Consisting of Jack Scott & Luke Smith, the duo’s foundations originated in bands and after crossing paths in the early days of their musical career, a strong partnership was cemented. They rapidly found their feet with numerous successful releases on labels such as Blanc, Rawsome Deep, Whoyostro and Slightly Sizzled White which claimed them a Beatport #1 spot. Showcasing a unique blend of club ready productions which stand out from the rest, Vales are establishing their name gathering support from artists such as: Darius Syrossian, Del30, Endor, Jess Bays, and be sure to keep a look out for this fast rising duo.
Latest Releases
NotiV (UK), Dani Pana, Viktor (UV), Alex Dittrich, Genetika, Drew Dapps, Steve Hawks, Ensall, Tommaso Pizzelli, Daniele Bussoleni, Christian Bistany, Womack, Ky William, Ken Kelly, Pavzo, Wez Baldwin, Jason Rault, m.O.N.R.O.E, Kricked, Joseph Ilardi, Damaso Leon, Nolek, Nicolas Sara, Salomon Moore, Vales, SLAKE, JMAC (AU)
Essential House Groovers, Vol. 01
AUGUSTE, Jason DeRoche, Oblomov, ZANETI, Sebb Junior, DJ Oscar Sharm, Adam Nova, Sweetpower, Rebus Project, Brock Edwards, Trevor Gordon, Boy Funktastic, Buder Prince, Derrick Flair, Jamie Christer, Xclusive kAi, Ndogo Gee, Stereo Ape, Tony Deledda, M Karvol, Du Olivera, Wrighteous, Vales, Nolek, Lizzie Curious, Rhythm Staircase, 84Bit, Chovich, M.F.S: Observatory, Jazzy Rossco
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