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If There's No Tomorrow

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A single choice can change everything.

Lena Wise is always looking forward to tomorrow, especially at the start of her senior year. She’s ready to pack in as much friend time as possible, to finish college applications, and to maybe let her childhood best friend Sebastian know how she really feels about him. For Lena, the upcoming year is going to be epic—one of opportunities and chances.

Until one choice, one moment, destroys everything.

Now Lena isn’t looking forward to tomorrow. Not when friend time may never be the same. Not when college applications feel all but impossible. Not when Sebastian might never forgive her for what happened.

For what she let happen.

With the guilt growing each day, Lena knows that her only hope is to move on. But how can she move on when she and her friends’ entire existences have been redefined? How can she move on when tomorrow isn’t even guaranteed?

384 pages, ebook

First published September 5, 2017

638 people are currently reading
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About the author

Jennifer L. Armentrout

174 books149k followers
Hey Guys! Please note: I don't send out ARCs for review. If you're interested in reviewing a book of mine before release date, please contact the appropriate publisher. I also do NOT check my Goodreads email.

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

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Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,059 reviews2,473 followers
August 17, 2017
5 stars!!!

“I should’ve listened to that little voice in my head and that feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I hadn’t. If I had, today would’ve been different. Tomorrow would be like all the better yesterdays.”

Gosh I love JLA books, she never fails to pull me out of a book rut and brighten my day!

Lena Wise is about to start her senior year of high school, and her biggest concerns are getting into her college of choice and having a crush on her best friend Sebastian, the boy next door. But very quickly, something changes her life, a choice. The wrong choice. Now Lena’s entire life has changed leaving her in turmoil and completely turned around.

Lena’s friends try to be supportive, but more and more she pushes them away, including Sebastian. But Lena falls deeper and deeper into a spiral of guilt, and she needs to find the strength within herself to move on from what happened.

“Actions and inactions have consequences. If we did not accept responsibility or blame for them, then we’d be at risk of repeating those actions.”

It’s no secret that Jennifer Armentrout is one of my top favorite authors, I can open 99% of her books and fall in love with them in a couple of words or pages. If There’s No Tomorrow follows in the same vein, I was completely sucked in by JLA’s writing and Lena’s story from the very beginning and stayed up late into the night to keep reading. She also writes the best male love interests that make you swoon and want to date the good guy.

The themes most present in this book are consequences and forgiveness. I won’t say exactly what happens with Lena as it’s a spoiler, but what happened to her could happen to anyone, teen or adult. My heart bled for this girl, and all of the other people in the world who had been through what she had. It may be a story we’ve heard before, but I think it’s one that merits repeating.

A beautiful story, and one that will stay with you for a long time. If There’s No Tomorrow is a book worth driving to the bookstore to buy on release day!

“You do deserve happiness and a future and everything you’ve ever wanted. That one night is not going to define your whole life.”

ARC provided by the author. All quotes in this review came from an advance unedited copy and may be subject to change in the final product.

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Profile Image for Glire.
772 reviews617 followers
June 5, 2019
Is there such a thing as trying too hard? Let's see...

"I could not wait to get home, shower off the scent of fried chicken tenders and burnt tomato soup, and finish reading the latest drama surrounding Feyre and the fae courts."

Oh, so Lena reads. I don't like that much the books of SJM, and this feels a bit like advertising, but... she reads and that's good.

"Then I was moving on to that sexy contemporary read I’d seen people talking about in the Facebook book club I lurked in, something about royals and hot brothers. Five of them. Sign me up for that."

And now she's doing a bit of advertising to Paper Princess, ok.

"I was legit boring. I read more than I actually talked to people."

lol, yes, I get that you like to read.

"I’d always been a reader and I read a lot, usually sticking to books with some sort of romantic theme and a classic happily-ever-after."

Ok, this is getting awkward.

"Lori used to make fun of me nonstop for it, claiming I had cheesy taste in books, but whatever. At least I didn’t have pretentious taste in books like she did."

So, you're telling me that people who don't read romantic books are pretentious?

"Sometimes I just wanted to...I don’t know, escape life. To delve headfirst into a world that dealt with real-life issues to open my eyes, or a world that was something else, something completely unreal. One with warring faes or roaming vampire clans."

Is she seriously going to keep making references about SJM's books?

"I was so ready for Feyre to kick some serious ass. I slapped the hardcover shut and pressed my forehead against the smooth cover. My heart pounded in my chest. The last five chapters had been a nonstop heart attack, and I prayed that the third book was already out."

Yes, she is. -- I wonder why SJM said this was one of her all-time favorites 🙄

"Sometimes I wondered how we’d become such close friends. We were polar opposites. She didn’t read unless it was flirting tips in Cosmo or the weekly horoscopes in the magazines her mom had around the house. I, of course, read every book I got my hands."

OH YES OF COURSE YOU DO. But, please, do tell me once more how much you love to read, you erudite, you literature goddess. I think the previous 80 times have NOT BEEN ENOUGH.

So, when people say there's no such a thing as trying too hard? SHOW THEN THIS.
Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
441 reviews5,665 followers
April 4, 2019
Jennifer, lo has vuelto a hacer, has vuelto a conquistarme con una de tus historias. Otra de mis mejores lecturas del año sin ninguna duda.
Para mí siempre es un placer leer algo nuevo de la autora. Este libro lo tengo en inglés desde hace bastante tiempo, pero hasta ahora que ha salido en español no me he animado a leerlo.
Yo cuando leo a Jennifer en paranormal sé lo que me voy a encontrar, pero en juvenil siempre me sorprende tocando temas muy profundos con el fin de concienciar al lector en ciertos aspectos. Ya lo hizo con Nunca digas siempre y lo ha vuelto a hacer con Si no hay un mañana.
Cuando comienzas el libro, crees que vas a leer la típica historia de amor adolescente. Pero ocurre algo en cierto punto que rompe todos los esquemas y la historia da un giro de 180 grados. Puedes olerte por donde va a ir por la primera página del libro, que te da una pista, pero de verdad no os podéis imaginar lo profunda que es esta historia.
La protagonista es Lena es una chica soñadora, que siempre está pensando en el mañana, ya que va a comenzar su último año de instituto. Ella tiene una relación de amistad desde pequeña con Sebastian, su mejor amigo, por el que siente algo más que amistad desde hace mucho tiempo pero nunca se ha atrevido a dar el paso a decírselo por miedo a perderle como amigo. Pero un día, una elección de Lena cambia toda su vida para siempre y ya no puede pensar en el mañana de la misma manera...
Si hay algo que me encanta de los personajes de Jennifer es que llego a empatizar mucho con ellos. Me encanta como ha desarrollado al personaje de Lena, me parece algo muy complejo de plasmar y ella lo ha conseguido. Y por su puesto, las relaciones de amistad que hay en esta novela me han fascinado. Y por supuesto, la de romance es increíble. Me encantan las historias de amor entre amigos de toda la vida, que le voy a hacer, soy así de previsible y ñoña.
En fin, si os gustan los libros juveniles con un trasfondo y un mensaje increíble y muy necesario, tenéis que leer este libro. Eso sí, os aviso. Os encogerá el corazón y lloraréis durante 200 páginas por lo menos. Así que tened los pañuelos a mano.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,345 reviews35.4k followers
March 30, 2019
4 stars

