When Kyoko’s heart is broken, she decides that revenge is a dish best served in the spotlight!
Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence—she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!
Kyoko's big chance is finally here! Her performance in Sho's promo clip impressed some important people, and now she's been asked to act in the year's most anticipated drama! But Ren is the leading man and the character Kyoko is supposed to play is damaged and scary! Can Kyoko overcome her fear of Ren and her shame about her demons, or will this chance of a lifetime slip through her fingers?
Yoshiki Nakamura (仲村佳樹) is a Japanese mangaka. She was born June 17. Nakamura made her manga debut with "Yume de Auyori Suteki" in the manga magazine Hana to Yume in 1993.
Some of the hierarchy in Japanese culture has always confused me. I can't imagine a situation where a child is your 'senior'.
Never the less. I really dislike Hiou-kun. I realize he has a complex with his appearance but to take it out on innocent people is rude and brat like. If he wants to be seen as a 'man' instead of a boy then he should act like it!
I also have to mention my surprise at how LARGE Moko-san's family is!!! O.O I can't believe that they all live in that small house! I truly feel for poor Moko-san! :(
Kyoko also got a few shocks in this volume. She found out that Moko thought she was a HUGE Sho and Ren fan and that she thinks that Ren is in love with Kyoko!!! :O
Hiou-kun is a spoiled brat and I dislike him! -.-
I love Kyoko's reaction to his temper tantrum. She really has little patience with spoiled brats. I wonder if they will now bond like she did with Maria?
How can a child be a sempai??? I just don't understand Japanese hierarchy!
Kanae's sibling ambush! lol. I like her older sister. :P
Poor Kanae's siblings are all malnourished! :(
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Moko seems have a few secrets. Secrets that sent off all sorts of alarms in my head. Then we learn she also got in trouble with a bratty co-worker (seems there is one in every volume!). I love that we get to learn a lot more about her, her past and family. Although I gotta also say I am not a fan of her family! We even get some of her thoughts and what she thinks of Kyoko. Yay!! Kyoko is given a chance for her big break on a major drama but first she has to get things right with Ren (again) after the fiasco with Sho. I am a bit surprised by some of Ren's revelations in this and even the President finds fault with him!
الجزء التاسع من سلسلة Skip Beat و هي واحدة من اشهر سلاسل مانجا الشوجو ، عبارة عن حكاية لطيفة و مرحة عن فتاة لطيفة و مرحة ايضا :) تركت مدرستها و هربت الى المدينة مع الشاب الذي تحبه كي تساعده على تحقيق حلمه في الغناء ، و عملت كنادلة في احدى (الكافيهات) لتوفر له و لها مصاريف السكن و الغذاء و لكنه حين اشتهر تركها وحيدة في المدينة و مضى في حياته غير آبيا بتضحيتها ، و عندما ذهبت اليه لتتحدث معه نكرها ، و لكنها و مع ذلك تظل متفائلة و مرحة رغم كل شئ ، و لكنها فقط تقرر (بطفولية ، و هو شئ طبيعي :) بالنسبة لهذه السلسلة الموجهة للفتيات من عمر 10 الى 18) أن تصبح مشهورة كي تنتقم من حبيبها وقت ذاك و ترفضه كما رفضها فتذهب الى شركة انتاج و تلح عليهم في أن يجعلوها مشهورة رغم انها لا تجيد الغناء او التمثيل او غير ذلك .. الفصول التي كانت تلح بها على العاملين في شركة الانتاج و تذهب الى بيوتهم ، و تجلس اما باب الشركة على الرصيف في انتظار خروجهم ، و تتسلل الى داخل الشركة فيمسكوا بها و يقذفوها خارجا من اجمل فصول الحكاية و اكثرها مرحا و ابتسم دائما حين اتذكرها :))) .. الى ان يشعر صاحب الشركة (الغريب الاطوار) بتصميمها و مرحها فيقرر اعطائها الفرصة في مسح البلاط :) .. الى ان يحين الوقت و يعطيها الفرصة للظهور في فيلم .. لتتقابل بمطرب و نجم الشركة الأساسي الذي يعجب بها و تتوالى الأحداث :P تركتهم في آخر فصل قرأته عن ذاك الحد :)))
I really loved getting to learn more about Moko's background in this one c: Hard to believe that she's so serious and well rounded when you consider what her family is like (NUTS. ABSOLUTELY NUTS). It was pretty adorable that Hiou got a crush on her, and I'm really curious if this'll be a sort of parallel to the Maria/Ren thing.
