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Overburdened Fort Worth police detective Deb Ralston finds her work load dramatically increased by a brutal ax murderer with a penchant for hacking computers and their users to death.


First published January 1, 1992

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About the author

Lee Martin

14 books5 followers
There is more than one author with this name

Pseudonym of Ann Wingate

Anne Wingate, born in 1943 as Martha Anne Guice, is a mystery writer currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah. Most of her mysteries are set somewhere within Texas. She is an adult convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and this sometimes shows in her works. She grew up in the Disciples of Christ Church.

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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Profile Image for Kerstyn.
50 reviews4 followers
December 6, 2021
Published in 1992, reading this in nearly-2022 was a real adventure. I found it in a used bookstore and couldn't restrain myself. It's readable in one afternoon, and honestly it ages better than I expected. The subject of connecting one's computer to "nets" is only a small component of the story, most of it is a more standard gumshoe police detective mystery.
Profile Image for ✮💋adison💋✮.
16 reviews
December 14, 2024
this took me almost six months to read and i don’t understand why it took so long 😂 the twist was barely worth the wait and the fact that it happened 5 pages before the end of the book didn’t help it’s case either.
good premise, somewhat interesting characters, but it wasn’t good enough to be dragged out for 250 pages.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
635 reviews3 followers
September 1, 2024
I did not see that ending coming. It really bothers me that they keep the dog outside all the time. And if he's always been outside, how is it he's housebroken? It also seems totally inconsistent that the dog had no problem with the uniformed security guard at the hospital.
9 reviews2 followers
February 4, 2014
Overall Review:
Appropriate for children? Not really
fluidity of reading 9/10
Vocabulary used: 10/10 (no need for a dictionary)
Character 7/10 (not a great character development)
Antagonist N/A. Hard to actually know the antagonist in this scenario
Recommendable to friends 10/10
Plot 10/10. Very Original
Scenery 8/10 meh... not really vital for development

I liked it, it is a soft book which you can easily read in one sit. the fact that you do not know who the killer is until WAY into the book is very enjoyable.
Great book to start you day, week and year and it can be read by anybody who is trying to make reading a habit
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 reviews

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