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A single choice can change everything.

If There’s No Tomorrow is an powerful read. It was an emotional and at times devastating journey, but I think it’s something everyone should pick up.

Lena Wise is going into her senior year of high school. She’s got her best girlfriends, is on her way to getting a volley ball scholarship, and is finally just maybe ready to admit her feelings to her best friend, Sebastian. Things are going good for her and then she goes to a party and makes one bad decision. A bad choice that will forever change her life.

This book truly shows to listen to that voice that tells you to do the right thing. Sometimes you get lucky and bad choices don’t have consequences, but other times they can be life changing.
I should’ve listened to that little voice in my head and that feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I hadn’t. If I had, today would’ve been different. Tomorrow would be like all the better yesterdays.

I really felt for Lena in this book. It was heartbreaking at times and her journey wasn’t easy. I was so happy she had through Sebastian through it all. Sebastian was an amazing friend and person. I loved that he had Lena’s back no matter what, never left when it got tough, and always always showed up for her. He was definitely the MVP of this book.

I’m going to leave this review a bit vague as I don’t want to spoil the plot, but if you’re looking for an emotionally charged YA, give this one a go!!
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,128 reviews1,166 followers
April 19, 2018
“One of the things I’d learned was that when someone offered you a hand, you took it. And sometimes it was hard to see that offer or accept it, but life was easier when you did.”

During the first half of the book I was simply enjoying the story of a girl crushing on her best friend since they were children. I was really looking forward to a cute, romantic read like one of Kasie West’s novels. I forgot this was JLA, the same author of The Problem With Forever which although I loved, I also read with caution, dreaded and worried over my heart getting crushed because of the tragedy threatening to happen. That book did exactly those things to my heart but in the end it also put the pieces back together. I should have taken the same caution when I read If There is No Tomorrow

Jennifer Armentrout is kind of like Colleen Hoover of the YA genre. Like CoHo, she write tragic stories and raises societal issues worthy to stir moral debates but at the same time, throws in a really swoon worthy love story in them. Her writing is just as addictive and as gripping and often makes me pause to mull over the thoughts written all over the book and makes me sympathize with the characters. After the tears and the heartbreak, in the end I was left satisfied, hopeful and whole again.

“We don’t always get tomorrow. Sometimes it’s not because of death. Sometimes it’s the decisions we make for ourselves.”
Profile Image for Annemarie.
251 reviews939 followers
June 23, 2018
Actual rating: 4.5 🌟

I normally don't read books of this genre (because I just don't care about romance stories) and would have never bought this book for myself. However, I was sent this book and man, am I glad about it! It was so, so much better than I would have ever expected.

Of course there is a romance taking place in this story, but it's done in a cute and not over the top way, which made me happy. I was surprisingly not annoyed by it for once and was rooting for the characters to finally get together.

But, as nice as the romance is, it is totally not the main topic of tis novel. The main topic is so, so much deeper and more important. I don't even want to give any hints as to what it is all about, because I think it would ruin the impact. I definitely did not see it coming, which lead to me being completely shocked. But I'm incredibly happy that the author chose such an important topic to write a book about. I hope many young teenagers read this and learn from it.
Profile Image for Suzanne Leopold (Suzy Approved Book Reviews).
359 reviews226 followers
October 16, 2017
Lena Wise is starting her senior year of high school. She is an honor student who also plays varsity volleyball and works part time. Lena has a tight circle of girlfriends from school but her best friend is named Sebastian. He grew up next door and they have been been friends since childhood. The only troubling thing in her life is that she wants a romantic relationship with him. She is afraid to tell Sebastian how she feels fearing that his feelings are not mutual.

Sebastian plays football and is under pressure from his father to continue playing throughout college. Lena’s parents are divorced, and she has not been in touch with her father for years. Their relationship develops into a trusted sounding board for each other's problems. Their friendship gets tested one evening when an error in judgement redefines their lives forever.

This is a Young Adult book written by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Having raised a pair of teens I could relate to this authentic depiction of the struggles of today's youth as they progress towards adulthood.
Profile Image for justmiaslife.
311 reviews323 followers
May 22, 2018
Es gibt echt wenige Bücher, bei denen ich schon während des Lesens des ersten Kapitels weiß, dass dies ein absolutes fünf Sterne Buch wird, deswegen hat es mich umso mehr gefreut, dass dies bei "Und wenn es kein Morgen gibt" von Jennifer L. Armentrout der Fall war. Mich hat es selbst zutiefst überrascht, da ihr letzter Jugendroman "Und morgen lieb ich dich für immer" ehrlich gesagt eher ein Flop war. Lena & Sebastian's Geschichte haben mir dann jedoch wieder einmal bewiesen, warum die Autorin zu den absoluten Queens in YA-Bereich zählt.

Die Grundthematik des Romans hat mich von vornherein angesprochen, da ich Beste-Freunde Romanzen absolut liebe! Die Protagonisten Lena und Sebastian kennen sich schon seit frühesten Kindheitstagen an und sind seitdem unzertrennlich. Zwar hegt Lena schon seit damals Gefühle für Sebastian, allerdings fehlt ihr das gewisse Selbstvertrauen, um ihn darüber kundwerden zu lassen. Und plötzlich kommt auch alles anders: Ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag stellt nicht nur ihre gemeinsame Freundschaft, sondern auch ihre Gefühle auf die Probe.