The fact that Kyouko is going to be playing a main role in an "intense romantic drama" alongside Ren sounds amazing and I'm so excited to see where things go... especially as she'll be playing a villain (rather than the lovely young lady part she THOUGHT she was getting). To be fair, she does make an EXCELLENT villain.
Can't wait to see Kyouko play a villain in an actual series, rather than a one-off like when she was the angel ;D
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I still love how much Kyoko and Moko's friendship has developed. Moko is still stubborn, but you get to see a completely different side of her and even meet her family. IT'S HUGE!!!
I also love Ren's manager, he points out good points and makes Ren realize things he doesn't understand himself.
Kyoko and Moko rekindle their friendship, Moko fixes the misunderstanding with Hio, Kyoko fixes the misunderstanding with Ren, AND they get to act in a show together!! It can’t get any better! I don’t even feel like I’m rereading this bc of the anticipation!!
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"Saresti in grado di esprimere cosa prova un uomo che muore d'amore per una donna, ma che è costretto a reprimere questo suo sentimento dentro di sé?"
Un altro volume davvero eccellente! A dispetto di un inizio non convincente, sono contenta di aver proseguito nella lettura, perché ogni singolo numero si sta rivelando molto interessante. Vista anche la mole dell'opera (e il fatto che, dopo ben 20 anni, non sia ancora finita), ci si muove a piccoli passi, ma i progressi iniziano a vedersi.
Tanto per cominciare, partiamo con la nostra Uffina e con le sue "disavventure", visto che la giovane co-star con cui stava lavorando, ha minacciato di stroncarle la carriera per via di un incidente sul set. Nel mentre ha minacciato pure quella della povera Kyoko, rea di averlo trattato come un bambino. Hio Uesugi è il giovane rampollo di una famiglia di mostri sacri del mondo dello spettacolo: abituato ad averla sempre vinta, il ragazzetto ha 11 anni e non tollera tutti quelli che si approcciano a lui trattandolo come un moccioso dell'asilo. Kanae sembra essere l'unica a pensarla diversamente, ma, a causa di un malinteso, rischia di andare tutto all'aria. Questo episodio consente a noi (e a Kyoko) di saperne di più sulla vita privata della nostra Uffina - una vita che non rispecchia per niente i castelli in aria che si era fatta Kyoko, visto che la ragazza si trova a dover gestire una famiglia numerosa, caotica e senza un soldo. Cosa questa che la spinge ad accettare dei lavori un po' particolari (impersonare la fidanzata o la figlia di qualcuno), sia per guadagnare che per affinare le proprie capacità recitative. Tutto questo con somma gioia della nostra protagonista che, non solo ha conosciuto meglio la sua unica amica, ma che è rimasta pure a dormire a casa sua. L'apoteosi dell'amicizia.
