal ileum and large bowel
Colitis, thumbprinting
Collapse of lung wing, central tumour
Collapse of pulmonary lobe, left lower lung lobe, LLL
Colles fracture
Colles fracture, pronator quadratus, fat pad sign
Collision tumour, adrenal adenoma, metastasis
Collision tumour, adrenal gland, myelolipoma, metastasis
Colloid cyst of the third ventricle
Colon metastases in the liver, CEUS
Colonic transit time, delayed
Colonic transit time, transit time, delayed
Colorectal cancer, carcinoma of descendens, ileus
Colorectal cancer, carcinoma of rectum
Colorectal cancer, carcinoma of transverse colon, extension in peritoneal cavity and abdominal wall
Colorectal cancer, carcinoma of transverse colon, lymphadenopathy, liver metastases
Colorectal cancer, tumorous stenosis of sigmoid colon, placement of stent
Comminuted fracture of acetabulum and pubic bone, central dislocation of femoral head
Comminuted fracture of calcaneus
Comminuted fracture of facial skeleton
Comminuted fracture of frontal sinus, hemosinus
Comminuted fracture of skull base, frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus, hemosinus, pneumocephalus, contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Comminuted fracture of talus
Comminuted fracture of the head of humerus
Compensatory enlargement of left liver lobe after resection of right liver lobe
Complicated cyst, Bosniak III
Complication of angiography, bleeding from groin, hematoma in scrotum, hemorrhage
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture of lumbar vertebra
Compression fracture, first lumbar vertebra, osteoporosis
Compression fracture, second lumbar vertebra
Compression of sigmoid colon
Compression of thoracic vertebra, osteoporosis
Congenital block of cervical vertebra
Congenital liver fibrosis, portal hypertension, porto-venous shunts
Congenital malformation of foot
Congestive hepatopathy, biphasic flow in portal vein, heart failure, congestion
Consolidation of lung parenchyma
Constipation, large bowel obstruction, low grade
Constrictive pericarditis, VRT
Contusion of frontopolar cortex, beam hardening artifact, subarachonid hemorrhage
Convoluted bowel, CT enterography
Coronal suture, bone island
Coronary stent in LAD
Corpus luteum cyst
Cortical fragment from ulna
Cortical scar of the kidney, agenesis of cortex of kidney, gallstone
Cortical scars of kidney
Coxarthrosis, advanced
Coxarthrosis, severe
Coxarthrosis, Wiberg's sign
Crohn's disease of aboral ileum, enteroclysis
Crohn's disease of colon, periproctal abscesses, enterography
Crohn's disease of duodenum
Crohn's disease of ileum
Crohn's disease of ileum, CT enteroclysis, CT enterography, CT routine, MR of pelvis
Crohn's disease of ileum, CT enterography
Crohn's disease of ileum, CT enterography and MR enterography
Crohn's disease of neoterminal ileum, abscess
Crohn's disease of neoterminal ileum, ileocecal resection
Crohn's disease of small bowel, abdominal abscess, CT routine and CT enterography
Crohn's disease of small bowel, inflammatory stenosis of the sigmoid colon
Crohn's disease of terminal ileum
Crohn's disease of terminal ileum
Crohn's disease of terminal ileum and colon
Crohn's disease of terminal ileum, enterography
Crohn's disease of the small bowel
Crohn's disease with abscesses, fistulae, and sacroileitis
Crohn's disease, aboral ileum
Crohn's disease, acute inflammation, ascites, ultrasound and CT enterography
Crohn's disease, cobble stone, virtual endoscopy, enteroclysis
Crohn's disease, colitis
Crohn's disease, enteroclysis
Crohn's disease, enterovesical fistula
Crohn's disease, extensive involvement of small bowel, fistulae, abscess - Enterography
Crohn's disease, fistulising form, fistula in abdominal wall
Crohn's disease, chronic ileus due to multiple stenoses, enterography
Crohn's disease, ileocecal resection, stenosis of anastomosis
Crohn's disease, ileocecal resection, subtotal colectomy, recurrence
Crohn's disease, intra-abdominal abscess, enterography
Crohn's disease, MR enterography
Crohn's disease, periproctal fistula communicating with rectum - fistulography
Crohn's disease, postinflammatory changes
Crohn's disease, rupture of ileum, peritonitis
Crohn's disease, small bowel obstruction, ileus
Crohn's disease, stenosis, prestenotic dilatation, rupture, CT enteroclysis, enterography
Crohn's disease, subtotal colectomy, ileosigmoid anastomosis
Crohn's disease, terminal ileum, enterography
Crohn's disease, terminal ileum, stenosis, CT enterography, CT routine
CT angiogram sign, acute lung embolism, lung infarction
CT angiography of heart, VRT, MIP
CT enterography, low-dose
CT fistulography, enterocutaneous fistula
CT peritoneography
CTEPH, chronic thromboembolic disease, pulmonary hypertension, mosaic perfusion
CTEPH, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary arterial hypertension, VRT
Cut wound of tibia, friction saw
Cyst in liver, simple cyst, large
Cyst of a spleen, splenic cyst, calcified
Cyst of maxillary sinus
Cyst of ovary, gigantic
Cyst of pancreas, pancreatic cyst
Cyst of the thyroid gland
Cyst, medial cervical cyst
Cystadenoma of ovary
Cystadenoma of the kidney, Perlmann's tumour
Cystic nephroma, Perlmann's tumour
Cystic nephroma, Perlmann's tumour, hemangioma of liver
Cystic tumour of pancreas, pancreatic tail, MinIP
Cystitis, acute cystitis
Cystitis, acute cystitis, bladder
Cystoid of pancreas
Dandy Walker variant, mega cisterna magna
Deep sulcus sign, pneumothorax, PNO
Degeneration of meniscus
Degenerative changes of the cervical spine
Delayed excretion of contrast from kidney
Dentigenous cyst in maxillary sinus, VE
Deposits of oil in the masseter and tonsil
Depression fracture of the skull
Depressive fracture of skull
Dermoid of ovary
Dermoid of the ovary
Detector malfunction
Development of ileus
Development of paranasal sinuses, six years, Waters view
Deviation of trachea
Diabetic foot, amputation of fourth finger, periosteal reaction in metatarsal bone
Diaphraghmatic hernia, Bochdalek hernia
Diaphragmatic hernia, diaphragm
Diaphragmatic hernia, Morgagni hernia
Diaphragmatic hernia, Morgagni hernia
Diaphragmatic lobulation
Diastasis in acromioclavicular joint after removal of osteosythetic material
Diffuse peritonitis, dehiscence of rectal anastomosis
Dilatation of biliary duct, sclerosis of papilla
Dilatative form of arteriosclerosis, VRT
Dilated hepatic veins
Dilated intrahepatic bile ducts in the left liver lobe, biliodigestive anastomosis, pneumobilia
Dilated Wharton's duct, sialolithiasis
Dislocation of interphalangeal joint of thumb
Dislocation of interphalangeal joints
Dislocation of knee
Dislocation of knee joint
Dislocation of knee joint
Dislocation of shoulder, anterior luxation
Dislocation of the first interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joint
Displacement of duodenobiliary drain
Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta
Dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta, thrombosis of false lumen
Distal anastomosis of femoro-popliteal bypass
Distention of stomach
Diverticular bleeding, embolisation
Diverticular disease of the colon
Diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon on Irriography
Diverticulitis of sigmoid colon, fistula, abscess
Diverticulitis, acute diverticulitis, peritonitis
Diverticulitis, compressed diverticula
Diverticulitis, severe, colovesical fistula, fistula, vesicoureteral reflux
Diverticulosis of sigmoid colon
Diverticulosis of the colon
Diverticulosis, colonic diverticulum
Diverticulum of duodenum
Diverticulum of large bowel with thickened wall
Diverticulum of stomach
Diverticulum of urinary bladder
Diverticulum of urinary bladder, excretory phase
DLBCL of bone and muscle
Dorsocaudal branch of the portal vein
Duodenal bulb ulcer
Duodenal diverticulum
Duodenal diverticulum
Duodenal diverticulum, large and multiple
Duodenal stent, migration of stent
Duplex kidney, VRT, MIP
Duplication of collecting system of kidney, ureter fissus
Duplication of inferior vena cava, VCI
Duverney fracture, fracture of iliac wing
Dysplasia of femoral head
Dysplasia of head of mandible, bilateral
Dysplasia of patella, patellar dysplasia
Dystrophic ossification in scar, linea alba, median laparotomy, VRT
