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Dino Stud

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Dinosaurs are her life. But will they be the death of her?

Aspiring paleontologist Tallulah Cole thought she'd won the lottery with a summer job at the Dino Ranch, the most advanced dinosaur research facility in the West -- and with its brilliant and gorgeous chief scientist, Reid Canmore. But the Ranch holds secrets in its forested acres and pristine laboratories. Is it love that's awakening... or something much darker?

The newest novel in Lola Faust's Dinosaur Erotica line, also including Wet Hot Allosaurus Summer, Triceratops and Bottoms, Tyrannosaurus Sext and How Stego Got HIs Groove Back.

216 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 9, 2023

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About the author

Lola Faust

11 books109 followers
From an early age Lola Faust's fantasies and reveries tilted towards the unusual and the eccentric. Though she entertained curious private journals, it wasn't until she entered the Paleontology program at the University of British Columbia that her romantic notions concerning dinosaurs took full flight.

While working towards her doctorate, Ms Faust began writing her signature saurian prose. Today she is employed by day at a leading university in her field, but maintains her anonymous and risque personality online.

She can be reached at lolafaust1984@gmail.com.

She also has an Amazon author page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews
Profile Image for Alexis Hall.
Author 52 books14.2k followers
April 24, 2023
Source of book: NetGalley (thank you)
Relevant disclaimers: None
Please note: This review may not be reproduced or quoted, in whole or in part, without explicit consent from the author.

And remember: I am not here to judge your drag, I mean your book. Books are art and art is subjective. These are just my personal thoughts. They are not meant to be taken as broader commentary on the general quality of the work. Believe me, I have not enjoyed many an excellent book, and my individual lack of enjoyment has not made any of those books less excellent or (more relevantly) less successful.

Further disclaimer: Readers, please stop accusing me of trying to take down “my competition” because I wrote a review you didn’t like. This is complete nonsense. Firstly, writing isn’t a competitive sport. Secondly, I only publish reviews of books in the subgenre where I’m best known (queer romcom) if I have good things to say. And finally: taking time out of my life to read an entire book and then write a GR review about it would be a profoundly inefficient and ineffective way to damage the careers of other authors. If you can’t credit me with simply being a person who loves books and likes talking about them, at least credit me with enough common sense to be a better villain.


Honestly, I feel somewhat misled by Dino Stud. I feel it should probably have been titled Horny Palaeontologist. Because ye gods is this palaeontologist horny. And I don’t mean that in a shamey way at all (believe me, I am a long-standing ally to the hornyness of palaeontologists). It’s just that, for me, and your mileage may vary, the horn of the palaeontologist was so pronounced as to eclipse the studliness of the dino. Which left me feeling, I don’t know, oddly let down.

Spoilers to follow.

That aside, this was a brisk, lightly entertaining read that mostly did what it said on the tin. The book is essentially set in a post Jurassic Park future: dinosaurs are back but it’s fine, and they live on ranches rather than in theme parks that inevitably go wrong (although given how little thought is given to the dynamics of the heroine jumping into bed with her boss, I presume it's a world where dinosaurs exist but #MeToo doesn't). Tallulah, our heroine, is a dino-obsessed palaeontology student who randomly decides to get a summer job at a weird dino ranch that only exists in one Buzzfeed article, and without even emailing ahead to see if they’re hiring.

Nonetheless this works, and Tallulah finds herself as the newest, indeed only, summer intern at The Ranch: a dinosaur breeding/housing operation headed by a gorgeous, previously presumed dead, scientist, his prickly nonbinary assistant, and two other random dudes who have zero personality or point. Tallulah and Reid—the gorgeous previously dead scientist—hit off immediately, spend a day looking at dinosaurs, then have dinner, then bang. Then there’s a brief moment with an escaped “I looked at a T-rex and thought, you know, this definitely needs to be bigger and scarier” creature a la Jurassic World. Then we learn Reid is not actually the Reid-who-is-dead but is a sort of part human dino hybrid clone that nevertheless has all the other Reid’s memories and knowledge. And Tallulah likes dinosaurs so much that this is, in her eyes, a plus. The prickly enby character decides they’ve had it with this shit and leaves. Tallulah and her dino stud live happily ever after amongst the dinosaurs.

