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327 pages, Kindle Edition
First published September 15, 2011
"Well, I figure we might both get out of this alive, and I can always use a little cash. Say ten thousand for untying you?" -- ha! ツBut Beth doesn't buy Finn's mercenary act, because he just gave her the only candy bar he's seen in three years, the same chocolate bar he's been saving to celebrate his escape.
"I'll make you a bargain. We get out of this in one piece, I'll shave for you if you promise not to shave for me."
"Go drown yourself, MacGowan," she muttered, closing her eyes.
She heard his laugh. It was a good laugh, she thought muzzily. The laugh of a man who enjoyed life. What would it be like to live through three years of captivity in the Andes and still be able to laugh?
"She was afraid, he realized with sudden shock. It should have made him back off. But he was like a wolf who'd found his mate, and he wasn't about to let her go so easily. Not when her fear was irrational and misplaced. He wasn't going to hurt her, and deep inside she had to know it. He couldn't walk away. Sane or not, he wanted her too badly"Secondary Committee characters: I enjoyed the scenes with Mahmoud (now 17) and Peter, and the scenes with Peter and Finn. Taka and Reno also make a quick appearance, and there's a phone call from Bastien. We also got a wee glimpse of Isobel and Killian's new life.
"We can take this slow, can't we?" she managed to ask. "You won't push me?"
"Oh, my precious one." He was sounding more Irish, an instinctive croon that made her melt. "I'm going to push you so far you won't know where you end and I begin."
“Oh, God,” she whispered, horrified. What had seemed a strange kind of nightmare was suddenly, terribly real. “Did you kill him?”
“No, the tooth fairy came along and took care of him"
“You’re sure you’re not a sister?” he tossed back at her, his voice little more than a growl on the night air. “I’m an only child.”
Stupid, he thought. “I’m asking if you’re a holy nun.”
“I told you, I’m not a nun, holy or otherwise.”
Okay, she met the criteria for fuckable.