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I Love You #1

I Love You to Death

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When Ash loses her boyfriend, she is consumed by grief, loneliness and an overwhelming sense of guilt for her role in not only his death, but the deaths of everyone she has ever loved. Refusing to let anyone in for fear of losing them too, she becomes withdrawn, spending her days reliving the nightmares from her past.

Until she meets Luke.

Initially scared by his intensity and interest in her, Ash tries to push him away. But as Luke slowly starts to chip away at the walls she’s built, Ash finds herself doing the one thing she swore she’d never do again — falling in love.

When the familiar feelings Ash had hoped were long buried with her past begin to resurface, she is forced to ask herself if falling in love again is really worth the risk.

276 pages, Paperback

First published September 29, 2012

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Natalie Ward

13 books639 followers
An avid reader and writer who doesn't sleep enough.
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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
October 11, 2012
"He can't take his eyes off you, Ash. You're all he sees... He's just waiting for you to see him"

Ash has been surrounded by death her whole life. By the age of 25, twelve people who were dear or important to her have died, including all of her immediate family and her beloved boyfriend, and she feels indirectly responsible for their deaths because, in a way, she actually is. Not in any sort of 'on purpose' way, but indirectly, through continuous and completely horrific twists of fate, she does things that eventually lead to their deaths. And at the time the book starts, the death that she is reeling from and that is hitting her the hardest is that of her boyfriend, Sam.

The constant fear of causing any more pain or devastation to anyone else's life causes her to distance herself from any and all relationships. But she's lonely, and its a miserable, bleak existence.

Going back to work after Sam's death is like hell. She doesn't want to go on with life but its what he would have wanted so she does her best to keep going. At work, they have hired a new guy. Luke. He steps into her life. And doesn't walk out.

"Life is too short to live without the things you want, to night fight for the things you love."

From the beginning, this book had me on the verge of tears and by 3% in, I was crying. Any author that can make you care instantly and deeply for a the death of a character that you have never officially "met" is a gifted one! Usually my main problem with post-accident books is that I find it hard to connect enough with the pain of loosing the deceased characters, but in this book, I was pulled right into Asha's emotions and pain and loss.

Maybe it was the music posted at the start of each chapter that helped? Maybe it was the writing style? Or the heart-wrenching story line? Who knows... but I was completely immersed into this story.

The story line moved forward from a point a few weeks after Sam's death but at the same time, we get flashbacks and memories that serve to connect you more deeply to each of the other friends and family members she has lost - especially Sam. Seeing them as a couple, with what his presence meant to her and felt like in her life, mean that in no time, I was missing him too. He was one of those good guys - you know, the swoony heroes us readers melt over? So trust me when I say that you really feel his loss.

So when it came to Luke, I love that the whole relationship with him was very slow to develop. As the reader, you instantly felt a connection with him as the 'hero' of this story, but I loved that he really took his time in regards to Ash. It never felt like he was trying to replace Sam. There was no insta-love. Nothing was rushed. The progression felt natural and beautiful.

You can tell that Luke could sense that something was wrong in her life and he respected her and cared for her enough to give her the time to heal while never pushing her but always being there for her. He was a really gorgeous hero character. He was a bit of a local rock star and the perfect blend of sweet and swoony. The kind that, when you read about something he did, makes you smile to yourself.

"I can't explain it, Ash. I look at you and I just can't look away. I look at you and even though I see all of the sadness and pain that you carry, what I really see is a beautiful soul buried beneath it. A beautiful soul who desperately wants to be happy. Who I want to make happy, more than anything else in the world....I, I can't explain it, I just want to fix that for you."

He brought life to a girl surrounded by death. That concept was really beautiful. He slowly, with care and tenderness, brought her out of the shell that the fear of death had build around her giving her security, trust, friendship, care and finally love.

“He walked into my life and slowly, gently he showed me how to smile again, how to start living again. He gave me a reason to breathe again. Showed me that living was worth it and it was worth fighting for. That it was worth taking a risk and making the choices you wanted to make. That he was choosing me, fighting for me and he wanted me to fight for him, for us.”

Also, the lyrics to some of the songs Luke writes and sings in this book are beautiful. Like I mentioned, Luke is a singer in a band and 2 of the songs that he wrote for Ash brought tears to my eyes <3

I felt so bad for Asha. Here was this sweet girl with a big heart who loved so many people in her life just to have them wrenched away from her. I felt for her. I understood her frustration and pain and wanted to make it go away. When Luke showed up, I felt so relieved. I immediately trusted him and never doubted that if anyone could be her savior, it would be him.

The only things that I didn't like was that the love scenes were all fade to black. I felt that in a book with characters in their mid-twenties that are going through a seriously emotionally connected relationship, that I was missing out a little on feeling fully connected to them by not having those scenes.... like they had something that I wasn't quite able to feel because I didn't ever read about that connection fully developing - rather it was implied. So despite feeling for them a lot, it disconnected me just a bit... .and I also did find myself wanting just a little touch more at the end (an epilogue perhaps? to guarantee a few things) despite there being an HEA.

