Una noche de luna llena color rojo, seis chicas se ven arrastradas por una fuerza misteriosa hasta un viejo teatro al aire libre. Días antes, un compañero apareció muerto en el instituto. Todo el mundo piensa que ha sido un suicidio. Todo el mundo... excepto ellas. En ese misterioso lugar en ruinas, les es revelada una antigua profecía. Son las Elegidas, un grupo de brujas unidas por un poder que puede destruirlas a todas. Pronto descubren que, a pesar de sus diferencias, se necesitan las unas a las otras para dominar sus nuevos poderes y cumplir la misión que les espera. El tiempo corre en su contra. Si no descubren qué las persigue, morirán.
Mats Strandberg is an award-winning novelist and journalist. He is a regular columnist for Sweden's biggest evening newspaper, has been named Columnist of the Year by Sweden's Newspapers and Magazines organization, and had published three previous novels, with rights sold in numerous countries.
Anna-Karin, Vanessa, Ida, Linnéa, Minoo und Rebecka sind sechs Mädchen, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten. Und doch müssen sie plötzlich eine Einheit bilden, denn sie sind "Die Auserwählten". Sie sind dazu ausersehen, die Welt zu retten. Jede von ihnen hat ein Element und eine besondere Gabe, die trainiert werden muss. Und die Zeit wird knapp, denn das Böse ist ihnen auf der Spur...
* Meine Meinung * Dieses Buch habe ich sehr gerne gelesen. Es ist in einer sehr leichten und angemessenen Sprache geschrieben, so dass es sich flüssig lesen lässt. Zudem ist es spannend und trotz der Fantasy-Elemente doch irgendwie realistisch. Besonders gut haben mir die Figuren der sechs Mädchen gefallen. Sie sind alle total echt und haben mit ganz normalen Teenagerproblemen zu kämpfen. Das macht sie mir gleich noch sympathischer. Auch wird der Hintergrund der Mädchen richtig gut beschrieben, so dass man schon bald glaubt, jedes der Mädels persönlich zu kennen. Dieses Jugendbuch kann ich auch erwachsenen Lesern empfehlen; es ist wirklich schön, und ich freue mich auf den zweiten Teil!
The Circle was an excellent and gritty urban fantasy. It was dark enough that I would hesitate to classify it as young adult. It is about a group of close friends and magic.
It reminded me of that 1996 film, The Craft, which, as you will recall, is about a group of angst-y high school friends who find out that they're witches and have to deal with all of the issues that go along with that. There's drama, danger and magic... oh my!
For such a large cast of characters, Strandberg does an amazing job fleshing them all out. Each has their own unique feel, story, and interests. At first, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to tell Vanessa from Linnea from Minoo but that never happened.
Strandberg also deftly captures the high school girls' attitudes and hang ups. He makes you love each one of them with their failures and unrealized potential. I believed in the characters and was cheering for them the whole time. It takes talent to create that level of emotional bonding with a cast of protagonists. Strandberg nails it.
There's a lot of surprises in store for the readers who pick this up. Not to spoil anything, but you may want to have some tissues around if you're a sensitive type.
I think that the best part about this trilogy is that all three books have already been published. They were originally written in Swedish. It took a couple years to be translated into English, but aren't we lucky?
Also, in early 2015, this book was made into a film so there's no waiting on that either. Awesome.
For people with triggers or appropriate reading material concerns, there's some intense murder and cutting scenes, bullying, language, a near rape and a bunch of underage sex (but not overly graphic like Paper Princess). Mature young adults could probably handle it, probably 16+. It's up to the parents, but read responsibly.
If you enjoyed The Circle, you may enjoy The Magicians by Lev Grossman or Bitter Seeds by Ian Tregillis.
I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads. FTC guidelines: check!
Do you like reading novels that keeps you up into the wee hours of night? If you do then make sure to read The Circle, it is a true page turner! The Circle is a young adult fantasy that pulls off something that very few fantasy novels manages to do, it manages to somehow be a kind of a contemporary novel at the same time.
Sky high expectations In the Nordic countries The Circle has been receiving so much praise that I was actually scared to read it. My expectations where sky high and needless to say The Circle had a long way to fall if it did not meet my expectations. I’m delighted to announced that I DEVOURED The Circle and it is so far among my top 3 novels of 2012(I’ve read 50 so far so that’s saying something).