Mit Lena konnte ich mich von der ersten Seite an total identifizieren, da ihre Gedankengänge meinen eigenen gar nicht so unähnlich sind. Es kommt selten vor, dass introvertierte Buchcharaktere sich über die selben Dinge Gedanken machen wie ich und ich das Gefühl habe, ich selbst könnte ein Teil dieser Geschichte sein. Als Leser merkt man schnell, dass sie mit dem Prickeln bezüglich Sebastian mehr als überfordert ist und die gemeinsame Freundschaft nicht gefährden will, weshalb sie ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche hinten anstellt. Besonders schön fand ich, dass sie selbst gerne gelesen hat und es deshalb im Buch auch einige Anspielungen auf andere Romane wie z.B. von Sarah J. Maas und Erin Watt gab.

Sebastian war ein absoluter Bookboyfriend, was ich selbst vorher niemals gedacht hätte. Er hat eine sehr humorvolle Ader, kann allerdings auf der anderen Seite auch sehr einfühlsam und gefühlvoll sein. Man merkt einfach sofort, dass auch für ihn die Freundschaft mit Lena etwas ganz besonderes ist und er sie auf keinen Fall verlieren möchte. Ich weiß gar nicht wieso, aber sein Charakter hatte irgendwie so viel Charme, dass ich ihn einfach direkt in mein Herz geschlossen hab.

Die Liebesgeschichte der beiden konnte mich vollkommen überzeugen. Besonders schön finde ich, dass bei den beiden alles damit beginnt, dass sie beste Freunde sind und sich daraus schließlich mehr entwickelt. Aber wenn zu einer Freundschaft Gefühle hinzukommen, ist das natürlich ein doppeltes Risiko - denn wenn es mit der Liebe nicht klappt, verliert man nicht nur diese, sondern auch eine Freundschaft. Die Romanze baut sich ganz langsam auf und entwickelt dann weiter. Welches Ereignis die beiden jedoch dann wieder auseinanderreißt, müsst ihr an dieser Stelle selbst lesen. 

Fazit: Jennifer L. Armentrout hat hier nicht nur einen sehr gefühlvoll, sondern auch bewegenden Roman erschaffen, der absolut authentisch geschrieben ist. Ich hatte während des Lesens die ganze Zeit eine Gänsehaut und habe mich mit den Charakteren gefreut, aber auch gleichzeitig mit ihnen gelitten. Wer einen Jugendroman sucht, der einem unter die Haut geht - der hat mit "Und wenn es kein Morgen gibt" das richtige Los gezogen.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.9k followers
July 6, 2020
”I knew I couldn’t go back and start a new beginning. I couldn’t rewrite the middle. All I could do was change tomorrow, as long as I had one”.

Creo que este es el primer libro de Jennifer L. Armentrout que leo y siento que, definitivamente, debí empezar con sus historias de fantasía, no las contemporáneas. Si bien If There’s No Tomorrow es un libro entretenido y que lidia con muchísimos conflictos serios que pueden vivir los adolescentes, me parece que es uno más del montón de historias que siguen el patrón de una chica en su último año de instituto que, de un momento a otro, vive una situación traumática y debe lidiar con ello antes de poder seguir adelante con su vida y la universidad.

En este caso, Lena Wise es una gran estudiante, deportista y, además, tiene muchísimos amigos con los que quiere pasar el mayor tiempo posible antes de separarse de ellos. También tiene a su lado a su mejor amigo desde la infancia, Sebastian, de quien siempre ha estado enamorada, pero nunca se lo ha confesado. Justo cuando decide que ese año es el definitivo y debe confesarle cómo se siente, sucede ese trágico accidente que va a cambiar su manera de ver el mundo, de relacionarse con los demás y, encima, la va a dejar ahogada en un sentimiento enorme de culpa con el que debe lidiar.

Creo que lo que más me gustó del libro fue, definitivamente, la tensión entre Lena y Sebastian. Toda esa angustia adolescente y sentimientos escondidos desde hace años eran muy interesantes de leer. Incluso la dinámica de ellos post evento traumático me encantó.

Ahora, lo que menos me gustó, y que desgraciadamente es la parte central de la historia, es todo el drama del accidente, de los sentimientos de culpa, de la pérdida de amigos y del camino a la recuperación. Ojo, no digo que estos no sean temas importantes y reales en la vida de los adolescentes, pero la verdad es que es un tópico tan repetido en los libros juveniles contemporáneos que, a menos que le metas un giro épico, ya no es original. Y eso fue lo que pasó en If There’s No Tomorrow.

Creo que sin lugar a dudas seguiré leyendo los libros de Jennifer L. Armentrout, sólo que es una pena haber empezado por este.
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,085 reviews606 followers
December 24, 2024
Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it. 🙃🙂
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews856 followers
September 12, 2017
4.5 stars.

***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

If There's No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publisher: Harlequin TEEN
Publication Date: September 5, 2017
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Lena Wise is always looking forward to tomorrow, especially at the start of her senior year. She's ready to pack in as much friend time as possible, to finish college applications, and to maybe let her childhood best friend Sebastian know how she really feels about him. For Lena, the upcoming year is going to be epic--one of opportunities and chances.

Until one choice, one moment, destroys everything.

Now Lena isn't looking forward to tomorrow. Not when friend time may never be the same. Not when college applications feel all but impossible. Not when Sebastian might never forgive her for what happened.

For what she let happen.

With the guilt growing each day, Lena knows that her only hope is to move on. But how can she move on when she and her friends' entire existences have been redefined? How can she move on when tomorrow isn't even guaranteed?

What I Liked:

I wasn't planning on reading If There's No Tomorrow. I'm a huge fan of JLA's books, but her YA contemporary didn't seem like it would be for me. To begin with, I don't usually love YA contemporary, especially though-issue YA contemporary. The Problem with Forever is 100% not for me, and I have avoided that book. I was going to do the same with this book, but when I received an ARC of it, I decided to give it a shot. Especially since I knew that certain elements that made me steer clear of The Problem with Forever were not present in If There's No Tomorrow. I'm glad I gave this new book a chance because I ended up enjoying it!