EDIT: I didn't realize there would be more books in this series at the time I wrote my review... Now that I know that, I'm happier with the lack of epilogue. The author has a beauuuutiful tidbit on her blog about a post-book scene so I'm looking forward to whatever comes next :)

But still, it was a wonderful read and I'd definitely recommend adding it to your TBRs :)

4 - 4.5 stars

CASTING (see above... I'll do more detailed casting tomorrow)

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Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews314 followers
September 10, 2016

I can't... I don't... I'm not... Oh my goodness. I'm speechless.

*deep breath*

Woah, that was without doubt, the most emotional book I have ever read. I had a constant stream of tears trickling down my face. Every now and then they'd dry up and then they'd just start all over again. I gave up wiping them away because the corners of my eyes were raw!

I cried at 2%! That's how quickly I was catapulted into this book. Seriously, how the hell does an author get a reader to cry real tears at 2% in? Sam! That's how!

Sam! I feel like I have truly mourned the loss of Sam and the book doesn't even start until weeks after his death. That is some clever writing right there. Honestly though, I just read a couple of other reviews on this book and I was tearing up at the mention of him. His letter was what made me a complete snivvling wreck.

'I would never trade however long I was with you, for anything in the world, because to me, you are the world. You are my world.'

'Be happy, travel the world, fall in love again and live.'

Something about that just resonated so deeply in me that it just set the ball rolling, buried itself deep in my head and launched me into so much emotion and feeling that I felt like I truly suffered alongside Ash. I even felt an intense sense of guilt when Ash gave in to her feelings for Luke... 'but what about Sam? Don't forget about Sam!' And it isn't like this has hit a nerve with me, for what it's worth, I've never lost anybody close to me like that, so these feelings aren't being dug up from some repressed memory or personal experience. The writing was just that powerful!

And then Luke came along. Luke was just as perfect as a character can ever be. I felt like he was sent to Ash from a greater power. He helped her live again. He was determined and resilient, yet so patient with Ash. You could feel the connection even before she did. Like the reader, and the universe, knew that they were meant to be together, that Luke was there to save her.

"I can't explain it, Ash. I look at you and I just can't look away."

Ash was an amazing character to be inside of. The pain that she'd suffered and the circumstances of each one was excruciating. Being inside of her head, she really did begin to convince me that perhaps it was being close to her that killed people... the evidence was pretty damning after all. Ash took me on such a journey of heartache, loneliness, fear and eventually closure, healing and ultimately strength.

He walked into my life and slowly, gently he showed me how to smile again, how to start living again. He gave me a reason to breathe again. Showed me that living was worth it and it was worth fighting for. That it was worth taking a risk and making the choices you wanted to make. That he was choosing me, fighting for me and he wanted me to fight for him, for us.

I adored this book. Although at times, when my cheeks were soaked, my nose streaming and my eyes were stinging, I hated it with a vengance too. But I think that is the measure of a good book, to evoke such strong emotion. This was intensely powerful and will stay with me forever.

And here comes another tear... Natalie Ward, what have you done to me?! Lol! Serious book hangover right now.

P.S. Just one little thing I don't get? How did Sam know to leave her a note if he didn't know he was going to die?

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Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
690 reviews4,763 followers
September 27, 2012
“... life is too short to live without the things you want, to not fight for the things you love.”

How much can a human soul endure before it shatters, how many times can a heart be broken before it loses its capacity to love again?

This is the story of a troubled young woman, Asha, whose life has been everything but rosy. She has survived more loss and heartbreak than any person should ever have to in their entire lifetime, having lost all the people that have ever mattered to her, one by one. Asha has reached the end of her rope, she is angry, depressed, pessimistic and has resigned herself to the idea that everyone she allows to get close to her would eventually die. By seeing herself as the cause of every single one of those deaths, her guilt and pain torment her day and night.
“Can good things really last forever or is it all just destined to end? ... I’ve lived my life in a constant state of fear. That time is running out, that anything good is going to be taken away from me.”

Asha’s voice is the only one we hear. We hear her thoughts, fears, hopes, we navigate through her memories, constantly jumping from past to present, and become intimately acquainted with every single heart-shattering loss that she has had to bear. We witness her downward spiral into the oblivion of depression, we grieve with her but we also never stop hoping for her happiness. Asha’s fear of further loss has made her reluctant to connect with people again. She has no family left, no friends and she only fosters superficial relationships with the people around her, keeping them constantly at an arm’s length. But having grown up surrounded by unconditional love, she naturally craves for it as an adult, she craves human contact, affection both received as well as given, she is torn between her dread of loss and her longing to be close to someone again.
“... now I’ve been forced into some kind of exile, I wish for the opposite. I crave human interaction and I crave human touch ... I’m so completely alone and I feel so incredibly lonely, all the time. I wish I had the courage to end it, to give up and find a way out of all this sh*t. I really wish I could just make this all stop.”

