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Danika Stone

Goodreads Author




Member Since
March 2012


Danika Stone is an author, artist, and educator who discovered a passion for writing fiction while in the throes of her Masters thesis. A self-declared bibliophile, Danika now writes novels for both teens (Switchback, All the Feels and Internet Famous) and adults (Inescapable: A Ghost Story, Sip Sip Bang Bang, Edge of Wild, The Dark Divide and Fall of Night). When not writing, Danika can be found hiking in the Rockies, planning grand adventures, and spending far too much time online. She lives with her family and a houseful of imaginary characters in a windy corner of Alberta, Canada.

Ms. Stone is represented by Moe Ferrara of BookEnds Literary Agency.

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Popular Answered Questions

Danika Stone For me, the key to avoiding writer's block is to Just. Keep. Writing. It's horrible, and painful (and most of what I write during moments like that is…moreFor me, the key to avoiding writer's block is to Just. Keep. Writing. It's horrible, and painful (and most of what I write during moments like that is utter garbage) but even garbage can be recycled. I just need to go long enough to unblock the flow.(less)
Danika Stone Hi Jason. Great question! In my case, I always figure that your first draft is really for yourself, and I often think of it as my 'real' version of th…moreHi Jason. Great question! In my case, I always figure that your first draft is really for yourself, and I often think of it as my 'real' version of the story. Once I plan on publishing it, however, I recognize that other readers need other things from the novel I've written. (And in some cases, other endings!) I've been incredibly lucky to have a team of editors I can trust, so I've had a good experience with that. Yes, I needed to reduce what I'd written - for length, for genre, for story arcs. No, the resulting draft wasn't the story I originally intended to tell, but it was the one that needed to be told for that particular audience. Publishing is a collaborative process, and in the end, it's the sharing that matters. (less)
Average rating: 3.64 · 2,350 ratings · 845 reviews · 14 distinct worksSimilar authors
All the Feels

3.51 avg rating — 1,107 ratings — published 2016 — 4 editions
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Internet Famous

3.54 avg rating — 468 ratings — published 2017 — 3 editions
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3.63 avg rating — 361 ratings — published 2019 — 3 editions
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Ctrl Z

3.95 avg rating — 56 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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3.86 avg rating — 37 ratings — published 2014 — 3 editions
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Intaglio: The Snake and the...

4.42 avg rating — 31 ratings — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Sip Sip Bang Bang

4.81 avg rating — 21 ratings — published 2018 — 4 editions
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Intaglio: Dragons All The W...

4.45 avg rating — 20 ratings — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Intaglio: Collector's Edition

4.25 avg rating — 12 ratings — published 2012 — 3 editions
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Swoon Reads Spring 2016 Tea...

3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings
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Summer is on the way & that means I have more time to WRITE! Here's the twist...

I'm letting you choose WHAT THAT IS.

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Published on June 18, 2017 13:29
Intaglio: The Snake and the... Intaglio: Dragons All The W...
(2 books)
4.40 avg rating — 63 ratings

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Danika Stone rated a book it was amazing
Livingsky by Anthony Bidulka
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When Merry Bell returns to her hometown of Livingsky Saskatewan, she’s looking to start a new life as a private investigator, but the Livingsky she once knew isn’t the same city that greets her. Her shiny dreams of setting herself up in business has ...more
Inescapable by D.K. Stone
"Aimee cannot escape the weight of her marriage.

Aimee cannot escape ‘help’ with her restorations.

Aimee cannot escape a new man coming into her life.

Aimee cannot escape George. She begged him to stay, and now he just.won’t.go.

This story draws you in sl" Read more of this review »
Inescapable by D.K. Stone
"Three things I never thought I’d say at once about a book encapsulate Danika Stone’s Inescapable: Smart, Sexy and Spooky.

As the main character negotiates grief and loss, self discovery and new love, she faces off with an otherworldly, inescapable fo" Read more of this review »
Inescapable by D.K. Stone
"With Inescapable, her first “ghost” story, Danika Stone proves once again that she’s got the goods. From the first to the last page, her recently widowed protagonist, Aimee Westerberg, holds your attention with her often painful, sometimes funny ques" Read more of this review »
Danika Stone rated a book it was amazing
Livingsky by Anthony Bidulka
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When Merry Bell returns to her hometown of Livingsky Saskatewan, she’s looking to start a new life as a private investigator, but the Livingsky she once knew isn’t the same city that greets her. Her shiny dreams of setting herself up in business has ...more
" Thank you, Scott! "
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Urbane by Anna Marie Sewell
Urbane (Amiskwaciy)
by Anna Marie Sewell (Goodreads Author)
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When I read Humane, I wasn’t quite ready for the story to be over. Luckily, I got my wish! In Humane, Anna Marie Sewell revisits Hazel LeSage and embarks on a brand new journey: For Hazel to regain the land she lost in her divorce. Written in the sam ...more
Danika Stone rated a book it was amazing
Livingsky by Anthony Bidulka
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When Merry Bell returns to her hometown of Livingsky Saskatewan, she’s looking to start a new life as a private investigator, but the Livingsky she once knew isn’t the same city that greets her. Her shiny dreams of setting herself up in business has ...more
Danika Stone rated a book it was amazing
Echo Lane by Sandra Kelly
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5/5 stars
An intricately woven story of family, loss, and the history that haunts us, Echo Lane brings us into the world of Patsy Keane, a wary middle-aged woman with a dark past. When a woman claiming to be a childhood friend appears on her doorstep,
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Quotes by Danika Stone  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“Alright. I'm over on the dark side. You'd better have the cookies I've been promised.”
Danika Stone, All the Feels

“This was another thing Vale’s mother never understood: Vale was aro-ace, both aromantic and asexual. She’d told her parents she just wasn’t interested in dating any number of times… But they never seemed to get it. To them, Vale’s sexuality was a ‘phase’ that they were certain she would one day outgrow. Their obliviousness was a raw spot for Vale.”
Danika Stone, Switchback

“Sometimes,” she whispered, her lips brushing his cheek, “you need to be lost in order to be found.”
Danika Stone, Edge of Wild

Topics Mentioning This Author

“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”
Ferdinand Foch

“I feel as though, if I were to extend my hand just a little toward the pool where the ideas ferment, I could grab at the idea and pull it out of the pool and onto the floor where ideas must stand before the jury of the brain. There, it must present itself, still from the pool, and a bit shivery because new ideas are not given a towel to dry off with, towels being reserved for proven theories; new ideas are simply pulled and stood up, and asked to explain themselves - not a very pleasant thing really, which is why so many people go into the room where the pool is. The exercise is exhausting not to mention a bit difficult to watch, if you are at all a sympathetic creature. What was my idea, anyways?”
Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls

“The veneer of civilization fell away to reveal desperate animals, humanity at their worst.”
Travis Luedke, The Nightlife: Paris

“Trapped on a school bus for an hour each morning and each evening, she devoured book after book. She explored a hundred worlds, indifferent to her peers and the passing of the universe.”
Danika Stone, Edge of Wild

“What's the point?” her father muttered brokenly the day of the funeral. In the last months his shoulders had curled like an autumn leaf.
“The point is that we're not alive unless we also die,” Louise said.”
Danika Stone, Edge of Wild

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Prasun Thanks Danika for friendship. You are most welcomed to visit and share my blog Green Planet here

Danika Stone "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." ~ Ferdinand Foch

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