I’m honestly finding it difficult to talk about Dino Stud fairly because I want to respect the intentionality of the book. Whatever else you might feel about Dino Stud, it’s clear that choices have been made around its presentation and construction, and one of those choices is—and I mean this non-pejoratively—a kind of deliberate shallowness. It is not, let me re-emphasise, an inherently a bad thing for a book to be shallow: by which I mean, designed to be light, easy-going and fun. I think, however, it might be a bad thing for me because I—and this is definitely about me, not about any specific books—tend to … overthink my fun, I guess? Like, I think there are two ways to approach the concept of “fun” when it comes to, well, created media of any kind. You can view fun as ultimately kind of careless: a sort of “it’s fun what does it matter” kind of vibe. Or you can see fun as something profoundly work intensive. I think I’m so much in the second camp that I find something *less* fun when fun becomes a reason for other things to slide.

I think it’s one of the reasons I sort of only have limited success with monsterfucking books: because once you’ve found out the hero is an alien/demon/deep one/wolpertinger and his dick is forked/eight foot long/ a fountain of pistil/the abstract concept of hope I’m sort of left being like “yes, and?” Like what is there to this story BEYOND that. Whereas I know for many people the beyond isn’t necessary because the THAT is enough. And with Dino Stud, I can definitely see a perspective where the THAT is enough: it’s a book called Dino Stud *jazz hands*, the hero is a dino hybrid *jazz hands*. But—and this is a really personal thing—I found it sort of slipped between the cracks of too good to be bad but, at the same time, not quite *enough* to be something other than mostly a joke? I mean it’s sufficiently well-written and put together—and the dino stuff is legitimately excellent—that I kept waiting for it to dig (no pun intended) just a little deeper.

For example: let’s talk the actual structure. The book starts in full Twilight mode with Tallulah about to fall into the very open mouth of a t rex, while thinking this is all Reid’s fault. Then we spool back to the circumstances that led her to the whole very open mouth of a t rex situation. Which, as framing devices go, is a classic for a reason and gives you a fairly compelling reason to romp through the text. And romp you will because the plot unfurls itself at absolutely breakneck speed. From Tallulah deciding she’s doing to get a summer job at this mysterious ranch by turning up on the doorstop because reasons to the mysterious ranch deciding they’ll employ her anyway because, um reasons? From mutual insta-lust that, after a single day of looking at dinosaurs, becomes insta-love. Or the fact that entire ending sequence goes: dinner, sex, attacked by a t rex 2.0, HEA. I mean, okay, that’s my idea of a good time too, but I sincerely feel the book as whole would have benefited from slowing down *just a little*.

I mean, there’s no reason for Tallulah to go about getting a job at the ranch in such a frankly unreasonable fashion (turning up, refusing to send an email). It’s not a character beat—in fact, I think we’re meant to think she’s competent and professional, at least she keeps telling us she is—so essentially it only happens that way to make the plot move forward as quickly as possible. Similarly, there's zero hesitation regarding her employment when she rocks up on the doorstep of a top secret dino ranch operation and she’s literally on the ranch itself for, I think, a single day? A single day to look at dinosaurs in the field, in the lab, to get invited to a fancy dinner, to resolve the sexual tension, for a T-rex to get loose and for a nonbinary employee to quit their job.

And what the fuck do I know. Maybe this is an audience thing? Maybe the audience for book called Dino Stud doesn’t want to linger for a single nanosecond in any moment that isn’t propelling them close to either dinos or studs or, ideally, dino studs. But, for me, I really feel the dino-ness and the studliness and the dino-studlines would have actively benefited from the occasional narrative breath. Why not let the heroine behave in a semi-sensible way regarding the ranch itself? Maybe she *does* send an email rather than plopping herself on the doorstep like a misdelivered pizza, and gets an off-putting, curiosity-triggering, reply that compels her to investigate? Could there not have been a tiny bit more tension about what was going on at the ranch itself and/or whether they were going to employ Tallulah? Like her window has bars and they take her phone away, and she’s mostly chill with it because Reid is hot? I mean, if my employer had cut off all my contact with the outside world, I’d be a scootch less preoccupied with what frock I was going to wear to dinner. But, hey, that’s just me.

I honestly also wish Tallulah and Reid had got to spend a bit more time together. I mean Tallulah has the inner monologue of a fourteen-year-old boy:

“Listen,” Rowan said firmly. “Do you want this job or not?”
“Yes,” said Tallulah. “I do.” And this boss.


