Latest Releases
Groove On (The Deep-House Society), Vol. 4
Da Rich, Michael Vee, Ryan Taylor, Sophisticated Rhythms, Jazz Boss, City Groove, Tommy Valvano, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, Peter Foxxx, More Soul, Carl Vanvittel, Deep Voyager, Starduster, Oliver Bermudez, Leonard Winter, Erick Mendez, Hot Sun, Tony Key, Plastic Soul, Montuno Hands, Pepper Diamond, Jason Aude, Nixon Hamilton, Up Side Movement, Timo Sanderman, Henry Tree, Alvin Camarano, Nisa Loson, Patrick Chablais, Tommy Morales, Dann Janiel, Anthony Maserati, D Troit Elements, Barbara Ray, Oscar Pedderson, Sebastian Marino, Harley Franklin, Armand Almeda, Paul Stevens, Saucy Journey, Henrik Smooth
Deep and Love, Vol. 3
Subsonic Aura, DGN, Steve Riley, Widows Tongue, Steven Lukas, Leo Pard, Karl Debeer, The Guardian, Paul Brody, Kobra, Matt Fennon, Golden Sun, Saucy Journey, Anikandro Santapopulos, Harley Johnson, Simply Fault, Yves Roquebrune, Desk Of Scarred, Jay Morgan, Troy Sawyer, Sander Mason, Downhill Steroid, Sonic Dreams, Proof Clamour, Alejandro Perez, Moover, Blackman, Steven Noir, Florence Cono, Slow Soul
One Night in a Deep Club
Lonng Island Ensemble, Rio De Janeiro Ensemble, Lil French, Sonido De Casa, Liquid Air, Marajazz, Robert Guerrero, Hugo Morales, Saucy Journey, Lola London, XJ 8, Kon Tatto, London Groove Ensemble, Sensation 24, William Lauridsen, Truma, London Jazz Soul Project, Solid Dream, The Models, Star Hub, Ibeeza Lovers, Jonathan Mantero, K Groove
Winter Beats (Deep-House Tunes), Vol. 5
James Fever, Frankie Half, Saucy Journey, Official Plastic, Mark Taylor, Nathan James, Club Princess, 4th Eye, Sonic Dreams, Inline Crack, Colin Stuart Blawton, Steven Lukas, Chada, Jaque Lee, Ramos Germain, Liam Day, John Smith, Paul Moana, Ksix, Doug Dymo, Pseudo Nose, Oblivious Smudge, Sean Fowler, Justin Wittle, DGN, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Steven Harris, Carl Mikkelsen, Randy Cortez, Nonsense Hunter, Exotic Twilight, Jerry Mulligan, Deep Night Beats, The House Freelancers, Wayne Rodriguez, Danny Hay, Sonny Fasser, Christian Beljolio, Young Conversation, Danny Voxmann
Deep Inside, Vol. 2 (The Deep-House Experience)
Abstract Dreams, Solide State, Lunatic Youth, Golden Sun, Zen Beat, Private Service, C Shop, Steve Riley, Prophetic Solid, Marley Banks, Peter Garcia, Black Sunglasses, Downhill Steroid, Samoa Beach, Mandarin Temptations, Deep Friends, Sonic Dreams, Da Soul, Weight Cripple, Saucy Journey, Hasty Lullaby, Cranking Ire, Ibiza People, Alejandro Perez, Danny Hay, Smart Sounds, Kobra, Imogen Murray, Moover, Stuart Avalon, David Maxter, Paul Perez, Simply Fault, Doyle Braxton, Blackman, Frank Baston, MMQ Beats, Robert Salden, Florence Cono, Sonoric Groove
Chocolate & Champagne (Deep-House Grooves), Vol. 2
Jay Florres, Revolving Hamster, Solide State, Patrick Yum, Leo Pard, Basil Strategy, Saucy Journey, Weight Cripple, Variety Surf, The Secure Piece, Pseudo Nose, Sonic Dreams, Jack White, Festival Of Marine, Lunatic Youth, Imogen Murray, Inside Out, Flushing Cork, Level Of Encore, Shooting Genus, Nonsense Hunter, Ark Of Principle, Old School Effect, Pax Amstell, Michael Staggs
