Rodion Lapin, also known by his stage name The Villars, is a Russian electronic musician and sound producer. In 2018 he released his debut album "Shade" recorded with Elton John colleague - Rod Thomas (Bright Light Bright Light), Damon C. Scott, Kimani etc. In 2019 American model Kylie Jenner post video with track "Everybody Knows" on Instagram. Since then, he released "Полиция" EP with Groza and "Shade the Remixes". Now he is in the process of recording his second studio album "Благодетель".
Latest Releases
Disco Yeah! Vol. 33
Frankie Fandango, Ant LaRock, Distant People, Natasha Watts, Jay Frog, Faruk Orakci, Jo Paciello, French La Touche, Soul Injection, Charlie, Andrey Exx, Troitski, Orffee, Zinner, Vibe Impact, Anton Ishutin, Denis Agamirov, ThC Brothers, Monobrother D, Nightdrive, Behind-U, DE GRAAL', Teo, Demmy Sober
Disco Yeah! Vol. 27
Lou Van, Stage Rockers, Mick Fouse, Tiana Kruskic, Anton Ishutin, Garry Ocean, Justin Garner, Andrey Exx, Troitski, Enrico BSJ Ferrari, Alan Junior, Oscar Barila, Maiki, Lisa Kay, Tim Serra, Wolfire, Syke'n'Sugarstarr, Alexandra Prince, Sence, Miike More, M.Y., Ryan Dupree, Ivan Starzev, Pryce Oliver, #Mali, Kvinn, Pictor & Noian, Ugochi