Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a public-spirited cause that has been well introduced by the Companies Act 2013. Through CSR there is a formation of a dynamic relationship between a company on one hand and the society and environment on the other. CSR is traditionally driven by a moral obligation and philanthropic spirit which resonates with the policy of the Company.

Policy Objective

The objective of the CSR Policy (“Policy”) is to define the company's vision and lay down the guiding principles in undertaking various Programs and projects by or on behalf of the company relating to CSR within the meaning of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Schedule VII of the Act and the CSR Policy Rules 2014. ("Rules").

CSR Vision

  • The Company completely endorses reliability. It is committed to conducting business in a true, fair, and ethical manner and takes up the responsibility to create a good impact in the society it belongs.
  • The Company is committed to contributing positively to society. The Company believes that giving back to society through CSR activities is its moral duty.
  • The Company aims to fulfil the requirements laid down under the Companies Act, 2013, and act diligently to comply with all its Rules and Regulations on CSR.

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:

Mr. Ankur Joshi
Mr. Adarsh Pandey
Executive Director
Executive Director

Corporate Social Responsibility Projects approved by the board for FY 22-23:

  • Medical treatment of the dog rescues.
  • The rehabilitation center, Sterilization facilities, Training Vets and Vet Students, Awareness among villagers, Animal Shelter for abandoned and aged animals, emergency services for Animals.
  • Setting up homes and hostels for orphans.
  • Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement project.
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