Realistic portrait of teenage life I was glued to the page from the very dramatic beginning, it starts out with a suicide and that was a bit difficult to read about(but that's life, it is not always easy). There is no sugarcoating in this novel, which is part of why I love it so much, this is real yet this is also fantasy. The fantasy element is almost more of a background figure in this first novel as we're zooming in on the characters and their life. I quite like that and I reckon the fantasy element of the story will be a lot more visible in the next two installments.
Multiple point of view - and it actually works incredibly well. Authors Mats Strandberg and Sara B. Elfgren have managed to create a great story with several “I-did-not-see-that-one-coming”- moments. The characters in this story are all very interesting and each of the six girls has got a unique gift that is important to the task at hand. It is drama time when six very different teenage girls are forced together in this way, and what a great drama it was!
It is wonderful, as well as heartbreaking, to be able to get inside these girls head. We got a great variation of characters; the seemingly perfect girl, the victim, the quiet one, the kind one and more. It all resulted in me having to dry of tears from my cheeks several times during this read. I must add that one of the girls is a bit of a secret and it is quite clear that the readers will find out a lot more about her as the saga of The Chosen Ones continue on.
First in a trilogy - is there a cliffhanger ending? The Circle is the first book in a new trilogy and we all know how those books ends, right? Well The Circle does not end with the usual cliffhanger, we get some kind of a solution while we still have more than enough loose ends to know there will be a whole lot more to look forward to in the next installment.
Sex, drugs and Rock'N Roll - not quite but a tiny warning is called for. I might add that this book is perhaps most suitable for older teens as it contains both sex (nothing very graphic tough) and some talk of drinking and drugs. In my opinion this is the most real YA novel I’ve read of quite some time. Also the young adult in this novel is around 17-18 years old.
I’m pretty sure that this trilogy will get a huge fan base consisting of both young adults and adults.
Also worth mentioning: This Swedish trilogy is translated into 21 languages.
Did I manage to tempt you? Or did you not notice my enthusiasm there? ;)
This was a mixed bag, so let's be nice & start with the things I liked. (Sorry, but caffeine is failing me today. This will be a bullet review.)
-Grittiness. I appreciated that these teenagers swore like normal people. I also liked (though perhaps it's the wrong word? :P) that they were open about drug use & sex. It felt realistic.
-Elemental magic. The Book of Patterns & its magical process was quite interesting, though both were continually pushed aside in favor of teen dwama. This magic isn't happy unicorns & bunnies; it's ectoplasm & spit & drops of blood. There was a very earthy, grounded feel about the wicca scenes.
-Vanessa. She was by far my favorite of the girls. I loved her Fuck You attitude & unapologetic party girl behavior combined with normal human fluctuations re: family & love; she was flamboyant & likable despite her flaws.
...And now, the things I disliked:
-Poorly intro'd supernatural powers. In contrast to the wicca scenes, the sudden onset of paranormal abilities didn't work. And WTF was that ending? I hate when authors wedge nebulous soul stuff into their magic. It feels like an excuse to create vague deus-ex-machina resolutions...which is exactly what happened here.
-Minoo. Her actually looking like a Pre-Raphaelite painting when she thinks she's so hideous, her good grades & family security setting her apart from the others, her trouble making friends, her shyness with boys -- yawn. And of course her magic ends up being the most powerful & the least understood. What an annoying little Sue.
-Anna-Karin. I don't care if she was bullied. That sucks, but it doesn't excuse her obnoxious passive-aggressive behavior.
-The onslaught of minutely-described bleakness in everyday actions. Apparently this is an important ingredient in contemporary Swedish fiction, but I'll be damned if I see the allure. *blink*
-Disappearing parent syndrome. But it wasn't just the parents -- all the adults in this town were either absent, drunk, or clueless. Whut? If the fate of the fucking world is at stake, why wouldn't some of the adults have understood what was going on & tried to help? The only ones who knew about magic were either senile or too uninformed to actually help the girls.
-Length. This book was at least 200 pages too long. End of story.
It was mildly entertaining & better than other YAs, but I've no interest in reading the other books.
This book was truly a surprise to me. The beginning seemed to make things very simple and basic BUT THEN THINGS GET CRAZY.
