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291 pages, Mass Market Paperback
First published March 26, 2002
#1 Dead Until Dark ★★★.5
#2 Living Dead in Dallas ★★★★
#3 Club Dead ★★★★★
“Angelic Sookie, vision of love and beauty, I am prostrate that the wicked evil maenad violated your smooth and voluptuous body, in an attempt to deliver a message to me.”
I could tell Hugo was convinced that he would get to walk back up these stairs: after all, he was a civilized person. These were all civilized people.
Hugo really couldn't imagine that anything irreparable could happen to him, because he was a middle-class white American with a college education, as were all the people on the stairs with us.
I had no such conviction. I was not a wholly civilized person.
“Telepathic” waitress Sophie Stackouse, works at Sam Merlotte‘s restaurant/bar - at night with a gay-black friend, found dead in another friend’s car? But he’s not the murderer?
Anna Paquin / Sookie Stackhouse