Broadway Green Alliance

Broadway Celebrates Earth Day Returns to Times Square Saturday, April 26!


Our MissioN

Launched in 2008, The Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) is an industry-wide initiative that educates, motivates, and inspires the entire theatre community and its patrons to implement environmentally friendlier practices on Broadway and beyond.

Our impact

Hear from a Green Captain

The Broadway Green Alliance wishes to respectfully acknowledge that our offices are situated on the island of Manahatta in Lenapehoking, land stolen from its original caretakers, the Munsee Lenape people. We acknowledge, respect, and uplift their ancestral stewardship of these lands past, present, and future.

“Acknowledgement is the beginning. Acknowledgement—and the research required to do it with integrity—should be an invitation to deeper analysis, relationship, and action.” — US Department of Arts and Culture, #HonorNativeLand