“Employee shall perform all duties to the best of their ability, including duties not specified. She could think of some duties she’d like to perform.”

but I guess I found that relatable? And I also found Reid to be unexpectedly charming for a hetero rom hero—he’s explicitly described as *not* being attractive in a cruel or hard way, and he spends most of his time engaging in nurturing behaviour with dinosaurs. So I guess what I’m saying is that we have two broadly likeable people here that I could have happily spent more time with, and instead I was rollercoastered past them like I was at Disneyland and other people were waiting for the ride. And, again, I can’t quite figure out whether this wholly a me problem (wanting something the book didn’t care about delivering), an audience problem (the audience for books called Dino Stud not being interested in the potential emotional dynamics in play here) or … well. Not an author *problem* exactly. But maybe the author feeling that if you write a book called Dino Stud then it *can’t* be anything else. When I personally feel it could have been: and not in a way that made it *less* a book called Dino Stud, but actually would have it made it even more so.

On top of which, I was kind of expecting slightly more from the dino aspect of the dino human hybrid thing? As far as I can tell, it just makes Reid fairly strong with a slightly bigger than average dick: which is the sort of thing you can say about pretty much every romance hero, irrespective of their being spliced with dinosaur DNA. And, yes, he can sort of communicate with dinosaurs a bit (he is more alpha even than a T-rex which is hardcore alpha even for a rom hero) but couldn’t he have had some … I don’t know. Downy feathers? A li’ll tail? A cloaca??? Like I came for a dino stud, and all I got was a dude with a big dick. I can get those for myself.

Anyway. I know there’s complicated power dynamics in trad published authors talking about work by self-published authors and I sincerely hope this doesn’t come across as a dunk or something I’m doing to the detriment of the author of Dino Stud. That is the very opposite of my intent. I honestly enjoyed my time with the book, slight though it was. It’s fun and readable, and has a kind of devil-of-may-care swagger to it that I found immensely charming. And I wouldn’t be sitting here wondering to myself if this whole dino romance concept could be elevated if I didn’t sincerely feel positive things about it. Although whether there’d be actual benefit in doing so remains in question and I’d be the first to acknowledge that.

If nothing else, this is clearly the work of someone who loves the shit out of dinosaurs. And since I kind of also love the shit out of dinosaurs, that made me really happy.

The thing was barely visible, and it seemed to be hiding in the shadow of a big willow tree whose branches drooped down to kiss the water. It was a remarkably beautiful scene, actually. The trees, the little puffs of cloud reflected in the pond, the reeds and grass that bent in the wind along the banks. And the T-Rex, gazing out across the modern landscape with its glittering prehistoric eye.

Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,125 reviews1,890 followers
February 21, 2024
I actually expected this one to be about 10x as bonkers as it was??? We got a bit of loony toons at the end there but honestly I wanted more dinosaur fucking. I don’t think putting this in a series labeled “erotica” makes sense. There was one pretty short sex scene and the heroine had a lot of “sexual” thoughts that were toned down with ellipses. I think it could’ve been shorter as well because there was a lot of info dumping. The author clearly understands dinosaurs and tbh I’d read more from her! Also what an excellent cover omg!!! Please just give me sexy dinosaurs I’m here for one thing and one thing only!! I don’t want them tame they’ve been dead for 65 million years let them LIVE 😩 Jurassic Park was sexier lmao

⭐️⭐️.5/5 🌶️.75/5

I received an eARC via NetGalley. All opinions are honest and my own.
March 13, 2023

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DNF @ 57%

What is this? It almost reads like a tribute to the newest Jurassic Park movie. There's no dino-fucking, though; instead, there's the eponymous studly scientist-- the dino stud-- who's working on a secret dinosaur ranch that, whoops, somehow got leaked to Buzzfeed. This book is quite a bit different from WET HOT ALLOSAURUS SUMMER, which really leaned into the whole dinorotica thing. This book is almost trying to play things straight. The writing is a lot better and the author made an attempt at world-building and even, as a pleasant surprise, diversity in the cast (one of the staff is nonbinary).

Idk, it wasn't weird enough to be fun but it wasn't fun enough to be good. I LOVE the cover and how it pays homage to the old 60s and 70s pulp novels, but this one just wasn't it.

