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Ice #6

On Thin Ice

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Elizabeth Pennington has come to the war-torn South American country of Callivera to volunteer at a tiny mission. Kidnapped by the local rebels who are more interested in ransom than politics, she ends up at their camp in the Andes where she meets Finn MacGowan, member of the infamous Committee, a covert organization dedicated to destroying terrorism. MacGowan has been held hostage for almost three years, and he's chosen the night she arrives as the night he plans to escape. When he does, she follows him, heading down the steep mountainous terrain with another hostage, the teenage son of a Hollywood millionaire. Rebels, soldiers, traitors and near-drowning follows them on their journey. As they travel from the mountain fortress to a transatlantic freighter, an old cafe in Spain ending in a shootout at a farmhouse in France, MacGowan reluctantly falls in love, and Beth learns that the cynical, dangerous soldier-of-fortune might be worth saving after all.

327 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 15, 2011

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About the author

Anne Stuart

215 books2,054 followers
Anne Stuart is a grandmaster of the genre, winner of Romance Writers of America's prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, survivor of more than thirty-five years in the romance business, and still just keeps getting better.

Her first novel was Barrett's Hill, a gothic romance published by Ballantine in 1974 when Anne had just turned 25. Since then she's written more gothics, regencies, romantic suspense, romantic adventure, series romance, suspense, historical romance, paranormal and mainstream contemporary romance for publishers such as Doubleday, Harlequin, Silhouette, Avon, Zebra, St. Martins Press, Berkley, Dell, Pocket Books and Fawcett.

She’s won numerous awards, appeared on most bestseller lists, and speaks all over the country. Her general outrageousness has gotten her on Entertainment Tonight, as well as in Vogue, People, USA Today, Women’s Day and countless other national newspapers and magazines.

When she’s not traveling, she’s at home in Northern Vermont with her luscious husband of thirty-six years, an empty nest, three cats, four sewing machines, and one Springer Spaniel, and when she’s not working she’s watching movies, listening to rock and roll (preferably Japanese) and spending far too much time quilting.

Anne Stuart also writes as Kristina Douglas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 173 reviews
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,214 followers
March 4, 2017
Elizabeth Pennington has come to the war-torn South American country of Callivera to volunteer at a tiny mission. Kidnapped by the local rebels who are more interested in ransom than politics, she ends up at their camp in the Andes where she meets Finn MacGowan, member of the infamous Committee, a covert organization dedicated to destroying terrorism. MacGowan has been held hostage for almost three years, and he's chosen the night she arrives as the night he plans to escape. When he does, she follows him, heading down the steep mountainous terrain with another hostage, the teenage son of a Hollywood millionaire. Rebels, soldiers, traitors and near-drowning follow them on their journey. As they travel from the mountain fortress to a transatlantic freighter, an old cafe in Spain ending in a shootout at a farmhouse in France, MacGowan reluctantly falls in love, and Beth learns that the cynical, dangerous soldier-of-fortune might be worth saving after all.

I was thrilled with yet another book in Anne Stuart’s awesome Ice Series. I have been unable to let go of all the characters, so thin Ice (which sadly I read will be the last in the series…oh no!!) was a real treat.

I have loved the Committee group a lot…Peter, Taka, Bastian, Reno and of course Isobel Lambert and the loves of their lives.
But I must admit I really “got” into this fabulous Irishman, Finn MacGowan. He’s a much softer and gentler – no don’t get me wrong – he’s a deadly and cold killer when he has to be – but he has a bit more heart and kindness when it comes to the woman he falls in love with…his outer “skin” hides a caring side that we didn’t see in the other men.

So, from the above synopsis one gets pretty much what goes on in this story…action, murder, betrayal, love and a lot more.

The story flows well as we see Finn and his “chicklets” fleeing thru the jungle, dodging bullets, trying to stay ahead of the people who are out to kill them.
Witty dialogue, great writing that keeps you in suspense with each page you turn.

Enjoyed seeing a bit more of Peter and the guys and how things are going in their lives. Mahmoud….I think he should get his own book…..is joined by another stray that has been adopted by Finn & Beth.
Loved the epilogue……….and what a treat having a short glimpse of Isobel and Killian!!!!!!!!

I would love to see this series continuing. It’s one of my favorite romance/suspense series and I just can’t get enough of these characters.
Profile Image for Alp.
763 reviews457 followers
September 29, 2018
3.5 stars

The first half of the book was very good I couldn't put it down, but for the second half…I don’t know. I felt like I was reading the wrong book.

At first, I enjoyed Beth’s character a lot. I thought she was a reasonable and strong woman, but then she proved me wrong in the second half. The more I read, the less likable she was. The frustrating part was that however much she wanted Finn, she kept rejecting and pushing him away. I didn't like that she wasn't honest with herself whereas Finn admitted up front that he wanted her desperately.

And speaking of Finn, to tell you the truth, before diving into this book, I expected a dark and cold-hearted hero. But as the story progressed, I found that his character didn't hit the right note for me. He was a bit too soft and easily distracted when it came to Beth. I wasn’t impressed at all.

The suspense aspect of this book was ok. Although it wasn’t as brilliant as the other installments in the series, it was good enough to entertain me throughout the entire story. The romance, on the contrary, wasn’t great. I didn’t enjoy this part. There were strong sexual tension and the unmistakable lust between them. But for the love...hmm, not sure. It wasn’t romantic if you ask me.

Nevertheless, the big event near the end of the book totally made up for the unpleasant things I read. Besides, the epilogue was so lovely. I have to say that Peter, Dylan, and Mahmoud were the best parts of this book. They really stole the scene!

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. I liked it for the most part.
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,701 reviews4,727 followers
January 5, 2015
5 stars – Romantic Suspense

Awesome read! Finally another ICE book and it delivered! With exotic locales, nonstop action, edge-of-your-seat danger, knuckle-gripping suspense, uber nasty villains, an unforgettably sexy, ruthless Irish hero, a heroine who manages a minimal amount of whining for such extreme and violent situations, hot sexual tension, and steamy romance, On Thin Ice is definitely a must read for fans of Anne Stuart’s ICE series and dark romantic suspense! My only quibble is that there are quite a few editing errors, but those minor mistakes didn’t lessen my enjoyment, at all. 5 stars!
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,372 reviews28 followers
February 28, 2013
4.5 stars for this wonderful romantic adventure. Set in rain forests, with a kidnapping / escape trope, a secret agent, and a heiress, it brings to mind Linda Howard's Midnight Rainbow and -- to less extent -- Heart of Fire . It's reminiscent of Stuart's The Soldier And The Baby, and Lovelace's Night of the Jaguar (in e-book Dangerous to Hold). All these titles have "jungle love" escape plots, with an earthy bad-boy.