Early changes of brain ischemia, MCA, insular ribbon sign
Ectopic pancreas, gigantic, pancreatic ectopia in esophagus
Edema of mesenteric fat in anasarca
Edema of perinephric fat
Edematous pancreatitis
Effusion in elbow joint, sail sign, fracture of head of radius
Elbow dislocation
Elbow effusion, fat pad, sail sign
Elevation of left hemidiaphragm
Elongated styloid process
Emphysematous cholecystitis, pericholecystitic abscess
Empty sella, hypophysis
Empyema of the thorax
Empyema of thorax
Empyema of thorax
End plate disease, grade III, osteochondrosis, vacuum phenomenon
Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus
Endocrine orbitopathy, exophthalmus
Endometriosis of the abdominal wall
Endometriosis, ovarian endometriosis
Enchondroma, pathologic fracture, fracture of phalanx
Enchondromatosis, Ollier disease
Enlarged heart
Enteric cyst of duodenum
Enteritis, inflammation of small bowel
Entero-sigmoid fistula, enteroclysis
Eosinophilic granuloma of mandible
Epidemic parotitis
Epidural hematoma, subarachoid hemorrhage, cerebral contusion, skull fissure
Epiphyseal fracture of the posterior edge of tibia, Salter Harris II
Epiploic appendagitis
ERCP, migration of duodenobiliary drain
Ewing sarcoma of rib
Ewing sarcoma, pelvis
Exostosis of fibula
Extensive pulmonary embolism and CT angiogram sign on chest radiograph
Extraction of head of humerus
Extramedullary hematopoesis, paravertebral, splenomegally, spherocytosis, hereditary spherocytosis, intramuscular hematoma, iliacus muscle, VRT
Extramural compresson of sigmoid colon
Eyeball, secondary finding, unknown pathology
Facial lymphangioma
Fahr's disease, morbus Fahr
Failure of the hip replacement
Fatty degeneration of subscapular muscle
Fatty infiltration of the right ventricle, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, ARVD
Fenestration of rib
Fenestration of rib
Fetal orifice of appendix
Fibroadenoma of breast
Fibroadenoma of breast
Fibrocartilaginous exostosis
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Fibroglandular type of breast, Tabar I, CAD
Fibroid of uterus
Fibroid of uterus, uterine fibroid
Fibrolipoma in pelvis
Fibroma, subcutaneous
Fibrothorax after pneumonectomy
Fibrous dysplasia of frontal bone
Fibrous dysplasia of maxilla
Fibrous dysplasia of the left maxillary sinus
Fibrous dysplasia of the mandible
Fibrovascular polyp of oesophagus
Fissural cyst of spleen
Fissure of frontal bone
Fissure of occipital bone, terminating in foramen magnum
Fissure of skull, epidural hematoma
Fissure of skull, pneumocephalus, contusion
Fissure of the occipital bone
Fissure of the skull and epidural hematoma
Fissure of the skull, mandible
Fissure of the skull, pneumocephalus
Fistula of sigmoid colon, diverticulosis, irrigography
Fistula, retroperitoneal
Fistulography of a cavity adjacent to pancreas
Fistulography of right shoulder
Flat lesion, colorectal carcinoma, sigmoid colon, CTC, CT colonography
Fluid in suprapatellary recess on radiograph
Fluidothorax, hemothorax and pneumothorax, complication of evacuation
Fluidothorax, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, muscular emphysema, pneumocolum
Fluidothorax, supine radiograph
Focal fatty sparing
Focal hepatopathy, falciform ligament
Focal hepatopathy, falciform ligament
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia, CEUS
Focal nodular hyperplasia, FNH
Focal nodular hyperplasia, FNH
Focal nodular hyperplasia, FNH, CEUS
Focal nodular hyperplasia, FNH, flow rate of contrast
Follicular cyst
Follicular cyst in the maxillary sinus
Follicular cyst of the maxillary sinus
Follicular cyst, adamantinoma
Foramina parietalia, skull fissure
Foreign body in the foot, pipette
Foreign body in the gut
Foreign body in the gut, bowel
Foreign body in the oesophagus
Foreign body, cecum
Forked rib
Fournier gangrene
Fracture of calcaneus
Fracture of calcaneus, atypical
Fracture of calcaneus, comminuted
Fracture of capitulum humeri, VRT
Fracture of capitulum radii
Fracture of collar bone, clavicle
Fracture of colum chirurgicum of humerus
Fracture of dens axis
Fracture of dens axis
Fracture of dens axis
Fracture of dens axis
Fracture of distal metaepiphysis of the radius (Colles fracture)
Fracture of facial skeleton, Le Fort III
Fracture of fibular ankle, Weber B
Fracture of foream bones
Fracture of forearm bones, ulna and radius
Fracture of head of radius, fat pad sign, sail sign
Fracture of humerus, comminuted
Fracture of lateral ankle, distal fibula, Weber B, subluxation of talus
Fracture of lumbar vertebra, comminuted, burst fracture
Fracture of metatarsal bone, subacute fracture
Fracture of middle phalanx
Fracture of nasal bones
Fracture of nasal bones
Fracture of nasal bones, comminuted
Fracture of nasal bones, comminuted
Fracture of navicular bone
Fracture of navicular bone and metatarsal bones
Fracture of navicular bone, fracture of first metacarpal bone
Fracture of navicular bone, rhizarthrosis
Fracture of neck of humerus
Fracture of occipital condyle
Fracture of orbital floor
Fracture of orbital floor, tear-drop figure, hemosinus
Fracture of orbital floor, teardrop sign, blowout fracture, hemosinus
Fracture of patella
Fracture of patella
Fracture of patella
Fracture of patella, hardware failure
Fracture of patella, hematoma in suprapatellar recess
Fracture of pelvis - iliac bone and acetabulum
Fracture of pelvis, iliac wing, VRT
Fracture of pelvis, old
Fracture of pelvis, pubic bone, subluxation of sacrum, VRT
Fracture of processus posterior tali
Fracture of pubic bone and sacrum, SSD
Fracture of pyramid
Fracture of radial styloid process and base of fifth metacarpal bone
Fracture of rib, recognized on ultrasound
Fracture of scaphoid bone
Fracture of scaphoid bone, decalcination of the fracture line
Fracture of scaphoid bone, dislocation of pisiform bone, abruption of lunate
Fracture of scaphoid bone, perilunar subluxation
Fracture of scapula, shoulder blade, VRT, MIP
Fracture of tarsal bones
Fracture of the distal phalangeal tuberosity
Fracture of the distal phalangeal tuberosity
Fracture of the distal radius, fracture of compression plate
Fracture of the greater tronchanter
Fracture of the lateral end of the collar bone (clavicle)
Fracture of the left zygomatico-maxillary complex
Fracture of the left zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMK), hemosinus
Fracture of the mandible
Fracture of the mandible
Fracture of the mandible
Fracture of the navicular bone
Fracture of the shaft of humerus, osteosynthesis with K wires
Fracture of the shaft of radius, secondary healing, malunion
Fracture of the spinous process C6 - Clay shoveler's fracture
Fracture of the zygomatico-maxillary complex
Fracture of thoracic vertebra, epidural hematoma of the spinal canal
Fracture of tibia
Fracture of tibial malleolus
Fracture of transverse process of lumbar spine
Fracture of vertebra L1
Fracture of zygomaticomaxillary complex, ZMK
Frontal hyperostosis
Frontal hyperostosis, endocraniosis
Fungal infection of lung, mycosis
Gallbladder stones, multiple, cholecystolithiasis
Gallstones, cholecystolithiasis, cholecystitis, incisional hernia
Gallstones, cholecystolithiasis, sludge, twinkling artifact
Gallstones, cholesterol, floating
Gangrene of perineum and ischiorectal fossa, Fournier gangrene
Gangrene of the liver
Gangrenous appendicitis
Gangrenous appendicitis
Gastrectasia, distension of stomach, ileus
Gastrectomy, end-to-side anastomosis
Gastrectomy, esophago-entero-anastomosis
Gastric banding
Gastric banding, slipped
Gastric folds, prominent
Gastritis, acute, antral
Gastritis, acute, antral
Gastroenteritis, acute, diarrhea
Gastroplication, bariatric surgery of stomach
Gauze, radioopaque stripe
Gelatinous tumor spread in the abdominal cavity
Gigantic defect in face after resection of carcinoma
GIST of duodenum, gastrointestinal stromal tumour
GIST of stomach, gastrointestinal stomal tumour
Glandular type, normal mammography,
Gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, shadow of muscle
Goiter, struma
Goiter, struma
Gonarthrosis, severe
Gorlin Goltz Syndrom
Grawitz tumor, renal cell carcinoma, metastatic disease
Greenstick fracture of distal radius