1.5 stars
Profile Image for PlotTrysts.
967 reviews402 followers
April 14, 2023
This was dumb but it was 100 pages and the cover is AMAZING so there you go.⁠

We have a bunch of questions about the book, specifically about the hero, Reid. SPOILER: He's like a dinosaur-human hybrid and we just couldn't decide if he's a SHAPESHIFTER dinosaur, or if he just has dinosaur DNA. If he's a dino-shifter, WHY WAS THERE NO DINO SEX? (Our biggest question TBQH.)⁠

18-Word Summaries:

Meg: Dinosaurs live! Tallulah crashes the only place they live free (in Missouri). She falls for her dino boss.

Laine: Scientists LOVE IT when you show up uninvited to apply for an internship that doesn’t exist. Sooooo believable.

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novella.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,462 reviews470 followers
February 17, 2023
I accessed this title in the Read Now section of Netgalley after reading the lovely review of fellow reviewer, Liralen.

Dino Stud is an entertaining quick read that doesn't have a lot of smutty parts. Disappointing, I know! However, it sure did stir my desire to read other titles by Canadian author, Lola Faust(online name) and her other dinosaur titles. Our main female protagonist, Tallulah Cole is a paleontologist grad student who is interested in working at "the ranch."

All the hustle and bustle of a reasonably prosperous small town in farm country. There was no sign that this was the closest town to the most innovative, and the most dangerous, dino-breeding facility this side of the Mississippi.

Tallulah soon meets the gorgeous and renowned researcher of the dinosaur world, Reid Canmore. Reid is the type of man that makes a woman's nipples harden, her breath quicken and her legs spread as wide as they can. So yeah, he's gorgeous!

All of the events of the novella basically happen in a very limited part of time and it's insta-attraction with a whole lot of questions unanswered. So I could probably put this in the 2 star realm but I had zero expectations going in and so I am going to give it a 3 star for how much I laughed at the end. Plus, that cover is gorgeous!

#DinoStud #NetGalley.
Publication Date 07/02/23
Goodreads review published 15/02/23
Profile Image for Justin Chen.
548 reviews518 followers
March 7, 2023
3 stars

I was expecting dino-sex, but this turned out to be just cute and breezy. I've been curious about Lola Faust's books for awhile, primarily for their excellent cover arts, paying homage to old school romance clinch covers, but also the consistent inclusion of dinosaurs—she definitely is filling a very specific niche in the market. Dino Stud is her latest, but might also be the most tame in her line of Dinosaur Erotica; there's technically no direct human-to-dinosaur action.

The writing has a whimsy, melodramatic bounce to it. Like the cover art, Lola Faust is clearly leaning into the stereotypical, campy romance writing style, with exaggerated sweeping emotion, and everyone in constant lust. But at the same time she's taking the craft quite seriously, and not treating the material like an outright joke. The combination of earnest effort and goofy content is what makes Dino Stud a pleasant, polished reading experience.

As a novella, it has the fatal flaw of ending the story just when it's getting interesting, essentially a book of setup with nowhere to go. Even though it's heavily pitched as dino erotica, Dino Stud barely scratches the itch; it is essentially a harmless rom-com with a dash of dinosaur sprinkled in. Readers who are already well read in the monster romance sub-genre will cry-laughing at how tame this is; but this might be a nice entry book for readers who want to venture into stranger territory. Overall, I was prepared to be scandalized, and I wasn't, but I also didn't mind what I ended up reading.

***Romance Takeover Readathon | Spring 2023***
Prompt: New to Me Author
Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,072 reviews1,351 followers
June 12, 2023
Note: Some of my goodreads shelves can be spoilers

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot/Storyline: 📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥
Humor: Come on, the whole thing is funny
Perspective: Third person perspective from the heroine
Cliffhanger: No
Epilogue: No
Format: voluntarily read an advanced reader copy through NetGalley

(These are all personal preference on a scale of 1-5 (yours ratings may vary depending what gives you feels and how you prefer you sex scenes written, etc) except the Steam Scale which follows our chart from A Love Less Ordinary )

Should I read in order?
This stands alone fine.

Basic plot:
Tallulah is overjoyed when she gets a summer job at Dino Ranch

Give this a try if you want:
- Futuristic dinosaur Earth setting in Missouri
- paleontology student heroine
- LGBT positive
- shorter novel
- Average steam – 1 full scene in a shorter page count
- presumed dead

- Heroine is 25, didn’t see hero’s age

First line:
Tallulah finally found the Ranch on her fifth day in Independence, Missouri, after four days of odd glances and raised eyebrows when she asked where it was.

