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Leah's Dark Games

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Leah has a boring retail job and blows off steam playing video games. She plays them on a site that lets viewers watch her through her webcam and gets the usual flattery and insults. Then her gay roommate Quinn, who has not so secretly lusted after her for a year suggests she play up for the camera to get more viewers. Leah starts to dress and act more provocatively to entice viewers. And somehow, while Quinn is guiding her she winds up seducing her into her own dark game!

Of course, Quinn’s idea of a game is quite a bit different from Leah’s. Her sexual games involve bondage, submission and domination. Leah finds this eye-opening, to say the least, but also deliciously exciting. And when Quinn has Leah’s new status as a submissive combined with her online game playing the viewership skyrockets. Especially when Quinn starts offering special rewards for points the viewers earn.

111 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 11, 2023

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About the author

J.J. Argus

575 books96 followers
Also writes as the single name author "Argus"

JJ Argus started writing erotica in the 1980s working for Star Distributing, a New York publisher. He wrote 3 books a month until Star went under with the advent of the internet. He has also been published by Beeline and Beaver books, and sold short stories to Penthouse, Oui, Nugget, and numerous others. In the 1990s he began writing for British publishing houses, which required a decidedly higher level of quality and a lower level of obscenities. He has been published repeatedly by Olympia, Silver Moon, Chimera, and Virgin - Nexus. He has written and sold over 250 novels, most of which are now available in electronic format.

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