To be clear: The Problem with Forever and If There's No Tomorrow are not related. They are both YA contemporary standalone novels. I'm comparing them because they're both YA contemporary novels by JLA, but they are not part of a series or anything like that.

This book is told in three parts: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. "Yesterday" begins the story, with everything that happened before the accident. Not in a flashback sort of setup, but the story itself, before the accident. "Today" is after the accident. "Tomorrow" is after the accident and after Lena makes some decisions.

I liked this setup a lot. I don't enjoy stories with a lot of flashbacks so I'm glad this book had none. Rather, Armentrout told the story like a normal novel, but there were dividers every third of the book. Nothing about the narrative changed, but you knew something was different by each section divider. Before the accident, immediately after, and after when Lena decides some things.

The tagline of this book is "A single choice can change everything" and this is incredibly true. Before, Lena was enjoying the last summer before senior year, working and hanging out with friends, including her neighbor Sebastian whom she has been in love with since they met as kids. When the accident happens, everything changes. Lena is not the same, and neither are her friends, whom Lena is sure will never forgive her.

This is tough-issue contemporary, but it isn't the kind of tough-issue contemporary that I can't read. It is heartbreaking but not dark. It is thought-provoking but not hopeless. Lena is lost, but drowning. This book deals with a lot of "tough issues", like death, grief, counseling, underage drinking, relationships, even parent-child relationships. It's a dense book that doesn't feel dense, because the story is so engrossing and captivating.

I connected with Lena easily and could see myself in her, on certain levels. She loves being home and reading a book in her bed. She isn't a party type and doesn't like to drink. She loves hanging out with her friends but she knows how and when to prioritize work or school or sports. After the accident happens, Lena sort of shuts down, and shuts everyone out. Her response is completely understandable. I liked her a lot, during yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I felt like I understood her and it made liking her very easy.

This story is told from her POV and she is the only primary character, but the secondary characters are just as great as she is. Sebastian is her best friend, and her next-door neighbor. They'd known each other for nearly ten years, and have been inseparable. She has been in love with him - and what she doesn't know is that he had always been in love with her. Sebastian is such a sweetheart; he's charming and a little arrogant, and a gentleman. He's a genuinely good guy and it's no wonder Lena's mom liked him and trusted him.

I liked Lena's friends Dary and Abbi. Both are supportive and kind, even when they were struggling with their grief over the accident. Lena and Abbi's friendship becomes strained, but it was wonderful to seem them work on their relationship. This friendship seemed so authentic, given the ups and downs, their reactions to things, their fights.

The parents in this book are not crazy or absent. Lena's mom is a wonderful mom who is clearly in Lena's life like a normal mom would be. Lena's mom and dad aren't together and her dad is a point of conflict in the story, but Lena's mom is awesome. Sebastian's parents are also pretty cool, though Sebastian's dad pushes him a little too hard. But it was nice to see that the parents of the characters (minus Lena's dad) were present and in their children's lives.

I loved the slow-burn romance of this story. Sebastian and Lena are best friends, and they are secretively in love with each other. This story is a roller coaster in terms of the accident and everything after, but there is also a lot going on in terms of the romance. It's slow-burn, but there is also a lot of chemistry between Sebastian and Lena. There are plenty of sweet and steamy scenes in this book (YA appropriate). I loved seeing them open up and be honest with each other. Their romance is sweet and swoony and ship-worthy and I loved it.

This book was a delight to read, even when it was heartbreaking and sad. Lena goes through so much and has to work through so much, but it was a wonderful journey to experience. The ending is excellent and a HEA in several different regards - not a bittersweet or heartbreaking ending, don't worry. I love how Armentrout ended the book!

What I Did Not Like:

I wanted a little more detail in terms of the aftermath for certain legal things. I know this is super vague but I don't want to spoil things. I felt like Armentrout didn't provide enough specifics (that I remember?). In general, the book wrapped up well, but there were a few small loose ends that could have been taken care of. Nothing major though, that would have affected how the book ended.

Would I Recommend It:

If you enjoy YA contemporary, this is definitely not a book to miss. Armentrout does a fantastic job with the story, the characters, the romance. I'm not usually a fan of YA contemporary and I was going to pass this one straight, but I'm glad I didn't. This book was the kind of contemporary that I don't mind and most of the time, enjoy. I definitely think YA contemporary fans shouldn't miss this one! I'm more of a fantasy girl and I know many readers are, but this was a lovely change of pace.


4.5 stars. It had been quite some time since I read an Armentrout book - I preferred her paranormal stuff to her fantasy stuff. I'm glad I tried this one. It might be up there among my favorites of hers, both in YA and adult (I do like her adult books a lot). Armentrout has outdone herself!
Profile Image for Warda.
1,278 reviews22.6k followers
March 20, 2018
This book didn't hit me as hard as I would've liked. Despite the fact that it speaks about grief and survivors guilt, I just wasn't convinced by the overall story or the romance.

And speaking of romance, I loved Sebastian! Good guys with their pure souls make me melt.

I still enjoyed it. I wish the story had more meat to it though.
Profile Image for Bree Howland.
Author 2 books49 followers
September 8, 2017
Short and Sweet: If you’re looking for a book to destroy your soul and then piece it back together. Read this.

This book left me like:


I sometimes have a hard time reading books that deal with grief. Especially those dealing with survivors guilt or just plain out guilt around someone passing away. Not too long ago, I was in Lena’s shoes. Not the exact situation, mind you, but a situation where I truly believed that I had contributed to someone’s death. And it sucked. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worse enemy.

I think that’s what resonated with me so much about this book. Every emotion that Lena was going through, I had felt. Being terrified to and feeling guilty for moving on. A smile, grin, or laugh feeling like the most foreign thing I’ve ever done. It took me weeks before I was able to laugh at something as simple as a TV show without bursting into tears immediately after. I felt like I didn’t deserve to be happy or be able to enjoy anything. That person was dead, I was alive, how dare I feel anything but sadness and grief.