My thoughts:
So, on goodreads there’s a note “The newest novel in Lola Faust’s Dinosaur Erotica line” but this one I would not say is erotica at all. There’s 1 sex scene and it’s pretty vague and it reads as a standard romance – there’s not much focus on the sex at all and it’s definitely not about the sex journey. Perhaps her novel Triceratops and Bottoms would count in that category but I wouldn’t count this one!

Okay! I know this book is absurd and the whole plot is barely held together. But I have to admit I kind of liked this one! I think reading Triceratops and Bottoms first REALLY lowered my expectations for her (I found that one almost unreadable). I just felt like this one flowed way better. I just liked it okay?!?!?! Don’t judge me!!!

It’s a short novel but I found it a ridiculous, fun read that broke up some of my heavier novels.

Content warnings:

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:
Profile Image for Sari.
52 reviews6 followers
February 13, 2023

*ARC received with thanks from NetGalley*

Do you know what? Books are very much of the moment they’re read aren’t they? I picked this up after a stressful, unpleasant read when I needed to rinse out my brain. I find a Dino shifter book sometimes just does the palate cleansing job like no other. The cover looked glorious and unapologetic. The author’s pen name suggested the same. And I had a delightful time reading this!

I’m not sure the plot matters greatly but here we have a palaeontology PhD candidate, a plucky and delightfully muscular (this saved it from my not favourite hunky boi/smol girl trap) Tallulah Cole, using her initiative if not survival instinct to go for a summer job at The Ranch/Dino hatchery. Like me with this book, she comes across something a little ridiculous sounding but promising online and jumps on board. As luck would have it, she encounters the mysterious but eminent and sizzlingly hot Reid Canmore and the rest is ancient history. I mean I get it. Sometimes the lizard brain just takes over, and when brawny forearms are involved, you just wouldn’t say no would you?

In addition to the fun and games, I genuinely found this novella to be competently written. I enjoyed the snappy and tight pacing, and the world and character building were very much in proportion with the word count. That’s not an easy feat to accomplish! If you’re looking for a short fun ride full of intrigue, mystery, pheromones and smells, arms better than the original T-Rex, some sex, and surprisingly low stress stakes, this might be just the book for you!
Profile Image for Kayla Peruzzi.
48 reviews7 followers
February 25, 2023
I want to thank Netgalley for sending me this book to give my honest review on. Let's jump into this one.

Tallulah Cole is obsessed with dinosaurs. She is studying to become a paleontologist and she wants a summer job at the "ranch" which is known for having real dinosaurs. At the ranch, she meets Reid Canmore, a paleontologist who has dedicated his life to dinosaurs. Is there a spark between them or is their love extinct?

I've heard a lot about Lola Faust and her whacky dinosaur erotica novels but this left me underwhelmed. I expected this to contain more spice in it but it really lacked. I felt like there was no spark between Reid and Tallulah. A lot of this book was Tallulah drooling over Reid and Reid had no clue. It felt like a student having a crush on the teacher and the teacher didn't know, you know what I'm talking about. Same vibes. You know how in some adult films, they have those intros where they introduce the two people and how they fell for each other? Yeah thats what this book was like. Painfully awkward and just waiting for the spice to happen. Then, the end where he was half dinosaur? Nice touch, I have to admit.

Now you're probably wondering why I rated this 2 stars? I thought it was a fun, quick read. It lacked a lot of elements for me but if you're looking for a funky, short book to read for fun, this is for you. There was some good world building in this book I just felt like the characters lacked that spark that makes it interesting. I will definitely be checking out more of Lola Faust because I'm interested in her quirky ideas. She's able to grab the readers attention with her wild plots and I think that is an excellent way to get people to read your book.

Again, thank you to Net Galley for this ARC!
Profile Image for Blandrea.
217 reviews3 followers
February 15, 2023
*Thank you NetGalley for the ARC*

Ok so I have been down the Lola Faust rabbit hole before... this ain't my first rodeo. However, I would argue that this is the most complete story arc that I have seen from this author so far.

Tallulah Cole is a Paleontology student looking for adventure, she has heard about a Ranch with barn-free dinosaurs and she has decided that this is where she needs to get a summer job. The Ranch turns out to be hard to locate and it takes a bit of nosing around before she's able to find her way to the ranch. She passes out and wakes up in a room at the ranch where her phone is taken away. What could possibly go wrong? Running the Ranch is mysterious rich guy Reid Canmore, who Tallulah cannot resist, but about whom she has been warned! Will Tallulah be able to resist?!?! well, obviously not! that is not what we are here for!

