Dashtoc was born in Malloca in 1988. He started in the world of electronic music in 2008, with his residence in a nightclub playing with various international artists. In 2010 he began to get interested in the production of tech-house, deep-house and minimal music. After a time away from music production, it was not after 2020 that he began to release productions with some labels
Latest Releases
The Best Of 2023
Goldenbass, Boros, Probi, Emanuel Natucci, Ollinobrothers, Martin Minnucci, LeoK, Amcu, Neverloops, Jeky Saviro, Enzo Sorrentino, MaximoProducer, Santy Perizzotti, Santiago Quintero, Francesco Effe Deejay, Groovboy, Joshua Riveros, Manuela Gandolfo, Ramiro Alfonso, Lafred, Dashtoc, Angelo Ruis, Vila (AR), Seek Arguedas, Ivan Kook, Guus Muñoz, Adrian Delgado (ESP), DJ Beens, Mattia Rossi, Matteo Quezada
Say Goodbye Remixes
FEEZZ, Opio Del Mono, Alexander Espinoza, RIIDR, Sayon, Alieczander, Sound Project 21, Sëkönd, Ale Effe, Gerperc, Qüae, AfroQuakeR, Dashtoc, Mala Conducta, Joao Gomes, Wall Seich, Darkmave, Mister C., Carkeys, kramek, Jakepool, Tyler Wenning, Acid Tymekk, Bendriss, 645AR, Mad Marq, David Cost, Ian McCoy, FreddyK, Noise of Aggression
VA 2022
Domshe, El Maar, Aday Hernández, C3C, Ajphouse, Cruster, Daesmith, Andrea Ghirotti, Ado (Col), Amiron, Dashtoc, Shiram, Diego Asbell, Audrius Bass, Armando Rosario, dj t2, 2WB, Audioal, Francesco Mon, Almon, Andrea Saitta, Djblues Milo, Aerobicon, Even Midnight, DannyXtreme, Eze Plan, Aliens Bad Brothers, Big Martino, Stephan Barbieri, 8Floy, Archetype (MX), Bab', Credo, Dimitri Rossi, Dinky F, Ed Saez, Esqobar
Domshe, Abra, Audrius Bass, Daesmith, Dashtoc, Ado (Col), Diego Asbell, DatA, Andrea Ghirotti, Carlo Vonacci, Cruster, ClipsAndPatterns, Chizhov, 2WB, ETANE, ElitrickKids, Aday Hernández, Igor Zanga, Big Martino, Stephan Barbieri, Da'pac, Anonymo, Flame On Fire, Alec T. Adams, Grant Genera, Even Midnight, Alex Lyser, Ger Electronic, DXPE, Chris Colt, Anfarmy, Dimitri Rossi, GeoM
Audrius Bass, Abra, Aday Hernández, Ado (Col), Carlo Vonacci, Amiron, Daesmith, 8Floy, Andrea Ghirotti, Adellacosta, Alec T. Adams, Igor Zanga, DatA, 2WB, DannyXtreme, Audioal, Francesco Mon, Almon, Aliens Bad Brothers, Anonymo, Arjoon, Bab', Bangala, Beat Monkey, Big Martino, Stephan Barbieri, Bill Tox, Calo Divinti, Claudio Polizzotto, Dani Barrera, Dashtoc, Shiram, Deejay Terry, Delacombe, Dimitri Rossi
Aday Hernández, DannyXtreme, DatA, Claudio Polizzotto, Andrea Ghirotti, Domshe, Audrius Bass, Dashtoc, Black Elektronika, Carlo Vonacci, Daesmith, Armando Rosario, Andrea Matteu, Ajphouse, Igor Zanga, Amiron, 8Floy, Angel Black, Allmoe, Be Brothers, Badi, 2WB, Abra, Deep Technicians, Bangala, Beat Monkey, Davdavis, Diego Asbell, Distant Groove
Ado (Col), Aday Hernández, Igor Zanga, Dashtoc, DannyXtreme, Audrius Bass, Daesmith, Andrea Ghirotti, Carlo Vonacci, Domshe, Amiron, Diego Asbell, Distant Groove, GESA, 2WB, dj t2, Alex Punch, Feyser, Vilence, Big Martino, Stephan Barbieri, Anonymo, Even Midnight, Bangala, Darkmode, Dimitri Rossi, Esqobar
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