And then she meets Luke. Luke ‘sees’ Asha. He sees her pain, her struggle with herself, and he patiently sneaks into her life and into her broken heart. His love is relentless, comforting, healing - he gives her a shred of hope that she could be happy once more. But Asha’s fear is deeply ingrained into her soul, it is as debilitating as it is justified, making her reluctant to love again.
“I don’t want to get attached and then lose him, have him ripped away from me. Not again, because it hurts so much when it happens. ... But another selfish part of me is also saying: I don’t want to think of my own world without him in it.”

Asha is a heroine you’ll feel incredibly protective of. She is loving, caring, much more resilient than she gives herself credit for, she is a survivor that does not see herself that way. She wants to be distant with people but her compassionate personality won’t allow it - her mind says one thing but her mouth says another. Her story will break your heart, make you feel like a bulldozer ran over it, but it will also fill you with so much hope. This is a book about choosing love, life, happiness over fear of the unknown, it is about fighting for the things that make us happy and complete. This is also not your ordinary ‘Disney-variety’ love story with villains and heroes. The enemy here is intangible and it lives deep inside the human spirit. Hopelessness. Desperation. Misery.
“He walked into my life and slowly, gently he showed me how to smile again, how to start living again. He gave me a reason to breathe again. Showed me that living was worth it and it was worth fighting for. That it was worth taking a risk and making the choices you wanted to make. That he was choosing me, fighting for me and he wanted me to fight for him, for us.”

Ms Ward's voice is unique, different, her every word matters, every word is like a little dagger that never misses its target. By only hearing Asha’s point of view and her rawest and most private thoughts, we experience her entire life story only through her eyes and we do so at her own pace. She ‘holds our hand’ as she tells us of her most painful ordeals, making us invested participants in her tale. This touching love story is incredibly sensual without being graphic, it is extremely romantic without being sappy. Every touch, every look, every word counts. Love acts as a catalyst for change in our heroine’s life - it empowers her to take the future into her own hands and find the one thing that she believed to have lost along the way. Hope.

A stunning debut novel by a talented new author, a delightfully original writing style - one that I anticipate will become a quick favourite for many.

~ N ♥

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Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books784 followers
December 15, 2012
I'm speechless...can't do a review yet. Absolutely fucking amazing.

~Review to come~


When I first stumbled upon this book, I knew I would love it. I was so curious about it and really really really wanted to read it. So I bought it for my kindle app. Then I waited. I put it on hold, eventhough this book was calling to me. I then bought it for my nook. As time went on, I told myself, I 'll read this...I will read this next. Well, I kept reading review after review about it being so good. So I finally said after the book I was currently reading, I would read it.

Low and behold I finished Find You in the Dark at 3 am and decided, I am reading it as soon as I get some sleep. That book was mentally disturbing and emotionally draining so I needed some sleep. I woke up that morning and immediately jumped on this book and didn't stop reading til I was done. I read this book in one sitting. It was that good, I could not stop no matter what. Mrs. Natalie captivated me with her words and beautiful poetic writing. It was flawless and flowed so smoothly I was glued to my nook. Of course I sobbed throughout most of it. I had a hard time seeing the screen at times, but I kept going.

Ash was a sweet but lonely girl who lost everything....everyone she loved. They each died in different ways at different times of her life. She had a best friend, mother, a father, brother, therapist, 3 boyfriends, sister in law, grandfather, grandmother, aunt.....everyone...dead. And she always blamed herself. After the last death of her amazing boyfriend Sam, she closed herself off. She kept to herself, never getting close to anyone or talking to them in fear that those she gets to close to and loves, dies...because of her. It's a lonely life. She takes time off work to attend Sam's funeral in Seattle. When she comes back home to Boston it hits her...that she's alone. She has no one left. Everyone in her life has died, she's 25 and utterly alone.

Enter Luke Taylor. Luke is the new guy at work. He's kind, good-looking and wants to get to know Ash. He sees the sadness she carries around with her and still he's intrigued and does everything he can to find ways to talk to her. She makes her coffee, cooks different recipes for the shop they work at. He befriends her and for the first time, she feels like maybe she's not alone. Still, she's very cautious about getting close to him. Luke doesn't push but he doesn't give up either. Eventually she finds that she can't stay away from him. He's too insistent and she can no longer deny the pull that brings them together. Overtime, she opens up...and overtime she lets him in. And overtime he understands why she's so closed off to everyone around her, but he is constantly telling her that everything that happened was no her fault, that she didn't cause the deaths...it was the wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing. One day she believes him...but it takes her alot to trust him, eventhough she knew from the beginning she liked him and from the beginning he liked her. They share secrets and their desires and their passion for each other is undeniable. She stops fighting it and learns that maybe she can love again, maybe she can be happy again, maybe these things just happen and we can't explain it. It's a scary road for her but with Luke by her side, she feels like she can move on, let go and heal.