One of the things that has irked me about previous Lola Faust books has been the pacing of the story arcs and/or the super abrupt endings. Honestly, none of us are here for the science or high literature, but nevertheless the abrupt endings have taken away from the experience a bit for me. And that is where DinoStud really does well. There is a full story arc, a thoughtfully created world and much better pacing than in previous books. There is a sprinkling of dinosaur nerd stuff, but not all of it is correct. However, I'm not entirely convinced that is accidental. Nothing makes a dino nerd happier than to be able to point out that they can name at least 3 predators larger than the T Rex, or that the Apatosaurus debate has moved on again and that the Apatosaurus is not a thing anymore (it's me, I'm the dino nerd). So this actually seems like a quite clever gimmick.

Is it a bit nuts? yes. Did it make me happy? also yes. I would recommend this as a gateway to Lola Faust before diving into the rest of the backlist... but if you do decide to take the plunge... come on in! the water is fine!
Profile Image for Mike.
478 reviews122 followers
June 13, 2023
Based on the cover, the synopsis, and the title, I was expecting this to be a fun diversion into the world of dinosaur erotica (a place I have only ventured once before, when I read Space Raptor Butt Invasion by Dr. Chuck Tingle). Lola Faust delivered.

Tallulah is a PhD candidate in paleontology, and is determined to get a job with the mysterious, isolated, and cutting-edge dinosaur breeding facility Dino Ranch. They aren’t advertising or anything, and she has no reason to think they even want an intern, but she is nevertheless determined to show up at their doorstep and refuse to leave until they give her a chance.

What Tallulah didn’t count on was that the director of Dino Ranch was famed paleogeneticist Reid Canmore, seeing as he was killed in a helicopter crash some years before.

She also didn’t expect him to be such a hunk.

Or the heir of an English barony.

Or smell so nice.

In the story that follows, Tallulah’s desire for Reid and her obsession with dinosaurs synergize. She is determined to have him, despite being warned off by the #2 at Dino Ranch.

In the end, this was a great deal of fun. It didn’t quite reach the literary heights of Space Raptor Butt Invasion (not much of a complaint, as Dr. Tingle is a national treasure with no rival) but it is nonetheless a story for any self-respecting lover of dino erotica. My only complaint is that, frankly, there could have been more dinosaurs.

I look forward to reading other entries in Faust’s series of dino erotica stories (especially Triceratops and Bottoms) the next time I am bored, horny, and thinking about dinosaurs.

My blog
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,431 reviews1,021 followers
February 13, 2023
3.5 stars! Tallulah heads to Missouri to spend her summer at the Dino Ranch after finding out about the Ranch in a travel guide on Buzzfeed archives. The Ranch is hailed as the most innovative and the most dangerous, free-range, dino-breeding facility.

She makes her way to the Ranch and is shocked when she finds Reid Canmore there. Not only is Reid the paleontologist-geneticist who sequenced the first complete sample of dinosaur DNA, a man Tallulah studied countless times in school, but he was also believed by everyone in the field to have died in a helicopter crash seven years before. Now Tallulah, a paleontology-doctorate student, gets to work with dinosaurs and a man she admires in the field, all while falling for him too!

This was actually a lot tamer than I thought it would be! 😅 It read basically like Jurassic Park-inspired fanfic but in the best way. Lol Very insta-love but it was a short read and I expected it. All in all, a fun and unique time with a bit of a twist to the story! I’ve heard the other reads in the series are more wild (dino erotica 👀)! Not gonna lie though, the covers are pretty fantastic!

I received a “read now” copy from NetGalley, all thoughts in this review are my own! You can also read this on Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Kelly.
584 reviews496 followers
February 28, 2023
This book is really a 5⭐️ in my heart. So entertaining I actually wish it was a touch longer so it could’ve gotten even crazier. But overall well done and totally recommend for a quick entertaining read 🦕🦖

*thank you Netgalley for the ARC copy
Profile Image for Gem ~ZeroShelfControl~.
294 reviews227 followers
March 3, 2023
I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in return for an honest review. This review is based entirely on my own thoughts and feelings.