But like Lena, once I faced my guilt and I was able to grieve, life got easier. Along with some help from my husband, family and watching my favorite game being played on Game Grumps, it finally got a little easier. Honestly, never underestimate the power of two guys just being silly.

I’m floored with how well Jennifer described moving on:

Living when others died wasn’t something you just woke up one day and got over, even though sometimes it felt that way. Even when I realized I’d gone an entire day, or maybe two, without thinking about *them*. And sometimes I still felt guilty about that.

* I took out the names to avoid fully spoiling the book.

It’s so unbelievably true, though. You don’t immediately forget that person, and you’re not randomly done grieving one day. Eventually you’ll realize that instead of crying once every hour, it was once every few hours. Or a song got easier to listen to, or a place got easier to go to. It’s a slow, grueling process, and I think Jennifer described it well.

Leaving the heavy stuff alone, this book was absolutely amazing. I love how Jennifer captured all the different friendship dynamics that goes along with groups of friends. Each separate person in the group honestly felt like a real person. Even the parent/child relationship was so well rounded that it was perfect. The parents weren’t just someone to die at some point to further a story line.

The romance between Sebastian and Lena was so adorable, I really loved how he treated her. Jennifer always comes up with the best book boyfriends. Their friendship was so believable and I think that’s one thing that the author truly excels in.

Also, I will never get enough of bookworm main characters. Give me all of them.


On risk of completely spoiling this, I’m going to cut the review off short. Point blank, I think this is an amazing book that dealt with really hard subjects, really well. Sometimes it feels like an author is just using it for shock value and this book didn’t have that feeling.

Please, read this. You won’t regret it.
Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
443 reviews2,264 followers
August 8, 2019
This was so not what i was expecting and I'm kind of disappointed. Which is hard for me to admit since I'm am a huge Armentrout fan and I've read all her books.

This book just wasn't very gripping. And the characters could be seriously annoying. There were some parts i loved and some parts that were just a giant eye-roll.

Also major thing that annoyed me was that Lena claims that her family is struggling to make ends meet, but she apparently has books everywhere in her room. And i don't mean second-hand books. Brand new hardcovers. HARDCOVERS ARE EXPENSIVE. So how the hell can she afford them????

So that kinda pissed me off and set the tone for the rest of the book. Oh well.
Profile Image for Clau.
938 reviews117 followers
October 11, 2018
En mi opinión, este es uno de los libros más subestimados de Jennifer Armentrout. Me encanta el mensaje que deja la historia, acerca de asumir las responsabilidades de nuestros actos, pero aceptar también que somos humanos y cometemos errores. Sobre todo, tomar consciencia.
Por eso, decidí releerlo (y me demoré algo así como 24 horas). Por eso, y porque quería volver a leer a Lena y Sebastian ❤️


Jennifer Armentrout es una de mis autoras favoritas. Me encanta prácticamente todo lo que escribe, con algunas excepciones sueltas por ahí. Y cada vez que agarro uno de sus libros, tengo la certeza de que lo voy a disfrutar, o que me va a hacer sufrir, pero al final me va a dejar igual con una sonrisa.
It There's no Tomorrow es un libro YA, muy similar a The Problem with Forever, pero mejor.
Lena es una chica normal en todo sentido. Tiene tres mejores amigas, con quienes va a todas partes. Y tiene a Sebastian, el chico que vive en la casa de al lado y que es su mejor amigo desde que ambos tenían 8 años. Es una amistad muy fuerte, que creo que la autora logra transmitir en las primeras páginas del libro, de una forma impecable.
El problema está en que Lena siempre ha estado enamorada de Sebastian.
Así que, el primer tercio es sobre cómo ella vive con su enamoramiento, convencida de que él sólo quiere ser su amigo. Las cosas se complican y la amistad de Lena con Sebastian sufre.
Hasta una noche en que la tragedia golpea su vida de una forma dramática, que no estaba esperando.
Le siguen páginas y páginas de confusión, angustia, discusiones, arrepentimiento, rabia y frustración. Y a pesar de que esto dura un poco más de un tercio del libro, creo que la autora lo logra hacer de una forma muy real, sin que resulte agotador para el lector. Ahora, también es cierto que la actitud de algunos personajes me molestó en más de alguna ocasión , pero creo que eso es justamente lo que le da realismo a la historia. No todas las personas reaccionamos de la mejor manera, y eso queda claramente plasmado en el libro.

Amé a Sebastian 😍 Es uno de los personajes masculinos más dulces que ha escrito JLA.
Profile Image for Anja H..
871 reviews577 followers
August 8, 2018

“I knew I couldn’t go back and start a new beginning. I couldn’t rewrite the middle. All I could do was change tomorrow, as long as I had one.”

I've been on a Jennifer L. Armentrout reading spree lately, and while I have yet to encounter a novel written by her that I don't like, I gotta say... Damn, this one hit me hard! She slayed me yet again!

Such a lovely novel about survivor’s guilt, death, friendship and love.
Also, can I have a Sebastian in my life please?!
Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,485 reviews380 followers
March 23, 2019
4 ugly cry stars


OK this will be difficult to review as the blurb is vague and I don’t want to spoil the plot.

What I will do is briefly speak of the “yesterday” and then have a kind of bullet point review.


Yesterday features our main character, seventeen years old Lena and her three best friends Megan the “hyped kitten”, all bouncy, filled with energy and smart, Abbi quieter and the voice of the reason and Dary on a holiday with her family at that time.

The girls have always been tight since years and years.

Lena is the nerd. The one true bookworm. Her dad left them years ago and she has a job at a dinner to enjoy some luxuries.

On the volleyball team her coach urges her to focus on her game as scouts will come this new year. Lena would really be happy with a scholarship.


Yesterday also has a bunch of boys, all close friends and playing football. One of them Sebastian, is the guy effortlessly handsome and kind. He is Lena’s neighbor, best friend forever and secret crush for a long time. Sebastian and his friends, Keith, Philipp, Cody and Chris are all on the football team and in the leading pack at school. They goof around but as far as jock are concerned Jennifer Armentrout did not portray them as the usual pricks but rather the great guys.


It’s the last days of the summer holiday before their last year of high school. They are all so ready to have the year of their life before serious things begin with college and other stuffs.


That was yesterday and we follow this band of friends, witnessing their interaction, dynamic and banter.