I ♥ this book. Love. It. However, because of some quibbles, listed last, I cannot give it full marks.

ON THIN ICE is the last of the Ice series, and in some ways, the best. Our lusty Irishman, Finn MacGowan, operative for The Committee, is not quite as dark as Bastien, in Black Ice . He's gamma, but he never actually tries to kill the girl, as did Takashi in Ice Blue . Nor does he twist the knife with unspeakable verbal cruelty, as did Reno in Fire and Ice.

However, he does occasionally come across as cold, callous, even threatening. But then he calls the heroine "Princess" as Killian did in Ice Storm . And like all the Committee operatives, Finn is a first-class killer, but he's tired of death -- even for a good cause -- and sooo ready for the ♥ of a good woman.

Maybe it's because he's been a hostage to the rebels in South America for three years. Such an experience might affect anyone. For whatever reason, Finn cannot be a complete bastard to our soft-hearted but stalwart heroine, Beth Pennington. She's 31 years old, wealthy but not spoiled, and a teacher at the mission in Santa Luz, Callivera. She's recently been kidnapped for ransom, ending up in captivity with Finn.

Stuart tries to make Finn an anti-hero. Knowing Beth is an heiress, he won't untie her unless she pays:
"Well, I figure we might both get out of this alive, and I can always use a little cash. Say ten thousand for untying you?"  -- ha! ツ
But Beth doesn't buy Finn's mercenary act, because he just gave her the only candy bar he's seen in three years, the same chocolate bar he's been saving to celebrate his escape.

She can't buy his silly threats to "take her" (and they were absurd) because he constantly protects "his little chickens" (as he calls Beth and Dylan, the teenage captive). Plus, he likes to laugh. A far cry from Reno in Fire and Ice, Finn simply exudes calm capability and delicious good humor:
"I'll make you a bargain. We get out of this in one piece, I'll shave for you if you promise not to shave for me."

"Go drown yourself, MacGowan," she muttered, closing her eyes.

She heard his laugh. It was a good laugh, she thought muzzily. The laugh of a man who enjoyed life. What would it be like to live through three years of captivity in the Andes and still be able to laugh?

★ Best Bits ★  Loved the scenes where Finn teases Beth, calling her a nun and "Sister Beth" until she wants to smack him. ツ Lots of verbal give and take, with Finn rapidly falling for the unflappable Beth.  Loved when he took care of her bleeding feet, her seasickness, etc.  Snuggling to sleep on the cot, in the old cabin (sweet). Good laugh when Beth first saw Finn after he shaved off his 3-year beard. ツ I didn't love the scene involving "Alcista, The Bull, The Rapist" but I loved Finn for his vulnerability during that whole interchange.

Sizzling erotica: Finn has had no sex for three years, but he wants only Beth, who is "not quite a virgin" but nonetheless sees herself as way out of his league. The first sex scene begins 65% into the story, after the relationship has developed:
"She was afraid, he realized with sudden shock. It should have made him back off. But he was like a wolf who'd found his mate, and he wasn't about to let her go so easily. Not when her fear was irrational and misplaced. He wasn't going to hurt her, and deep inside she had to know it. He couldn't walk away. Sane or not, he wanted her too badly"

"We can take this slow, can't we?" she managed to ask. "You won't push me?"

"Oh, my precious one." He was sounding more Irish, an instinctive croon that made her melt. "I'm going to push you so far you won't know where you end and I begin."
Secondary Committee characters:  I enjoyed the scenes with Mahmoud (now 17) and Peter, and the scenes with Peter and Finn. Taka and Reno also make a quick appearance, and there's a phone call from Bastien.  We also got a wee glimpse of Isobel and Killian's new life.

Nice epilogue, wrapping it up. End of the series. Bummer!

Quibbles:  Barringer was over the top, a cardboard cliché with a mother complex. Also, Stuart was inconsistent with her dates, citing four years instead of three a few times, and saying Dylan was held captive for 6 weeks, but then later saying it was 6 months.  Also, too many typos.  I noted 16, and wasn't looking. Too many F-bombs and religious swear words for my taste.
Profile Image for ❤️ Dorsey aka Wrath Lover Reviews ❤️.
1,016 reviews314 followers
March 4, 2016

March 2, 2016 Audio Book review:

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5 Killing Stars!!

Heiress Elizabeth “Beth” Pennington has come to war-torn South American country of Callivera to volunteer at a small rural mission. The Mission is invaded by the local rebels who kill the Padre and Nuns, and kidnap Beth for ransom…..among other things. Finn MacGowan is a member of “The Committee" and has been a prisoner there for almost three years, the reason that he has been kept alive for as long as he has is a mystery….even to him.

On Thin Ice photo PicsArt_1456981903725_zpsdnhj1e1s.jpg

He has planned his escape and chooses the same night the rebels come back to camp with Beth. She convinces Finn to take her with him along with an executive and Dillon, the teenage son of a Hollywood actor that he made monetary deals with. During their journey through jungle, villages, shipping vessels, and French countryside Finn and Beth dance around each other and the sparks are ready to ignite!!

“Oh, God,” she whispered, horrified. What had seemed a strange kind of nightmare was suddenly, terribly real. “Did you kill him?”
“No, the tooth fairy came along and took care of him"

I loved Finn MacGowan. He’s has a soft spot (it’s hard to find but it’s there), but flat out he’s a deadly killer when he has to be and makes no apologies for it, but, he shows a bit of softness when it comes to Beth and Dillon. We get witty dialogue, suspense, hot love scenes, and action that will keep you on the edge of your seat!!!!

“You’re sure you’re not a sister?” he tossed back at her, his voice little more than a growl on the night air. “I’m an only child.”
Stupid, he thought. “I’m asking if you’re a holy nun.”
“I told you, I’m not a nun, holy or otherwise.”
Okay, she met the criteria for fuckable.