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 2
Saucy Journey, Paul Moana, Hotel 555, Carl Kissinger, DGN, Inline Crack, Torres Pueblo, Lorentz Masser, Jay Morgan, Yves St. Claire, Exotic Twilight, NYC Players, Sander Armando, Samuel Farris, Widows Tongue, The Simian Shocker, Revolving Hamster, Frozen Reverie, Simon Says, Neat Recipe, The Guys, Paul Brody, Doug Dymo, Spicy Patt, Paradise Boutique, Funkadeluxe, Deep Moon Lovers, Private Service, Mark Taylor, C Shop, 4th Eye, Sonic Dreams, Prophetic Solid, Marley Banks, Colin Stuart Blawton, Peter Garcia, Black Sunglasses, Steven Lukas, Jason Jinx, Sonic Joiners
Deep-House Rockets, Vol. 1
Michael Flexton, Samoa Beach, 99 Deep Street, Anikandro Santapopulos, Golden Sun, Electronique Champagne, Patrick Chablais, Frankie Half, James Fever, Abstract Dreams, Saucy Journey, Steve Riley, Jaque Lee, Paul Moana, Official Plastic, Downhill Steroid, Lunatic Youth, Danny Hay, Solide State, Patrick Bee, Zen Beat, Nathan James, Radical Razors, Club Princess, Subsonic Aura, Ismael Lasgon, Claude Torelli, Tyson McIntosh, Paolo Santos, Jay Florres, Harley Franklin, Lasse Kjeldsen, Ornery Hornet, Desk Of Scarred, Norman Clarke, Seamus Jordan, Mandarin Temptations, Chada, Deep Friends, Ramos Germain
Plastic Emotions
Lil French, Tony Afrique, Robert White, Hugo Morales, Studio 85, Robert Guerrero, Victor Goldman, Lola London, Star Hub, Porn Btz, Sander Pomellato, Raphael Carter, The Artic Soda, Jonathan Mantero, V6, Ibeeza Lovers, Whitenotes, The Rain Company, Solid Dream, Liquid Air, Marajazz, Sensation 24, London Jazz Soul Project, Saucy Journey, Rio De Janeiro Ensemble, Lonng Island Ensemble, The Models, Sonido De Casa, London Groove Ensemble, K Groove, Scakko & Tony
Elegant Tunes
Hugo Morales, The Models, Saucy Journey, Liquid Air, Marajazz, Jonathan Mantero, Marcus Moon, Robert Guerrero, My Mojito, Rio De Janeiro Ensemble, Solid Dream, Sensation 24, Lil French, Sonido De Casa, K Groove, Star Hub, Ibeeza Lovers, William Lauridsen, Truma, XJ 8, Kon Tatto, Lonng Island Ensemble, Citrus Juice, London Jazz Soul Project, Crazy Skin, Lola London, Sam Zed, London Groove Ensemble, Flying Oliver, Paco El Flaco, Spicy Patt, Miss Venice, Steven Bee
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 2
Subsonic Aura, Private Service, Patrick Chablais, Mark Taylor, Ismael Lasgon, C Shop, Claude Torelli, 4th Eye, Tyson McIntosh, Saucy Journey, Paolo Santos, Sonic Dreams, Jay Florres, Prophetic Solid, Harley Franklin, Inline Crack, Lasse Kjeldsen, Marley Banks, Ornery Hornet, Colin Stuart Blawton, Desk Of Scarred, Peter Garcia, Norman Clarke, Paul Moana, Seamus Jordan, Black Sunglasses, Radical Razors, Steven Lukas, Brooklyn Docks, Jason Jinx, Mandarin Temptations, Sonic Joiners, Chada, Yves St. Claire, Magic Elements, Kenny Grooves, Deep Friends, DGN, Ramos Germain, Jay Morgan
Deep-House Themes, Vol. 1