Then Lena makes one mistake and today happens.

Here comes the bullet part of this review.


*I wanted to shake some sense in Sebastian in the yesterday. He was a great guy but reacted so clumsily! I just wanted for him to take his head out of his behind;

*In the today and tomorrow I just wanted to high five Sebastian. He was the best guy a girl could dream of and so supportive and protective!

*I needed some more tissues. Because my eyes were leaking a good part of the story. I think Jennifer did a great job handling the aftermath of the mistake and all the feelings and turmoil this provoked;

*I wanted to tell Lena to just “get over it” yet at the same time “hug her really tight” because God knows she needed it! She was at an impasse for a long time and it frustrated me so much! I wanted to rush the story and get to the next level! Still I knew it was not so easy and how Jennifer wrote about it was much more realistic. That these things took time. An indefinite amount of time.

*I was angry at Abbi. Yes I know Lena had changed but she was hurting too. What was Abbi’s business to make her feel guilty? Is it truly what friends do in such circumstances. And I know I forgot that Abbi hurt too.


So why not five stars? Because at some point the story felt like dragging. It was the same feelings/thoughts going on a loop with tiny variations. Again it was more realistic that way but it made for a less interesting, more repetitive plot line.


Recommend it? Yes! Even If this is not my favorite by Jennifer L Armentrout it still remains a very good YA story.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
Thanks for reading!

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Profile Image for Fanny.
2,395 reviews51 followers
April 25, 2019

If There' s No Tomorrow es uno de los pocos libros de Jennifer L. Armentrout que me quedaban por leer, y ahora que lo he terminado deseo haberlo leido hace mucho tiempo.

La historia de Lena fue muy especial y emotiva, es de esas que te hace replantearte muchas de tus decisiones y lo que es aun mas sorprendente, se te clava en el corazon como una flecha.

Admito que algunas partes se me hicieron muy duras, me costo leerlas sin llorar como un bebe, no solo porque son escenas muy tristes y desoladoras, sino tambien porque la pluma de la autora es tan intensa que practicamente podia sentirme en el lugar de Lena, lugar en el que espero no estar nunca en la vida real.

Jennifer L. Armentrout es una escritora grandiosa, no importa que genero escriba, siempre logra meterse bajo mi piel y hacerme sentir todo tipo de emociones, en esta ocasion se centra mas en narrar el momento desgarrador que vive la protagonista y deja en segundo plano la parte romantica, pero la verdad es que If There' s No Tomorrow es una novela tan real, sentimental y hermosa que ni siquiera fui capaz de extrañar que no hubiera un poco mas de romance entre Lena y Sebastian.

Un punto muy importante de este libro es la amistad entre Sebastian y Lena, considero que la escritora narra su relacion de una forma impresionante, y no solo su amistad sino tambien esa evolucion que sucede entre los dos al transcurrir el tiempo y darse cuenta de que sus sentimientos ya no son platonicos.

Y el otro punto a destacar es el mensaje que deja la historia, es una leccion valiosisima que no siempre tenemos presente pero que en determinados momentos de nuestra vida es indispensable.

Nadie es perfecto, todos antes o despues echamos la vista al pasado y nos arrepentimos de nuestras decisiones o acciones, o incluso deseamos haber hecho algo de otra forma distinta, pero esa cualidad es precisamente una de las que nos hace mas humanos.

En resumen, If There' s No Tomorrow es una novela preciosa, que te atrapa desde la primera frase, potente y memorable. Realmente todo el mundo deberia leerla, puede que al principio no parezca la octava maravilla pero tiene un mensaje taaan valioso y fundamental que te costara olvidar.

Muy muy recomendable!

4 Estrellas!!
Profile Image for Amy.
2,363 reviews1,967 followers
October 2, 2017
This was my first experience reading an Arementrout book and everything I’ve heard about her books is true, she will crush your heart in the best possible way, similar to Colleen Hoover. Her writing is raw, highly emotional and so relevant and important. This will be put in my small stack of books to have my kids read when they get older, it’s a must.

Books about vulnerable teens always get me right in the feels and this was no exception. It’s told solely from Lena’s perspective and broken into yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s not told over the course of just three days in her life but rather the time before a major event, during and the time afterwards. I just loved Lena, she’s a bookworm who would rather spend a Saturday night tucked in with a Sarah J. Maas book than out at a party with friends, but she’s not a total loner. She has a tight knit group of friends and a best friend, Sebastian who was quite possibly the sweetest, most endearing kid I’ve read about in a long time. After a devastating tragedy, her and her friends are shaken to their very core and she must find a way to look forward to tomorrow.

There was such an authenticity to this book, both in the scarily believable plot and the behavior of these teens. The dialogue was dead on, these kids were genuine and wholly realistic, I feel like if I had been eavesdropping on a group of teenaged friends their mannerisms and conversations would’ve been exactly like the ones portrayed in this book.

I do want to mention that it gets off to a pretty slow start, but if you hang in there after the first third it gets better. Once it picks up the pace it’s full steam ahead and turns into something beautiful and powerful that took me on quite the journey. Much of it was absolutely gut wrenching but extremely poignant and touching, again every teen should read this the lessons inside are unforgettable and vitally important.

All of my reviews can be found on www.novelgossip.com
Profile Image for Lara Knight.
361 reviews229 followers
May 5, 2018
I just don't know how I feel about this book? It was nice, but not as impactful as I thought it should have been, and none of the characters were that memorable. Except Sebastian. He was a lovable idiot and very cute. Still an idiot though.

I just didn't feel like it was super convincing? It talks a lot about grief and shows it in Lena's character, but it just felt like a textbook response, and not really real. It seemed like it was written from a textbook about grief rather than a real person trying to deal with such a serious trauma.

I was not a fan of Lena. It is really a pet peeve of mine when a character claims to be a nerd or a geek, but they're really not. Lena is established as a nerd, but in the parts of her that we get to read about in this novel, she watches a few documentaries and reads a few books, but is certainly not a nerd by any stretch of the imagination. This was not that big of a deal, but also it bugs me SO MUCH! WHYYYYYYYYYY?!