I finished this book in one day and holy shit I was in sobs. This book was about conquering your fears, letting go of the past, making new memories, healing and learning to love again. Every chapter had a quote that coincided with what was going on and every chapter had a playlist that was perfect for what was going on as well. We went back and forth between the present and the past as we got to see how everything happened from the time she was born until that present time. I can't describe my love for this book. I knew it was going to be emotional but sweet Jesus, it was far beyond the capacity from what I expected. Yes, most people think I'm a masochist because I have been reading one emotionally draining book to another and yes, I think I am a masochist as well but to be honest....I don't give a fuck. I love these stories. The ones that make you feel so much, the ones that make you think and the ones that tear your heart out but eventually put it back together. Luckily Natalie was able to mend my broken, shattered heart. There were alot of intense moments and I wasn't sure what to expect but I was on a thrill of my life. It was painful and I cried for Ash as things were happening. My heart ached for all her loved ones that had to succumb to the pain of death or just death itself. I cried for Ash because she blamed herself for all of them and they were never her fault, just fucked up coincidences. I loved her dad, her brother, sister in law, Adam(her first boyfriend), Nate-her best friend and Sam. Oh Sam...I loved him. He was amazing and I was so shocked at how things happened for him. I wanted to know more about him...he was the perfect boyfriend. But Luke...he stole my heart from the first "hey". He was beyond amazing! Nothing sexier than a hot rockstar and he was a badass rockstar with tattoos and a story of his own that hurt my heart. I loved his sister and I loved each of the guys from Luke's band, especially Jared. They were all so friendly and aware of Luke's feelings for Ash when she in fact was oblivious from the beginning. But they always made her feel comfortable and included her in get togethers.

This book touched my heart in more ways than I can process. By the end, I was shaking and scared and crying. Things that happened tore my heart out and I was afraid I would never get it put back together. Seriously, Natalie weaved a perfectly poetic story that captures every emotion and every feeling you can possibly imagine. I loved how the writing was so raw and real and so damn realistic. It was perfect. I need to get it in paperback now because this book is a definite favorite of all time!!! I will go back and re-read it and re-read it again. It was just that good. Now I am waiting and waiting and waiting for the sequel which is in LUKE'S POV!!!!!!! Fucking bloody hell, I want that book now but since she's writing it now, I don't see how that's possible. So I will sit and wait for it to be done. I loved the teasers and it only made me want that book even more. Anyway, GREAT JOB NATALIE!!!! This book was superb...fantastic...memorable...unforgettable....favorite.... unbelievable

Luke Taylor: Rock God....
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
655 reviews409 followers
December 2, 2012
Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

4 Stars

Genre: Many have this shelved as YA/NA, but, based on age and story, I feel like this is Contemporary Romance written somewhat in the New Adult style.

Heat Level: Mild

Angst Level: Über Angst

Crazy-Dayzzz Drama Level: Serious drama, nothing OTT

Possible Issues For Peeps: This story is pretty heavy and very melancholy. Make sure you don't read this when you're already feeling down.

Sad and lovely. I think these two words describe I Love You To Death by Natalie Ward the best. This is a story that will speak to you, no matter what, in some way.

Asha (or, Ash, as she's called) has had a remarkable life by the age of twenty-five. Though the milestones marking her life are none she would ever choose, those being the deaths of everyone she has ever loved in her life, she does feel tremendous guilt and grief for what she believes to be her role in each death. In point of fact, Ash is absolutely consumed with, taken over by, guilt, grief and loneliness. She is completely withdrawn, and refuses to let anyone close for fear of losing them. Returning to her job after the devastating death of her long-time boyfriend, she is introduced to her new co-worker, Luke. Luke takes a strong and immediate interest in Ash, and this scares her into keeping her distance initially. However, Luke is tireless and extremely gentle in his pursuit of Ash, and he slowly begins to make progress with her. For herself, Ash finds she is quite taken with Luke and allows a friendship to grow. Slowly, over time, Ash begins to realize that she is feeling the one thing she never again expected to, and that is happiness. Luke makes her happy. It's as simple and complex as that. Until, one day, Ash realizes she's done the impossible. She's fallen in love with Luke, and Luke is equally in love with her. Can the fears of her past be conquered so that she and Luke will be able to build a future together? Ash isn't sure they can. She isn't sure it's worth risking.

Ash's pain, her sadness, is a living, tangible *thing* in this story. It is nearly unrelenting. Never have I read anything where the weight of sadness and despair is written in such a way that I could literally feel it. It sunk into my bones, into my soul. To me, that's the talent of storytelling at work. If a writer can make you FEEL an emotion *that* deeply, any emotion, good or bad, that's a gift. And, that's rare.

My favorite thing about this book, that which made this story for me, is Luke. What a sensitive, gentle, patient, kind and caring soul he is. I wish we could have had more of the story from his POV. I sometimes found myself wondering what he would see in such a very sad girl as Ash, what would pull him in. But, as he so beautifully expresses to her at one point, he saw the pain she carried and just wanted to try and fix it, to help. People like that are few and far between, and that made me fall in love with Luke myself. Not to mention, the boy's in a band *grin*. Simply put, Luke loves Asha back to life. He finds that little spark we all have in us, that last bit of hope, even when we're at our very lowest point, and he steadily and gently builds that spark into a flame. He is a truly lovely, loving and lovable individual!

