Futura City is an unique side project that emerged from the creative depths of Maze 28. It explores the realms of futuristic, deep, and lush soundscapes, lending Electronica a more wide and profound sound. Futura City's exploration reveals an intriguing journey that transcends traditional boundaries, taking its inspiration from the boundless possibilities found inside these sound dimensions.
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Augmented 015 / Maze 28
Freedo Mosho, Futura City, Facundo Leiarz, Raffo JM, Analog Jungs, Sabrina Rivas, Agustin Delsoglio, Aman Anand, Shayan Pasha, Rockka, TEELCO, Greta Meier, Maze 28, Bynomic, NOIYSE PROJECT, Thales Senses, Andrés Moris, Juan Barrera, B.I.G (AR), COQUEIT, Kalima, Joaquín Salmain, STEREO MUNK, Leandro Murua
Balkan Connection Winter 2024
Jares, Nikola Jovanovic, Taylan, Carlos Bacchus, Bagsol, Matt Oliver, Nicolas Benedetti, Fer De Risio, Nicholas Van Orton, Ewan Rill, Nano Cult, Leia XP, Casnik, Gonzalo Cotroneo, Dr Green, Dinil, After Burn, Emcroy, Noise Generation, Enzo Paradiso, Rodrigo Pochelu, Jadon Fonka, Kevin Manning, Ivan Pogrebniak, Rodrives, Felipe Garcia (UY), AudioStorm, Che&Mos, Erick Mozllin, IGCIØ, Nelin, Eren Demir, Kalima, Martin Specchiale, Joono, Ev Rymd, Juani Ramirez, Soulmade (AR), Kevin Yair, Diego Acosta (UY), GJOL, Solis [US], Ultraverse, Max Blade, Ricardo Piedra, Jeeva, JonDeBruyne
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