Once again Peter has a pretty significate role in this one along with his adopted Son Mahmoud (from Ice Storm), Taka, and Bastien. I LOVED when Finn and Peter had their confrontation….it actually had me chuckling a couple of times!! I also loved how characters from previous Ice books came together and getting a glimpses into their present lives made my heart flutter, especially Peter’s family life. I especially loved the last chapter which is sort of epilogue since it’s the last book in the series. Anne Stuart wraped up the series nicely.

On a side note, Mahmoud and Dillion (Dillon stays with Beth and Finn) become friends and considering who their “father’s” are I’m hoping since this was the last Ice book they’ll appear in her new “Fire” series as operatives for the United States branch of “The Committee” (a spin-off series)…..that would be AWESOME!!!!!!

* A shout out to narrator Xe Sands, who does a great Irish brogue!!!!

Originally read: Dec 2011
Loved this story.....I truly hope there will be more installments to the "Ice" series.
Profile Image for Crista.
821 reviews
April 10, 2012
Why on earth does this author have the ability to leave me with a silly grin on my face while I replay countless scenes from the book in my head, which inadvertently prohibits me from moving on to my next book? I guess with this question, all roads lead to Rome, which is obviously this author's unique, awesome, and unparalleled talent.

On Thin Ice was an unexpected gift as I thought that Fire And Ice was the final chapter in the ICE series. Now instead of being grateful and satisfied, I find myself hoping that she will "surprise" me once more with another...and then another....and then another! I can not get enough of this series.

In this book, we get the treat of catching up with old friends while meeting several new ones. Peter and Ginny from Cold As Ice play an important role in this book and we also get to catch up with Killian and Isobel from Ice Storm. It is not necessary to read all the books in order to enjoy this book, but take my advice...if you haven't read this series in it's entirety, PLEASE DO:) Reading the books in order will also immerse you in the ICE world in which the most dangerous and unforgettable heroes live.

This is Finn's book. A member of the notorious Committee, he has been held captive for three years in South America. A horrific cult, the Guiding Light, has brutally murdered and raped many other prisoners, yet left Finn alive. Beth, an American heiress to a large fortune, has also been kidnapped by the Guiding Light. Her life is now in the hands of none other than the ruthless Finn. Lucky girl!!!

As with all the books couples, the chemistry between Finn and Beth is scorchingly hot. This book leads the reader with them through the jungle as they execute a daring and dangerous escape. Finn is brutal and capable of great violence and killing, but he protects and watches over Beth from the moment they meet.

I was absolutely engulfed in this story and resented every distraction that kept me from it. Unlike other Anne Stuart books, this book has a nice epilogue that satisfies on nearly every level. In fact, if this happens to be the last book, I will say it ended perfectly, however, I would sacrifice that all for one more book!

A simply awesome book and an unforgettable series. I cannot recommend it any more highly!
Profile Image for Μαρία Γεωργοπούλου.
Author 5 books96 followers
February 11, 2019
Ολοκλήρωσα τη δεύτερη ανάγνωση της σειράς και οφείλω να παραδεχτώ πως αγάπησα και αυτό το βιβλίο όσο και τα προηγούμενα. Είναι ιδανική σειρά για κάποιον που θέλει να ξεφύγει από την καθημερινότητα και να απολαύσει περιπέτεια, έρωτα και sexy as hell πρωταγωνιστές!

(Η παρακάτω κριτική είναι από την πρώτη φορά που διάβασα το βιβλίο και δε θα την αλλάξω)


Another great book in this series! But they told me that this is the last one in this series? Is that true?? I hope not! This series is definitely one of the best contemporary I’ve ever read! Non-stop action, badass men, traveling all over the world and some of the hottest sex scenes ever!

In this story we get to know what happened to Finn MacGowan (we knew that he was missing) and how he met Beth Pennington. He was a prisoner for three years in a jungle in Latin America and she was both unlucky and lucky. Why? Because when they caught her, Finn had decided to escape and he took her with him. With them, escaped and Dylan, another captive.

I liked Finn a lot! Although he was a member of the Committee, like all the previous male main characters, he was more approachable and more kind. Of course, he was a total badass and he killed without a second thought, but still. Also, he had a great sense of humor!

Beth was also very different from the previous female main characters. She was witty from the very beginning and brave. What she had in common with the others? She was very shy with everything that has to do with sex. To be honest, I don’t think that we had much information about her life but it didn’t really matter.

I liked Dylan also! Although he had fame and fortune because of his parents, he wasn’t happy and he found a better life with Finn and Beth. He kind of reminded me of Mahmoud!

A great story from a great series that all the fans of this genre must read!
Profile Image for Christina (stinarinareads).
367 reviews307 followers
June 1, 2024
Symbol Key
✨= star level, 🌶️= spice level, 📖= total pages (usually on my iPhone screen), 📚= series or standalone, 🎬= genre, 🧩= tropes/elements, 🦺= safety, 🔥= spice/kink elements, 🔮= ending

📖~330 pages
📚Interconnected series with standalone romance/MCs
🎬Contemporary romantic suspense
🧩FMC ~31 years old, MMC not quite sure, perhaps a little older than that?
🧩Alpha asshole MMC
🧩More sheltered “ice queen” type FMC, but a strong in a silent way
🧩Grumpy x grumpy vibes
🧩Is this love or Stockholm Syndrome?
🧩Push and pull/will-they-won’t-they sexual tension
🧩Banter between MCs
🧩Multiple POVs (FMC, MMC, side character, villain)
🧩Trauma bonding
🦺Violence against and by humans
🦺Wounds (gun wounds, blade wounds, etc)
🦺Outdated 2000s language that skews a little misogynistic, etc at times
🦺Though the MMC bluffs sometimes about going out to find a woman to satisfy him while he’s out scavenging or whatnot, but he never follows through on his claims/threats, there’s never any OW, romantically, physically, or otherwise other than the FMC. And there’s no OM or OP for FMC either
🦺Attempted/planned SA against the FMC (not by the MMC)
🔥Explicit scenes, dirty talk
🔥Dominant, rough, and coarse MMC
🔥Neither are virgins, but being held hostage has forced a 3-year celibacy on MMC, and FMC is previously disinterested in sex because it wasn’t particularly good with past partners. Seems like desire for sex for the FMC is very dependent on the partner and her connection with the partner, which ends up being the MMC in a big way
🔥Questionable hygiene but let’s ignore that for good spice

I’m trying out a new review format. Does everyone like it/understand it???