So, what's with the 4 stars rather than 5? I have said it before, and I will say it again. We all read through the filter of our own life experiences. My life experiences may have allowed me to identify with and become too absorbed by the unrelenting sadness of this story. Even as I am able to applaud the talent it takes to truly make me feel this, I have to say that the melancholia was honestly a bit overwhelming for me. I do, however, want to make a point of saying that the story DOES end well:)

One last note, as a small thing that seemed to jump out at me once in a while. I believe this author is Australian, and, the story is set in the US, on the east coast, with American characters. For the most part, Natalie Ward did a wonderful job writing American characters and dialog, but there were certain points throughout where the word usage and spelling took me just slightly out of the story.

I come back to those two words with which I began, sad and lovely. For me, that says it all. I Love You To Death is an impressive story from an equally impressive author. Just my guess (though not much of one:) that we'll be seeing more from Natalie Ward in the very near future, and I'm looking forward to it!!

**A copy was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,093 reviews940 followers
September 26, 2012
I thought this was an extremely emotional and beautiful story. So different to anything I have read lately. I felt very melancholy throughout pretty much the whole book. I LOVED the music references, the play list was so important to this story. And because I pretty much have the majority of those songs on my iPod I felt ever written word in my heart. As I listened to them whilst reading I got chills, tears and at times my heart was in a puddle on the floor!

It was beautifully written and I have to say the build-up had me desperate to get to the end because I literally had no idea where this story was going to end up. And the ending…WOW…PERFECTION! I did not see that coming and it made the story of Ash and Luke so poignant and emotionally heart wrenching and moving.

My heart ached for Ash, I wanted to pick her up , cuddle her and keep her out of harm’s way...in my head I called her my little Grim Reaper. But affectionally; because this girl; what she had to go through, wow I cried…A LOT!!!

I LOVED the past/present style of writing. It gave us the background and explained the perception and conclusions drawn by Ash. This girl has rationalised everything back to herself and lives with this dark and distorted view of herself.

“The anger at being the way I am, the anger at having caused all this and more than anything, the anger at being unable to do a f*****g thing about it all.”

Luke was amazing. He was a hero; a saviour and I loved him immediately!
Two scenes in particular completely did me in….I had to stop reading I was crying that hard….but I won’t spoil this amazing book and say any more than that! Just know that if you are a crier like me you will need a full box of tissues!!

“…these things do happen and it’s just a part of life….”

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,907 reviews2,061 followers
September 27, 2012
4.5 Stars

Gitte and I joint reviewed this for Totallybooked. http://totallybookedblog.com/2012/09/...

Gitte: I thought this was an extremely emotional and beautiful story. So different to anything I have read lately. I felt very melancholy throughout pretty much the whole book. I LOVED the music references, the play list was so important to this story. And because I pretty much have the majority of those songs on my iPod I felt ever written word in my heart. As I listened to them whilst reading I got chills, tears and at times my heart was in a puddle on the floor!

Jenny: I got excited for this book on the first few pages when I saw the first playlist. Like you GG, it was like the author had stolen my Ipod and put all my favourite bands and music in this book and every song was so important to the story. I did the same…listened to the songs while reading.
This was certainly a beautiful and emotional book and so well written. I just loved the author’ style of writing - everything felt so real and being that it is written in the first person you really feel the impact of the story especially when Ash allows herself to feel. This is a story I truly felt.

Gitte: It was beautifully written and I have to say the build-up had me desperate to get to the end because I literally had no idea where this story was going to end up. And the ending…WOW…PERFECTION! I did not see that coming and it made the story of Ash and Luke so poignant and emotionally heart wrenching and moving.

Jenny: I was the same – I was so anxious while reading it just wondering what was coming next and felt the story was well executed and switching from past to present prevented the story from getting bogged down and really kept up the pace l – I was dying to know how this book was going to end up.

Gitte: My heart ached for Ash, I wanted to pick her up , cuddle her and keep her out of harm’s way…in my head I called her my little Grim Reaper. But affectionally; because this girl; what she had to go through, wow I cried…A LOT!!!

“The anger at being the way I am, the anger at having caused all this and more than anything, the anger at being unable to do a f*****g thing about it all.”

Jenny: I loved Ash (Asha) too. Wow, what that girl had dealt with. No wonder she was so closed off emotionally. She was so full of self-doubt and so afraid to care or love another person and understandably so. I cried a few times as well. How much could one person endure and come out unscathed.

Gitte I LOVED the past/present style of writing. It gave us the background and explained the perception and conclusions drawn by Ash. This girl has rationalised everything back to herself and lives with this dark and distorted view of herself.

Jenny: I really enjoyed the past/present switch and found myself itching for it to go back and forth because I really wanted to know how Ash got to the place she was at now, but at the same time I wanted to switch to the present to watch this beautiful relationship between her and Luke evolve, watching how Luke draws Ash out of herself.
The switching was flawless and handled so well. In particular the story of Sam had me in tears.

Gitte: Luke was amazing. He was a hero; a saviour and I loved him immediately!

