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Tintin #4

Cigars of the Pharaoh

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Tientalle Egiptoloe het al probeer om die grafkelder van Farao Kih-Oskh te vind en elkeen het in die proses verdwyn. Kuifie en Spokie ontmoet die misterieuse en eksentrieke Egiptoloog, Doktor Sarkofaag en gou beland hulle self in die soektog. Dit word duidelik dat die grafkelder veel meer as sand en mummies bevat. Hulle volg An leidraad - An simbool op An sigaarbandjie - en Kuifie en Spokie bots met An bende smokkelaars. Die avontuur neem hulle van Arabie na Indie en Kuifie moet alles uithaal om nie in die smokkelaars se web te beland nie.

63 pages, ebook

First published January 1, 1955

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About the author


1,134 books1,878 followers
Georges Prosper Remi (22 May 1907 – 3 March 1983), better known by the pen name Hergé, was a Belgian comics writer and artist.
His best known and most substantial work is The Adventures of Tintin comic book series, which he wrote and illustrated from 1929 until his death in 1983, leaving the twenty-fourth Tintin adventure Tintin and Alph-Art unfinished. His work remains a strong influence on comics, particularly in Europe.

"Hergé" is the pseudonym of George Remí, making a game with the initials of his name inverted. Throughout the evolution of his star character, Tintin, we can see the progress of this author: from the first titles marked by the ultraconservative doctrine of the director of the newspaper Le Petit Vingtième, to the breaking of conventions embodied from The Blue Lotus , as well as the evolution of the society of his time. The research carried out by Hergé to historically contextualize his Adventures, as well as his implicit social criticism, have made Tintin a masterpiece of the 20th century.

Series on Goodreads:
* The Adventures of Tintin
* Quick & Flupke
* The adventures of Jo, Zette and Jocko

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews671 followers
April 10, 2022
Les Cigares du pharaon = Cigars of the pharaoh (Tintin #4), Hergé

Cigars of the Pharaoh, is the fourth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé (May 22, 1907, Etterbeek, Belgium - March 3, 1983, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium). The story tells of young Belgian reporter Tintin and his dog Snowy, who are travelling in Egypt when they discover a pharaoh's tomb filled with dead Egyptologists and boxes of cigars. Pursuing the mystery of these cigars, they travel across Arabia and India, and reveal the secrets of an international drug smuggling enterprise.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سال1976میلادی

عنوان: سیگارهای فرعون؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر: هرژه؛ مترجم: اسمردیس؛ تهران، انتشارات ونوس، سال1354، در62ص، مصور رنگی، ماجراهای تن تن خبرنگار جوان، موضوع: داستانهای فکاهی مصور از نویسندگان بلژیک - سده20م

عنوان: سیگارهای فرعون؛ نویسنده و تصویرگر: هرژه؛ مترجمان: رایحه اندیشه؛ تهران، رایحه اندیشه، سال1380، در64ص، مصور رنگی، ماجراهای تن تن خبرنگار جوان، شابک9649380051؛

کتاب مصور «سیگارهای فرعون» چهارمین کتاب، از سری کتاب‌های «ماجراهای تن تن و میلو»، به قلم «ژرژ رمی (سال1907میلادی تا سال1983میلادی)، نویسنده «بلژیکی»، نامدار به «هرژه» بودند؛ این کتاب نخستین بار، در سال1934میلادی توسط «هرژه» نوشته، طراحی، و به چاپ رسید؛ داستان این کتاب، درباره‌ ی یک تیم قاچاق به رهبری فردی با هویت ناشناس است؛ «تن تن» که برای یاری به یک «مصر» شناس، توقفی در «مصر» دارد، پس از ناپدید شدن او، طی ماجراهایی یک باند تبهکار را شناسایی میکند، باندی که ...؛ نسخه‌ ی رنگی و کامل این کتاب در سال1955میلادی دوباره بازطراحی و چاپ شد؛ نسخه‌ ی حاضر به تازگی، با ویرایشی تازه از روی متن اصلی «فرانسه» به فارسی برگردان شده است؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 10/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ 20/01/1401هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Luís.
2,230 reviews1,131 followers
July 9, 2024
Here is a very well-constructed Tintin adventure. We visit many places (primarily India and Egypt), and unlike in previous volumes, the experience has a genuine interest.
We are no longer in Tintin in the Congo. Here, we had plunged into the heart of drug trafficking on a large scale. So, as always, it is approached with a lot of humor, sometimes a few facilities. But we find everything we love in Tintin's adventures. And even if some cult characters are still missing, the optics of the adventurer as we know him are already taking shape.
Profile Image for Masoud Irannejad.
194 reviews123 followers
August 12, 2019
نسبت به کتاب قبلی با داستانی پخته تر و نقاشی های بهتر روبروییم
همینطور معجزات الهی کمتری رو هم شاهدیم و بیشتر استعداد های تن تن او رو نجات می دن
ناگفته نماند وجود دو کاراگاه تامسون و تامپسون(دوپون و دوپونه)داستان رو خیلی شیرین تر هم کرده بود