We have a ragtag group of teenagers in a small town called Engelsfors in Sweden and this gritty and poignant novel is a YA urban witch fantasy with a serious punch. It deals with topics like drugs, sex, inappropriate adult/child relationships, absent parents, bullying and the list could really go on.
I adored this story and how the themes of friendship intertwined with a mysterious magic system.
I would recommend going into the story fairly blind so I wont discuss the plot in depth, but if you like witch YA stories, or gritty contemporaries dealing with serious topics I would TOTALLY recommend
Titulo: El circulo (Engelsfors #1) Autor: Mats Strandberg, Sara Bergmark Elfgren Motivo de lectura: #PopSugarReadingChallenge2024 Lectura / Relectura: Lectura Mi edicion: Electronico Puntuacion: 3.5/5
Un libro interesante que en el primer capitulo ya comienza la accion.
Los autores hacen una buena tarea trabajando la relacion/lazo de las protagonistas, las cuales en un inicio dan la sensacion de no tener absolutamente nada en comun. El sufrimieento (por distintos motivos) es moneda comun durante la trama, y acompañamos a estas chicas intentando lidiar con algunos aspectos de la vida.
La ambientacion es lugubre, casi en un constante "algo malo ocurrira", la tension es palpable al igual que el misterio. Las protagonistas no son retratadas como niñas perfectas de instituto, y eso aporta autenticidad y coherencia dentro de la historia. Imperfectas, inconformistas, desconfiadas, cada una de ellas debe poner las diferencias de lado en orden para obtener el bien comun, lo lograran?
Primer libro de una saga sueca, innecesariamente largo, la historia podria haber sido contada en 350-400 paginas.
I have been sitting here and staring at my computer for exactly 47 minutes trying to figure out how to start this review; so since I can not think of anything, this is what I shall give you
It took me a while to actually pick up the book and read it, but I did and I am very glad I did. And it is not because I have anything against Swedish authors(I love Sweden It's just that most of the time, whenever a book this size is published, it often gets patches of booorrriinngg and I just really didn't want to waste my time with a book that is so boring when I could be reading something awesome. Well, Sara B. Elfgren & Mats Strandburg, you did not dissapoint.
Summary: The Circle is about 6 girls-Minno, Vanessa, Linnea, Anna-Karin, Rebecka, and Ida-who are drawn be an invisible force to an abandoned amusement park during a blood-red moon after the apparent suicide of high school student Elias Malmgreen. Scared and angry, all the girls start to freak out and leave. Ida's body is then taken over by a mystical being and tells the girls that they are fated to fight an ancient evil that is hunting them and, with there guide Nicolaus, they must band together and stop it. As the weeks pass, the girls discover that ther have an unique ability and starts exploring their powers. The six girls are wildly different and definitely not friends...but they are the Chosen Ones.
The Plot: The plot is very intriguing. Though the genre is Fantasy, I think it would be easily pass a mystery. In the beginning of the book, the plot is a wee bit boring slow, but what can you expect. It went from the forced murder/suicide of Elias in the first chapter and a witch being capture to moody teenage girls who are naive and oblivious to the world around them. It slowly increases in excitement through out the book (unlike books that are like lightswitches, switching on and off from memorizing to WTF). The Circle does switch through the other girls personalities with out labeling,but it isn't a nuisance. Infact, its was quite nice that it didn't often leave at an exciting part to a super annoying apart in which you have to wait 6 chapters inorder to find out what happened to the character.
The Setting: There really isn't much to say about the setting. Obviously, it took place in Sweden. I couldn't pronouce any of the town names to save my soul (I would type them out, but I can't get the proper signs inorder to properly spell out the words). The settings were a wee bit boring, but I think that that is the way the author(s) wanted it to be.
1.)Minoo: Minoo is the smart girl in the story. She is the girl that nobody hates but is always ignored. Minoo is one of the main main characters in the book. She is in love with her homeroom teacher Max. Minoo has an average self-esteem (she doesn't think herself pretty and considers herself a pizza-face but is somewhat content about who she is). She is one of the Chosen One's, but feels left out because she only discovers what she can do at the end while everybody else is discovering there powers quickly and can read there Book of Patterns.