Jenny: Luke….where do I start with him. I just loved him. And not because he was gorgeous, sensitive, caring, patient, tattooed lead singer in a band….okay, that helped, but Luke is so much more. What a great hero he was. I have to say, the sexual chemistry between these two was sizzling. Watching their relationship develop just touched my heart. Luke really sees Ash. He sees her pain.
“He’s unearthed it and yet he stays”
I love how Luke saw through her. How he took the time and saw the girl who was underneath.

Gitte: Two scenes in particular completely did me in….I had to stop reading I was crying that hard….but I won’t spoil this amazing book and say any more than that! Just know that if you are a crier like me you will need a full box of tissues!!

“…these things do happen and it’s just a part of life….”

Jenny: This book is a sad book, I certainly shed a few tears, but it’s also a book about hope and moving forward and dealing with your past. Luke and Ash dealt together and they will both steal your heart. I love these lines from Ash about Luke:

Ash on Luke
“I watch his eyes as they find me in the crowd. I watch his lips as they sing into the microphone. I watch his fingers as they play his guitar. I watch his body as it moves around the stage and I imagine his eyes, his body…all over me. I want him”

Well, have I tempted you to read this book yet? I hope so because I’m sure you will love it as much as we di
Profile Image for Tammy .
1,008 reviews115 followers
October 1, 2012

Holy hell this book is fricken intense! Make sure you have a box of tissues next to you. I promise you will need it. I don't even know where to begin. I actually had to ask my friend the pressing question before I even got half way through the book because she had already finished it. I had to know if Luke was going to die, and while she didn't tell me whether he does or not she did tell me there was some angst in the book. To be honest this freaked me as I do not do well with books like this. I usually read the books where you know the outcome, you know that there will be a HEA at the end. This was Natalie's debut book and let me just tell you she wrote this book to perfection. You felt ever single buildup, every single moment of pain, every single moment of love. There was not a minute this book went by that you weren't looking for a tissue and tearing up. Wow, the characters, Ash just blew me a way for a female character. I absolutely adored her. I connected with her and stayed that way through the whole book, and Luke, well Luke was perfection all on his own. His patience, and the care he took in building his relationship with Ash. The trust he built with her at a slow movement. It felt right, it felt perfect when they finally came together. Nothing was rushed, each moment building up to the ending that will make your heart skip a beat.
Profile Image for Seena Seena .
663 reviews210 followers
October 15, 2012
Beautiful, Beautiful girl
I can see the sadness you hold in your eyes
Beautiful, Beautiful girl
I see all of the pain you bury inside
Beautiful, Beautiful girl
How much I long to make you smile
make you feel happy for a while
Bring back the light to your life
Beautiful, Beautiful girl.
Have you let me love you for a while
Beautiful, Beautiful girl.

This story was truly beautiful. Poetic & lyrical.


He is perfect.
We are perfect.
Everything is perfect.
I want it to stay perfect more than I ever thought possible.

Profile Image for Brennyn Pieper.
50 reviews14 followers
November 12, 2012
"I can’t explain it Ash. I look at you and I just can’t look away. I look at you and even though I see all of the sadness and pain you carry, what I really see is a beautiful soul buried beneath it all. A beautiful soul, who desperately wants to be happy. Who I want to make happy, more than anything else in the world."

1. Dark Paradise- Lana del Rey
2. Change Your Mind- The Killers
3. I’ll Stand By You- The Pretenders
4. Truly, Madly Deeply- Savage Garden


Luke blows me away, he is absolutely an amazing character that not only makes you swoon but he has a heart of gold. He is the ultimate keeper :) The true star of this book is Luke. I can’t say it enough and the more I think about it the more I realize that he might be the best hero I have ever read; like ever. Like out of 103 books, he still does it for me. He is way up there with some heavy hitters like Barrons (Fever Series), Kellan (Thoughtless) and Zsadist (Lover Awakened). But he has given those boys a run for their money. So what was the big deal? From start to finish Luke was flawless; beyond perfect. This guy is up for sainthood, in case you were wondering. He was incredibly patient and an absolute sweetheart. Before I get carried away on a Luke tangent, let me talk about the book.

Poor Asha. This girl has been through the mill. Every terrible thing imaginable has happened to every soul she has loved. She has been left without any family and has purposefully pushed away any friends in order to save them and herself was what she perceives as impending inevitable doom. Can 12 deaths surrounding one person be a coincidence? I don’t know, but that was my theory surrounding Asha. As the story progressed and events took place I began to wonder if she was cursed or if there was some kind of supernatural/paranormal entities at play. I was beginning to get really worried for her. She truly believes that every death in one way or another was her fault. It’s heartbreaking.