On Thin Ice is Book 6 (and the final book) in Anne Stuart’s Ice series, which features an overarching and interconnected criminal suspense plot and standalone romances in each book.

Stuart started publishing in 1974, so she’s no stranger to the game by any means, and it shows. Her writing is pretty killer; it sucks you in and straps you down for the rollercoaster ride of a story you’re about to experience. You’re going to go through the emotions, and not all of them complimentary.

For Ice in particular, the first book of the series was published in 2005, and the last, this book, was published in 2011, so a span of about 6 years and 6 books. For full disclosure, this is only the second of the series I’ve read so far, and only my second Anne Stuart book. And I’ve also jumped around the series. I read Book 5, Fire and Ice, years and years ago, so I already helplessly started this series out of order. I didn’t even intend to continue reading the series out of order when I picked this one up, I just chose it at random from my digital library after suddenly remembering I started this series a long time ago. I promise I’ll try to read it in order now!

This book, On Thin Ice, follows captive Committee agent Finn MacGowan; the Committee being a secret organization dedicated to ridding the world of terrorism. He’s been held hostage by Guiding Light, a rebel group operating in South America, for three years, and on the very night of his next planned escape attempt, a new hostage is brought into their encampment.

She’s our FMC Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Pennington, a pharmaceutical family heiress who had been looking for a way to make an actual difference in the world aside from her parents’ money and found herself teaching at a mission in South America. When her mission is raided after one of her students turns rogue and joins with the rebels, she’s taken prisoner with an uncertain but decidedly ugly fate ahead of her.

She’s placed with fellow prisoner Finn, a coarse Irishman, and, after learning of the rebels plans for her, decides to follow Finn after his escape attempt, much to Finn’s displeasure. He’s already arranged the escape of two other fellow captives for a large sum of money, and he doesn’t need another person to worry about. However, as long as she can keep up, he doesn't have the full heart after all to leave her behind. He sure threatens it plenty, though, and holds no punches when it comes to pushing both Beth and their fellow captives in their survival journey.

Through internal betrayals, battling the heat and elements, fighting off tangents of rebels, the group continues on, a tenuous alliance based on the promise of a lot of money paid to Finn for his services and the same ultimate goal of getting out alive.

But as circumstances and choice force and keep them together again and again, Finn and Beth, who he nicknames ‘Sister Beth’ as a way to distance himself from his growing physical attraction and emotional connection to her, both begin to learn that them coming together may be a foregone conclusion. But will it only be for the one time, to sate and satisfy their lust, or can a love borne in the desperation of the jungle between two completely and utterly opposite people be for real?

After not being too crazy about the last Anne Stuart book I read, I was surprised at how fast I devoured this one and how much I liked it, despite some obvious and unfortunate language choices, that are very circa 2000s but still not great, you know what I mean? But as a reader my personal choice was to overlook those lines and try to enjoy around it, which I was able to do with remarkable success.

Finn was an absolute JERK of a character, like a true alpha male asshole in every way, that’s also written very circa 2000s. But he was almost so bad he was good at first, there was something so enthralling about him. Maybe it’s the way Stuart writes her characters – extremely well. And then as character development and relationship growth happens over the story, we do see a deeper and softer side to Finn, and by the end he was a solid MMC for me, as was Beth, the FMC. I tend to shy away from the very circa 2000s ‘ice queen’ FMC stereotype, which I was afraid was going to go overboard here, but while Beth was definitely on the reserved side at times, she felt organic and real, and was never truly uninteresting or too completely frustrating to read about. And because of their chemistry, the romance and spice were great.

Adding actual Book 1 of the series to my next-to-read list now 😊

Stuart also writes as Kristina Douglas, which is something I didn’t know until now!

NOTE: My reviews reflect my own personal thoughts, interpretations, and feelings. Reading is subjective. There are some things I gravitate to more as a reader that may reflect higher ratings, and some things I try to knowingly stay away from, in order to avoid leaving an unfair review. If you ever find something factually incorrect that I've misremembered in one of my reviews, please kindly let me know! When it comes to facts over my own personal opinions, I always want to make sure I get things right. I do my due diligence, but I'm also human.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews938 followers
March 7, 2013
Weak on motivations. Too much telling no showing. But good for emotional appeal and sensuality. It may fit your mood.

This was supposed to be romantic suspense. But the suspense was off stage. It was told more than shown. For example. Barringer (the main bad guy) was too conveniently all knowing. Finn was kidnaped and held for three years in the South American mountains. How would Barringer know that Finn would escape now and go to specific towns? How did he know Finn was planning to stay a few days in a specific country house? How would Barringer know Finn believed Madsen was responsible for his kidnaping and was planning to kill Madsen. The truth was Thomason was responsible. Barringer also changed his motivations midstream which did not make sense. He wanted to kill one guy. Then later decided to forget that and kill another just because the other avoided being captured by his men. Then we have Finn. Several times we are told Finn killed bad guys but we did not see the action (the movements, the feelings, the dialogue, how it happened).

Ok so don’t expect well thought out motivations and suspense. But the overall plot was good. There is more pondering than normal, but the author does pondering well.

The best parts of this book are two sex scenes. Boy does this author know how to write sex scenes. They are full of passion and sensuality. I loved them. Finn was so sexy and dreamy. And the narrator definitely added to the allure.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Unabridged audiobook length: 8 hrs and 59 mins. Swearing language: strong including religious swear words. The f word was frequently used. Sexual language: moderate to strong. Number of sex scenes: 3. Setting: current day mostly South America and Europe. Book copyright: 2011. Genre: romantic suspense.

I’ve reviewed the following Anne Stuart books. Dates are copyright dates.