2.)Vanessa: Vanessa is sort of the school slut. Though she doesn't sleep with a ton of people, she does have sex a lot, drinks a lot, yells a lot at her parents (which is sort of okay since her mother only seems to date worthless and controlling guys and her boyfriend during the book-Nicke-is no exception). She is dating this loserwannabe pimplow-life college drop-out/ drug dealer named Wille who she claims says she loves, but when she gets her fortune done, the lady says that their love won't last. You discover her ability quite early within the book. She is sort of in the popular crowd and loves herself, but is still insecure like basically any regular teenage girl.
3.)Ida: Ida is the popular, classic mean girl in the school who looks perfect. Her power is discovered later -near the middle-of the book. She is a big little bit of a kiss-up and only does what she thinks will benefit her own needs. So basically, if you have ever read about or watched the mean, popular cheerleader who picks on everbody else for fun, then you know what I am talking about.
4.)Linnea: Linnea is the bad girl. She is the one who has a crappy life, is always revenge-filled, and keeps everyone at a distance. She is probably the angriest one in the whole book since her best friend was Elias. Throughout the book, her powers are given to you in little snippets, leaving you guessing and wondering, but her power is ultimately revealed near the end of the book.
P.S. I guessed right
Moving on...
5.)Rebecka: Rebecka is the leader in the group. Her power is announce early within the book. Rebecka has the perfect boyfreind, is super pretty, and almost everyone likes her. What happens to her is terrible since she was the second one to be killed--thrown of the school building.
6.)Anna-Karin: Saving the worst for last, Anna-Karin. Anna-Karin is the sad, quiet girl that is always bullied where ever she goes. Sometimes called the B.O. Ho, she is constantly trying to find ways to be invisible. She lives on a farm with her Grandpa and her lazy, smoking and complaining mother who always blames the fault on Anna-Karin. Now you might be wondering, this girl sounds miserable, why so harsh? Well since I said that you asked so kindly, I shall tell you. The first 1/3 of the book. Anna-Karin is drowning in self pity. Yes, I get it that you life isn't the best and yes, I get it that you spent your whole life being bullied, but that does not mean you can act like some kind of emo-Bella and mope and whine all the time. So half of the time, I was thinking of telling her to GTFO
Yes, I know how you feel
Then after the blood-red moon, she finally gets some confidence, so I am like
So I am thinking, maybe she will grow up, maybe she will stop being so depressing and stand up for herself. Huh. Boy was I wrong. Instead, Anna-Karin uses her powers into minipulating everyone into liking her. And I am like
Then when everybody tells her to stop, that it's inmoral to do that, she is all like
So 'till about near the end of the book, whenever her POV showed up, all I could think of is this
She also nearly rapes a guy into having sex with her then realizes it isn't right then stops, so I am like
Then near the end, she has the nerve to feel sorry for herself........I hate you
SIDE CHARACTERS: In The Circle, I think the side characters would be Max, the principal, Nicolaus, and Mona Moonbeam. I know that there are many other side characters, but I picked the ones that I believe show up the most and are most important in the book. Lets start off with Max. Max is the young, hot teacher in the high school. Minoo has been in love with him since she first saw him. Though he plays a very vague role in the begining and middle of the book, his characters gets major attention near the end of the book. He is very mysterious, though comes off ordinary. I actually found myself enjoying the times when he and Minoo talked. The principal's role in this book was a little unnecessary, yet useful. I found myself always trying to figure out if she was the killer or just an innocent bystander. My guess was wrong, but hey, no one is perfect. The principal comes off as mean and strict, but later in the book, she really starts to care for the girls and you see who she really is. Nicolaus-a.k.a. the janitor- is the guide. He is sort of a reincarnation, of who, I don't know. His purpose in life is to help guide and protect the Chosen Ones in there journey to defeat the ancient evil. He is a wee bit pothetic at first, but hear me out, he does get better. The last one would have to be Mona. Mona is an old lady who owns the Crystal Cave-a new age shop basically. Though she is mentioned only a couple of times, her role is significant in the story. You get to find out more about her near the middle and end.
The Romance: The romance is a wee bit confusing in this book. There is Rebecka & Gustaf, the perfect couple. Then there is Ida who is jealous of Rebecka because she has feelings for Gustaf ("G" is what she calls him). Then there is Minoo and Max, but the relationship should be wrong and inappropiate, but yet you still find yourself secretely rooting for them. And there is Vanessa and Wille, though Vanessa deserves way better than a drug dealer, she still loves him. But there is also the fortune that says that Vanessa and Wille's love won't last. There are also a few suggestions that Linnea and Vanessa might get together. Then there is Anna-Karin *gag* that is manipulating tons of dudes into liking her, especially this one hot *cue eyeroll* boy named Jari. And the girls parents relationships are all jacked up and out of whack. The romance sort of gives the book a soap opera feeling to the book, though not in a bad way. There was sex in the book, but not at all detailed and ADULT rated.
