Boreal Blossoms

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Boreal Blossoms
Required Fame Abyssea - Uleguerand Fame Level: 1
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Oruga (A), Abyssea - Uleguerand
Pack Abyssea
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description Having run out of a vital salve, Oruga has sent you in search of a rare flower that blooms in wintry climes. Three blossoms are required to extract a sufficient quantity of the reagent.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
First time completion: 400 Cruor

Subsequent completions: 200 Cruor

Chance at one of the following Empyrean Armor +1 Hands seals:


  • Talk to Oruga (A) to start this quest. She is at (K-9) south (through the tunnel) at Conflux #5 near the fire.
  • She will ask you to procure three Key Item Frostblooms.
  • There are three areas that they can be obtained, and at each one there are three spawn points nearby.
    • Frostbloom #1 is at G-8, eastern edge, just past the entrance to the Mechanical Menaces camp OR in this general area by the northern lake.
    • Frostbloom #2 is at G-8 left edge, just south of the Spectators OR near the split in the wall next to the drop down slopes.
    • Frostbloom #3 is at G-6 upper left corner, past the golems OR by the southern edge of the upper level next to the Snowflakes.
  • Return to Oruga (A) after collecting three in order to complete the quest.

Zoning is required in order to repeat this quest.