Ice Series:
5 stars. Black Ice 2005
3 stars. Cold As Ice 2006
5 stars. Ice Blue 2007
5 stars. Ice Storm 2007
2 stars. Fire and Ice 2008
3 stars. On Thin Ice 2011

Rohan Series:
3 stars. The Wicked House of Rohan 2010 (novella)
2 ½ stars. Ruthless 2010

1 star. Cinderman 1994
2 stars. Night Fall 1995
3 stars. Lord of Danger 1997
1 star. Into the Fire 2003
Profile Image for Diana.
465 reviews33 followers
February 19, 2012
Adding to my audio shelf. Narrator Xe Sands nailed it. Finn's Irish accent is lovely and lyrical yet studly and, did I mention sexy? I'm so glad she didn't make him sound like a wee leprechaun.

I LOVED this. Finn is Irish and cheeky and adorable. He was trying to be an Anne Stuart bad boy, but he just couldn't pull it off.

Great book, great narration. I'll take Anne Stuart and Xe Sands any day.
227 reviews9 followers
December 10, 2011
ETA - My wish was granted! On Thin Ice will be coming out as an audiobook, and it scored the same narrator as Fire and Ice, I'll be a very happy listener after having been a happy reader the first time around.

An author I've read for more years than I can count - can you say Catspaw I and II? And then there are the fabulous Moonrise and Nightfall?

She brought us Black Ice, with a hero nearly cold enough to give you frost bite, until you get to know him of course - to the outrageous Reno with Jilly in Fire and Ice (which was spectacular in Audio - the narration brought all the Japanese culture to life in wonderful way - you have to listen!) and now Ms. Stuart gives us Finn.

Wonderful, gorgeous (after a bath of course) resourceful Finn with his delicious Irish accent. He may not be as cold as some of the past heroes in this series but he is every bit a Stuart man. He gets the job done no matter what it takes, even if that means the kick butt treatment of his fellow escapees, which include heroine Beth. He's a man to love - and Beth has him meeting his match along the way. Beth is a great heroine in her own right too.

Several cameos from past characters in the series, with a heavy dose of Peter and "his son" (they were a crack up together) pull this one into the group perfectly and make up the reason I follow a series.

Loved every minute of the read and can only hope that it is picked up as an audiobook with a superb narrator such as Fire and Ice was blessed with. Give us more Anne Stuart in audio, please!
Profile Image for Melanie.
515 reviews153 followers
February 26, 2013
5+++++ stars for 'On Thin Ice'

5 gazillion stars for the whole dang series!!

What a thrilling end to an amazing series!! I'm so glad Anne Stuart decided to save Finn McGowan from his three-year captivity in South America. It was hellish and grueling, but I think Finn would agree everything he endured was worth it the end - because it led him to Beth, the love of his life.

Everything in this one was pretty darn perfect! Finn is a more than worthy Ice-guy who (grudgingly!) steps up to play the hero and save a rich, spinster-like humanitarian and a smart-mouthed teenage pain-in-the-ass from their own cartel kidnappings. There was plenty of action and adventure, delicious sexual tension, and even comic relief from Dylan, the super spoiled teenager.

All in all, 'Ice' is now cemented as my all time favorite romantic suspense series and I foresee a LOT of rereads in my future. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed than Stuart will deliver more in the future.... Methinks Mahmoud and Dylan would make awesome anti-heroes for a new generation of Ice-men!

Profile Image for Yvonne.
967 reviews81 followers
August 26, 2022
Re-read - 2.5 stars

5 stars - first read years ago - I loved this book. It is now my favorite Anne Stuart book. I have no idea how I'm going to follow up this book!
Finn! Wow Finn, probably the best hero I've read in a very long time. Just absolutely everything I want from a romance hero. I'm heading to bed a happy reader! LOL
Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,279 reviews577 followers
July 30, 2021
4.5 stars

On Thin Ice is the final book in the Ice series. We finally find out what happened to Finn MacGowan. It turns out that he's been in captivity in the war-torn South American country of Callivera for 3 years. Beth Pennington is a volunteer in Callivera who gets kidnapped and thrown into captivity with Finn. Finn and Beth make their escape and brave the South American jungles to make their way back to civilization, while making sure they stay ahead of their captors.

This was a great ending to the Ice series. I really enjoyed Beth and Finn as a couple. They annoyed me at times, but I ended up loving them by the time I finished the book. As expected from an Anne Stuart hero, Finn was quite the asshole in the beginning. But ugh, he fell so hard for Beth!!! 😩

With Finn, his actions always spoke louder than words. At first, Finn was like "I only want you for sex." But then he gave Beth his remaining food because she was hungry. And then he saved her life. And then he took care of her while she was sick. And then he cuddled with her. And when they finally slept together, he was like, "Shit, this ain't just sex." 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️

Finn was always protective of Beth and I loved watching him fall hard for her. I don't know how Anne Stuart does it. I always end up loving her heroes no matter how bad or mean they are. It's bananas 😂

As for Beth, she was a starchy heroine and it took time for her to loosen up and relax around Finn. I really enjoyed the romantic development between Finn and Beth. Their romance developed naturally even though their story only takes place within the space of 10 days. They relied on each other for survival and went through all kinds of difficulties during their journey. I was convinced that they fell in love in the space of 10 days. The relationship development was well-paced, with a lot of depth. And it helped that the romance was a slow burn.

I also really enjoyed Finn and Beth's interactions with Dylan, their unexpected teenage companion. I loved how Finn referred to Beth and Dylan as his little chicks 😂 Additionally, we got some chapters from Peter's POV, who I like to refer to as the glue of this series. Peter is connected to every single character in this series, so we always get chapters from his POV in every book. I loved catching up with Peter, Genevieve, and Mahmoud. I especially loved Mahmoud's dynamic with Genevieve and Peter. Mahmoud has great interactions with every single character 😂 We also had a small scene with Taka and Reno, which I loved. I only wish Bastien had showed up! I miss him!

The final chapter of this book ends with Peter reminiscing and I thought it was quite a fitting end for the series. That being said, I think I wanted one more chapter on Finn and Beth, just to properly wrap things up and give us an insight into how they have set up their life together as a couple.

Audiobook: I switched back and forth between the audiobook and the ebook and can I just say that Xe Sands is a brilliant narrator? Her narration flows smoothly even though she's narrating different POVs throughout the story. It's magic.