Dark Paradise
Loving you forever,
Can’t be wrong
Even though you’re not here,
Won’t move on
There’s no remedy for memory,
Your face is like a melody
It won’t leave my head
Your soul is haunting me
And telling me that everything is fine
But I wish I was dead

The final and one of the most tragic deaths to have touched her life was that of her boyfriend Sam. His story is the last to be told however, throughout the novel you learn about how they met, how they dating and how they loved one another. This process really sets you up to be sobbing uncontrollably by Sam’s story and you honestly wonder how Asha hasn’t just gone off the deep end and committed suicide. Sam was a good guy but as his story was told and you were introduced to Luke, I found that Sam was not really meant for Asha. They had an incredibly loving relationship that was filled with laughter and good times but he wasn’t her soulmate. I truly believe it’s Luke. Sam spent most of their relationship trying to reassure Asha that he wasn’t going to go anywhere and that he loved her and all these deaths were a coincidence. As if he knew ahead of time that he would also die, Sam leaves a note for Asha hidden in their alcohol collection. The note is heart wrenching so have your tissues ready.

Change Your Mind
Racy days
Help me through the hopeless haze
But my oh my
Tragic eyes
I can't even recognize myself behind
So if the answer is no
Can I change your mind

Out again, a siren screams at half past ten
And you won't let go
While I ignore, that we both felt like this
Before it starts to show
So if I had a chance
Would you let me know

The relationship between Luke and Asha is a very slow process. It begins when he is hired at the book café she works at while she is still out on leave recovering emotionally from Sam’s death. He doesn’t approach her and just spends his days stealing glances at her for seemingly no reason. We actually don’t have any idea what Luke looks like until we are 17% into the book. This goes to show she wasn’t even looking at him in that kind of way. They come to know each other at a snail like pace and after 7 months of working together they have what could be termed as a first date. While watching some of Luke’s friends play a set one night, things change. Asha begins to long for the hand that Luke removed from her lower back. This is the beginning of her coming to terms with her really wanting him and wanting to feel that kind of love again. But this poor girl has been tortured into thinking that along with love comes pain and inevitable loss. She finds herself unable to resist him.

I’ll Stand By You
Oh, why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
'Cause I've seen the dark side too

I'll stand by you,
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you

Take me into your darkest hour,
and I'll never desert you.
I'll stand by you.

Luke really is the most patient character I have ever read. He started off slow with her just casual conversation at work. Then one night he emails her. This was the only time he seemed a little forward for me (relatively speaking); he asks if she wants company while lounging and drinking at home. Asha is totally caught off guard and shoot him down and I think this was needed in order for him to realize the pacing that she needed. He has been her shoulder to cry on more than one time and he continues to be someone she can talk to and be around even if it is just in a completely platonic way. He just wants to be near her.He does like to try to move her out of her comfort zone by showing up at her apartment, pulling her to shows, buying movie tickets for her. It is all done with good taste and he never pushes. But it all falls into his plan to slowly allow her to come to him on her terms when she is ready. He just waits patiently. Showing her little by little who he is and how he is waiting for her. This boy waits months. I’m so curious to see if he dated anyone in between or anything. It’s pretty clear that he was very taken by her immediately so I think he probably just waited her out. It’s all very impressive considering that he is in a band that gets flocked by girls after every show.

Truly Madly Deeply
I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful
'cause I'm counting on
A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning

I know that song is so cliché. But it’s really what Luke feels for Asha. This book is really amazing though. It is incredibly sad and you will cry but it’s about how a boy saved a girl from herself and their journey. And it’s just begun thank god. Book 2 is in Luke’s POV and it is being written as we speak :)
Profile Image for Sara .
1,525 reviews154 followers
October 31, 2012
Wow! What an emotional read this one was. Going into this book I was not prepared for the emotions I would have. I resembled the cover though less pretty and with more tears streaming down my face.

I had a dream
And I was so lonely
My friends and family
The little things I've got, I've got
Now there's something here before me
A figure, I think
Isn't there a warning
Or something to drink
My god, my god
When my thoughts drift to you

~Infinite Arms, Band of Horses

I Love You to Death begins with our voice, Ash, on the floor in pain. Deeply emotional pain, a searing, scaring pain that we don’t and won’t begin to understand until she starts to tell her story. Told completely in her perspective we learn that Ash has not had the easiest life. She has suffered many tragedies and lost those who are most important to her, the ones that owned her heart for periods of time that she cannot let go of.

Ash is determined to never let anyone she loves be taken from her again. She cannot let herself get close to someone to have them die because of her. She decides to close herself off and just get by if she can.

It doesn’t hurt me
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know that it doesn’t hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that I’m making?
You, it's you and me
It's you and me won’t be unhappy
And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places

~Running up that Hill, Placebo*

After the last loss, the one that is fresh in her mind and heart Ash decided to do what the letter asked of her and to move on. She goes back to work and runs into the new guy, Luke. He is something Ash is not expecting, something she does not want but something she can’t seem to escape. They begin a friendship, a slow building friendship that is turning into something more. This type of relationship scares Ash to the core but she can’t stop what is happening.

Throughout this book, what is currently happening in Ash’s life we get the REAL story of what has brought Ash to this precipice. Each heartbreaking loss that Ash has suffered is told through memories that had me reminding my self to breathe. How could someone endure this much and keep going? Just when I thought I was all cried out the author hits me again, square in the gut with a force that had me putting my Nook down a few times. I wasn’t sure I could keep reading but I knew I HAD to.