Overall: The Circle was a really great read. It kept me on my toes. I can't wait to read the sequel "Fire".
I agree weird nodding man, I agree...["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
I really wanted to like this book. I'd been looking for a witchy read lately and I thought this might do the trick, sadly it was not to be. Note to self; Never, EVER trust a blurb from now on. You see the blurb to this book makes it sound like some epic, saving the world supernatural story. On the back, it's compared to Buffy, The Secret Circle and even The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. How is it then, that this is NOTHING like any of those? GWTDT especially, I mean wtf?
This novel is 600 pages of melodrama, with about 50 pages of actual witchcraft. That was my biggest gripe with the novel, the author doesn't at all seem concerned with the supernatural aspect in the slightest. All she seems to care about is 'teen issues'. This book is basically an unfunny, Mean Girls lite tale on the dangers of popularity. You see, each one of our 5 witches is from a different social group within their school, and ALL the author talks about is how they shouldn't be friends. Don't worry though, they will be bff's forever by the end, because that's what type of novel this is, a cheesy one.
What little there is of a supernatural storyline is ridiculously generic, actually generic might be too kind a word. It basically plays out like a murder mystery, yet when the killer is finally revealed, I kid you not, it makes absolutely NO sense. None. Nada. Zilch. I felt like I'd missed a huge chunk of the novel, and was pulling possibly the biggest wtf? face I have ever pulled in my life.
The author also seems to be OBSESSED with tackling every teen issue under the sun. You have some bullying, some anorexia, some abuse, some self-harm. I mean, do happy people even exist in this novel!? There were also far to many POV's, 6 characters share the limelight here, and they are all more or less interchangeable girls. This group needs a definite culling! One of them was also possibly the most annoying character I have ever read in YA. I didn't know it was physically possible to hate a fictional character this much!
Honestly, I could complain about this novel for days, but I'm just going to leave it at that before I get really bitchy about it. Obviously, I do not recommend this one in the slightest. DON'T TRUST THE BLURB.
Jag vet inte varför jag låtit den här serien stå oläst i bokhyllan under så många år. Helt fantastiskt spännande bok med så många bra karaktärer som får mig att vilja kasta mig över bok två.
I really enjoyed this one. I can see why it's being compared to stories like Buffy and The Craft. There is definitely that same spark and familiarity there without being a copycat of either. The book had some really shocking moments too and the characters felt real in their flaws. None of them perfect and each of them growing and changing in one way or another by the end of the book. I've already put in my order for the next two books in the series.
шведский паранормальный янг-адалт с элементами ужастика в принципе неплохо с деталями постараюсь написать после второй книжки (третья на русский не переведена, не знаю, буду ли читать по-английски)
I don't usually read YA, partly because I'm OA myself and partly because I find the often "simplified" language and more disturbingly simplified characters to be distracting. I did, however, take this on since my wife asked me to - she wanted another opinion about it, since she has her students adding it to their reading list.
I was partly pleasantly surprised - there are quite a few plot turns and character traits that you probably wouldn't expect - but partly my prejudice showed far too true. In the group of - initially unknowing - witches, we meet quite an interesting character gallery and the good-bad, black-white is not quite as well defined as is my experience with these books. But then there's the only male witch - he's gay - because gay boys are in touch with their feelings I guess. And also, teen girls have sex to numb the pain in their souls and as part of self-loathing and angst and self-punishment. Teen boys have sex because they're horny.
Before you bite my head off, I'm not saying these things are probably not true in many cases, but ladling out stereotypes are usually considered a no-no, so why not break some new ground even in this area?
Also, and I'm thinking this is due to US movies influences, drug use and alcohol abuse is described and consequences thereof are neglected, which I really don't see as a good thing.
Anyway, I did like the book as a whole and I think I would have enjoyed it even more as a teenager, so for the YA readers I recommend it.