Greenstick fracture of radius
Greenstick fracture of radius and ulna, subperiosteal fracture
Ground-glass in acute leukemia, lymphocyte infiltration, peribronchovascular
Guide wire in superior vena cava, forgotten
Gunshot wound of humerus, osteosynthesis
Gunshot wound, thorax, chest wall
H1N1, atypical pneumonia
H1N1, atypical pneumonia, superinfection, follow-up
Hair clip, mimic of meningioma
Hamartoma of tuber cinereum
Hamartomas of spleen, hamartoma
Hardware failure, dislocation, PFN, proximal femoral nail, calcification in gluteus muscle after injection
Hardware failure, osteosynthesis, deformity, fracture of humerus
Hashitomo thyreoiditis
Hemangioma of face, extensive
Hemangioma of liver, cavernous hemangioma, capillary hemangioma
Hemangioma of liver, large
Hemangioma of pelvis and vertebra
Hemangioma of rib
Hemangioma of spleen, splenic hemangioma
Hemangioma of vertebral body
Hemangioma, atypical hemangioma
Hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma
Hemangioma, CEUS
Hematoma after renal biopsy
Hematoma after repair of inguinal hernia
Hematoma in psoas muscle, large, anticoagulation therapy, anticoagulant
Hematoma of liver, subcapsular hematoma
Hematoma of orbit
Hemocephalus, subarachonoid hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, brain contusion
Hemocephalus, ventricular bleeding
Hemopericardium, aortic valve replacement
Hemopericardium, perforation of the right atrium
Hemorrhage in brain metastasis, perifocal edema, follow-up
Hemosinus, fracture of maxillary sinus
Hemothorax, hemopericardium
Hemothorax, pleural effusion
Hemothorax, pneumothorax
Hemothorax, pneumothorax
Hepatitis, lues
Hepatocellular adenoma, bleeding after biopsy
Hepatocellular carcinoma, bleeding after biopsy
Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC
Hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, gigantic
Hepatocellular carcinoma, ruptured, hemoperitoneum
Hepatocellular carcinoma, subcapsular bleeding
Hepatocellular carcinoma, thrombosis of VCI and right atrium, lung embolism
Hepatopathy after chemotherapy
Hereditary hemochromatosis
Hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia, gigantic
Hiatal hernia, chest radiograph
Hiatal hernia, chest radiograph
Hiatal hernia, chest radiograph
Hiatal hernia, mixed type, reactive fluid
Hiatal hernia, upside-down stomach
Hiatus hernia, gigantic, dyspnea
Hill-Sachs sign, dislocation of glenohumeral joint
Hip fracture, femoral neck, subcapital fracture, Pauwels A
Hip fracture, pertrochanteric fracture of femur, healed in dislocation
Hip replacement, cemented, leak of cement into the pelvis
Hip replacement, cervical endoprosthesis, migration
Hip replacement, dislocation
Hip replacement, osteomyelitis, fistula of hip joint
Histiocytoma, recurrence, malignant histiocytoma
Horseshoe kidney
Humeroscapular periarthritis
Humerus shaft fracture, osteosynthesis sec. Hacketal
Hydronephrosis, end-stage
Hydronephrosis, grade I, grade II, bilateral, initial and follow-up
Hydronephrosis, mild edema of kidney
Hydronephrosis, ureterolithiasis
Hydropneumoperitoneum, pneumoperitoneum, ascites, Rigler's sign
Hydropneumothorax, artifact
Hydropneumothorax, pneumothorax
Hydrothorax, pleural effusion
Hyperostosis triangularis ilii
Hypersensitivity angiitis, intraalveolar hemorrhage, HRCT
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, subacute
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophy of bladder wall, urinary bladder, hydronephrosis, CT cystography
Hypervascular tumour of pancreatic head, hemangioma of vertebral body
Hypodense subendocardial layer, myocardial infarction
Hypoplasia of inferior vena cava, shunting by hemiazygous vein and vertebral veins
Hypoplasia of pelvis in DMO
Hypostatic pneumonia, pleural effusion
Hypoventilation, atelectasis of lower lung lobe
Channel in bone after trepanobiopsy
Charcot arthropathy, neuropathic arthropathy, Charcot joint
Chest tube, pleural drain
Chewing gum in vestibule of the mouth
Cholangiocellular carcinoma
Cholangiocellular carcinoma of liver, dilation of intrahepatic ducts, correlation, ERCP
Cholangiocellular carcinoma, 3-phase CT
Cholangiography, hepaticolithiasis
Cholangiography, T-drain, choledocholithiasis
Cholangiography, T-drain, choledocholithiasis
Cholangoitis, acute, perioperative cholangiography
Cholecystolithiasis on CT
Cholecystolithiasis with sludge
Cholecystolithiasis, gall stones
Cholecystolithisasis, gallstones
Cholecystostomy, acute cholecystitis
Choledochal diverticulum, ERCP
Choledocholithiasis, bile duct stones
Choledocholithiasis, bile duct stones, ERCP
Choledocholithiasis, biliary duct stone, ERCP
Choledocholithiasis, gallstones, MRCP
Choledocholithiasis, cholecystolithiasis, gallstones, biliary obstruction, ERCP
Choledocholithiasis, T-drain
Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
Chondrohamartoma of lingula, lung
Chondrohamartoma of lung
Chondrohamartoma of lung, ground-glass
Chondrohamartoma, accidental finding on enterography
Chondroma of humerus, enchondroma
Chondroma of lung, gigantic
Chondromatosis of knee joint, effusion, fracture of femur, osteosynthesis
Chondromatosis of knee joint, joint effusion
Chondromatosis, gonarthrosis
Chordoma of clivus, preoperative
Chronic appendicitis, mimic of Crohn's disease, CT enterography
Chronic bronchitis, acute exacerbation
Chronic calcified pancreatitis
Chronic calcified pancreatitis
Chronic calcified pancreatitis
Chronic cardiac insufficiency, Kerley B lines
Chronic cavity and fistula after enucleation of pancreatic tumour
Chronic cholecystitis, cholecystolithiasis
Chronic inflammatory changes of aboral ileum and cecum, fatty infiltration of bowel wall
Chronic inflammatory changes of descendent and sigmoid colon, fatty infiltration of bowel wall
Chronic inflammatory changes of neoterminal ileum
Chronic inflammatory changes of terminal ileum and rectum, pelvic lipomatosis
Chronic lung congestion, Kerley B lines, pleural effusion, aortomitral valvular disease
Chronic lung embolism
Chronic lung embolism, pulmonary hypertension
Chronic lung embolism, pulmonary hypertension, webs, adherent thrombi
Chronic lymph node
Chronic lymph node, lymph node, chronic
Chronic nephropathy
Chronic osteomyelitis and bone squestration
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis - acute exacerbation
Chronic pancreatitis, calcified pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis, calcified, nasojejunal tube
Chronic pancreatitis, dilated pancreatic duct, MRCP
Chronic postinflammatory changes, pachypleuritis, pleural effusion, traction bronchiectasia
Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis of the left maxillary sinus
Chronic sinusitis, foreign body
Chronic sinusitis, maxillary sinus, left side
Chronic sinusitis, polyp
Chronic sinusitis, Waters view
Chyme in bowel loops
Idiopathic lung fibrosis
Ileocecal resection, Crohn's disease, CT enterography
Ileocecal resection, postinflammatory changes of neoterminal ileum, CT enterography
Ileus, bowel ischemia
Ileus, large bowel
Ileus, pneumoperitoneum, peritonitis
Ileus, small bowel
Ileus, small bowel
Ileus, small bowel obstruction
ileus, small bowel obstruction on terminal ileum
Ileus, small bowel obstruction, SBO
Ileus, small bowel, adhesions, follow-through
Ileus, subileus
Ileus, supine radiograph
Ileus, tumor of hepatic flexure
Incarcerated hernia, hematoma of abdominal wall
Infarction in basal ganglia, hemorrhagic transformation, follow-up
Infarctions of spleen
Inflammation of the cecum
Inflammatory infiltrate of lung, pneumonia
Inflammatory lymph node
Inflammatory lymph node with liquefaction
Inflammatory polyp adjacent to ileocecal valve in Crohn's disease
Inflammatory stenosis of sigmoid colon, diverticulitis
Inflammatory stenosis of sigmoid colon, sigmoid fistula, irrigography
Inflammatory tumour of descending colon, CT colonography
Influenza, atypical pneumonia, HRCT
Inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia, laparoscopic repair, remained peritoneal sac with hematoma
Inguinal hernia, small bowel ileus
Inner hemorrhoids, irrigography
Inspirum and expirium
Insufficiency fracture of sacrum
Insulinoma of pancreas
Interstitial edema of the lung