Overall rating : 3*
Writing skill : 3*
Plot: 2*
Pace: 3*
Characters: 2*
Smut: 3*

Having had a good old giggle with a book group about this series, I think this must be the most tame out of all of them. I say I think because I haven’t read any of the others and I’m in two minds about changing that. But even the title is tame in comparison. (Go on, go look at the rest)
This was a good enough story, very basic characters but her writing skill was good. On the face of it it was a nice story about dinosaurs, falling in instant love with one smut scene thrown in for good measure. Okay overall.

Off to see about the rest of the series and see if I’m brave enough….
Profile Image for EmmsBookShelf.
135 reviews
February 12, 2023
Dino Stud by Lola Faust follows Tallulah Cole on her quest to get hands on experience with dinosaurs as she continues to pursue her passion in palaeontology. She decides to spend a summer working on the mysterious 'Ranch' and is instantly attracted to her new boss.

Did I find the spicy scenes corny? Yes.
Did I find the plot obscene? Also Yes.
Did I understand the point of any of the supporting characters (except for Rowan who was like an exasperated chaperone)? No, not at all.
Did I have an awesome time and devour the book in a few hours? You bet.

Its a fast paced quick read, where, what you see is what you get from the title alone. It certainly isn't for everyone, but you should know if this one is for you based on the front cover and title alone. Also, I adore the front cover, I love classic romance novel front covers and this one is just great.

Thanks NetGalley for giving me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.
February 12, 2023
I'm not gonna lie, I read this book as a challenge from some book club friends because we are fascinated by Dino-love stories. But, we don't yuck anyone's yum and I decided to read Dino Stud to get an idea of what Dino-love is all about!

Folks, this was a pretty short book - around 64 pages on the NetGalley platform - and I'm giving it 5/5 stars because it absolutely met all my expectations for what I expected from this book.

First off, it was a bit bizarre: but I want that from a book that is about dinosaurs and humans living alongside each other! It's good to stretch our imaginations and wonder what that would look like.

Second, I was sometimes confused, but I expected that, too! In a way, it isn't supposed to make logical sense because, again, Dinos and humans! I was a bit befuddled by how the MMC, Reid, was a hybrid, as were my book club mates and so some clarification there would have been fun.

Third, it's a romance so we expect an HEA and so I went into it knowing it was likely going to be an insta-love, which isn't my fave trope, but because I was expecting it, I wasn't disappointed when that's what it was.

Fourth, because of the length, I wasn't anticipating much character development; sometimes, character development just isn't what we need in a book.

Fifth, it was clear that the author loves her dinosaurs, and this book is a sweet homage to the Dinos she loves. I like that.

So there you go. Was it bizarre? Yes. Was it befuddling? Yes. Was it the best book I have ever read? No. But I didn't go into it thinking it would be the best book ever; I went in expecting a wild ride and this book definitely delivers on that.
Profile Image for ladybreww.
625 reviews47 followers
February 13, 2023
This was a step above Triceratops & Bottoms for me. I was v disappointed that there was no Dino sex in this one, and it took about 80% before there was any (human) spice.

I know I said T&B was Jurassic porn- but THIS book was legit Jurassic Park 2.0. There is a hidden lab of paleontologists experimenting with Dino ✨eggs✨- seems like a great idea right? So obviously one gets loose.

👍🏼more plot than T&B
👍🏼the storyline actually made sense

👎🏼no dino sex
👎🏼not enough dino content

Since this is a Novella there’s obviously not a lot of time for character development and plot- the author did their best. I actually am curious as to what happens next.

Honestly I’ll probably keep reading dino porn. I don’t know. You really never know. I’m probably going to have weird dreams.

Thank you to the author and netgalley for the ebook. This has been quite an experience. All opinions are my own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for dobbs the dog.
892 reviews24 followers
February 13, 2023
Received from NetGalley, thanks!

Maybe slightly more than 2 stars?

Overall, it wasn’t BAD, but it also wasn’t good. I don’t like insta-love, which this was, and it just wasn’t great. Basically, it does what it says on the box and nothing more. The first 80% of the book wasn’t too bad, other than the MC lusting after this palaeontologist who was supposed to be dead. The last 15% felt rushed and I didn’t really like the ending. Like, all of the excitement of the book (yes, *all* of the excitement 😉) happens at the very end and then it’s just over.

Honestly, I read this as a bit of a joke, and it was better than I was expecting it to be, but not by much.
Profile Image for Socialteaist.
282 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2023
Rounding up to a 3 (from a 2.5), because of the entertainment value. It is a novella where the plot is pretty much non-existent and the level of smut is disappointing low. But it made me laugh even though the story is bonkers. No lie though, baby dinos that act like dogs is the dream really.

