Billie-Jo Williams's Blog

February 20, 2019

Where am I? What am I doing? Who did I kill?

I don’t blog. I have a couple of realms to conquer and control, master and maintain, and don’t have time to blog; I’m not the mistress of time. YET. However, after the incessant demands of hungry fans, I thought it best to check in.

Wow! It’s been a dragon’s age since I last I updated! The Destiny of Dragons 8: The Book of Conquest has since been unleashed, the penultimate tome in the epic 9 book series. Book 9 - The Book of Truth - is complete, but unedited, and some book lovers have called for that book to be released NOW! All right; calm down, Barbara! I’ve only got 2 paws.

In the meantime, other readers have requested for the series in paperback, whilst one long time reader maintains another series (unpublished) is the best and should be out already. It’s not going to happen for a while, Susie. Get over it!

Book 9 is so intrinsically linked to Book 1 and, as several conspiracies have developed in the background of the series, whilst learning so much through the development of DOD, I’m revising Book 1 in order to release in paperback, which also puts me in the right frame of mind to tackle Book 9. HAWOO!

Wish me luck and I’ll endeavour to update more. Happy reading in whatever you devote your time, energy and coin to.
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September 8, 2015

Where have I been?

I'm currently off-line at the moment (yeah right!), as The Destiny of Dragons 1: The Book of Wrath undergoes a thorough re-edit. It's time-consuming and incredibly hard work, but only the best effort this feeble writer can muster will do for those kind enough to invest in my books.

MANY thanks to all those who have fed back so far! You are gods who walk the earth. You are living legends. You are worshipped upon high!

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March 27, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith unleashed 28/03/15!!!

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is released on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only ONE WIZARDLY DAY until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Pure-Blood Sorceresses permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 26, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15!!!

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is released on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only TWO TEMPTESTUOUS DAYS until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Insane Warlocks permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 25, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15!!!

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is unleashed on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only THREE THIRSTY-FOR-BLOOD DAYS until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Dragon Gods permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 24, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is unleashed on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only FOUR FAN-TASTY DAYS until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Dark Destruction permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 23, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is unleashed on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only FIVE FLAMING FANG-TASTIC DAYS until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! White Blight permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 22, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is to be unleashed on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only SIX SCORCHING DAYS until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Notorious Raven Gods permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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March 21, 2015

DOD7: Book of Faith released 28/03/15

The Destiny of Dragons 7: The Book of Faith is to be unleashed on Saturday 28th March, 2015!

It's only SEVEN days until The Book of Faith, seventh book in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, and first in the third story arc, is unleashed! Imperial warfare permitting.

Smashwords and affiliates to follow at a later date, no doubt.

Goddess help us all...

In the meantime, you can always check out the other Destiny of Dragons books:

First story arc:
The Book of Wrath
The Book of Resurrection
The Book of Redemption

And second story arc:
The Book of Family
The Book of Courage
The Book of Conflict

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January 18, 2015

The Destiny of Dragons on Tales of Horror!

Check out Blaze McRob's ace website 'Tales Of Horror', where The Destiny of Dragons swoops in for a mention!

"The Destiny Of Dragons: Book One: The Book Of Wrath, by Billie-Jo Williams, is the first in a six book series. Follow Billie-Jo as she weaves a tale of superb fantasy, with great action, magic, mythical beasts, romance, and more.

This great book has 445 pages and is only .99. That's right! This is a great deal! Get to know all about the beginning of The Destiny Of Dragons. You'll get sucked right in to the action!

Get to Amazon now before Billie-Jo comes to her senses and raises the price.

Blaze McRob"

Check it out here! Destiny of Dragons on Tales of Horror

The Book of Wrath on Goodreads: The Book of Wrath

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