Also, another small detail which I am going to be super picky about, it talks about her family being not super well off, buying only off brand pop tarts and needing a scholarship for college etc., but it also describes her as having huge bookshelves, overflowing with books, and also having books stacked all around her room because they won't fit. BOOKS ARE SO EXPENSIVE! I'm not saying she couldn't afford them, but really. It was describing her hardcover of ACOMAF. Hardcover! And it wasn't a special case, it was the first time she was reading the book! I was really annoyed about this! (Secretly just really jealous of her bookshelves but ssshhhhhh..... Me? Petty? Never...)

The plot was okay. Only like three things happened in the whole book, but it wasn't super long so I wasn't bored.

Anyway. It wasn't my favourite, but some parts were cute and I did kinda enjoy it...
Profile Image for Suzzie.
940 reviews173 followers
November 20, 2017
This is a heartbreaking book about a very real situation that occurs too often. It was devastating and beautiful to read. I haven’t read many J.L. Armentrout books but the ones I have read, I have LOVED! She is a wonderful writer and tells gripping stories. I plan to checkout some of her other books very soon!

Overall, this book is emotional and difficult to put down. A devastating situation with so many consequences for all involved. Hits you hard so hold your heart and read!
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,643 reviews444 followers
April 25, 2019

Necesitaba leer una historia Friends to Lover Young Adult, ya saben el primer amor donde se conocen desde niños que no pueden declararse para arruinar la amistad y esos dramas adolescentes, sooo… este libro me cayó de perlas.
Pero no es un libro divertido es más bien un poco dramático.

Ya venía preparada para sufrir por lo que había leído en las reseñas por eso es que no me pegó tanto y lo que pensé que iba a pasar no pasó, o sea la sinopsis es medio tricky pero por mí bien.

Si alguien sabe hacer libro YA es Jennifer L. Armentrout y obvio que este libro tiene su sello, su narrativa es ágil, ligera muy entretenida además que te engancha a la primera, yo desde que lo agarré no pude soltarlo.

If There´s No Tomorrow es un drama adolescente donde el principal eje de la historia son las malas decisiones que tomamos y que pueden cambiar nuestra vida y la de los demás.
Situaciones que no se pueden cambiar y que marcan de por vida.

Esto le sucede a Lena la protagonista toma una mala decisión que cambia por completo su presente y su futuro es incierto. Ella sufre por la culpa que la carcome, alejando a todos a su paso. Siempre está con las dudas y preguntas de y si hubiera hecho eso y si hubiera hecho lo otro y si..
Lo que le pasó a Lena le pasa miles de personas y no sólo adolescentes muchas veces no tiene consecuencias y la gente lo sigue haciendo.

La historia se divide en tres partes, el primer tercio es del drama que vive Lena haciéndole frente a los sentimientos no tan amistosos que siente por Sebastian y el conflicto sobre decírselo o no, la segunda parte o tercio es donde la tragedia los golpea y Lena está sumergida en el dolor y la última parte es donde ella al fin se despabila e intenta salir adelante.

Esta es una historia donde la amistad juega un papel muy importante sobre todo de Lena y Sebastian, como él la apoya y está en las buenas y en las malas y no sólo como su interés romántico sino como su amigo y cuando su relación evoluciona ellos siguen siendo los mejores amigos.

Sebastian es uno de los personajes más dulces que he leído en este género, se llevó un pedacito de mi corazón es LO MEJOR del libro. Es tan sfklsfllfsfslfl 😍😍❤️👌👌

Si tienen oportunidad de leer este libro HAGÁNLO, no les digo que es lo mejor del género pero si te deja una enseñanza, al menos yo me identifiqué con él.
Profile Image for Mariana.
679 reviews3,682 followers
February 1, 2021
¿Qué habría hecho diferente aquella noche si hubiera sabido que no habría un mañana? Todo. Lo habría hecho todo diferente.

Wow. No se como empezar esta reseña sin que los ojos se me quieran llenar de lágrimas. Que gran lección nos dio la autora, es imposible acabar este libro y no haber sacado ningún mensaje que te pueda ayudar para tu propia vida... y eso es decir mucho.

Algunas personas tienen suerte, y otras no. Pero algunas aprenden, incluso si no sufrieron. Ven situaciones como la tuya, y les sirve como un doloroso toque de atención, porque podrían haber estado en tu lugar, lo cual crea una gran cantidad de conflictos internos. Eso es difícil de reconocer. Siempre es más fácil señalar las faltas de los demás e ignorar las propias.

Todo el libro está lleno de hermosas frases que hicieron mi corazón explotar de amor, dolor, tristeza, entendimiento y sabiduría. Un gran libro con una gran enseñanza que todos debería de darle una oportunidad. Al principio le quería dar 4.5 estrellas, pero me quedé pensando ¿por qué? y no encontré ninguna razón, es simplemente un libro extraordinario.

Vivir la vida diciéndote que el mañana será mejor cada vez que suceda algo malo. Cada vez que sufrimos una gran decepción. Pero el mañana nunca está garantizado. Pequeña, has aprendido esa lección demasiado joven.

La historia de Lena, es la historia de muchas personas todos los días, que una sola decisión puede marcar el rumbo de tu vida y de las personas que te rodean. Porque una decisión de un segundo, puede marcar toda la eternidad, y eso fue lo que le pasó a Lena. Y es imposible no ponerse en sus zapatos y entenderla y crecer junto con ella, acerca del mañana que nunca está garantizado.

¿Era yo una buena persona que simplemente había tomado una mala decisión?

Cariño, no es que lo que antes te preocupara no tuviera sentido. Es solo que ahora ves las cosas de manera diferente.

Pero no siempre tomamos las decisiones correctas. Ni siquiera cuando eres un adulto y se supone que tienes que saber qué hacer.

Sabía que nunca podría volver atrás y cambiar nada de aquella noche. Solo podía mejorar. Estaba viva, todavía estaba allí.
Profile Image for Tracey.
703 reviews440 followers
August 28, 2017
3.5 stars for If There's No Tomorrow

Turn on the news any night of the week and it's possible you'll see a story dealing with the events of If There's No Tomorrow. It's such a relevant subject matter, but being as the synopsis for the book doesn't really allude to what that is I'm not really going to delve too closely into that. You're much better off going in not knowing.