I just have to know what dino erotica is
Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
839 reviews121 followers
February 23, 2023
Thank you to Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I'll be honest; I requested this based on the cover alone. It's completely ridiculous and I couldn't stop laughing when I was looking at it. But if the cover deters you, don't let it.

This is my first Lola Faust book and Taken By the T-Rex it is not. I don't know why I was expecting dinosaur erotica (where she legit gets it on with a dino) because the cover clearly shows a male and a female in an embrace but... my mind works in mysterious ways.

If you want to know what this book is about think Jurassic World + surfer hair on the MMC - Chris Pratt being an annoying human = this book. Like. I can't describe it any better than that, tbh. And I was here for all 110 pages of it. It was actually really well written and kept me intrigued. The spice was much lower than I'm used to, but the dinosaurs and the intrigue kept me hooked.

10/10 do recommend, especially if you're looking for something short and light that requires 0 brainpower LOL.
Profile Image for Claire.
275 reviews15 followers
February 18, 2023
I have no one to blame but myself for reading this one, I saw this on NetGalley and curiosity really got the best of me here.

Let's start off with things that I liked: the cover art is everything, this was a very quick read at ~200 pages, & I definitely got a few laughs in

Now the for the things I didn't like: info-dumping/the writing style as a whole, & total insta-love even though there's only one sex scene?! 🙃

Look I signed up for wild dinosaur smut and this book just did not deliver that at all.

If they're gonna fall in love day ONE I expect a wild kinky time all over the dino compound not one barely french vanilla steamy scene 😭

I was really expecting more after that blurb not gonna lie, this is the mildest "erotica" I've ever read 😅

Thank you so much to NetGalley for sending me a copy of Dino Stud in exchange for my honest review.

2.5/5⭐ 1/3🌶
Profile Image for vicinthemeadow.
642 reviews107 followers
March 21, 2023
A fast paced, insta-love, wild ride of a quick read for my Jurassic Park loving heart.
I bought this book on a whim for the cover art alone after seeing it float around tiktok and anticipated it being a ridiculous read.

I ended up enjoying it much more than I expected, it follows Tallulah, a student of palaeontology who is determined to show up and get a summer job at the ranch. The ranch is ran by a man called Reid (man? Using the term loosely, iykyk) who has been declared dead to the general public for years. Tallulah secured a summer job and gets to know Reid and the story of how the dinosaur genetic/breeding ranch came to be, as well as the rumours of Reid’s death (and wow I wasn’t expecting that plot line!). It’s a quick, easy read with a cheesy little spicy scene thrown in. 4 stars because it surpassed my expectations, gave me a good chuckle to navigate, and now has me wanting to dive into the authors even whackier books!
Profile Image for Annelee (Bringing_books_along).
184 reviews10 followers
March 4, 2023
Ok friends what did I just read… I mean if we are going off of the cover alone it’s an obvious 10/10! But the story itself I felt like I was playing bumper cars because it kept jumping from place to place. Very insta-lovey which I keep realizing I’m not a fan of but it’s a novella and only 63ish pages, so I guess that kinda has to happen. As for the end twist… well I’ll let you check that out for yourself 😉
Profile Image for Zara Harper.
575 reviews3 followers
February 17, 2023
Ok…this is the third book I’ve read by this author (I ask myself why I keep putting myself through it), but I really enjoyed this one! The writing seemed so much better, there was an actual storyline and the spicy scene didn’t make me cringe or feel ill! I want to visit a Dino ranch!
Profile Image for Kristen Lesperance.
192 reviews9 followers
March 14, 2023
I really thought this book was going to be something completely different and was sad that there was very little smut compared to what the title and cover makes you think.
Profile Image for DonutAssassin.
292 reviews9 followers
February 23, 2023
No but why is this the best one 😂 So close to 4 stars even. Like it’s still in this Dino Erotica series so temper your expectations, but if you’re reading this, hopefully you know what you’re getting into. Wish there was a little more spice, but I still enjoyed it, cringe and all.
Profile Image for Katie.
467 reviews31 followers
March 22, 2023
This was definitely... something lol

It was somehow nowhere near as wild as I thought it would be but it was also not at all what I was expecting? Th cover is fantastic though.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 136 reviews

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