Interstitial edema of the lung, Kerley B lines
Interstitial lung edema
Interstitial lung edema
Interstitial lung edema
Interstitial lung edema, smooth thickening of interlobular septa
Interstitial pneumonia, HRCT
Intertrochanteric fracture of femur, osteosynthesis, refracture, total endoprosthesis
Intertrochanteric hip fracture, osteosynthesis, dynamic screws
Intra-alveolar hemorrhage
Intraalveolar hemorrhage
Intraalveolar hemorrhage
Intraaortic contrapulsation
Intracerebral hemorhage, hemocephalus, artifact from malfunctioning detector
Intracerebral hemorhage, hemocephalus, tamponaded fourth ventricle
Intracerebral hemorrhage, semioval center
Intracranial aneurysm of the internal carotid artery, ICA
Intracranial aneurysm, subarachonid hemorrhage, hemocephalus
Intraductal papilloma, ectatic ducts
Intramural bleeding in small bowel, bowel wall, intramural hemorrhage
Intramural bleeding into transverse colon
Intramural gas in bowel wall on abdominal radiograph
Intramural ureterolithiasis
Intrapapillary mucinous neoplasm of pancreas, IPMN, central IPMN
Intrapapillary mucinous neoplasm of pancreas, IPMN, IPMT, main duct type
Intraparenchymal bleeding into pons
Intraparenchymal calcifications in brain
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage into cerebellum
Intraparietal suture, accessory suture
Intraperitoneal hemorrhage, mimic of carcinosis, subcapsular hematoma of the liver
IPMN, intrapapillary mucinous neoplasm, central type, colitis
Ischemia of large bowel
Ischemia, temporal lobe, development in time
Ischemic focus in brain
Jejunal diverticulitis, diverticulosis
Jejuno-transverso-anastomosis, side-to-side, CT enterography
Jet of opacified urine in urinary bladder
Keratocyst of mandible
Kerley lines B
Kidney laceration
Kidney metastasis of lung carcinoma
Kidney tumour, RFA
Kindey stones, casting stones, nephrolithiasis
Krukenberg tumor, ovarian metastases from stomach tumour, hydronephrosis
Large bowel ileus
Large bowel ileus
Large hematoma of the abdominal wall
Large hiatal hernia on chest radiograph
Large Zenker's diverticulum
Laryngeal dysphagia
Laryngeal dysphagia, aspiration
Lateral cervical cyst, complicated
Layering of gas in the large bowel
Le Fort II, fracture of facial skeleton
Leak of anastomosis of esophagus in pleural cavity, gastroesophageal anastomosis, stent
Left diaphraghmatic hernia
Leiomyoma of esophagus
Leukoaraiosis, atherosclerotic encephalopathy, periventricular atrophy, hydrocephalus e vacuo
Lipofibroma, subcutaneous
Lipohemarthros, fracture of knee, depression fracture of tibial plateau
Lipoma in duodenum, small
Lipoma in duodenum, small
Lipoma of duodenum
Lipoma of duodenum, adenoma of adrenal gland
Lipoma of left ventricle
Lipoma of pancreas
Lipoma of parotid gland
Lipoma of the liver
Lipoma of thigh
Lipoma, parasellar
Liponecrotic lymph node, lymphoma
Liposarcoma of mesentery
Liposarcoma of thigh
Liposarcoma, retroperitoneal
Liver abscess, large, punction, pneumothorax
Liver carcinoid
Liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis, ascites
Liver cirrhosis, ascites, portal colonopathy, colopathy
Liver cirrhosis, macronodular, ascites, massive
Liver contusion
Liver hemangioma
Liver hemangioma
Liver hemangioma, gigantic
Liver hemangioma, huge, CEUS
Liver hematoma
Liver hematoma
Liver hematoma, hemothorax, stab wound
Liver metastases
Liver metastases of carcinoid, embolization
Liver metastases, carcinoid
Liver metastasis of adenocarcinoma of colon, colorectal carcinoma, biopsy
Liver metastasis of colorectal cancer, RFA
Liver metastasis of renal cell carcinoma, RFA
Liver metastasis, CEUS
Liver metastasis, huge
Liver metastasis, peritoneal carcinomatosis
Liver metastasis, RFA, radiofrequency ablation of metastasis, CEUS
Liver metastasis, steatosis of liver, fatty liver, hepatopathy, correlation
Liver steatosis
Liver steatosis
Liver steatosis
Liver steatosis, geographic, focal
Lobar pneumonia
Lobar pneumonia and resolution
Lobectomy, residual cavity
Lobus venae azygos
Lobus venae azygos, azygous lobe
Lobus venae azygos, azygous lobe
Lobus venae azygos, azygous vein lobe
Loculated effusion
Loculated fluid in interlobar fissure
Loculated pleural fluid, aneurysm of left ventricle, apical and thrombosed, pneumothorax
Lung abscess
Lung bilobectomy, residual cavity, lung wing not expanded
Lung cancer, infiltration of lung wing, metastasis in neuroforamina
Lung carcinoma, accidental finding on enterography
Lung carcinoma, biopsy
Lung carcinoma, carcinomatous lymphagiopathy
Lung carcinoma, metastasis
Lung carcinoma, pulmomediastinal form
Lung cavity, pneumothorax, hydropneumothorax
Lung congestion
Lung congestion, first degree
Lung congestion, first degree
Lung congestion, first degree
Lung congestion, first degree
Lung congestion, interstitial edema
Lung congestion, mild
Lung congestion, pleural effusion
Lung congestion, supine
Lung congestion, supine chest radiograph
Lung congestion, uremic lung
Lung contusion
Lung contusion, hemothorax, pneumothorax, chest tube
Lung edema, before and after therapy
Lung edema, pleural effusion, pneumonia
Lung embolism, massive
Lung embolism, subacute, lung infarct
Lung emphysema
Lung emphysema
Lung fibrosis
Lung fibrosis, advanced
Lung fibrosis, alveolitis
Lung fibrosis, basal
Lung fibrosis, decompensation after lobectomy
Lung fibrosis, HRCT
Lung fibrosis, pneumonia, pleural effusion
Lung fibrosis, pneumothorax
Lung fibrosis, severe
Lung hernia, centrilobular emphysema
Lung infarction
Lung infarction, development in time
Lung metastases
Lung metastases of renal cell carcinoma
Lung metastases, cannon ball metastases
Lung metastases, canon ball
Lung metastases, cavitated metastases, bladder carcinoma
Lung metastases, cavitating
Lung nodule
Lung oedema
Lung opacity, chest radiograph, rib fracture, mimic of metastasis
Lung sarcoidosis
Lung tuberculosis, caseous pneumonia, HRCT
Lung tuberculosis, cavern, endobronchial spread, tree-in-bud
Lung tumour growing into the left atrium through a pulmonary vein
Lung tumour, adjacent to the left hilum
Lung tumour, adrenal metastasis, mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Lung tumour, bone metastasis in pubic bone, inguinal hernia
Lung tumour, hilar lymphadenopathy
Lung tumour, osteolytic metastasis of ribs
Lung tumour, pleural effusion, hydropneumothorax
Lung tumour, postirradiation changes
Lung tumour, tumorous infiltration of the lung wing
Luxation in carpometacarpal joint
Luxation of the shoulder, caudal, axillary
Lymph node in lymphoma
Lymph node, inflammatory, groin
Lymph nodes, chronic
Lymphangitic carcinomatosis, fluidothorax
Lymphatic node, nodus foramen Winslowi, enlarged in hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Lymphedema and seroma of the breast, postoperatively
Lymphedema of arm and hemithorax
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, cystic lung disease
Lymphocytic thyroiditis
Lymphocytic thyroiditis, chronic thyreopathy
Lymphoid infiltrate in lung parenchyma
Lymphoma encroaching spinal canal
Lymphoma of breast
Lymphoma of parotid gland, lymphadenopathy
Lymphoma of small bowel
Lymphoma of small bowel, ileum
Lymphoma of stomach
Lymphoma of the lung
Lymphoma of the lung and spleen
Lymphoma of the orbit
Lymphoma, extension of lymphoma in lung
Lymphoma, mesenterial lymphadenopathy, edema of mesentery, correlation
Macrocystic adenoma of pancreas
Malignant lymphoma, ultrasound of lymph nodes, correlation with CT and NM
Malposition and migration of duodenobiliary stent
Malposition of central venous line
Malposition of central venous line, infusion in mediastinum
Malposition of central venous line, paravasat, fluidothorax
Malposition of endotracheal tube
Malposition of nasogastric tube, hemothorax, pneumothorax
Malposition of portcatheter
Mammography, dense type, normal finding
Mammography, normal finding, fatty type, Tabar II
Marking of a breast tumour
Massive aspiration, laryngeal dysphagia, tracheostomy
Mastoiditis, mesotitis
Mastoiditis, Schuller view
Maxillary sinusitis
Meckel's diverticulum
Medial cervical cyst
Median cervical cyst
Mediastinal cyst
Mediastinal expansion
Mediastinal hemorrhage
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy, malignant lymphoma, correlation
