In 2010, Archie Allen found himself on dance floors by meeting with techno and house music styles and he had the opportunity to listen to a lot of important domestic and foreign DJ's by enjoying the important night spots of Istanbul and he developed music understanding more and more every day. He decided to be in this business, he developed himself by taking the support of the important djs and producers of Istanbul in a short time. A healthy obsession with music led him to a very expensive record addiction, leaving behind Trend's chasing sounds and exploring the depths of House music; Oldschool praises classical music with rich jazz reefs, syncopation, samples and leisurely rhythms.
Latest Releases
Big City Vibes
Siegelmund, Raw, Reinhardt H, Seven Caves, Mielafon, Renaud Genton, Mile Duque, Omnis, Nerutto, Not from Berlin, Mattone, Archie Allen, Mizt3r, Oleg Zolotarev, Migue Boy, Optician, Seamus Baldi, Maxi Taboada, Tyncho Mass, Mr Jimmy H, Reid Bourgeois, Miguel Rodriguez, Oscar Werner, Prophet, Pablo G., Pascal Klingenberg, Pete Roche
Best Of 2021
Haushouse, Hexer, Migue Boy, Renaud Genton, I-Ly, Kavas, MINT (JPN), Horan, Wes Thomas, Marco Bänder, Le Cantin, Pablo G., Khings, Phoniq, M0narch, John Williams, Minio, Jorhero, Serhat Bilge, Maurizio Accardi, Old & Kid, Tippstrip, Leonardo Kirling, Deutrino, Robert DB, Nabyl, Walt, Mura, Rafael Francesconi, Kendra, Piccizz, Veive, Syronix, Sublime Sound, Yura G Dm, Markany & Friends, Mattone, Archie Allen, Omnis, Oris de Cueva, Pedro (IT), Zapphire, Sector-O, Semsa Bilge, Uriel Lange, Volt'R
Deep Under
Mielafon, Nani Noell, Maincap & Coldshiver, MAUK, Mantas Seth, Mizt3r, Marco Rovere, Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, Murat Cizmeli, Foch 155, M0narch, Masrit, Mattone, Archie Allen, Marco Bänder, Mattia Rossi, Marco Renna, Mura, Mate Robles, Marco Bottari, maroglio.jay, Mr Jimmy H, Mança (IT), LukeP, Mr Excell, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, Markany & Friends, Mugen Sosa, Michael Oak, Michele Ferrara, MOVIN' KEYZ
This Is Deep House, Vol. 8
Mielafon, Old Guy, No Sound, Oris de Cueva, Ricky KK, Sergio Ramirez, Mura, Sauvage back, Omnis, Matua&Bergau, Robert DB, Mizt3r, Morri, Sebastian King, Migue Boy, Nick Diamond, Mic Meimaroglou, Mattone, Semsa Bilge, Archie Allen, Max Darmagnac, Mugen Sosa, MLTON, Mr Jimmy H, Miguel Rodriguez, Sector-O, Sacha, Paul Psr Ryder, Kira Emilie Johansson, Mishin, MISIGII
Ibiza Lounge
Lukas Grinys, Mizt3r, Oris de Cueva, Migue Boy, M0narch, Mantas Seth, Old & Kid, Max Darmagnac, Dato Evgenidze, Mattone, MINT (JPN), Mura, Maurizio Accardi, Markany & Friends, Nabyl, Mishin, Mai Lawson, Matke, Mr Jimmy H, Matua&Bergau, Martyn Playfrd, Lucky Ball, Omnis, No Sound, Archie Allen, Optician, MISIGII, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, Öphiuchus, Mugen Sosa, New Alias, Nick Diamond
Underground Techno, Vol. 3
Marco Rovere, Nani Noell, Renaud Genton, Mizt3r, Old & Kid, MAUK, Mantas Seth, Migue Boy, Mo, Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, Oleg Zolotarev, MISIGII, jazzerimo, Tyncho Mass, Mate Robles, Mattia Rossi, Reenday, Pascal Klingenberg, Matke, Minio, Pablo G., Mattone, Archie Allen, Marco Bottari, Marco Bänder, Nikhilesh Teki, Robert DB, Rafael Francesconi, Sector-O, Poran
This Is Deep House
Mizt3r, Mantas Seth, Marco Manik, Maurizio Accardi, Rafael Francesconi, Marti, Brudo, Pascal Klingenberg, MISIGII, jazzerimo, Matke, Robert DB, Markany & Friends, Max Darmagnac, Miguel Rodriguez, Reenday, No Sound, Mr Jimmy H, Oris de Cueva, Mura, Mugen Sosa, Sauvage back, Oleg Zolotarev, Old & Kid, Nicola d'Angella, Mic Meimaroglou, Migue Boy, Omnis, Martin Parra, Mattone, Archie Allen, Matua&Bergau, Mishin