تن تن رو در تابوت حبس می کنند و در دریا می اندازن و دریا هم طوفانی میشه، از شانس خوبش بعد از غرق شدن توسط یک کشتی نجات داده می شه

یکی از بادیه نشین های عربستان از دوست تن تن صابون میخرد و به جای کیک می خورد و دهنش کف می کنه ، برای همین تن تن رو دستگیر می کنند! و پیش شیخ خودشون می برند شیخ می خواد تن تن رو برای مسموم کردن غلامش بکشه ، وقتی اسم تن تن رو می پرسه کلی ذوق میکنه میگه تن تن رو میشناسه و عاشق کاراشه حالا این که این بادیه نشینانی که صابون رو با کیک اشتباه گرفتن چجوری روزنامه خارجی گیر میاوردن و تن تن رو چجوری شناسایی کردن به کنار ی اسب هم به تن تن هدیه می دن

در نبرد بین قاچاقچیان اسلحه و پلیس ، تن تن از دست قاچاقچیان رها میشه و دست برادران پلیس (کاراگاه) میوفته ، میلو ضامن یک نارنجک رو تو انبار مهمات می کشه و پلیس ها، تن تن رو رها می کنند و فرار می کنند از شانس خوب تن تن، نارنجک چاشنی نداشت

تن تن در صحرا آبش رو از دست می ده ولی باز نجات پیدا میکنه

تن تن به مرگ با تیرباران محکوم میشه ولی کاراگاه ها تن تن رو نجات میدن تا خودشون دستگیرش کنند

تن تن از سقوط هواپیما نجات پیدا می کنه

مُرتاض و تن تن در کوه آماده برای درگیر شدن هستند که یک سنگ به سر مرتاض میخوره و بی هوشش می کنه
Profile Image for Piyangie.
568 reviews687 followers
December 18, 2020
This is by far the well-constructed adventure in the series. There is a proper plot here. The pace of the story is good and there is enough of Tintin's adventures to entertain.

In this installment, Tintin helps to unravel an international drug trafficking organization. The leader of the organization, however, escapes the authorities and his identity is not known. It isn't difficult to guess who he is and we will be meeting him again in future Tintin adventures.

The best part of this installment is that we meet Thompson and Thomson - the detective duo, Dr. Sophocles Sarcophagus and the villain Rastapopoulos. I also enjoyed the quick-paced adventure and the touch of humor.