Mediastinal lymphoma, chest radiograph
Mediastinal metastasis of malignant melanoma
Mediastinal tumour, RFA, radiofrequency ablation
Medullary nephrocalcinosis, calcification of medulla, nephrocalcinosis
Megacolon, decompensated
Melanoma of mediastinum
Melanoma, cilliary body
Melanoma, metastases of malignant melanoma in peritoneal cavity
Menigioma en plaque, sphenoid bone
Menigioma of cerebellar tentorium
Meningencephalitis, abscessing
Meningioma of cribrous lamina
Meningioma of falx
Meningioma of falx cerebri
Meningioma of falx cerebri
Meningioma of the spinal canal
Merkel cell carcinoma, recurrence
Mesenterial ischemia, gas in portal vein
Mesenterial lipodystrophy on ultrasound
Mesenterial occlusion, gas in portal vein
Mesenteric abscess, Crohn's disease
Mesenteric abscess, gastroenteroanastomosis, end-to-side, small-bowel stenosis
Mesenteric lipodystrophy, paniculitis
Mesenteric lipomatosis in steroid treatment
Mesenterium commune, gut malrotation
Mesenterium commune, gut malrotation, Crohn's disease of terminal ileum
Mesentric cyst, mesothelial cyst
Metallic coils in abdomen
Metalosis, Bennet's fracture, repair
Metastases of lung and mediastinum
Metastases of malignant melanoma, liver, stomach, adrenal gland, retroperitoneal lymph nodes
Metastasis in brain, multiple, multiple myeloma
Metastasis in duodenal wall
Metastasis of malignant melanoma in peritoneal cavity
Metastasis of malignant melanoma into skin
Metastasis of melanoma in the tibia
Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma in pancreas and adrenal gland, nephrectomy
Metastasis of tubular carcinoma of large bowel, colorectal carcinoma, hemihepatectomy
Metastatic disease of brain, lung, liver
Metastatic disease of lung, cannon ball metastases
Metastatic disease of lung, pleural metastases
Metastatic disease of the brain
Metastatic disease of the liver
Metastatic disease of the liver, gastric carcinoma
Metastatic disease of the lung
Metastatic disease of the lung
Metastatic infiltration of lymph nodes
Metastatic lung disease
Metastatic lung disease, pleural effusion
Meteorism, distention of colon, reflex distention, vertebrogenic pain syndrome, compression fracture of vertebra
Metopic suture
Metopic suture
Metopic suture
Migration of biliary drain, perforation of duodenum
Migration of hardware, intramedullary hip screw
Migration of stent, ileus
Mild colitis
Mild lung congestion
Minus variant of ulna, intraarticular fracture of proximal phalanx of fifth finger
Mixed adenoneuroendocrine tumour of appendix, mixed tumour, hydronephrosis, ascites
MNGIE, Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy
Monteggia fracture
Monteggia fracture of proximal ulna and head of radius, type II
Morbus Stieda-Pellegrini, fracture of proximal fibula
Morgagni hernia with dome of the liver
Morgagni hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, large, congenital
Motion artifacts, fracture mimic
Mucocoele of appendix
Mucocoele of submandibular gland
Multilocular hepatocellular carcinoma - 3 phase CT scans
Multiple collections in the peritoneal cavity following stercoral peritonitis
Multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma, lytic lesions
Multiple myeloma, venooclusive disease of liver, hypervascular nodules
Multiple visceral thromboses of unknown etiology
Muscular emphysema, pleural effusion, deep sulcus sign, pneumothorax, PNO
Mutliple pseudocysts of the pancreas following acute pancreatitis
Myelolipoma of adrenal gland
Myelolipoma of adrenal gland, liver cirrhosis, portal vein thrombosis
Myelolipoma, adrenal
Myeloma of orbit and skull
Myeloma of thorax wall
Myeloproliferative disorder, skeletal changes, splenomegally, artifact from failed detector
Myocardial bridging of LAD, left anterior descending artery
Myositis ossificans, ossifying tendon, adductor magnus, tuberosity of ischium
Myositis ossificans, soft tissue calcification
Myxofibrosarcoma of arm
Nasogastric tube in pleural cavity, pneumothorax, pleural effusion
Nasojejunal tube, nasogastric tube
Nasopharyngeal tonsil, enlarged
Necrosis of descending colon, colostomy
Necrosis of femoral head, osteonecrosis and hardware failure
Necrosis of mesenteric fat, postoperative, colectomy
Necrotic tumor of rectosigmoid junction, fistulisation into thigh
Necrotizing enterocolitis, gas in portal vein
Neonatal lung, respiratory distress
Neovascularisation in tumour of biceps brachii
Nephrolithiasis, kidney stone
Nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, calcified splenic artery, Chinese dragon sign
Nephrolithiasis, kidney stones, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, chronic
Neuroblastoma, mediastinal neuroblastoma
Neuroendocrine tumour of adrenal gland, liver metastasis, necrotic
Neurofibroma of the thorax
Neurofibromatosis, type I, von Recklinghausen disease, neurofibroma
Non-specific interstitial pneumonia, NSIP, interstitial pneumonia
Non-union, fracture of ulna, shaft of distal ulna
Nutcracker syndrome, aortomesenteric compression
Obliterated right femoral artery and collateralisation, VRT
Obliteration of the coeliac trunk and superior mesenteric artery, massive collateral flow
Obstruction of biliary stent, dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts
Occipital conus, brain edema, subarachnoid hemorrhage, pneumocephalus
Occlusion of iliac artery, collateral blood flow
Occlusion of middle cerebral artery, MCA, collateral flow, postischemic changes
Odontoma of mandible
Oesophageo-jejunal anastomosis
Oesophagitis, corrosive oesophagitis, lye ingestion
Oesophagitis, transpyloric prolapse
Oesophagus tumor, recurrence, fistulae
Old gunshot injury of the knee
Oligodendroglioma of parietal lobe
Ollier's disease, enchondromatosis
Onodi cell
Onodi cell
Open book fracture, osteosynthesis
Open fracture of humerus, transection of brachial artery
Ophthalmic artery, dilated
Orotracheal tube, biluminal, intubation
Os epipyramis, accessory bone
Os trigonum
Osgood-Schlatter, aseptic necrosis of tibial tuberosity
Osseous block of cervical vertebra
Osseous bridging of the left elbow
Osteochondritis dissecans
Osteoid osteoma
Osteoid osteoma
Osteolysis of sacrum
Osteolytic changes of facial skeleton
Osteolytic changes of femur
Osteolytic lesion of the rib
Osteolytic metastasis of cervical spine, fracture of dens axis, C2
Osteolytic metastasis of pedicle
Osteolytic metastasis of renal cell carcinoma in skull
Osteolytic metastasis, pathological fracture of femur, osteosynthesis
Osteoma of external auditory meatus
Osteoma of frontal sinus
Osteoma of lamina papyracea
Osteomyelitis of fifth metatarsal bone
Osteomyelitis of finger
Osteomyelitis of first metatarsophalangeal joint, joint replacement
Osteomyelitis of metatarsal bones
Osteomyelitis of the toe
Osteomyelitis of toe
Osteonecrosis of femoral head, osteoarthrosis
Osteonecrosis of head of femur
Osteopathia striata, systemic bone disorder
Osteoplastic changes of bone
Osteoplastic metastases
Osteoplastic metastases, prostate cancer
Osteoplastic metastasis of prostate cancer
Osteoplastic skeletal metastases, breast carcinoma
Osteopoikilosis, systemic bone disorder
Osteosarcoma of pelvis, bone tumour
Osteosclerotic metastases of pelvis
Outline of scapula, shoulder blade, mimic of pneumothorax
Outlines of gluteal muscles in the hip
Ovarial carcinoma, peritoneal carcinomatosis
Ovarian carcinoma, carcinomatosis
Ovarian teratoma, teratoma
Pacchioni granulation in transverse sinus
Pacchioni's granulation in sinus rectus
Pachypleuritis after talc pleurodesis
Pachypleuritis, apical
Pachypleuritis, apical, postspecific changes
Pachypleuritis, calcified, pachypleuritis calcarea
Pancolitis, acute colitis, colitis
Pancolitis, colitis, severe
Pancolitis, colitis, severe
Pancoust tumor, extension into spine, lung cancer, pulmonary carcinoma, VRT
Pancreas divisum on CT, mininum intensity projection, MinIP
Pancreatic carcinoma, carcinomatous peritonitis, ascites
Pancreatic cysts and renal cysts in von Hippel-Lindau disease
Pancreatic pseudocyst, pseudocyst in mesentery
Panlobular emphysema
Panlobular emphysema
Panlobular emphysema, vanishing lung syndrome, bullous emphysema
