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Die Bibel für Kinder

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About the author

Dimiter Inkiow

150 books13 followers
Dimitar Janakiew Inkiow was a Bulgarian writer.

He studied mining engineering and later in Sofia's Drama Academy, where he was graduated as drama director. He wrote several theatrical plays before having to leave the country in 1965 for problems he had with the government. He moved to Germany (Munich) until 1991 and was script writer for Radio freies Europa (Radio Free Europe) in Munich.

He wrote more than 100 books which have been translated to more than 25 languages, like his famous saga "Ich und meine Schwester Klara" ("My Sister Claire and Me")

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Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
4,285 reviews571 followers
November 15, 2024
4,5 Sterne
Biblische Geschichten werden hier sehr kindgerecht und auch spannend erzählt. Jede für sich fast ein Abenteuer. Die Schöpfungsgeschichte, Kain und Abel, Noah und die Arche, der Turmbau zu Babel, usw.
Wirklich gut gemacht und interessant.
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