CW: rape, sexual assault, violence against women, terrorism

P.S. The switchblade scene will forever be memorable 😂😂😂😂
Profile Image for MBR.
1,274 reviews367 followers
November 19, 2011
Anne Stuart announced about the release of the On Thin Ice, the 6th book in the ICE series when I had long given up hope that there would ever be another book in the 5-star series that I had enjoyed immensely from the minute I picked up Black Ice. For me, Anne Stuart is one of a kind; an author who manages to deliver heroes in a league of their own, passion that absolutely scorches through the pages and a love when it comes, binds the hero and heroine for all time to come. And On Thin Ice turned out to be exactly what I hoped and envisioned it to be as I finished this in almost one sitting, just taking breaks for those essential stuff in between.

36 year old Finn MacGowan is an agent of the infamous Committee, taken captive by the members of the Guiding Light that operates in Callivera, a small war-torn country in South America. Having been held captive for three long years, Finn is looking forward to the night he would make his third and final attempt at escape; the reason that he has been kept alive for as long as he has which still remains a mystery even to him.

31 year old Elizabeth Pennington, the sole heiress to the Pennington Pharmaceutical dynasty arrives in Callivera seven months back and works with the Catholic Charities of Callivera until one brutal day when everyone she holds dear is killed ruthlessly and Beth is taken captive.

Beth’s savior comes in the form of the Irish man Finn who makes no secret of the fact that he would willingly leave her behind if it would mean an easier escape for him. But from the very first moment these two opposites are pitted together, Finn has a hard time acting the part of his usual cold and ruthless self around Beth who stirs his senses and literally sets him afire. Blaming his intense attraction towards the skittish and almost virginal Beth as an effect of his 3 year dry spell placates him somewhat but deep down inside, Finn knows that Beth is far more dangerous to his heart and mind than any other woman he has ever known.

A trek through the jungle, with the vicious members of the Guiding Light at their heels hell bent on vengeance and revenge, not to mention the nefarious plans of a member of the CIA tracking their progress all throughout in his own personal vendetta, the adventure aspect of the novel is as hair raising as they come and I fully enjoyed every nail biting minute of it.

The attraction between Finn and Beth is a strong and visceral one that just about took my breathe away with the sexual tension that fairly leaps out of evey single one of their encounters. Finn is the type of hero I love to allow into my dreams. Ruthless and dangerous enough to kill for those whom he loves, with an inner core of tenderness towards that one woman who rocks his world in all the ways, I would love myself a Finn any fine day! I think Finn might come a very close second in my favorite hero list from the ICE series and that is saying a lot when all of the heroes in the ICE series are unbeatable and one of a kind in their own unique way.

Beth is the type of heroine that Anne Stuart does so well. Though in her thirties and richer than the average woman could ever hope of being, Beth is calm and serenity itself and believes herself to be one of those women who would never enjoy the act of sexual relations and steers clear of anything and everything that might lead to it. Her awakening is a slow one, the senses that stir into life and makes her yearn for those things that she cannot for the life of her seem to be able to voice one of the most invigorating aspects of the novel. The way Finn seduces her, not with poetry and flowers but his brand of loving that is hard and branding in its own right just about melted me on the very spot!

I loved how characters from previous ICE books came together in this novel and learning tidbits of their lives at present just warmed me up from the inside. I especially loved the last chapter that serves as a sort of epilogue which I nearly jumped up and down after reading because lets face it, Anne Stuart is famous for leaving the reader begging for more with her books.

Everything about this novel spells perfection right from the very start though there were certain editing errors here and there which I didn’t mind overly much. The only drawback; there is a feeling of finalty with how the novel ended which I think signals the end of the ICE series. I am practically a pretzel at the moment from crossing all my limbs together in the hope that I be proven wrong in the near future.

Recommended for fans of the ICE series, fans of Anne Stuart and fans of ruthless and dangerous heroes that no other hero can ever hope to compete with!


Original review posted on MBR's Realm of Romance

My quotes included below the review!
Profile Image for Caroline.
758 reviews123 followers
January 22, 2025

So important to me that after the hero of this novel initially assumes the heroine is a nun and immediately discovers she is not, he still keeps calling her "Sister Beth" throughout the book, including but not limited to when he is trying to get into her pants.

No notes.
Profile Image for A. Bookzilla..
315 reviews148 followers
February 6, 2013
Still coming down from the high that was this book. Finn MacGowan in South America, I wanted to read about you ever since you went missing in Ice Storm! I just knew you'd be a treat. Brilliant.

It stands out from other ICE books simply because the hero is different in so many ways than the other heroes of this series, and it's missing that "how about we kill all innocents that get in our way, and while we're at it, I like you but I'd kill you, too!" element.

Finn is resourceful, intelligent, and yeah, all those Committee operative skills and more. He has an awesome capable sense about him that would make even me willingly put my life into his hands. I loved his easy wit and the way he just keeps going. I loved that instead of constantly trying to figure out a way to get rid of Beth, he takes care of her so subtly you'd miss it if you weren't in his head.
I think I was just at my limits with these ruthless heroes and Finn came at the perfect time. Add to that the fact he's a sexy Irishman with a hot Irish accent, and he's definitely my second favorite of the series. I wish I could say he beats Bastien because I really really liked Finn, but no, I love that sick heartless bastard.
But when I think hero of ICE series, I definitely think of Finn, because he was a true romantic hero.

Beth, on the other hand, is definitely my favorite heroine of all the six we meet. She's a poor little rich girl, except not. She's incredibly sweet and caring and her wealth doesn't define her for even a second. I liked that she instinctively trusted Finn despite him trying to bully her into submission (for her sake, of course :D), and that ultimately she was a proactive heroine rather than wait for someone else to decide her fate. She could definitely hold her own against Finn.

In terms of romance, this one is best yet! Finn admits right away to her being someone he could fall in love with, and when he does, he acknowledges it (even though it wouldn't be romance if he didn't have commitment issues and fight it, right? Wrong. It bothered me because he just didn't seem that kind of guy, but whatever.) These two had amazing chemistry and the sexual tension was just about unbearable. Insta-love works, what with everything they went through together. I really loved the uncomplicated ending.