pansinusitis, sinusitis, acute, Water's view
Paraaortic lymphatic mass, bulky
Paramedial protrusion of intervertebral disc, lumbar spine
Parapapillary diverticulum of duodenum
Parapelvic cysts of kidney, Paramo's syndrome, VRT
Parapelvic cysts, intrasinusoidal, central cysts
Paravertebral lymphoma
Parenchymal bleeding in liver after PTC (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography), before and after
Patella bipartita, bipartite patella
Patellar dysplasia, Wiberg III
Pathologic fracture of pelvis
Pathological fracture of humerus
Pathological fracture of humerus, VRT
Pellegrini Stieda
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, PEG
Perforation of gastric ulcer, stomach ulcer
Perforation of ileum
Perforation of oesophagus, pneumomediastinum
Perforation of peptic ulcer
Perianal fistulae, Crohn's disease
Periapical cyst, radicular cyst
Periarticular ossifications after replacement of hip joint, pseudoarthrosis, false joint
Pericardial calcification, calcified pericarditis, pericarditis calcarea
Pericardial cyst
Pericardial cyst
Pericardial cyst
Pericardial effusion after myocardial biopsy
Pericardial effusion, anemia
Pericardial effusion, pleural effusion
Perilunate luxation
Perilunate luxation, VRT
Perinatal thrombosis of the left middle cerebral artery, MCA
Perineal fistula, communicating with rectum
Periosteal apposition
Periostosis of femur
Periostosis, fibula, CVI, chronic venous insufficiency, perimalleolar edema
Periportal fibrosis
Periprosthetic fracture of the left femur
Perirenal hematoma after biopsy
Peritoneal carcinosis
Peritoneal carcinosis, hydronephrosis
Peritoneal dialysis, complication, fluid collection, gigantic, after
Peritonitis, perforation of large bowel
Pertrochanteric fracture of femur
Pertrochanteric fracture, comminuted
Pertrochanteric fracture, hardware migration, non-union, VRT
Pharyngeal tonsil, enlargement, virtual endoscopy
Phegmon of thigh
Pheochromocytoma, adrenal gland
Phlegmonous cholecystitis, cholecystitis, gallstone, cholecystolithiasis
Plantar lymphoma
Plaques in the thoracic aorta, lipid and calcified
Pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland
Pleomorphic adenoma, parotid gland
Pleomorphic adenoma, parotid gland
Pleural effusion
Pleural effusion
Pleural effusion
Pleural effusion, loculated
Pleural effusion, loculated, fissure
Pleural effusion, lung tumour
Pleural effusion, pneumothorax, PNO, inverstion of hemidiaphragm
Pleural effusion, subpulmonal
Pleural effusion, subpulmonary
Pleural effusion, supine radiograph and after evacuation
Pleural fluid, lateral view, decubitus view
Pleural plaques, pachypleuritis
Pleuritis calcarea, calcifications, stippled
Pneumatosis intestinalis
Pneumatosis of lienal flexure, constipation, skyballa
Pneumatosis of small bowel, meteorism
Pneumatosis of the colon
Pneumocephalus, massive
Pneumococcal pneumonia, initial and resolution
Pneumocystic pneumonia, atypical pneumonia
Pneumocystis carinii, HRCT
Pneumocystis carinii, PCP, pneumocystic pneumonia, follow-up, resolution, HRCT
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Pneumocystis pneumonia
Pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP, Pneumocystis carinii, HRCT
Pneumomediastinum, pneumocolum, subcutaneous emphysema, intermuscular emphysema
Pneumomediastinum, pneumoretroperitoneum, perforation of sigmoid colon, complication of colonoscopy
Pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, PNO, subcutaneous emphysema
Pneumonectomy, hematoma of the pleural cavity, subcutaneous emphysema
Pneumonia, abscess, bronchiectasis
Pneumonia, bronchiectasis
Pneumonia, centrilobular emphysema
Pneumonia, consolidation
Pneumonia, liquefaction
Pneumonia, lobar pneumonia
Pneumonia, lobectomy
Pneumonia, mediastinitis, mediastinal abscess
Pneumonia, panlobular emphysema, fluid-filled bullae
Pneumonia, pleural effusion
Pneumonia, pleural effusion, correlation
Pneumopericardium, air in pericardium
Pneumopericardium, postoperative
Pneumoperitoneum, lateral position
Pneumoperitoneum, lateral radiograph
Pneumoperitoneum, massive
Pneumoperitoneum, massive, ascites
Pneumoperitoneum, mimic of epiphrenic diverticulum
Pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, massive, air in peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneum
Pneumoperitoneum, postoperative, supine chest radiograph
Pneumoperitoneum, postoperatively on supine chest radiograph
Pneumoperitonum after EPE, endoscopic polypectomy, complication, hemoclips
Pneumoretroperitoneum, pneumomediastinum, complication of colonoscopy
Pneumothorax after evacuation of pleural fluid
Pneumothorax, complication of central venous line
Pneumothorax, fluidopneumothorax, pleural drainage
Pneumothorax, malposition of nasojejunal tube
Pneumothorax, small
Pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema
Pneumothorax, supine radiograph
Polar artery, accessory renal artery, MIP
Polyarteritis nodosa
Polycystic kidney, adult polycystic kidney disease, ADPKD, renal carcinoma, liver metastasis, nodal involvement
Polycystosis of kidney and liver
Polycystosis of kidney, adult polycystic kidney disease, ADPKD, liver cysts, Tenckhoff catheter, peritoneal dialysis
Polycystosis of liver and kidney
Polyp in jejunum, jejunal polyps, polyposis
Polyp of gall bladder
Polyp of hepatic flexure, CT colonography
Polyp of maxillary sinus
Polyp of rectum, diverticulosis
Polyp of sigmoid colon, dimitutive polyp, sessile polyp, CT colonography
Polyp of sigmoid colon, dimitutive polyp, sessile polyp, CT colonography, VE, VRT
Polyp of the right maxillary sinus
Polyp of transverse colon
Polyp of transverse colon, barium enema
Polyp, diminutive lesion, ascending colon, CT colonography
Polyposis of nose and paranasal sinuses
Polysplenia, splenunculi
Ponticulus atlantis posticus
Porcelain gall bladder
Porcelain gallbladder, calcification of gallbladder, cholecystolithiasis, gallstones
Portal cavernoma
Porto-venous shunt of the liver
Portocaval shunt in liver, VRT
Post-inflammatory stenosis of the sigmoid colon
Post-irradiation enteritis, enterography, positive contrast
Posterior dislocation of glenohumeral joint
Postinflammatory changes of the tail of pancreas
Postinflammatory stenosis of hepatic duct, MRCP, cholecystectomy
Postirradiation changes of submandibular region and lymph nodes
Postischemic gliosis of brain, dense artery
Postischemic changes in frontal lobes
Postmalatic pseudocyst
Postoperative pneumoperitoneum
Postpyelonephritic changes, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones
Postspecific changes
Postspecific changes
Postspecific changes in lung
Postspecific nodule in lung
Posttraumatic splenic pseudocyst
Preperitoneal lipoma
Primary sclerosing cholangoitis, sludge
Processus megastransversus, C7, cervical spine
Processus megatransversus
Processus megatransversus, rudimentary rib
Prostatic hyperplasia, trabecular hypertrophy of urinary bladder
Pseudoaneurysm of aorta, replacement of ascending aorta, haemothorax
Pseudoaneurysm of ascending aorta
Pseudoarthrosis of humerus, supracondylic fracture
Pseudocyst of pancreas, compression of bile duct
Pseudolesion in liver, falciform ligament
Pseudotumour of lacrimal gland
Pulmonary amyloidosis, diffuse parenchymal form
Pulmonary aspergillosis, angioinvasive aspergillosis
Pulmonary carcinosis
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary edema, before and after treatment
Pulmonary edema, supine chest radiograph
Pulmonary embolism, CT angiogram sign, pulmonary infarction
Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, cardiomegally, correlation
Pulmonary embolism, thrombolysis
Pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, alveolitis, exacerbation
Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension, obliteration of the right pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of bronchial artery, mosaic perfusion
Pulmonary infarction, pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary infiltrates, pleural effusion
Pulmonary tuberculosis, TBC, tuberculosis
Pumonary edema, pneumonia
Pyelocystitis, narrowing of calyceal neck, tumour of rectum
Pyelolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, kidney stones in renal pelvis