This Is Deep House, Vol. 4
Key-Note, Mizt3r, Jack Liberto, JCL, M0narch, Mantas Seth, MISIGII, jazzerimo, Lorhen, Javitoh, LEEVANEXEL, Marco Renna, Kendra, Piccizz, Lauri H, Lukas Grinys, Marco Manik, Jahn Solo, Marti, Brudo, Migue Boy, Leonardo Kirling, Matke, LOW-G, Larsen, VisK, John Williams, Jons'n, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, LukeP, Mattone, Archie Allen
This Is Techno, Vol. 5
Lukas Grinys, MAUK, Marco Rovere, Mantas Seth, M0narch, Lorhen, Lofti, Foch 155, Maincap & Coldshiver, Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, Loopezz, Luis Alberto, Tyncho Mass, Mai Lawson, Leonardo Kirling, Minutrax, Manny, Matke, MaKma, Lexand, Luca, Mario Gisoldi, Mate Robles, Mattone, Archie Allen, Mic Meimaroglou, Liam Lutza, Marco Bottari, Max Darmagnac, Lorenzo Zurcher, LOW-G, Lukan, LukeP, Marco Bänder, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, Michael Oak, Michele Ferrara
Rebellious VA
Marco Rovere, Mantas Seth, Maincap & Coldshiver, Foch 155, Marco Renna, Lucky Ball, Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, MaKma, Lukas Grinys, Marco Bottari, M0narch, Dato Evgenidze, Marti, Brudo, LOW-G, LukeP, Mai Lawson, Mika Cruz, Matke, Max Darmagnac, Maurizio Accardi, Michele Ferrara, Minio, Mattone, Marco Manik, Markany & Friends, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, Archie Allen, Matua&Bergau, Miguel Rodriguez, Mic Meimaroglou, Migel Gloria
Best Of LDN Trax Records, Vol. 5
Lukas Grinys, Le Cantin, LEEVANEXEL, M.A.F.F, Leonardo Kirling, M0narch, Kilohertz, Mai Lawson, Mantas Seth, Manny, MaKma, Mic Meimaroglou, Foch 155, Larsen, VisK, Marco Bänder, Marco Renna, Markus Schwarz, Maincap & Coldshiver, Marco Bottari, Matua&Bergau, Mattone, Archie Allen, Max Darmagnac, Luis Alberto, LOW-G, Lukan, LukeP, Migel Gloria
The Sound 2020
MINT (JPN), Migue Boy, Leonardo Kirling, MaKma, Mantas Seth, Maincap & Coldshiver, Lucky Ball, Mizt3r, Marco Bänder, Meztrik, Nikhilesh Teki, Markus Schwarz, Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, Mattone, Archie Allen, Loopezz, Max, Minio, Mishin, Migel Gloria, Lofti, Mr Jimmy H, Max Darmagnac, Michele Ferrara, Oleg Zolotarev, Liam Lutza, Lexand, LukeP, Matua&Bergau, Nicola d'Angella, Zariya, Nenad Arsic, Nick Diamond
Techno House
Lukas Grinys, Mantas Seth, MINT (JPN), Maxi Taboada, Pablo Pingitore, Khings, Le Cantin, Lorhen, Kilany M, M0narch, Marco Bänder, Maincap & Coldshiver, MaKma, Lauri H, Mario Gisoldi, Max Darmagnac, Larsen, VisK, Migue Boy, Matke, Marco Bottari, Mic Meimaroglou, Leonardo Kirling, LOW-G, Minio, MOVIN' KEYZ, Mattone, Archie Allen, Miguel Rodriguez, Mattia Rossi, Martin Parra
Lukas Grinys, M0narch, MISIGII, Khings, Foch 155, Maincap & Coldshiver, Manny, Mantas Seth, Mario Gisoldi, Le Cantin, Marco Renna, Mika Cruz, Luis Alberto, Badi, Minio, Lauri H, Leon, Migue Boy, Minitraumz, Leonardo Kirling, Kilohertz, LOW-G, Krützmaker, Michael Oak, Matke, Mattone, Archie Allen, Max Darmagnac
Techno House Rebels, Vol. 9
MINT (JPN), Öphiuchus, Mattia Rossi, Mr. Big, Nikhilesh Teki, Ocarr, Mizt3r, Pablo Pingitore, Martin Parra, Rodrigo Du, Mura, Oris de Cueva, Robert DB, Mr Excell, Sauvage back, MISIGII, Matke, Omnis, Migue Boy, Old & Kid, Mattone, Archie Allen, Migel Gloria, Mr Jimmy H, Nicola d'Angella, Paul K, Rafael D
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