Una primera parte impresionante, con unos personajes como no se han leído en otras novelas (llegas a conocerlos hasta el más mínimo detalle) y con un ritmo realmente bueno. El Círculo es una novela muy cinematográfica y rápida, profunda, con cosas poco usuales en la literatura juvenil. Muy original. Tenéis que leerla en cuanto salga, no os va a defraudar.
Where do I even beginning talking about this book? Do I start with the amazing characters? Or maybe the intriguing plot? Or maybe the insane need to know more it creates. I carried this book with me the entire day and I read it faster than I’ve read a book in …. I can’t even remember how long.
After the apparent (and graphic) suicide of young Elias in the school bathrooms, six girls come to realise that there is more to this world than it seems. Deemed “the Chosen Ones”, these girls learn of a prophesy in which their witchiness is to play a vital part. Now if they could only learn to get along!
These girls are the very definition of an eclectic mix. We have Minoo, the nerd from the right side of the tracks. She has a hopeless crush on her teacher yet keeps her peers at bay. She refuses to get to close. There’s Rebecka, the popular girl who became popular when she started dating the popular guy. Struggling with an eating disorder, she lives in fear of the day when her perfect boyfriend realises she’s not good enough. Anna Karin is the frumpy, bullied girl that wants to be invisible. The only time she’s happy is when she’s at home with her animals, or with her eldery grandfather whom she adores. Enter mean girl Ida, the bully. She is a terrible person, but she’s human. You’ll grow to love her. Vanessa, the “slut”. She has a steady, drug dealing boyfriend and absolutely loathes her step father. And last but definitely not least, Linnéa. Outcast. The “addict”. She was Elias’ sister in all but blood, and the first one to be certain that his death was not a suicide. THEY’RE ALL PERFECT IN THEIR IMPERFECTIONS DON’T EVEN LOOK AT ME.
The beginning may get a little confusing for some as you’re introduced to this ragtag bunch of characters, but it’s so incredibly worth it. They butt heads. A lot. It’s awesome.
We can’t forget about dear Nicolaus, their guide through this whole mess. The only catch is, he knows less than they do! And he’s kind of a few fries short of a Happy Meal if you know what I mean. Poor guy.
PLOT! OY THE PLOT! Get ready to spend a few hours on the edge of your seat my friends. It’s going to be a wild ride. Up. Down. East. Hell. Forwards. Sideways. All the places. Things happen that will leave you all “?!?!??!??!” and “!!?!?!?!!?!?!!”.
Also, it has to be mentioned that one of my favourite things about this book was it’s realness. I can hear you groan: “Rebecca, it’s a fantasy. What are you talking about?” But no, hear me out okay. These teenagers are not perfect. Their lives are not romanticised. They have acne and weight issues and self esteem issues and family issues. You have drugs, alcohol, bullying, eating disorders, suicide and just a whole bunch of not-pretty things. Once again, it’s awesome.
This book is translated from it’s original Swedish (duh) and honestly I could barely even tell. Also there’s a movie?? So if anyone can direct me to the English dub or some subtitled that’d be sweet.
La primera entrega de esta saga sueca, ha sido una pequeña sorpresa. Vine a conocer su existencia debido a que recomendaron la película, en el tema de brujería para octubre. Tiene como punto fuerte que los personajes son creíbles, adolescentes que se comportan como tal, que tienen inseguridades y anhelos propios de la edad, son victimas y victimarios de sus pares y ese caldo de cultivo se desarrolla en el escenario más común, el instituto. Además de esta característica, un poco de lugar común, me llamo la atención que, por esa misma caracterización real, se aleja de la moralina de otros libros y no teme explorar temas políticamente incorrectos, consumo de drogas y alcohol o sexo. Ese aspecto, hace sentir la narración fresca y sin fingir valores que no corresponden.
La trama, gira alrededor del misterio de la muerte de los estudiantes del instituto, hay que develar al asesino y este aspecto es el que sostiene la trama, hay poderes que se desarrollan a su ritmo en el transcurrir de las páginas y es bienvenido que nadie se saque súper habilidades debajo de la manga, tiene bastante coherencia la historia hasta este punto.
El inconveniente se viene sobre el final, es como si los autores se hubieran dado cuenta que es hora de terminar y se hubieran quedado sin páginas y resuelven el misterio de forma ramplona, con un par de frases convenientes y se quiebra la credibilidad y coherencia que se manejaba hasta el momento, se acaba el cuidado en la trama. A pesar de este exabrupto, la mayoría del libro se disfruta.