The writing is just a teensy bit different than the other books, it had some hilarious, laugh out loud moments, the thrill and suspense were awesome and have you holding onto your reader/book for dear life. Beth and Finn's back-and-forth made me smile, and I loved that they took Dylan with them - he was such a great character.
You get to see Peter again, and witness his super-cute relationship with Mahmoud, check up on Killian and Isobel, and you even get a phone call or two from Bastien which made my day (obviously). Taka and Reno play a good part, too.
As per usual, it contains graphic sex scenes. There is a pretend-rape scene (it feels awful acknowledging it like this), that had me cringe a bit but I think the author handled it right and it definitely made sense with what was happening. I don't know why I was bothered by it so much.

The epilogue makes me think this may be the last book of the series :(. Well, there's never been an epilogue before, so I guess that's it. I don't want it to end! I should have read these books slower, but they are so engaging you can't help but read them in one sitting. It was a nice conclusion for the series but so help me if I don't wish she could write about these people forever.

Overall, I loved this book. It's a tie between Black Ice and On Thin Ice for being my favorite. I'd reread both books in a heartbeat (and I probably will), but if you're looking for the most romantic book of this series, it's definitely this one. It has just the right amount of thrill, romance and a smart heiress and a sexy Irishman with incredible survival skills to keep you interested.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,274 reviews1,563 followers
November 13, 2012
I have yet to meet an Anne Stuart book that I don't like. This is the final installment of the Ice series, which truly breaks my heart. Ms. Stuart writes in such a way that I really think that I could read on to book forty and still get a fresh new hero and heroine.

While this one was slightly shorter than her other Ice novels, (200 pages on my reader), I wouldn't call it novella length. It certainly felt like a full length book.

McGowan has been missing for three years, being held captive by a crazy group of misfits who are quickly losing funding and steam for their 'cause'. The other people that they hold captive are mostly rich family members of notable people from all over the world. Despite his training with the Committee, McGowan has failed at his escape attempts twice. So when he makes his third attempt, he wants to make sure it's successful. When Beth Pennington, heiress to the Pennington fortune, is dumped in his lap, he has no intention of letting her come with him.

So we all know that Stuart is known for her gamma heroes, the ultimate badasses with a devil may care attitude. I was hoping that she would hold tight to this type of man throughout her series, as I fell in love with her after meeting Bastien in Black Ice. I've gotta say, each hero got less and less controversial as each one was introduced. I worried about it and questioned myself on whether or not it changed my mind about my love for her books. And I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't bother me at all. I don't think it was caving to pressure or wanting to please readers, and I really do think that she stayed true to herself. Writing the same hero over and over would be boring.

McGowan is an uber alpha male who wants no kind of entanglement at all, with anyone. His goal is to get revenge on Peter Madden, the man he holds responsible for the fact that he was left for dead. But Sister Beth, as he calls her, squeezes her way into his cold, insensitive heart. She is brave yet vulnerable, tough yet delicate...and everything he wants to stay well away from. Haha! Not gonna happen!

This book was a huge adventure, just as all of the previous books. I mean, jumping over waterfalls, international boat travel, move your head just in the nick of time before your brains get splattered ADVENTURE!! This is romantic suspense at its best, and the writing is superb. The sex is hot, the action sometimes a bit gory, the language atrocious...and I loved it!
Profile Image for AlexandraB95.
332 reviews
October 12, 2011

“You’re sure you’re not a sister?” he tossed back at her, his voice little more than a growl on the night air.

She was closer than he thought, making decent enough headway on the steep hill. “I’m an only child.”

Stupid, he thought. “I’m asking if you’re a holy nun.”

“I told you, I’m not a nun, holy or otherwise.”

Okay, she met the criteria for fuckable.


MacGowan was better at cheating than she was, Beth realized in no time at all. All her machinations got her exactly nowhere. If the poker stakes were food he’d make sure she won, if they were anything else she was shit out of luck. By the time they were four days out she owed him three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and her first three children.

Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews63 followers
November 9, 2014
Ice scores:
4.5 stars for the banter
2.5 stars for the suspense
5 stars for the hero
4 stars for the heroine
4 stars for the romance

Profile Image for Sheila Melo.
1,856 reviews47 followers
January 21, 2019
Good Adventure Romance

THE STORY: Elizabeth Pennington is an American aid worker in a small war torn South American country. When she is kidnapped by revolutionaries, she ends up meeting Finn MacGowan who is also a captive. Finn is a Committee operative who has been kept captive for three years and is ready to escape. He believe the Committee, a covert multinational anti-terrorist organization, has abandoned him and he intends on escaping and getting revenge. When escaping, he reluctantly ends up with Beth as a companion and they must avoid those who want to kill them and find out who is trying to use Finn to draw out the former head of the Committee.

OPINION: This book is a constant adventure. There are betrayals and murders and dangerous thugs. Beth and Finn have a contentious relationship and are always on the edge of love and hate. The entire book is intense including the romance. I especially like how this book wraps up loose ends from the prior Ice novels. I am a big fan of Stuart's type of hero who is dangerous and sometimes especially dangerous to the heroine. Here, Finn is not as close to killing Beth as other of Stuart's anti-heroes are with their heroines. That gives this book more of a typical adventure suspense romance. The characters are sharply drawn and well defined. Although filled with adventure, the story is always centered around the characters which is what I like best about these books.

WORTH MENTIONING: Stuart wrote this book to give closure to what happened to MacGowan after the events in ICE STORM even though her original publisher did not want any other Ice series books.

FINAL DECISION: I like this book. It is different from others in the series although Finn is just as dangerous as the other men in the Ice series. The action adventure was thrilling and as a result the romance was intense. I also really enjoyed the update on my favorites from the Ice series as well.

CONNECTED BOOKS: ON THIN ICE is the sixth book in the Ice Series. It can be read as a standalone although there are characters and background that comes from the prior books in the series.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4.25 stars.
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
5,025 reviews85 followers
September 7, 2016
Humanitarian heiress Elizabeth 'Beth' Pennington is a volunteer teacher in war torn semi-stable Callivera. One night the priest and older women Beth works with at the compound are murdered and she's captured by rebels seeking ransom. After a hike through the mountain jungles she's tossed into a cell with an 'Englishman' while their captors try to outwit each other to see who she will belong to.

