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Naga: A Legend of Tasik Chini

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NAGA spans three realms from the ancient world – Middle Kingdom during the Tang Dynasty, Nagara and Bhumi Semenanjung Melayu. It is the story of three adventurers, Sri Gemom, Srikandi and Kemboja and how fate set their worlds on a collision course that shook the very foundations of an ancient civilisation. More than that, against the background of sorcery and magic, the tragic tale of survival and loyalty shines through.

239 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 2012

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About the author


26 books62 followers
ninotaziz is an award winning author and storyteller of many generations – daughter of Abang Tik,daughter of Chu Rahmah, daughter of Yang Chik, daughter of Bebunga.

Born in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, ninotaziz grew up in the idyllic village of Chenor, Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia. She studied at Sekolah Seri Puteri, Kuala Lumpur where she discovered her passion for writing. Encouraged by her English teacher, Mrs Khaw Choon Ean and her mother, Puan Kamariah Jaafar, today, ninotaziz specializes in Malaysian legends. She wrote From The Written Stone, HIKAYAT – From The Ancient Malay Kingdoms, SRIKANDI, and novels NAGA, ONANGKIU, SITI, NIK & THE SUNSET SHIP,BIDASARI & THE DJINN, BENTALA NAGA, Lipur Lara Nusantara (50 Best Malaysia Books 2020/2021), Lipur Lara Alam Melayu (50 Best Malaysia Books 2021/2022), PUTERI SAADONG & SERI GUMUM.

Lipur Lara Alam Melayu (50 Malaysia Best 2021/2022)
Lipur Lara Nusantara (50 Malaysia Best 2020/2021)
NIK & THE SUNSET SHIP - Winner Calistro 2014 Awards
Onangkiu - MyCreative Ventures 2014 Grand Prize & Calistro Awards 2012
HIKAYAT - PNM RTM Book Prize 2013 - Top 5 Popular Books
SITI - MyCreative Awards 2014 Consolation and Calistro Awards 2013
From The Written Stone - MBBY Award 2007

The author also blogs at :

ninotaziz is married to Rudy Daud. The family is blessed with five daughters. They enjoy the theatre and gamelan.

ninotaziz is currently working on various book projects, movie making and her next YA novel, Empire.

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Profile Image for Khadijah.
65 reviews27 followers
March 9, 2013
I enjoyed reading the story pieced together from different characters' viewpoints and the detailed description of the culture and natural surroundings. I really appreciate the background info provided at the end of the book. It intrigued me to look up the manuscripts mentioned. I found some available online and I hope to work on my Malay to be able to read them one day.

At first glance I was worried I'd get lost with the names of the characters. But as I read it, it wasn't a problem at all.

Thank you ninotaziz for providing a kindle version. I hope you will consider kindle versions for your other titles as well.
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