JETLAG Ivan and Alex Jet Lag, a fresh and warm to divert time and changes in sleep ... A very groovy sound and staging and sometimes funk and disco indie, and are at the scene. They are now the owners of Logical Records in Madrid, a platform which carries more than 20 eps, about 60 tracks in the main online store, Beatport, already having their own space and top ten list with the best selling items. From the depths of Madrid appear to open a new era within the seal in which the proposal happens to be more deep and more fun to just dance party ... A stage that will produce discs JET LAG house and indie levels more energetic vocals and much more interesting collaborations, and a wild
Latest Releases
House Factor 01
Jo Cappa, Pascal Kleiman, Ovidi Adlert, D'Flame, Mijail, Mr. Danny, Carlos Roll, Di Martino, Julio Leal, javi always, Alexander Dennon, Ivan Vela, Victor Lopez, J. Mirgi, Julian Guarque, Dik Lewis, Nel Back, Thomas Montevideo, W.A.N., Alvaro Maretti, Fucarella, Mad Owner, Alex Sauver, Mario Perez, Jet Lag, Juanjo De La Cruz, Daniel Aguayo, Alan Leal, Borja Navarro, Robert Morr, Dani Masi, Baseek, Manel Duran DJ, Dave Garcia, Alex Neza, IPagan, JL Garcia, Rayco Galvan, Ezequiel Asencio, Criminal Night, Nalaya Brown