Pyelonephritis, kidney, follow-up
Pyometra, reactive changes of small bowel
Pyonephros, renal stones, casting, staghorn calculus, nephrolithiasis
Radiofrequency ablation, RFA, mediastinal tumour
Radiological archeology
Reactive arthritis, arthritis in salmonellosis, salmonella
Reactive bone around tooth implant
Reactive lymph nodes in interferon treatment
Rebleeding into chronic subdural hematoma
Rectal intususception, second degree, defecography
Rectal prolapse
Rectal tumour, virtual colonography
Rectocoele with ulcer, intussusception
Rectocoele, intusussception, defecography
Rectovaginal fistula, diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon
Rectovaginal fistula, VRT
Recurrence of renal cell carcinoma, hypervascular metastases in liver and retroperitoneum
Reflux esophagitis on CT
Remnant of thyreoglossal duct
Ren arcuatus
Ren arcuatus, horseshoe kidney
Ren migrans, moving kidney, ectopic kidney
Renal carcinoma, correlation of ultrasound and CT
Renal carcinoma, cystic, retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Renal carcinoma, Grawitz tumour
Renal carcinoma, Grawitz tumour, trombus in inferior vena cava, tumor thrombus
Renal carcinoma, small, detected on ultrasound, correlation of ultrasound and CT
Renal carcinoma, treatment with RFA, follow-up, CEUS
Renal carcinoma, tumorous thrombosis of inferior vena cava, pericardial metastasis
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma, atypical
Renal cell carcinoma, infiltration of liver
Renal cell carcinoma, metastasis into pelvis
Renal cell carcinoma, multilocular and cystic
Renal cell carcinoma, multiphase CT
Renal cell carcinoma, recurrence, metastases
Renal cell carcinoma, renal vein thrombosis, thrombosis of the inferior vena cava
Renal cell carcinoma, RFA, embolization, follow-up
Renal cell carcinoma, small
Renal cyst, complicated cyst
Renal hemorrhage, staghorn calculus
Renal infarction, biliary excretion of contrast
Renal obstruction
Renal stones, nephrolithiasis, casting stones, staghorn calculus
Renal tumour, oncocytoma
Renal tumour, small
Repair of inguinal hernia, hematoma, mimic of recurrence
Replacement of interphalangeal joint
Replacement of pulmonary valve, Fallot's tetralogy
Resection of oesophagus, colon interponat
Resection of stomach, Billroth I
Resection of stomach, end-to-side anastomosis
Residual cavity in mandible after extraction of tooth
Residual cavity, lobectomy
Retinal detachment
Retinal detachment, tumour of eyeball
Retroaortic renal vein, duplication of renal vein, VRT
Retroperitoneal hematoma, active bleeding, revision, drain, edema of small bowel, fat stripe
Retroperitoneal lipoma, large
Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Retroperitoneal sarcoma, sarcoma of retroperitoneum, biopsy, CT guided biopsy
Retrosternal struma
Rhizarthrosis, mediocalcinosis
Rib anomally
Rib fracture
Rib fracture
Rib fracture, lung contusion, hematoma, pneumothorax, hydropneumothorax
Rib fractures after resuscitation
Rib tumour
Right upper lobe atelectasis, pleural effusion on supine radiograph
RTA, pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, soft tissue damage, fracture of iliac crest, rib fracture
Rudimentary uterus
Rundstrom, Stenvers, Schuller view, chronic mastoiditis
rupture of Achilles tendon
Rupture of patellar ligament, cerclage
Rupture of the diaphragm, diaphragmatic hernia
Rupture of the spleen
Rupture of urinary bladder, blood clot in urinary bladder, leak of contrast
Sacroileitis in Crohn's disease
Sacroileitis on plain radiograph
Sacroileitis, Crohn's disease
Sacroma of chest wall
Sail sign, elbow, joint effusion
SAPHO syndrome
Sarcoidosis of lung, HRCT, hilar lymphadenopathy
Sarcoidosis, first stage
Sarcoidosis, pulmonary
Sarcoidosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, stage IV
Sarcoidosis, second stage
Sarcoma of iliac crest
Sarcoma of shoulder
Sarcoma of thigh
Scaphoid fracture, non-union, osteosynthesis with spongiosa
Scar hernia after laparoscopy
Scimitar syndrom, anomalous return of pulmonary vein
Scimitar syndrome, scimitar sign, anomalous return of pulmonary vein, dextroposition of heart, VRT
Sclerodermia, pulmonary fibrosis, UIP, fibrosis, oesophagus
Sclerosing mesenteritis
Sclerosing mesenteritis
Scoliosis of thoracic spine, severe
Scoliosis, severe
Scrotal hernia
Scrotal hernia
Scrotal hernia, cecum in scrotal hernia
Scrotal hernia, hip joint replacement
Separate apophysis of spinous process, lumbar vertebra
Separate branching of the hepatic and lienal artery from aorta
Separation of spinous process of C6 and C7, congenital
Septic emboli from infective endocarditis, lung and brain
Septic emboli, lung
Septum of the left maxillary sinus
Sequestrum, osteomyelitis of upper jaw, maxilla
Serial rib fracture
Serous adenoma of pancreas, microcystic
Serous cystadenoma of pancreas, cystadenoma, cystic tumour
Sever's disease, calcaneal apophysitis
Severed kidney, kidney trauma
Shock lung, ARDS
Shunt stenosis, angioplasty
Shunt stenosis, angioplasty
Shunt stenosis, angioplasty, native shunt
Shunt stenosis, severe, balloon angioplasty, PTA, thrombolysis
Schmorl's nodes
Schuller view, antrotomy
Schuller view, chronic mastoiditis
Schwannoma in adrenal gland, gigantic
Schwannoma of psoas muscle
Sialolithiasis in Wharton's duct, salivary duct stone, submandibular gland
Sialolithiasis, salivary stone, submandibular gland, Wharton's duct
Sicca syndrom, salivary glands
Sigmoid carcinoma, polyp of the ascending colon
Sigmoid volvulus, ileus
Silicosis, pulmonary silicosis
Singultus, hiccups, artifact
Situs viscerum inversus
Situs viscerum inversus
Sjogren syndrom, sialolithiasis, parotid gland
Skeletal changes in myeloma, thoracic spine and ribs
Skin fold mimicking pneumothorax
Skin folds, mimic of pneumothorax, PNO
Skull fissure
Skull fissure, epidural hematoma
Skull fissure, temporal bone, occipital bone
SLE, systemic lupus erythematodes, cerebral ischemia
Sleeve gastrectomy
Small bowel ileus
Small bowel ileus
Small bowel ileus on Ultrasound
Small bowel ischemia, mesenterial thrombosis
Small bowel obstruction, ileus, Crohn's disease
Small cell carcinoma of the lung
Small cell lung carcinoma, SCLC, metastasis in pancreas
Small epidural hematoma
Small hematoma in the right groin, after angiography
Small pneumoperitoneum, perforation of sigmoid colon, acute diverticulitis
Soft tissue calcifications
Solid pseudopapillary tumor of pancreas
Spiegelian hernia
Spina bifida
Spina bifida occulta, meningocoele, sacral
Spina bifida of lumbar vertebra
Spina bifida, atlas
Spina bifida, S1
Spina bifida, sacral vertebra
Spiral subtrochanteric fracture
Splenectomy, regenerative splenunculus, splenunculus
Splenic cysts, congenital, epithelial
Splenic hemangioma, liver metastases, colon carcinoma
Splenic infarction
Splenic infarction, development in time
Splenic rupture
Splenomegally in lymphoma
Splenomegally, lymphoma
Splenomegally, porcelain gall bladder
Splenorenal collaterals, shunting
Spondylodiscitis, abscess of psoas muscle, drainage of abscess
Spondylolisthesis, isthmic spondylolysis
Spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, lumbar vertebra
Spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spina bifida
Spondylolysis, lumbar vertebra
Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, lumbar vertebra
Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, olisthesis
Spotty porosis, fracture of distal radius
Stab wound of liver with active bleeding, hemorrhage
Stab wound of the thorax, perforation of the ascending aorta, bleeding into mediastinum, hemothorax
Stab wound of thorax, internal mammary artery and aortic arch, mediastinal hemorrhage, hemothorax, VRT
Staghorn calculus, casting stone, nephrolithiasis, VRT
Steatofibrosis of liver
Steatofibrosis or fibrosis of the liver
Steatosis of liver, steatosis hepatis, fatty liver, parenchymal sparing
Steatosis, fatty liver, focal sparing
Stenosis of biliary duct, pancreatic carcinoma, ERCP
Stenosis of common iliac artery, stent
Stenosis of internal carotid artery
Stenosis of oesophagus
Stenosis of renal artery
Stenosis of renal artery, stent
Stenosis of renal artery, stent