Overall, it was quite an enjoyable read. And I would like to consider this installment as the proper beginning of the Tintin series.
Profile Image for সালমান হক.
Author 64 books1,810 followers
May 22, 2023
ফারাওয়ের চুরুট ছিল আমার পড়া টিনটিনের প্রথম বই। এই গল্পটার কাহিনী তাই আমার সারাজীবন মনে থাকবে। এবারে ইংরেজি অনুবাদটা পড়লাম। টিনটিন তো টিনটিনই। যতবারই পড়ি ভালো লাগে। এবারেও লাগলো। এই বইয়েই প্রথম থম্পসন ব্রাদার্সদের(রনসন-জনসন) দেখা মেলে। গোটা সিরিজের নামকরা এক অ্যান্টাগনিস্টকেও প্রথমবারের মতন দেখা যায়। প্লট বেশ গোছানো ছিল। সিগার্স অফ ফারাও যখন লেখা হয়, তখন নিশ্চয়ই ইন্টারনেট ছিল না। চাইলেই কিছু একটা উইকিপিডিয়া থেকে খুঁজে বইয়ে জুড়ে দিলাম, এমন ব্যাপার-স্যাপারও ছিল না। কিন্তু এই একটা বইয়েই তিন-তিনটা দেশের আর্থ সামাজিক চিত্র দারুণ দেখিয়েছেন আর্জে। ভাগনেকে উপহার দেয়ার জন্যে কেনা হয়েছিল, এক বসায় পড়ে ফেললাম। আরো পড়বো সামনে।
Profile Image for Roya.
456 reviews62 followers
March 1, 2025
تصمیم گرفتم مجموعه‌ی تن‌تن رو بازخوانی کنم تا این روزهای سخت، خوشحال بمونم و هر بار ذوق خوندن جلد جدید رو داشته باشم‌.
Profile Image for this is shin.
127 reviews79 followers
March 23, 2021
جزو بهترین خاطرات کودکی و نوجوانی من!
حتی هنوز هم که اینجا دیدمش دلم خواست دوباره
گیرشون بیارم و بخونمشون
سرشار از خلاقیت و سرگرمی و البته که بامزه و دوست داشتنی!
Profile Image for Medha .
115 reviews66 followers
October 19, 2021
This is the fourth volume in Hergé’s eminent comic series, “The adventures of Tintin.”

I read this for the first time a few years ago and loved the characters and the storyline! This is just one of those comics you can’t help but finish in one sitting! It will keep you immersed right until the very end!

Tintin and his pet dog Snowy are on vacation on a cruise when they stumble upon Doctor Sophocles Sarcophagus, an absent minded archaeologist. Sarcophagus was trying to find the tomb of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh and he was successful in doing so but he paid a terrible price…he vanished right after he found the tomb and now Tintin and Snowy are bestowed the honor of finding the deranged archaeologist! Everywhere they go, they find uncanny symbols etched on trees, on cigars and many more places! Can Tintin figure out the mystery behind these symbols and find Doctor Sarcophagus before it’s too late?

Read this book to find out!! It was definitely worth the re-read! However the sense of humor didn’t really “wow” me.

Don't forget to check out my review of Tintin in America as well!
Profile Image for Ehsan'Shokraie'.
678 reviews197 followers
December 12, 2020
یکی از نقات قوت اصلی مجموعه تن تن,سفر به نقاط مختلف دنیاست..انچنان که ما نیز به همراه تن تن جهان را میبینیم,در قاره ها,کشور ها, فرهنگ ها و شخصیت های مختلف زندگی می کنیم..گویی که با هر سفر و ماجرای تن تن ما نیز ماجراجویی بزرگی از سر میگذرانیم..
Profile Image for نیما اکبرخانی.
Author 3 books150 followers
May 27, 2021
تا اینجا بهترین تن تن بود. قشنگ بود ، معمای جالبی ابتدای داستان طرح کرد و من با تصویرسازی‌ها چند باری خندیدم. هی داره بهتر می‌شه.
Profile Image for صان.
425 reviews383 followers
August 20, 2020
اولین تن‌تن‌ای که خوندم. نمی‌دونم از کجا بهم رسید، اما یادمه که کادو گرفتم. کی کادو داد؟ نمی‌دونم. اول کتاب اسمشو ننوشته.
وقتی بچه بودم جلد مورد علاقه‌م بود. حالا هم تصمیم دارم دوباره کل مجموعه رو بخونم و باز هم شاید همین جلد مورد علاقه‌م بشه.
اما چرا؟

یکی از جذابیت‌های تن‌تن برای من، فضاهای مختلفشه. هر جلد، توی چند مکان می‌گذره که این مکان‌ها همه یه جورایی حال و هوای اگزاتیک دارن و خوندن داستانی که اونجا می‌گذره یه لذتِ خاصی بهم می‌ده. این قسمت تو کشتی شروع می‌شه، بیابون داره، عربستان داره، مصر داره، هند داره و جنگل داره، حتی کوکلاکس‌کلان داره :)) خونه‌ی دکتری که وسط جنگله و ...
این لوکیشن‌های متنوع و جذاب، همیشه برام دل���نشین بودن.

