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K.E. Belledonne

Goodreads Author



Member Since
May 2014

K. E. Belledonne is a writer and translator based in the French Alps. A native New-Englander, Kat spends her time listening to Glenn Miller records, reading history books and cheering on her beloved Red Sox.

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K.E. Belledonne Currently, I'm doing the final tweaks on my book, Right Here Waiting, which comes out early next year!

In between times, I'm working on my next book, …more
Currently, I'm doing the final tweaks on my book, Right Here Waiting, which comes out early next year!

In between times, I'm working on my next book, an as-yet officially-untitled romantic comedy, set in modern times. I can't tell you the working title that I'm using with my publisher, because it'll give away too much. But it's actually saved in my computer as "Neues Museum" because I had the first ideas for one of the characters when I was in the Neues Museum in Berlin. (less)
K.E. Belledonne I grit my teeth, swear sulfurously at my computer screen, waste a lot of time playing with my hair and doodling.
Then I turn the computer off, and I g…more
I grit my teeth, swear sulfurously at my computer screen, waste a lot of time playing with my hair and doodling.
Then I turn the computer off, and I go get myself outside of my head -- anything to *not* be thinking about what I'm trying to work on. Luckily, I happen to live in a city with a lot of museums. I read books, though I do try to avoid books that are about similar subjects. I listen to a lot of music.

I find that, for me, trying to push through writer's block just doesn't work. My best ideas never come when I'm sitting in front of a blank page and blinking cursor -- they come to me when I'm doing something else. Washing the dishes, to my chagrin, is always a really creative time for me. I let my mind wander while I'm doing my domestic stuff, and I get some really great stuff when I'm in situations where I *can't* write. (This has led to me having little note papers and post-it notes stashed everywhere, so I can at least set down little ideas or lines that will work.)(less)
Average rating: 4.18 · 178 ratings · 62 reviews · 2 distinct worksSimilar authors
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Quotes by K.E. Belledonne  (?)
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“There are ridiculous people having ridiculous, overblown weddings all over the planet.”
K.E. Belledonne, Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

“It’s not a diamond,” Alan scoffed. “They probably don’t have the budget to put diamonds in people’s blocks.”
K.E. Belledonne, Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

“It all came down to all the different ways of loving, and Stasia was a perfect example of that. She didn’t love her boyfriend any less because of falling in love with another woman. Her”
K.E. Belledonne, Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

“It is said there are flowers that bloom only once in a hundred years. Why should there not be some that bloom once in a thousand, in ten thousand years? Perhaps we never know about them simply because this "once in a thousand years" has come today.”
Zamyatin, We

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

“There are ridiculous people having ridiculous, overblown weddings all over the planet.”
K.E. Belledonne, Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

“It’s not a diamond,” Alan scoffed. “They probably don’t have the budget to put diamonds in people’s blocks.”
K.E. Belledonne, Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

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A group to discuss our favorite novels, be it Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal, Mystery, YA, Horror,Chick Lit, Fantasy, Regency, Erotica... etc, e ...more
99401 The Backlot Gay Book Forum — 1330 members — last activity 21 hours, 16 min ago
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