Stenosis of sigmoid colon and lienal flexure, inflammatory stenosis, CT colonography
Stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery, AMS
Stenosis of trachea, tracheal intubation, virtual tracheoscopy
Sternal foramen, MIP
Stomach resection, Billroth II
Stomach resection, Billroth II, hiatal hernia
Stomach tumour
Stomach tumour, enlarged regional lymph nodes
Stomach ulcer
Strangulation, suicidal attempt, emphysema of neck
Stroke, brain ischemia, fresh
Stroke, cerebral ischemia, acute stage, MCA, medial cerebral artery
Stroke, cerebral ischemia, insula, caudate
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, beam hardening artifact, pneumocephalus
Subarachonid hemorrhage, minute
Subcapital fracture of femur
Subcapital fracture of the fifth metacarpal, Boxer's fracture
Subcapital fracture of the fourth metacarpal bone
Subcapital fracture of the left femur
Subcapsular hematoma of liver, liver hematoma
Subcapsular hematoma of the liver
Subcutaneous emphysema after operation of hernia
Subcutaneous hemangioma
Subdiaphragmatic abscess, abscess
Subdural hematoma on tentorium
Subdural hematoma, tentorium cerebelli
Subdural hemorrhage, minute
Subdural hygroma
Subendocardial infarct of posterior wall of the left ventricle
Subfalcine herniation, brain edema
Subluxation in atlantoaxial joint in rheumatoid arthritis
Subphrenic abscess, drainage, pig-tail, leak of contrast, fistulography
Subsegmental kidney infraction or focal nephritis
Subtrochanteric fracture of femur, pathologic fracture, bone metastasis
superior mesenteric artery syndrome, aortomesenteric compression
Suppository in the rectum on CT
Suppurative sialoadenitis
Supracondylic fracture of humerus
Suture granuloma
Suture granuloma, Schloffer's tumor
Swine femur, pig
Sympatectomy, alcohol ablation of the coeliac ganglion, CT guided
Synostosis of atlas and occipital condyli, C1, atlas, C0
Takayashu arteritis
Tampon on plain radiograph
Tarlov cyst, calcified
Teardrop figure, orbital floor fracture, blow-out fracture
Tension pneumothorax
Terminal bronchiolitis, tree-in-bud
Terminal ileitis
Testicular retention in the inquinal canal
Thickening of intralobular interstitium, HRCT
Thickening of nail bed, ultrasound of nail
Thoracoplasty, VRT
Thrombosis of femoral vein
Thrombosis of femoral vein
Thrombosis of femoral vein, subacute
Thrombosis of inferior vena cava
Thrombosis of mesenteric and portal vein, venous infarction of small bowel loops
Thrombosis of muscular veins of the calf, fracture of the fibular ankle and plaster cast
Thrombosis of portal and mesenteric vein
Thrombosis of portal vein
Thrombosis of pulmonary vein
Thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, infarsation of small bowel
Thrombosis of superior vena cava
Thrombosis of the left atrial appendage
Thrombosis of the left auricula, an incidental finding on CT angiography
Thrombosis of the pulmonary vein
Thrombus in left ventricle, incidental finding
Thymoma, compression of the brachiocephalic vein, collateral flow
Thymoma, malignant thymoma, treatment
Thyroid nodule
Thyroid nodule, enhancing
Thyroid nodule, hypervascular
Tibia foreign body gun shot wound
TIPSS, transjugular portosystemic stent-shunt, nasojejunal tube
Tooth in sigmoid colon
Torsion of the mesentery
Toxic megacolon, pneumoperitoneum
Trabecular hypertrophy of bladder wall
Trabecular hypertrophy of bladder, trabeculated bladder, pseudodiverticula
Traction diverticulum of oesophagus
Transient hepatic attenuation difference, liver, THAD
Transverse fracture of the dens axis
Tree in bud pattern, infectious bronchiolitis
Tree-in-bud pattern
Trimalleolar fracture, subluxation in talocrural joint
Trombembolus of axillary artery
Trombosis of portal vein
Tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, cavern
Tuberculosis, TB, endobronchial spread, tree in bud, cavity
Tumor of cecum, enterography
Tumorous infiltration of lymph node
Tumorous infiltration of lymph node, osteolysis of clavicle
Tumorous infiltration of lymph nodes
Tumorous mass in vena cava inferior
Tumorous osteolysis
Tumorous stenosis of lienal flexure, severe stenosis, barium enema
Tumorous stenosis of oesophagus
Tumorous stenosis of oesophagus, stent
Tumorous stenosis of rectosigmoid junction, polyp of sigmoid colon, irrigography
Tumorous stenosis of rectum and sigmoid colon, duplicity, DCBE
Tumorous stenosis of sigmoid colon
Tumorous stenosis of the sigmoid colon
Tumorous thrombosis of inferior vena cava, adrenal metastasis, conventional renal carcinoma
Tumour and fistula of the urinary bladder, fistula of small bowel, fistulography
Tumour of cecum
Tumour of cecum, extensive
Tumour of cecum, gigantic, osteolysis of lumbar vertebra
Tumour of duodenum
Tumour of hypophysis
Tumour of chest wall, osteolysis of rib
Tumour of jejunum
Tumour of large bowel on ultrasound
Tumour of pancreas, huge
Tumour of pancreatic head
Tumour of rectum
Tumour of right sublingual gland
Tumour of sigmoid colon, irrigography
Tumour of stomach, ascites
Tumour of the cervix of uterus, hydronephrosis
Tumour of the head of pancreas, dilated bile duct, biliary stent, dilated pancreatic duct, cholecystolithiasis, biliary stones
Tumour of the left adrenal gland, adenoma
Tumour of thorax wall
Tumour of transverse colon
Ulcerated plaque of external iliac artery
Ulcerative colitis of left colon, enterography
Ulcerative colitis, barium enema
Ulcerative colitis, barium enema, irrigography
Ulcerative colitis, CT colonography
Ulcerative colitis, enterography
Ulcerative colitis, enterography
Ulcerative colitis, enterography, CPR, VRT
Umbilical metastasis, sister Mary Joseph syndrome
Umbilical metastasis, Sister Mary Joseph syndrome
Undisplaced fracture of calcaneus
Unknown pathology of spine, VRT
Unknown pathology, foreign bodies in peritoneal cavity
Unknown pathology, secondary finding, small bowel
Upside-down stomach
Upside-down stomach
Upside-down stomach, small bowel obstruction, ileus, retained contrast in colonic diverticula
Ureterocoele, outpouching of ureter into bladder
Ureterolithiasis, inapparent
Ureterolithiasis, phleboliths
Ureterolithiasis, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, grade II
Uretherolithiasis in pyeloureteral junction, PUJ, hydronephrosis
Uretherolithiasis, urolithiasis, ureteric stone, hydronephrosis, unenhanced and excretory phase, ureter duplex
Urocystocutaneous fistula, fistulography
Urocystolithiasis, stone in urinary bladder
Urolithiasis in pelviureteric junction
Urothelial carcinoma, gigantic
Uterus, mimics a presacrall mass, extirpation of anus
Vaginal pessary
Variant of head of pancreas
Variceal bleeding, Segstaken tube, liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, varices, ascites, rectal tube
Varices in groin, inguinal canal
Varicose dilation of the biliary ducts in the left liver lobe, unknown origin
Vena cava sinistra, continuation of hemiazygous vein
Venous angioma of cerebellum
Venous angioma, cerebellum
Venous congestion of liver
Venous congestion, thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein, ascites, steatosis of liver
Venous infarzation of a jejunal loop
Ventral hernia, herniation of transverse colon
Ventral rectocoele, defecography
Ventrocaudal dislocation of shoulder
Vesicoureteral reflux
Videofluoroscopic swallow study
VISI, volar intercalated segment instability
Volvulus of sigmoid colon
Volvulus of sigmoid colon, coffee bean sign
Volvulus of sigmoid colon, sigmoid volvulus, coffee bean sign
Volvulus of the cecum
Volvulus, torsion of ileum, ileus
Volvulus, torsion of mesentery, small bowel ileus
Warthin tumor, parotid gland
Web in the truncus intermedius
Wegener's granulomatosis
Wegener's granulomatosis
Wegener's granulomatosis of trachea, virtual endoscopy
Wegener's granulomatosis, development in time
Wegener's granulomatosis, HRCT
Wegener's granulomatosis, HRCT
Wegener's granulomatosis, sequelae of alveolar hemorrhage
Wegener's vasculitis, sequel of pneumorhagia, alveolar bleeding
Welder's lung, pulmonary siderosis
Whipple procedure, hepatico-jejuno anastomosis, biliary ascites, leak of anastomosis
Wrist, normal x-ray
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Zenker's diverticulum of the oesophagus