Life can change in an instant. One day you're making plans for your future. You have dreams and hopes and plans. And then, in the blink of an eye everything can change. That future you were planning doesn’t seem so achievable or important.

I really liked Lena from the get-go. I found her so relatable and down to earth. She wasn't perfect. She made bad choices and decisions. But I enjoy flawed characters so much because they're real. It’s so much easier to become invested if you’re able to relate to characters and their situations, and that was the case with Lena. Her love of books was an instant win for me. JLA does that often in her books and for me, she can’t go wrong with that.

Sebastian is Lena’s neighbour, friend, and the boy she’s been in love with for years. He was so easy to love! He was sweet, and protective, and caring. I loved the friendship that he had with Lena. It wasn’t always’s smooth sailing, but when things were good between them there was such an ease to their friendship.

I have to say that I thought that there were times when one person or another was a little hard on Lena. She showed a real strength in dealing with everything, and I really admired that about her.

Don’t go into this one expecting a fast paced story. That’s not what this is. If There's No Tomorrow is friendships, it's falling in love, it's dealing with the choices you make, it's growing up.

Whether you're a long time fan of JLA or new to her awesome writing, pick this one up for a read and let me know what you think.

Thanks so much to Harlequin Australia for the free eBook for review.
Profile Image for Pat Marín.
Author 5 books390 followers
May 2, 2019
Me ha durado un suspiro. Jennifer ha vuelto a conquistarme, a hacerme reír pero sobre todo a remover mis sentimientos. He llorado mucho. Esta historia trata temas muy duros pero que me parecen muy necesarios para concienciar a los jóvenes de hoy en día. Su estilo me encanta y no creo que haya un libro que pueda decepcionarme. Este empieza bastante normal, eso sí, pero da un giro enorme que te deja pegada a sus páginas. Reseña completa en https://www.lanarradora.com/2019/05/r...
Profile Image for Neftis.
924 reviews21 followers
September 8, 2019
A pesar de la carga dramática que tiene este libro, me ha gustado mucho. Moraleja incluida. Los personajes me han gustado y me han parecido muy reales haciéndonos vivir sus sufrimientos y sus dudas, así como sus alegrías.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,148 reviews1,048 followers
June 15, 2017
4.5 stars!

An unexpectedly emotional standalone from JLA, but so profound and beautifully written – along with the humor, wit, sweetness and romance that I have come to expect from one of my favourite authors. This is one girl’s journey through heartache, despair, guilt and grief and is a story that I am sure will touch a lot of hearts.

17-year-old Lena is about to begin her senior year of high school. Apart from her key goal of enjoying her final year and scoring a volleyball scholarship, she’s also dealing with the fact that she’s in love with her neighbour and best friend, Sebastian, and has been for years. Luckily her fantastic group of girlfriends have her back in all things. It’s gearing up to be a great year for her… until everything changes.

How does one just get over that? How does that pain ever lessen, even over the years? …
How do you move on?

All at once, Lena’s life is completely derailed. Everything that she thought she wanted seems completely out of her reach now, and the lives of her and her friends and family will never be the same again, and she has no idea how to move forward.

One night had irrevocably changed all of our lives. One choice had altered the course of what we were all supposed to become.

I don’t want to give the story away, because this is a read that you just need to dive in and experience, but be aware that this is a really emotional read. I thought I was prepared for the feels, but the nature of the story and its emotional impact took be completely by surprise. The subject matter is intense, and its impact is profound, and my heart ached for Lena and all that she went through. It’s the kind of book that makes you think about your past and the choices you made, and it’s the kind of book that I think a lot of teenagers would benefit from reading. Lena’s situation is heartbreaking but it’s completely relatable, and I think that is what makes this such a meaningful story as we watch her battle to reclaim her life and be ok again.

Just because you wanted something so badly to be okay didn’t mean it would be that way.

But there is more to Lena’s journey than heartbreaking intensity and emotion. There’s also a beautiful childhood-friends-to-lovers romance as Sebastian is by her side pushing her forward, and the two of them get to explore the emotion that has been building between them for years. And damn, but that boy turned me into an epic cougar because he is absolutely perfect! Fun, sweet and completely swoony, I just loved him.

“What does waiting do? None of us are promised a tomorrow ... We don’t always get a later.” He kissed my temple again, then pulled back, his eyes finding mine. “I’m done living like we do.”

“I love you … I’ve been in love with you for as long as I remember.”

I loved this book. Yes, it was heartbreaking, but there were moments of humour, sweetness and fun and all of the different facets of the story were blended together perfectly. And as always with JLA, her character dynamics were spot on. I laughed along with the hilarious banter, and fell in love with Lena, Sebastian, and their friends. I was fully immersed in Lena’s journey from start to finish, and thought that JLA handled an emotional topic in a respectful, relatable and sensitive way, in a story that was ultimately uplifting. It was really wonderfully done.

I knew I couldn’t go back and start a new beginning. I couldn’t rewrite the middle. All I could do was change tomorrow, as long as I had one.

Beautiful - 4.5 stars.

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Nieves .
1,123 reviews1,370 followers
June 13, 2020
Es un libro me ha encantado por los temas de los que habla y la manera en la que la autora te hace reflexionar y darte cuenta como una decisión puede cambiar tu vida en un instante. Es una novela muy dura con la que se sufre a más no poder porque pienso que cada uno de nosotros en alguna vez nos hemos visto en la situación en la situación en la que se ve la protagonista. En mi caso, he tenido la suerte de que no me ha pasado nada pero siempre existe la posibilidad de por no querer llevar la contraria y no imponer nuestra palabras algo tan terrible suceda. A mí, Jennifer L. Armentrout con este libro ha logrado que recapacitará, por lo cual os animo a cada uno de vosotros y vosotras que lo leáis porque es una novela que es muy necesaria y por desgracia, es un tema que está al orden del día.

"Si No Hay Un Mañana" es una historia rompedora, emotiva y desgarradora. Una novela que todo el mundo debería leer por todo lo que contiene y la manera en la que la autora trasmite la multitud de sentimientos que se suceden a lo largo de la historia. Un libro indispensable en vuestras vidas, ¡tenéis que leerlo!

Reseña completa: https://aprovechalavidacadadiaa.blogs...

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