For some unknown reason the rebels have held the 'Englishman' and he's surprised when Beth is tossed in his cell. The 'Englishman' happens to be Irish Committee operative Finn MacGowan. The excitement of Beth's arrival made their captors lax and this is the night Finn planned to escape. Beth invites herself to the escape and two other hostages from the camp are waiting for Finn as planned.

Powerful men at Committee and CIA now know about Finn's escape, one wants him home safely, the other has sent a killer after him. One Finn doesn't know and the other he doesn't trust. But with betrayal within his group charges, dogged mercenaries chasing them through the Andes and a killer on their trail makes the flight to freedom more elusive and perilous.

Trudging through the jungle could have been more boring but the chemistry and inappropriate budding emotion between the leads let their back stories in. They were great characters. Switching off to the Committee kept tabs on their pursuers and gave insight to Finn's thought process. Past operatives get relevant mentions here to bring a well liked character back plausibly was a great creative stroke.

This layered outing wraps the series with one of the best installments. As with previous outings it stands alone well but works best within the series.
Profile Image for Mareli.
1,034 reviews31 followers
April 20, 2015
well, this last one was good, too! Another good heroine with some backbone and the hero was not so bad, when he met her he didn't try to kill her on spot! (Well, later he tried to left her in the hands of their abductors, but hey, you can have everyting, right?)

So, they met as captives and when he escaped he sort of take her with him (after the promise of a huge amount of money) and during their escape the things developed.

All in all I cannot say I loved this series so much. I think it missed the romance part here and there.
Profile Image for Brittany B..
299 reviews4 followers
April 19, 2012
Tentative 4 stars. Might change to 5.
I really liked this book. I would have better reading this one right after Fire and Ice. I may listen to the lovely voice of Xe Sands again soon. I was interrupted too many times to get into the story as much as I normally do.

Despite all the interruptions, I enjoyed this plot and was riveted to the end. I don't feel like I connected with the characters, and that's why I want to reread it...

Highly recommended. Audio version is exceptional!
Profile Image for willaful.
1,155 reviews366 followers
August 19, 2014
I suspect that if I had read this in print, it might have come across as a bit same old/same old, but a really excellent narration kept it fresh and exciting. Terrific accents, very sensual sex scenes. The hero is somewhat less dark than usual for this series; as Diana said, he wants to be bad, but he can't quite make it.
Profile Image for Anita.
2,470 reviews202 followers
April 10, 2019
I had kinda written off this series as all the other books were only 3-Star reads for me and the Alpha-hole heroes were not doing it for me. But, I needed an audio book, this one was available and it completed the series, win-win-win. It was a better experience listening and the narrator was fantastic. It still had Anne Stuart's trademark Alpha-hole hero, I don't think I've ever read an Anne Stuart book that didn't have one, but he was a pretty decent jerk. A naïve, clueless heroine is also her stock in trade, but they made a great couple. Several previous characters also made appearances.

Elizabeth Pennington is in the South American country of Callivera as a volunteer at a small mission. What the billionare heiress is doing there in a country ruled by corruption and terrorist rebel gangs is anybody's guess. The Priest and nuns at the mission are killed and she is kidnapped by the rebels who are going to ransom her, if she survives the rape and torture planned for her.

Their camp is high in the Andes and there are other "guests", one of whom is Finn MacGowan, an operative for the Committee. He had been a captive for three years and he is very upset, to put it mildly, that no one has come to try and get him out. He is going to make his third escape attempt when Beth arrives. After three years, Beth is a beautiful sight to behold.

Their journey, along with the the teenage son of a Hollywood millionaire, had them evading the Rebels and facing the dangers of a trek down the mountain and Beth fending off Mac, but weakening each time he does something kind or heroic. Just when Mac thinks they are safe, he finally learns why he has been a captive for three years and the danger isn't over. But he will protect Beth or die trying.
Profile Image for Judy.
3,339 reviews27 followers
May 4, 2021
I read this for the 52 weeks challenge category of "on the run", and it certainly hit that mark. For me, as a romance, it was so-so. If you want hot sex, it fills that bill, but the actual romance was a little odd. But, obviously others liked it, so maybe it just wasn't right for me.
Profile Image for Love love .
346 reviews
December 3, 2011
I have Love the whole ICE series and when I heard that she wrote another one I bought it right away. And I'm soooo glad I did. I loved this book and I wish I had chosen to read it on a month that wasn't so darn busy, it's one that I wanted to curl up on the couch with and not put down until it was done. But no such luck, I k.ow that I will reread it soon though.

Beth (h) is a very wealthy woman but she was also very lonely. Her parents are both gone,she has no other family and she's never been good at realationships or making them last. So now she's decided to go to South America and teach the children at a mission to try and make a difference in the world. She loved it, the children and the kindly old priest. Everything was going well until rebels calling themselves The Guiding Light (wich kinda makes her laugh because of the American soap opera with the same name) attacked killing the nuns and the priest,they took Beth rather than kill her because they hoped for a good ransom.

Finn MacGowan (H) is one pissed off man,when he finds out who is responsible for leaving him as a prisoner to these rebels he's going to personally kill him. He's not even sure why they haven't killed him yet,he was caught trying to kill their leader after all and he knows it's not for ransom because they've never asked for one. Well three years of being a prisoner was enough, he's finally won enough trust from his captures and he has a plan to leave tonight. There are two other prisoners there, an older man who is willing to pay him to take him with him,and a 16 year old boy who's parents are Hollywood stars. He's agreed to take them down the mountain if they can make it to the meeting place (they are not kept I. the same hut). On the night of his big escape the rebels come back with another captive and as luck would have it or not really, they throw her in his hut with him. So now he has another charge to get down the mountain but he tells her that if she cant keep up then she's on her own, after all he's no ones hero.

As they make their way down the mountian not only do they have to stay one step ahead of their captures but they have to fight their growing attraction. For MacGowan he tells himself that after 3 years without a woman that any willing woman would do,but there is something about Beth that intrigues him. For Beth, she knows she is attracted to him but he did save her life and all. She also knows that she hates sex,she's tried it 3 times and hated it evetytime,she's just not cut out for it. All she really wants to do is get out of South America and put this nightmare behind her. All MacGowan really wants is to get out of South America,find the person responisble for leaving him there and kill him and put this nightmare behind him.....oh ya and get laid.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 173 reviews

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