Torres Pueblo, Samoa Beach, Sander Armando, Frankie Half, NYC Players, Golden Sun, Samuel Farris, James Fever, Widows Tongue, Abstract Dreams, The Simian Shocker, Saucy Journey, Revolving Hamster, Solide State, Frozen Reverie, Jaque Lee, Simon Says, Lunatic Youth, Neat Recipe, Official Plastic, The Guys, Downhill Steroid, Exotic Twilight, Paul Moana, Paul Brody, Danny Hay, Lora, Sonique Masters, Patrick Bee, Doug Dymo, Paul Smith, Spicy Patt, Zen Beat, Paradise Boutique, Nathan James, Funkadeluxe, Steve Riley, Submarina, Aura 22, Deep Moon Lovers, Club Princess
Sound Deluxe
Star Hub, Rio De Janeiro Ensemble, Sensation 24, Robert Guerrero, K Groove, Hugo Morales, Lil French, Saucy Journey, Liquid Air, Marajazz, Solid Dream, The Models, Sonido De Casa, Lonng Island Ensemble, William Lauridsen, Truma, XJ 8, Kon Tatto, Lola London, Ibeeza Lovers, London Groove Ensemble, Jonathan Mantero, London Jazz Soul Project
Ibiza - Sleepless Island, Vol. 4
Level Of Encore, Oblivious Smudge, Peter Abelsen, Ornery Hornet, Pax Amstell, Nkeebho, Official Plastic, Nonsense Hunter, Piet Lorrigan, Jason Hendrics, Pong Developers, Neat Stealth, Neat Recipe, Jay Morgan, Martin Stockwood, Paul Stevens, Michael Ellis, Beat Bros, Lone Base, Lunatic Youth, Michael Staggs, Marley Banks, Mischa Miller, Prophetic Solid, Jay Florres, Second Lake, Progressive Color, Saucy Journey, Shooting Genus, Sean Beatty, Revolving Hamster, Sean Fowler, Sean Giles, Solid Doom, Simply Fault, Randy Cortez, Proof Clamour, Positive Lake, Possessed Orbit, Pseudo Nose, Solide State, Lauen Harriet Jason
Only Ibiza Inside - The Summer Deep House Session, Vol. 4
Official Plastic, Variety Surf, Weight Cripple, Leo Pard, Liam Day, Saucy Journey, Martin Stockwood, Exotic Twilight, Jay Florres, Randy Cortez, Prophetic Solid, Solid Doom, The Dreamy Snapper, Sonic Dreams, Don Almont, Enrique Rominquez, Guy Rich, Lorenz Costa, One Wave, Mory Gun, Unbeatable Dolls, Mild Word, Intuition Future, Stress Bastille, The Selfies, The Simian Shocker, Black Shine, Zippy Priority
Deep Summer Opening Sensation 2016
Imogen Murray, Official Plastic, Mourning Yum, Oblivious Smudge, Neat Recipe, Neat Stealth, Jim Smith, The Secure Piece, Liam Day, Old School Effect, Nkeebho, Nonsense Hunter, Piet Lorrigan, Platinum Squirrel, Simply Fault, Jay Morgan, Michael Ellis, Lunatic Youth, Jaque Lee, Inline Crack, Leo Pard, Level Of Encore, Lone Base, Martin Stockwood, Progressive Color, Proof Clamour, Shooting Genus, Prophetic Solid, Solid Doom, Sonic Dreams, The Simian Shocker, Variety Surf, The Dreamy Snapper, Weight Cripple, Sean Fowler, Saucy Journey, Sean Beatty, Jay Florres, Positive Lake, Possessed Orbit, Tyson McIntosh, Pseudo Nose, Solide State, Revolving Hamster, Randy Cortez, Jack White
Sophisticated Deep House Grooves, Vol. 1
Jay Florres, Platinum Squirrel, Revolving Hamster, Randy Cortez, Solide State, Prophetic Solid, Pseudo Nose, Possessed Orbit, Positive Lake, Proof Clamour, Saucy Journey, Solid Doom, Shooting Genus, Sean Giles, Weight Cripple, Tyson McIntosh, Variety Surf, The Simian Shocker, The Secure Piece, The Dreamy Snapper, Sonic Dreams, Stereo Kill, Simply Fault, Progressive Color
Trapped in Deep House