همونطور که دیگری‌ها هم می‌گفتن فرار از مخمصه‌های تن‌تن گاهی خیلی امداد غیبی می‌شه و ضعف به حساب میاد، اما در کنار این امدادها، گاهی هم ایده‌های خیلی بامزه و البته نه چندان واقع‌گرایانه‌ای برای فرار از مشکلات به فکر هرژه می‌رسه که نقطه‌ی قوت کتاب به حساب میاد. در کل هم در ژانری که داره انتظار یه قصه‌ی پلیسی و پی‌رنگ بی‌نقص ندارم. برای همین امتیاز پایینی هم براش قائل نیستم. به قول یه دوست دیگه‌ای توی گودریدز اصلا تن‌تن همین معجزاتشه که خوبه! که خیلی مخالف این حرف نیستم.

چندتا کمدیِ درجه یک هم توی این کتاب بود که حسابی به خنده اورد منو :))) یکی‌ش همین تامسون و تامپسون! خیلی خوبن واقعا :))

در کل خیلی بهم چسبید؛ اینکه پس از مدت‌ها نشستم پاش و خوندم و عشق کردم.
Profile Image for অনার্য অর্ক.
174 reviews223 followers
August 20, 2021
টিনটিনের অ্যাডভেঞ্চার সিরিজ আমার কাছে প্রচুর পরিমাণে ফ্যাসিনেটিং... আর সুযোগ পেলেই আমি সবগুলো ইস্যু আরেকবার পড়ার চেষ্টা করি।
এই গ্রাফিক নভেলটা একই সাথে আমার আর টিনটিন সিরিজের জন্য একই সাথে অনেক বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
ক্রোনোলজিক্যাল হিসেবে এটা সিরিজের চতুর্থ বই হলেও
এটা ছিল আমার প্রথম পড়া টিনটিন গ্রাফিক নভেল আর এই অভিজ্ঞতা আমার মনে গভীরভাবে দাগ কেটেছিল।

কদিন ধরে দিনকাল ভালো না যাওয়ায় আজ আবারও টিনটিনের কাছে ফেরার সিদ্ধান্ত নিই। ১৯৯১-৯২ সালে এয়ার হওয়া কার্টুন সিরিজটার প্রথম দুই এপিসোড দেখে আবারও টিনটিন পড়তে ইচ্ছা করে।

টিনটিন সিরিজের জন্য বইটা স্পেশাল কারণ,এই গল্পেই অন্যতম প্রধান ভিলেন রাস্তাপপুলাস এবং জমজভাই গোয়েন্দা রনসন আর জনসনের আবির্ভাব ঘটে যারা সিরিজের পরবর্তী গল্পগুলোতেও আপনাকে হাসিয়ে মারবে।

গল্পের শুরুতে দেখা যায়, টিনটিন আর পোষা ফক্স টেরিয়ার কুকুর স্নোয়ি(কুট্টুস) মিশরে যায়। ঘটনাক্রমে তারা সেখানে ফারাওয়ের সমাধি খুঁজে পায়। আর সেই সমাধিতে ফারাওয়ের লাশের বদলে পাওয়া যায় সার করে রাখা ইজিপ্টোলজিস্ট বা মিশর তত্ত্ববিদদের লাশ আর বাক্সভর্তি চুরুট। মৃত লাশ কি কথা বলে?

এই মৃত মানুষের গল্প আর বাক্সভর্তি চুরুটের ক্লু ফলোআপ করতে করতে তারা পুরো আরববিশ্ব আর ভারত চষে ফেলে। শেষ পর্যন্ত কী হয় এই দুঃসাহসিক অ্যাডভেঞ্চারের?এই গভীর চক্রান্তের বিশাল নেটওয়ার্কের পেছনে আসলে কারা?