Eso es todo lo que puedo decir. Dios mío qué maravilla de libro. "El círculo" no es una historia más de brujas; no, ni mucho menos. Es una historia, sobre todo, de personajes, de cómo seis adolescentes sin absolutamente nada en común acaban unidas irremediablemente por la magia. Los autores han sabido crear perfectamente unas protagonistas fuertes, carismáticas y totalmente humanizadas. Es imposible no sentir cariño por todas y cada una de las Elegidas. Además, todo el tema de la magia, de los poderes y de los enemigos está muy bien aprovechado, e incluso en algunos puntos llega a ser muy original. ES QUE DIOS MÍO, TENÉIS QUE LEERLO YA.
"El círculo" se va a de cabeza a mi estantería de favoritos. ¡Necesito ya la segunda parte!
De Cirkel, het eerste deel in een spannende trilogie. Ik heb mij zeker vermaakt tijdens het lezen van dit boek en ik ga hopelijk snel verder met de rest van de serie! http://nerdygeekyfanboy.com/recensie/...
Oi että tykkäsin! Tämä oli jollain tavalla hyvin kokonaisvaltainen kirja, psykologisesti tarkkanäköinen ja ilahduttava. Olin kuullut kirjasta paljon hyvää, mutta ennakolta tiesin lähinnä, että se kertoo lukiolaistytöistä ja on urbaania fantasiaa. Hyvä niin. Pidän siitä kun voi lähteä lukemaan mahdollisimman puhtaalta pöydältä. Kirja on ollut minulla pitkään hyllyssä, mutta nyt oli juuri oikea hetki sille. (Usein on niin, etten pysty tarttumaan hehkutettuihin kirjoihin silloin kun ne ovat pinnalla.)
Nyt olenkin onnellinen, että minulla on koko trilogia hyllyssä, koska jatkan tästä kyllä suoraan seuraavaan osaan.
In the little town of Engelsfors, powers awaken in seven high school students. But even as they explore their new abilities, a malevolent force hunts them, one by one.
Lev Grossman wrote a blurb describing this as "The Circle is Twilight by way of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," which is the best proof anyone could need that he's a hack who doesn't actually read the books he references. The only resemblance between Twilight and the Circle is that they're both written for a YA audience, and the only resemblance between TGWTDT and The Circle is that they were written in Swedish. The Circle is actually more like The Craft crossed with The Casual Vacancy. Some of the witches have crushes or relationships, but the focus of this book is on the claustrophobic feeling of a small town with a depressed economy and a high school riddled with cliques. To some of the witches, their powers offer them a way out--Anna-Karin finally has a way to not only protect herself against the bullies who have made her life hell, but turn the tables on them. But for most of the witches, having powers changes nothing at all. And for one, it makes matters far worse.
I was impressed at how quickly each of the characters distinguished themselves. I found the first chapter or so confusing, but from then on had no difficulty telling each of the (many) main characters apart. I loved seeing all the facets of their lives, the differences between their school personas and their home selves and their inner personalities. I came to really like each of them (except Ida, ugh, but I gotta respect an author who's brave enough to have at least someone that unlikable), even though the book doesn't shy away from showing their selfish, narrow-minded, or foolish moments. And I really liked the friendships that developed between some of them. They felt like real friendships, not just opportunities for witty banter.
The magic in this isn't what I'm used to; I expected wand waving or sympathetic magic and instead got rituals that use spit and gooey ectoplasm.
The adult characters in this book are fascinating.
March 2020: I can’t believe it’s been five years since I last visited this world. This trilogy continues to be my favorite, EVER, and I’m sure part of that is nostalgia (after all - it’s been almost ten years since it came out, WHAT??) but it truly is such a well crafted story. I don’t really have anything to add about the story that I didn’t say five years ago so let me just say that getting sucked into this would was the best reading cure slump ever. I’m gonna jump straight into Eld now!
