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304 pages, Kindle Edition
First published October 24, 2023
Nonobvious ways to become a better conversationalist.
1. Treat attention as an on/off switch, not a dimmer. SLANT method: sit up, lean forward, ask questions, nod your head, track the speaker. Listen with your eyes. That’s paying attention 100 percent.
2. Be a loud listener. When another person is talking, you want to be listening so actively that
you’re practically burning calories.
3. Favor Familiarity. Find the thing the other person is most attached to. It’s your job to draw out what lessons they learned and how they changed as a result of what happened.
4. Make them authors, not witnesses. They don’t only want to talk about what happened; they want to know how you experienced what happened.
5. Don’t fear the pause. Because speaking and listening involve many of the same brain areas, so once your go into response mode, your ability to listen deteriorates.
6. Do the looping. If you try this looping method, you realize often you are interpreting people incorrectly.
7. The midwife model. A midwife is there not to give birth but simply to assist the other person in creation.
8. Keep the gem statement at the center. This is the truth underneath the disagreement, something you both agree on.
9. Find the disagreement under the disagreement. Being curious about your friend’s experience is more important than being right.
10. Don’t be a topper. If you want to build a shared connection, try sitting with their experience before you start ladling our your own. (p.74-81)