অ্যার্জের নারকোটিকস নিয়ে উৎসাহ তুলনামূলকভাবে অন্য ক্রাইমের থেকে বেশি।
Cigars of Pharaoh বাদেও আরো কিছু গ্রাফিক নভেলে ড্রাগ কার্টেলকে সেন্টার করে মূল কাহিনী প্রবাহিত হয়েছে। যেমন: Crab with Golden Claws.

আনন্দ পাবলিশার্স থেকে প্রকাশিত অনুবাদটা করেছিলেন কবি নীরেন্দ্রনাথ চক্রবর্তী
আর সেটার স্বাদ অটুট আছে,যদিও এইবার আমি বাংলা অনুবাদ পড়ি নি।

এখানে টিনটিনকে যারা চিনেন না তাদের জন্য বলে রাখা দরকার।

টিনটিন একজন সাংবাদিক। যে যুগের প্রেক্ষাপটে অ্যার্জে টিনটিনের এই পরিচয়টি তার একাধিক অভিযানের বর্ণনায় ব্যবহার করেছেন, সেই যুগটি ছিল রাশিয়ার বলশেভিক বিপ্লব আর সেকেন্ড ওয়ার্ল্ড ওয়ারের যুগ। এমনকি বাস্তবে চন্দ্রাভিযানের বহু আগেই অ্যার্জে তার কল্পনায় চাঁদে টিনটিনের অভিযানের গল্প শুনিয়েছেন। এর্জে টিনটিনের একটি পৃথক জগৎ সৃষ্টি করেছিলেন।
তার সার্বক্ষণিকের সঙ্গী ফক্স টেরিয়ার কুকুর স্নোয়ি।পরবর্তীতে পাঁড়মাতাল ক্যাপ্টেন হ্যাডকও যোগ দেয় তাদের দলে। তাছাড়াও প্রফেসর ক্যালকুলাস,কাস্তাফিও,রনসন অ্যান্ড জনসনের কাণ্ডকারখানা হলো সিরিজের বাড়তি পাওনা।
প্যারালালি সিরিয়াস ঘটনার পাশাপাশি প্রচুর অ্যাকশন আর কমেডি আপনাকে ঘণ্টাখানেকের জন্য নির্মল আনন্দ দিতে সক্ষম।

টানটান উত্তেজনার সাথে হাস্যরসের সম্মিলনে সময় নেহাৎ মন্দ কাটে নি।
Profile Image for Alan.
693 reviews295 followers
August 9, 2022
This is the adventure that begins to form the long-lasting traits of Tintin for the years to come. It’s immediately more mature, grander in scope. Hergé began to lay out characters that would come back over and over again, making the story evolve into a universe. This, I believe, is the reason why many treasure these stories. You are allowed to throw memories of a simpler time into a fully formed and well-structured world. Farr puts it well: “In this adventure, Tintin has moved on from mere helter-skelter, rough and tumble to a narrative rich in mystery and drama, making Cigars of the Pharaoh as much of a landmark in the series as its more widely acclaimed sequel, The Blue Lotus.”

My favourite bits here are the introduction of the Thom(p)sons, a couple of comic relief detectives from Scotland Yard, as well as the beautiful imagery of Tintin discovering the tombs in Egypt. The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen was all the craze at the time of original publication in the 30s, and so Hergé’s take on the ills that befell the discoverers and explorers is fascinating. Finally, this panel always amused me: Tintin learned how to speak to Elephants while in the jungles of India, and he ordered one of them to help out with a shower.

