Christian „C-Rock“ Rindermann has been one of the drivingforces of the Frankfurt music scene since the early 90s, andwhen something stirs in it you can be sure he’s there tocontribute passion, imagination and enthusiasm. With DJYannick he founded the first German underground housemagazine „SiZ E!“; with Ricardo Villalobos he organized inthe middle of the 90s legendary parties with illustriousguests like Chez Damier, John Acquaviva, Carl Craig orDavid Alvarado; he held residencies in Frankfurt clubs likethe Box, Monza or the famous Cocoonclub – to name only afew of his ventures.Even though his life as a DJ sends him around the globe toplaces like Santiago de Chile, Barcelona, Chicago, SaoPaolo or Cape Town, he doesn’t want to limit himself to a lifeas a DJ. He’s been managing for years his three labelsStir15