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Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

in Shepherd's Bush, London, England, The United Kingdom
August 13, 1948



Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (aka Emma Woodhouse, Elizabeth Bennett)

Cynthia Harrod-Eagles was born on 13 August 1948 in Shepherd's Bush, London, England, where was educated at Burlington School, a girls' charity school founded in 1699, and at the University of Edinburgh and University College London, where she studied English, history and philosophy.

She had a variety of jobs in the commercial world, starting as a junior cashier at Woolworth's and working her way down to Pensions Officer at the BBC.

She wrote her first novel while at university and in 1972 won the Young Writers' Award with The Waiting Game. The birth of the MORLAND DYNASTY series enabled Cynthia Harrod-Eagles to become a full-time writer in 1979. The series was originally intended

Average rating: 4.14 · 39,203 ratings · 3,122 reviews · 146 distinct worksSimilar authors
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The Secrets of Ashmore Castle

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The Princeling (Morland Dyn...

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Orchestrated Death (Bill Sl...

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Goodbye Piccadilly (War at ...

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The Oak Apple (Morland Dyna...

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Old Bones (Bill Slider, #19)

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One Under (Bill Slider, #18)

4.11 avg rating — 712 ratings — published 2015 — 3 editions
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Headlong (Bill Slider #21)

4.12 avg rating — 702 ratings — published 2019 — 3 editions
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More books by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles…
The Founding The Dark Rose The Princeling The Oak Apple The Black Pearl The Long Shadow The Chevalier
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Orchestrated Death Death Watch Death to Go Grave Music Blood Lines Killing Time Shallow Grave
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Goodbye Piccadilly Keep the Home Fires Burning The Land of My Dreams 1916 The Long, Long Trail 1917 Till the Boys Come Home Pack Up Your Troubles
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The Secrets of Ashmore Castle The Affairs of Ashmore Castle The Mistress of Ashmore Castle
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Anna Fleur Emily
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More series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles…
Quotes by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles  (?)
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“One of the early reasons for Atherton's devotion to Slider had been that Slider had never, from the first meeting, looked at him askance. Slider had his countryman father's view that God had made all creatures different for His own purposes. A horse was not a cat and a cat was not a dog, and only a fool would want them to be.”
Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, Blood Never Dies

“... a tiny room, furnished in early MFI, of which every surface was covered in china ornaments and plaster knick-knacks whose only virtue was that they were small, and therefore of limited individual horribleness. Cumulatively, they were like an infestation. Little vases, ashtrays, animals, shepherdesses, tramps, boots, tobys, ruined castles, civic shields of seaside towns, thimbles, bambis, pink goggle-eyed puppies sitting up and begging, scooped-out swans plainly meant to double as soap dishes, donkeys with empry panniers which ought to have held pin-cushions or perhaps bunches of violets -- all jostled together in a sad visual cacophony of bad taste and birthday presents and fading holiday memories, too many to be loved, justifying themselves by their sheer weight of numbers as 'collections' do.”
Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, Blood Lines

“To read for pleasure?’ Crooks suggested. ‘Yes, it is the finest thing in the world. It opens up such vistas, like being able to travel the whole world without rising from your chair. The thoughts and visions of all mankind are laid before you, at your fingertips.”
Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, The Secrets of Ashmore Castle

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