Elephant Shower
Profile Image for David Sarkies.
1,904 reviews360 followers
April 19, 2014
The first of Tintin's full length adventures
4 February 2012

This is the story where Tintin comes on his own. While it was still written in a serialised form when it first appeared back in 1934, this story has a proper story arc where Tintin stumbles on a sophisticated drug smuggling ring that stretches across the entire Eurasian continent. It is here that Tintin's companions begin to be developed (namely the Thompson twins) and we also begin to see Tintin going on real adventures and chasing after a singular bad guy. Where Tintin in America seemed to be a hodge podge of different stories thrown together, here we begin to see a well constructed adventure.
Tintin is on a Mediterranean cruise (much to Snowy's annoyance - and here we begin to see the character of Snowy, the loyal and faithful companion, developed as well) when he runs into the first of Herge's many absent minded professors, Dr Sophocles Sarcophagus. He is travelling to Egypt to uncover a lost tomb. Tintin also meets one of the recurring villains of the piece, the film mogul Rastapopolous. Herge developed this character very well in this book because we do not, at this stage, realise that he is the bad guy, and in fact when the master of the drug ring falls off a cliff at the end, we are left wondering who it was and whether we will ever find out.
While this story can be read on its own, it does carry over to the Blue Lotus, however I never got to read the Blue Lotus until a long time afterwards. As for this story, it is by far my favourite of the Tintin adventures. Some have suggested that Herge had not got the culture element right here, but we will note that after the Blue Lotus, Herge begins to create his own countries where the adventures are placed, and maybe it is a move away from raising clearly raising his concerns to being much more subtle in his criticism.
Yet we do have criticism within this story (as we do with the next one as well). It is not until Tintin reaches India that we are confronted with the destruction that a lot of these drug smuggler's are causing. While as a kid we read this book and considered that drugs smuggling was bad because Tintin is out to get them, it is when he meets the Raj of Gaipajama that the major concern is raised. The Raj is out to stop the smugglers because of the suffering they cause his people (and Herge is obviously trying to raise awareness of the practice, which still occurs today), namely that the smugglers force the peasants to grow opium poppies and purchase the poppies off of them at a significant discount. However, because the peasants are growing poppies they are unable to grow their own food, and as such are forced to purchase food off of the smuggler's at a significant premium.
The comedy is ramped up a lot here as well. Tintin in America was simply silly in a lot of cases, but now we have the Thompson twins, two Interpol Agents (I believe, though the English versions suggest that they are Scotland Yard) who bumble their way through the investigation, and but end up being the assistance that Tintin needs to crack the case. The most amusing part was where they think they see Tintin sitting behind a dune and whack him on the head with a cane only to discover it is a sheik. In the next panel, Tintin arrives at a city that is being mobilised for war because one of their sheiks was attacked. Then there are the three huge Indians let into Tintin's cell, to teach him a lesson, and then we hear the sounds of fighting, and an ambulance rushing off to pick up the wounded, only to discover that it was the three Indian dudes – golden.
Profile Image for Robert Parsons.
6 reviews9 followers
August 13, 2018
You know you want to. It's Tintin. The guy every kid wants to be. The guy you grow up to be. I even had the same dog.

The guy in my corner shop was the absent minded professor and my dad's mate was Captain Haddock.

The artwork is awesome and the stories are intriguing and full of mystery.

I confess I've read the whole series and loved every minute of them. This was a time before social media when a kid could let his imagination run away with him.

And if you love the book there are also cartoon versions of them.

Nothing more to say other than simply BRILLIANT.
Profile Image for Noella.
1,161 reviews67 followers
March 23, 2023
Als ze op reis zijn in Egypte, ontdekken Kuifje en Bobby de tombe van een farao en sarcofagen met daarin dode egyptologen. Er zijn ook vele dozen met sigaren. Om het mysterie van deze sigaren te ontrafelen, moeten Kuifje door Arabië en India reizen. Ze komen op het spoor van een internationale drugsbende. En ze beleven hachelijke avonturen eer ze aan de misdadigers kunnen ontsnappen.