Il problema è che, tra amici, non si può solo ricevere, ma bisogna anche dare. Ecco quindi che arriva anche per Kyoko il momento di vuotare il sacco con Kanae - il motivo che l'ha spinta a entrare nel mondo dello spettacolo, il rapporto con Sho e quello con Ren, che ultimamente sta attraversando una fase difficile. Causa scatenante di questa lunga confessione è una proposta di lavoro: qualcuno ha notato l'interpretazione di Kyoko nel video del pirla biondo e la vuole nel cast del remake di una fiction di un grande successo. Tutto bellissimo, peccato che il protagonista maschile sia proprio Ren e Kyoko non sa bene come affrontare la cosa e se accettare o meno l'offerta. Il remake di "Luna Velata" probabilmente giocherà un ruolo fondamentale nel rapporto tra i nostri due geni del male. Tanto per cominciare, Yashiro è saldamente alla guida del carro di questa ship, visto che ha già iniziato a intuire i sentimenti del suo protetto, sentimenti di cui non è ancora del tutto consapevole. Eppure è evidente come Kyoko abbia un effetto molto particolare su Ren e viceversa: il confronto tra i due a fine volume è spassoso, ma anche molto significativo. Kyoko si è sentita in dovere di mentire sulle vere motivazioni che l'hanno spinta a partecipare al video di Sho per non perdere la fiducia di una persona che stima molto. Ren, dal canto suo, come sottolineato da Yashiro, sembra essere bloccato dai quattro anni di differenza tra i due, forse non sa bene come gestire queste sensazioni. E questo è un altro dei punti focali di questo volume. "Luna Velata" sarà la prima opera in cui Ren dovrà cimentarsi con una storia d'amore veramente intensa. E qui casca l'asino: il presidente Takarada non è affatto d'accordo con la partecipazione del giovane attore a questa fiction, perché potrebbr mettere a nudo il suo punto debole. Il fatto è che Ren non ha mai veramente provato un sentimento così forte da poterlo definire amore; ha avuto delle storie, ma non ha mai sentito il bisogno di tenere accanto a sé una donna. La sua eccellente tecnica recitativa l'ha sempre salvato, ma "Luna Velata" rischia di far saltare il banco. Come interpretare in maniera convincente un uomo che si strugge per amore quando non si è mai provato un sentimento simile? Quando si tiene tutti a distanza? Cosa ne sa Ren di tutto questo? Il presidente vuole opporsi a questo progetto per proteggerlo, ma il ragazzo si impunta e convince pure una riluttante Kyoko (convinta di dover interpretare una simpatica signorina di buona famiglia e invece si troverà tra le mani tutt'altro). Chissà come procederanno le riprese...se avrà ragione il presidente oppure no, e se Kyoko saprà dare vita a una nuova Mio. (Per quanto riguarda la citazione iniziale, per me, sì, Ren sarebbe pure in grado di esprimere quel tipo di amore, ma forse non è ancora pronto per affrontare il tutto)
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Today's post is on Skip Beat!, volume 9 by Yoshiki Nakamura. It is 200 pages long and is published by Shojo Beat. As it is the ninth volume in the series to understand what is going on in the story. The cover has Ren with roses around him. The intended reader is someone who likes shojo manga, humor stories, and great heroines. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence is this manga. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
From the back of the book- Kyoko's big chance is finally here! Her performance in Sho's promo clip impressed some important people, and now she's been asked to act in the year's most anticipated drama! But Ren is the leading man and the character Kyoko is supposed to play is damaged and scary! Can Kyoko overcome her fear of Ren and her shame about her demons, or will this chance of a lifetime slip through her fingers?
Review- We get a great story about Moko and her family in this volume. She has a very big family, they embarrass her and take her money for food and rent. The young boy who in the last volume said he was going to kill Moko's career just has a crush and they work it out. Then we jump back to Ren and Kyoko's relationship where she continues to overreact over every little thing. It likes like Kyoko is going to have a big break happen and she gets to act with Ren. I really enjoyed seeing Kyoko and Moko's relationship get deeper, as Moko shared her family and worries with Kyoko was touching and enlightening to her character growth. I am curious about the drama that Kyoko and Ren are going to star in.
I give this volume a Five out Five stars. I get nothing for my review and bought this manga with my own money.
This volume was half Kotonami and half Mogami, and it was really quite nice! It isn't very present in the anime, but I like seeing the relationship and friendship between these two girls. Also... There's a lot of talk about age gaps in relationships in this volume, like with Hio and Kotonami, and Ren and Kyoko. It's true that larger age gaps really aren't a big deal. But to me, it also depends on the person's stage in life. Kyoko and Ren would be okay even though they're 16 and 20, because their life experiences are alike yet so very different. They're at about the same maturity level but in different ways, and they are able to inspire the other to find what they're lacking, be it in love, acting, ambition, or anything else. As for Kotonami and Hio, they're cute, but nothing beyond cheek kisses and hugs until he's at least in high school, I'd hope. Certainly not straight up dating either, please. But feelings are perfectly okay to have and foster. Back to Kyoko Mogami's current job; seems she'll be witnessing the growth or crumble of Ren Tsuruga. I'm interested to see how these two will interact as well.