Corey Drake Junior, Harley Franklin, Ashleigh Bublé, Lord Kyte, Bungle Run, Bradley Duncan, Saucy Journey, Cliff Bauer, Cycle Bottom, Daniel Curley, Hayley & Hayley, Jonathan Baker, Leftover Pulp, Little Spottiswoode, Michael Ellis, Mischa Miller, Piet Lorrigan, Unwritten Smooth, Lunatic Youth, Olajoowantee
The Night Society, Vol. 8 (25 Deep-House Tunes)
City Groove, Oscar Pedderson, Sebastian Marino, Harley Franklin, Da Rich, Armand Almeda, Tommy Valvano, Paul Stevens, Saucy Journey, Henrik Smooth, Frog In Fog, Sophisticated Rhythms, Golden Sun, Mark Project, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Patrik Bastogi, Kenny Grooves, House Istinct, Dream Lovers, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Norman Green, Manolo Crick, Fine Deep, Surrogate Religion
Deepest Grooves - 25 Deep House Tunes from the White Isle, Vol. 5
Saucy Journey, Piet Lorrigan, Jason Hendrics, Mischa Miller, Marley Banks, Paul Stevens, Claude Torelli, Johannes Lange, Simon Says, Paul Perez, Lauen Harriet Jason, Steve Riley, Paolo Santos, Samuel Farris, Paul Stinner, New Attitude, C Shop, Widows Tongue, Ibiza People, Virtually Path, Theda, Invert Of Playground, Henrik Smooth, The Selfies, Tickling Earth
Suburban Deep House Grooves London
Ornery Hornet, Widows Tongue, Little Spottiswoode, Mischa Miller, Jason Hendrics, Lauen Harriet Jason, Marley Banks, Lunatic Youth, Beat Bros, Paul Stevens, Johannes Lange, Piet Lorrigan, Second Lake, Ibiza People, Virtually Path, Theda, Henrik Smooth, The Selfies, Tickling Earth, Paolo Santos, Saucy Journey
Gorgeous Deep House Cuts, Vol. 3
Henrik Smooth, Solid Phonic, Saucy Journey, Jason Hendrics, Tickling Earth, Little Spottiswoode, Paolo Santos, Piet Lorrigan, Paul Stevens, Virtually Path, Theda, Ibiza People, Modell & Mercier, Karisma, Beach Coffee Ensemble, Alexander Fourth, Mandragora, John Smith, Torres Pueblo, Widows Tongue, Jonathan Baker
Beat Drops Out Of Ibiza, Vol. 3 (Top 30 Balearic Chill House Tunes)
Denis Melody, Abstract Dreams, Seven Elementz, Sebastian Marino, Saucy Journey, Santos Pasha, Roco Jazz, Rick Loveland, Private Service, Piet Lorrigan, Paul Stinner, Paolo Santos, Moover, Massive Deep, Mark Torrell, Magnus Mignon, Ksix, Keith Anderson, Jason Hendrics, Ismael Lasgon, Ibiza People, Groove Hotel, Golden Sun, Enrique Francoise Botteri, Da Soul, Da Rich, Cosmic City, Cool Rhythms, C Shop, Bar Groovers
Milan Modern Fashion Grooves
Jessica La Funk, Soulful Vex, Ornery Hornet, Tickling Earth, Ibiza People, Henrik Smooth, The Selfies, Cristian Matrix, Piet Lorrigan, George Cooper, Saucy Journey, Alpha Carpet, Blurry Seed, Lunatic Youth, Simon Says, Bleach Cords, Michael Ellis, Little Spottiswoode, Jonathan Baker, Isaac Porter, Sebstian Sunford, Exotic Twilight, Daniel Curley, Cycle Bottom, Peter Sanders
Beach Clubbing, Vol. 2 (Deep Beach House Experience )
Adeve, Ashleigh Bublé, Jaques Le Noir, Alley Culture, Gordon Geco, Alex O'Donnell, Dexter Matthews, Corey Drake Junior, Norman Clarke, Inspiring Delight, Zheng Lin, Widows Tongue, Virtually Path, Torres Pueblo, The Guardian, Sunset Dreams Project, Steven Harris, Steve Riley, Stephane Rouge, Southern Soul, Seven Elementz, Sebastian Marino, Saucy Journey, Santos Pasha, Roco Jazz, Stephane Lumiere