Goed verhaal.
Profile Image for Hossein Bayat.
158 reviews24 followers
December 15, 2023
قطعاً یکی از بهترین و جذابترین تن تن‌هاست.
Profile Image for Schahin.
97 reviews
July 15, 2024
بنظرم سیگارهای فرع��ن شروع اصلی داستان های تن تن‌‌ه. هم معمایی بود و هم جنایی رازآلود و هم پر تعقیب و گریز همراه با شوخی و کمدی مناسب. ناپیوستگی که در قسمت های قبلی دیده میشد تو این قسمت خیلی کمتر بود و انسجام داستانی بیشتری داشت. تن تن باید معما را حل میکرد و سرنخ را دنبال میکرد.
به نسبت قسمت های قبلی کاراکتر تن تن تغییر کرده بود هم از نظر برخورد با مشکلات و برخورد با آدم‌ها و حتی حیوانات. ( از انفجار کردگدن با دینامیت در کنگو گرفته تا نگرانی برای یک فیل که تب کرده و گنه گنه بهش میده بخوره در سیگار های فرعون). هرژه از این قسمت جاپای داستان رو پیدا کرده. به طوری که خواننده برای خواندن ماجرای بعدی اشتیاق داره.
Profile Image for Gary.
971 reviews228 followers
August 25, 2017
Written in 1936 , The Blue Lotus is the sequel to the colourful Cigars of the Pharaoh. In the Cigars of the Pharaoh , Tintin has almost succeeded in smashing an international gang of drug traffickers , managing to capture all of them except the leader who mysteriously crashes over a ravine.
His further investigations lead him to China , then under threat from Japanese agression.
Tintin comes up against a madman infected with a dart that sends the recipient insane , enraged British colonists out for revenge after having been humiliated by Tintin and the Japanese army , with the chief villain of the piece being Japanese businessman Mitsuhirato.
This album drew protest form the Japanese government of the time , and was praised by Chiang Kai Shek , President of the Republic of China.
However, it was banned by China's Communist regime until 1984 , due to some of their own insane Maoist reasoning-and even then was still chopped up and heavily edited.
Other albums having been banned by the Communist dictatorship in China where Tintin in tibet (for recognizing tibetan culture) , Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (for exposing Communism)and Tintin in the Congo ('Colonialist').
Profile Image for Ridwan Anam.
126 reviews100 followers
August 17, 2019
প্রথম তিন বই থেকে অনেক উন্নতি। বর্নবাদ আর উপনিবেশিকতার ছায়া অনেক কমেছে। আর্টওয়ার্ক আরো পরিশীলিত, ডিটেইলিং আরো নিখুঁত। টিনটিনের তার চরম শত্রুর প্রথম দেখাও পায় এই বইয়ে, যদিও তার পরিচয় প্রকাশ করা হয় নাই। মরুভূমির পটভূমি থেকে ভারতের ঘন জংগল, সব জায়গাতেই ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডের ডিটেইলিং প্রায় নিখুঁত এবং নজরকাড়া। পিরামিডের ভিতরের দৃশ্য নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ করে দেওয়ার মতো সুন্দর এবং নিখুঁত। প্লেন, ট্রেন, গাড়ি, পাল চালিত ডৌ নৌকা, নানা রকম যানবাহনের দেখা পাওয়া যায়, সবগুলোই আসল বাহনের সাথে নিখুঁত মিল রেখে আঁকা হয়েছে।

বইটার দূর্বলতা কিছু অতি প্রাকৃতিক ঘটনা গল্পে জুড়ে দেওয়া, হাতির সাথে টিনটিনের ট্রাম্পেট বাঁজিয়ে কথা বলা।

মোটের উপর টিনটিন সিরিজের মোড় যে ঘুরতে যাচ্ছে, সে আভাস দেওয়া একটা বই।
Profile Image for Mark Hebwood.
Author 1 book102 followers
May 16, 2015
Well. This is course not the first time I read Tintin. But when I was looking at the obscure school of experimental comic book artists called "Oubapo" recently, Tintin appeared again on my radar screen and I decided to re-read this early story, published first in the early 30s.

And I ended up disappointed! And surprised that I was disappointed. Because I think Tintin is one of the best BD ("bandes dessinnees") ever written. Usually, the plot is well sequenced and the characters well "drawn", both metaphorically as protagonists with idiosyncratic traits, and literally as cartoon figures with sharp poignancy of expression.

