Patrice Milan

Patrice Milan

Inspired by the electronic music movement of the 90s,Patrick Jahn aka Patrice Milan at the age of 14 years beganhis first walking attempts. What was first only a hobby,became more and more professional music producing. Withhis first projects "D'Clou feat. NoComment", "Marc van Rain"or „D'Clou & Milan“, he could register for the first timeresults in the area Synthi Pop and trance. Among others, heproduced for Jose Alvarez Brill, the producer of Wolfsheim,Rosenstolz and Alpha Ville, as well as for Ron van denBeuken and his project "Oreal". He cooperated in a lot ofprojects, for example, also in the Nocomment featuringproject "Stärke”. Also, he has made himself a name as aRemixer of numerous productions. After he spitted up withhis music partner D'Clou in the beginning of 2006, Patricestopped first. Only 2 years

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