I’m really glad that this volume covered Moko’s family, I’ve been wanting to know more about her circumstances since we were introduced to her character. I’m super stoked that Kyoko finally revealed her secrets to Moko, I was really starting to doubt if she was ever going to tell the truth. And OMG the expressions on Kyoko’s face when Moko suggested that Ren likes her was absolutely priceless! And then there was the drama offer, which sounds like is going to be a lot of fun to read about, so I’m really looking forward to the next volumes.... Overall a really good volume that covered both background of various characters and built plot for the next few volumes.
This was a great volume and I loved how it highlighted Kyoko and Moko’s friendship. I really liked seeing more about how Moko was brought up and about her life. I’m glad they got to open up with each other and become closer as friends. I’m so proud of both of them and proud of Kyoko for finally landing a a part in a drama! And even better, a drama where Ren is the main star! Im excited to see how it plays out because the president definitely has a point when it comes to Ren’s love life. I already know Kyoko is going to slay the role as much as doesn’t want to play a “gloomy and mean” rich young lady rather than just a rich young lady.
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Even though it's only been a little over a month since I last read a volume of Skip Beat, I somehow forgot just how good it is. Kyoko is amazing, and honestly so is the rest of the cast of characters, they so consistently make me laugh and care about their problems, which is exactly what I need right now (I'm currently reading some novels that are slower, and a bit sadder).
I love that we learn more about Moko, but more importantly that her and Kyoko's friendship grows deeper. They both finally trust each other enough to share their "darker" secrets, and they still support each other so much.
I'm also super excited for the upcoming arch, I vaguely remember it from the Taiwanese drama version, and it was cool to see Kyoko not only get her first role in a drama, but to also get to act alongside Ren properly.
Anche questo volume mi è piaciuto,ho trovato però un po' eccessivo lo spazio dedicato alla famiglia di Kanae,seppure piuttosto divertente.Continuiamo invece a non sapere nulla di nulla della famiglia di Kyoko,che per quanto mi riguarda è una lacuna piuttosto consistente,perchè insomma,il desiderio di vendetta contro Sho è giusto e sacrosanto,ma è possibile che i soli a preoccuparsi di dove una sedicenne come Kyoko sia,dove dorma e a che ora rientri siano i proprietari del ristorante dove lavora?
First half is all Kanae (Moko). A kid actor imprints on her but is a spoiled brat about it. We get bts look at Moko's home life and struggles.
I would care more about the "Ren doesn't know how to love" storyline if his manager was a frickin creep. He says shit like 'girls mature fast ... in showbiz it's faster ... while you look away someone will snatch her.' There is a 4yr age gap tween Sho & Ren (20) and Kyoko (16). Y'all I'm tryna say it's starting to read very differently as I'm older now.
The friendship between Kanae and Kyoko is strong. They tell each other their secrets. Ren is unaware of his feelings of love. He doesn't know what love is. Kyoko is hired to interpret a role in a fiction. She finds out that she was chosen because of her diabolic aura. Very funny when she understands that her character is not an example of goodness. I look forward to reading the next one.
Kyoko and Moko rekindle their friendship, Moko fixes the misunderstanding with Hio, Kyoko fixes the misunderstanding with Ren, AND they get to act in a show together!! It can’t get any better! I don’t even feel like I’m rereading this bc of the anticipation!!
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Desde el capítulo 52, la amiga de Kyoko se da cuenta de que tal vez Ren tenga sentimientos hacia Kyoko. Lo mejor de esté tomo, es que da pasó a lo que se viene con la actuación de Kyoko como 'Mio' en Dark Moon.
I'm so glad that we get some backstory on Kanae Kotonami and can't wait to see more of her in her way to stardom but I'm not gonna lie and the Dark Moon Arc takes all the attention on this volume.
I love the chibi's of Ren, I like him better in Chibi form!
⭐ 1, 2 de 10 suspenso, lo odio ⭐⭐ 3, 4 de 10 justito, meh ⭐⭐⭐ 5, 6 de 10 bien, no está mal ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 7, 8 de 10 notable, me gusta bastante ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 9, 10 de 10 me obsesiona, me encanta.
Mis puntuaciones son para toda la saga, en general. No por tomos.
I like how this is building. I hope it doesn't make me wait 30+ books to find out if it's Tru Luuuuuv, but it is a shoji manga. It totally could and I'd still be the sucker who reads the whole thing