Usually, but not here. This episode appears to have been written for a much younger readership than many of the other stories. Humour is never subtle, but remains slapstick at all times. Dupont and Dupond, the two inept Pinkerton-style police detectives, excel at falling over, tripping up, and running into things. Philemon Siclone, an early, but less charming, version of Professeur Tournesol (professor Calculus in the English translations) displays a character trait that is indistinguishable from cognitive impairment. So yes, it is mildly amusing when he mistakes a funnel on a ship to be the captain of the vessel, but where a six-year old may squeal with delight, an adult reader would pause and ask "what was the point of that, exactly?"

Plot-sequencing, also, is pretty poor. Over wide parts of the story, events that happen have absolutely no bearing on the plot, and are actually completely redundant. Like, for example, the sequence on pages 15 to 18. The sequence starts after Tintin was rescued from distress at sea. Back on land, he is ambushed and briefly held custody by a sheikh in the region. This sheikh, in an oddly self-referencing joke, sets him free when he discovers that Tintin is the hero of his favourite comic books. Back on his way, Tintin stubles onto the scene of a film set, and after having tea with the producer, continues on his journey. At the start of page 18, he gets back to the ship which rescued him, and from which he started out on page 15, to make a discovery that advances the plot. So, basically, we just spent three pages reading about events that are pure filler, and after that are literally back where we started!

And these weaknesses, I am afraid to say, define this story, and do not remain the exception. All in all, a weak episode, at least judged by the mastery Herge was still to develop.
Profile Image for Maria Carmo.
1,980 reviews52 followers
May 25, 2020
I just loved this new adventure! I did not remember any more (since I read these books so LOOOONG ago) that this was the adventure in which Dupont et Dupond appear for the first time, as well as the well known Portuguese character Oliveira da Figueira, the salesman who can make business even in the middle of the desert!

There is always a bit of xenophobia in the Belgian perspective in which the book was written, but we have to take into account the epoch in which it was written... Anyway, it is better than Tin-tin in Congo, that is really racist!!!!!

Anyway, these adventures are lots of fun and remind me of nice moments of my youth. Because my parents were teachers and I was born in Lisbon, Portugal during the beginning of the sixties, there was a certain "intellectual prejudice" against reading comics... the idea was that children who got used to reading comics would never get used to enjoy real books and would not develop their reading skills. Therefore, there were NO such books in our house. And it took until I was in my teens, maybe around 13 or more, to be "allowed" to read the Tin-tin books that belonged to my neighbours,and then only because it was the French original version, so my family thought that I would be developing my French - which was true and gave me the appetite for reading the originals whenever possible, when I can read the languages...

Maria Carmo,

Lisbon 3 January 2015.
Profile Image for Yas.
526 reviews44 followers
January 29, 2024
همیشه جزو محبوب‌ترین هام بود🥲❤️⚡️
نسبت به کمیک‌های قبل جالب‌تر و قوی‌تر بود.
Profile Image for Kavita.
831 reviews440 followers
September 22, 2022
This one is miles better than the previous ones. Hergé appears to have finally settled down to actual storytelling instead of just propaganda pushing. The fourth comic in the series, Cigars of the Pharaoh sees the intrepid reporter off on a cruise with his dog. The ship was supposed to have a first stop at Egypt and then go on to other destinations, finally stopping at Shanghai.

Unfortunately, Tintin meets a crazy archaeologist who is searching for the tomb of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh, a theme influenced by the recent finding of Tutankhamen's tomb. In helping him, Tintin meets a mystery, gets locked up in a tomb, lands up in the Middle East in a coffin and then escapes to India on a plane. Yeah, you need to go with the flow here! It is in India that he meets the Maharaja of Gaipajama, and finally realises that his adventures are connected to an opium ring.

My favourite characters, Thomson and Thompson, make their first appearance in this book. They first arrest Tintin but eventually are convinced of his innocence, and thus begins a long comradeship between the three. There are the mandatory fakirs who go up magic ropes and sit on nails, highly stereotypical but also written in a highly humorous manner. I also loved that in this book, Tintin is a better person and saves an elephant instead of killing it. Already this series is better!

Tintin saves the maharaja and his family, but the conclusion is left open ended as the ringleader of the drug cartel dies (or escapes?), taking Tintin to China. Let's see what The Blue Lotus has in store for us!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 670 reviews

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