February 2015: Let me just start this off by saying that this is my favorite book series ever - at the very least, it's my favorite Swedish series ever. I read this book for the first time about a month after it came out, in the springtime of 2011. Then I re-read it just before its sequel came out a year later. Since then, I've only re-read the sequel and read the final book when it came out in late 2013. In other words, it's been almost 1,5 years since I last visited Engelsfors, and almost three years since the last time I read this book. And it was just as magical this time around as the previous ones. Cirkeln (or 'The Circle') is the kind of book that never loses its charm, no matter how many times you read it. It's such an incredible story - the characters are very diverse - you relate to at least some of the main characters, and the supporting characters also feel like people you've met in real life. The story is fascinating - it's exciting and you always want to keep reading, even when nothing noteworthy is happening. There's just enough amount of foreshadowing - nothing is obvious, but when things are revealed you easily find points in the plot from earlier that point toward the very thing that was revealed, and I just love that. I have a lot of other things to say about this book like the way it's written, that somehow differs from other Swedish YA novels and makes it unique and awesome, and how nice it is to read something that actually takes place in my home country and not the US. But that'll have to wait, because I really really want to make a video review of this. My love for this trilogy is just gigantic, and it has such a special place in my heart <3
If you're still reading, I just want to say that this book really deserves more hype internationally. I have yet to read this book in English (because yes, I own it in English as well), but if the Ruby Red trilogy could get BookTube hype, so can The Circle. It (and it's even better sequels) are just that good. Please read it if you can!
Cuántos libros juveniles desearían tener un comienzo de trilogía como lo es "The Circle"... Publicado por Maeva Young en España bajo el nombre de "El círculo", la saga Engelsfors nos sitúa en un pequeño pueblo sueco donde un mal mayor se avecina sin que nadie pueda darse cuenta, preparándose para arrasar con todo, y al cual solo los elegidos podrán hacer frente. Cuando me imagino una novela de personajes, me imagino una novela así. Si además añadimos una trama en la que involucramos magia, profecías y brujas de una forma original, evadiendo los clichés a los que la literatura juvenil se ve inevitablemente expuesta por otros títulos comerciales en los que no encontramos más que un refrito de cosas que ya hemos leído anteriormente, encontramos algo casi tan redondo como el primer volumen de esta maravillosa saga. Lo que más he admirado (y con lo que más he disfrutado, también) es la construcción de las protagonistas: cada una de ellas está perfectamente definida, son auténticas y podemos entrar en sus vidas y atarnos a lo que ellas mismas sienten casi sin darnos cuenta; además, todas experimentan una evolución a lo largo de las (casi) 600 páginas que conforman el libro muy notoria, dotándolas de humanidad y no reduciéndolas a simples elementos con los que continuar la historia. Son personajes fuertes (cada una de ellas también con sus puntos flacos) y con una personalidad muy marcada. He de decir que tenía miedo de que se me hiciese pesado, porque no sabía si leer una traducción en inglés de un libro sueco podía resultarme chocante (cosas mías, vaya...), pero es que está TAN BIEN ESCRITO. Hay escenas que son totalmente visuales, como si el lector estuviese viendo una película. Además, la narración no es para nada mojigata (ESE MALDITO PRÓLOGO, POR DIOS) y ambos autores se atreven a describir situaciones con todo lujo de detalles, los cuales nos dibujarán más de una mueca de incomodidad en la cara al pasar las páginas. En definitiva: lectura obligatoria. Pdta.: Si tenéis dudas sobre si atreveos con ella en inglés... Yo, personalmente, solo os la recomendaría si estáis acostumbrados a leer novelas juveniles, pues el vocabulario no es difícil, pero no es una novela para empezar a leer en inglés (tanto por la complejidad de la trama como por su extensión).
I bought this at a second hand book sale. Originally I only went to the second hand sale because a warehouse clearance proved to be extremely disappointing - barely anything that fitted my niche. The only reason I picked this up was because it has the same name as another book I my shelf. I just thought I was a different cover.
The reviews were mostly favourable, in fact I recall one of them calling this book the Scandinavian version of 'the craft'. *sigh* I loved that movie. This books was more then that though, sure it was about witches in high-school, but it was a little darker. A little bloodier.
While it may have a few tiny errors (as quite a few works in translations do), I adored the story. Girls from completely different backgrounds were drawn together, and unlike other books, the girls quite realistically aren't best friends after a couple months of being forced together. They're still a work in progress (as the rest of us are as well).
I was totally sucked in from the first page. The characterization of the girls in the Circle is so clear and vivid. I was trying to describe it as being sort of like Buffy the Vampire slayer, but more realistic, without vampires, and set in Sweden. But that undersells the book.