I fell in love with Ash and Luke immediately. Ash with her issues, her beliefs that she is the cause of so much pain made me want to crawl on to the page and just hug her. Though I can imagine the look she would give me if I did! Luke, sigh. That man is the most patient character I think I have ever read. The way he deals with Ash, not with kid gloves, he just gets her. Even not “knowing” her from the start, there is something about the connection that they share that allows him to just be with her. Be what she needs, when she needs it; even when she thinks she doesn’t want it.

I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

~Undisclosed Desires, Muse

I Love You to Death is a wonderful heartbreaking story. The writing style was unique and refreshing. I loved the playlist before every chapter, it helped set the mood. I Love You to Death is a book that brings you to the darkest depth of emotion, the emotion of watching the people you love the most die one by one. Dying a dozen times can do a number on the heart but that one person; the one that can take dying and give you life… that is what makes the pain worth it.

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now, this is who I really am inside
Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance
I know now, this is who I really am.
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

~The Kill, 30 Seconds to Mars

*Original Lyrics by Kate Bush
Profile Image for Janhvi.
382 reviews136 followers
November 19, 2012
I picked up I Love You To Death on a complete whim. I went in without any expectations or preconceived notions and I'm so glad to have found this gem of a book. It took me completely by surprise how good the book actually was and how uncommon the whole theory behind the book is.

Ash is a girl who by the age of 25 has lost 12 people closest to her. She doesn't know if its just some cruel twist of fate or if something's wrong with her which causes the people she loves to die. In one way or another all of their deaths somehow link back to being her fault and she is left to bear the devastating pain and loss with the guilt. Having already been through so much she decides to keep to herself and just get through her life without love or affection.

Then comes in Luke, with his patience and kindness. He is so completely smitten by Ash and yet he gives her space and time. He never gives up, respecting her needs. He never pushes her. He sees the struggle and pain inside of Asha and does all he can to help her heal and believe in herself and them. Luke was a genuinely good character whom I won't be forgetting anytime soon. The romance was slow burn, which I loved.

The book moves from Ash's point of view from the present to her having flashbacks of each of the deaths in her life. I loved the scenes between Luke and Ash. Their love story was beautifully portrayed. It was sensual without being graphic. You actually start feeling protective of Ash while rooting for Luke to make her his. Ash's story breaks your heart while giving you hope and you can feel yourself going through a wide range of emotions.

Natalie's Ward's writing style was extremely unique. Ash's voice is filled with melancholy but you understand and connect with her perfectly. The story is simple but it still completely manages to enthrall and captivate you. I loved that each chapter number was in the form of a quote. Also, each chapter had its own playlist so I found a number of new for me artists which I shall be looking into. This book was deeply entwined with music. It was intense and simply I devoured this book.
Profile Image for Willow .
156 reviews14 followers
October 25, 2012
First off I really like the cover of this book. It just looks so sad, and that's the way the book makes you feel sometimes. Grief effects people in different ways and feeling like you are somehow responsible, or had a hand in someone's death is a hard burden to bare, but 12 deaths? That's a strong person to deal with that!

The book was an enjoyable read. I liked how it flicked from present to past, going through a bit of each person that died, why they died and how Asha had a hand in it. I love the fact that this is slowly fed to you chapter by chapter. You really start to feel for the poor girl. I was desperate to find out how the last person died! I loved the relationship between Asha and Luke, it was slow and seemed "real". I also loved that I kept waiting for "it" to happen, kept thinking poor Asha its coming! The story did not disappoint and I liked the sort of twist at the end.

I've not given it 5 stars as,, I know it's a story, but I couldn't get over some of the deaths and Asha's part in them. Just my opinion though.
Profile Image for Janey.
1,308 reviews
August 17, 2013
5 heartbreaking stars

Wow..this story was just achingly beautiful.

Asha has had more than her fair share of heartbreak in her young life, starting from the moment she was born. She has watched the people she love die and holds no one but herself to blame for their deaths. Because of this, she closes herself off from the world, from everyone.

Along comes Luke, who initially adores her from afar from the moment he lays eyes on her. He is patient, he is caring, he's just waiting for her..to notice him.

I was completely captivated by this story of loss, grief, guilt and finally acceptance. The story was told in the present time, interspersed with flashbacks to Ash's past, which help to break down the sequence of events. Each chapter had a playlist of songs that helped to characterise the mood. I was hanging on every word, and empathised with every emotion pouring from both Ash & Luke.

This is a MUST READ IMO..thank you Natalie <3
Profile Image for Jeanine.
161 reviews36 followers
May 21, 2013
I really hate giving one-star ratings, I do. The writing in "I Love You to Death" wasn't horrendous.... It wasn't bad, actually. But there was an over abundance of "telling" and no "showing." There was hardly any interaction between the characters by the way of dialogue. This story was told in the main character, Asha's, POV and she pretty much told us what was happening: "He told me that...." "She told me that...",
Character interaction, obviously, is a huge deal. It helps create chemistry, passion, and whatever emotion the author, if they are good enough, is trying to convey. I wouldn't have finished this book if it wasn't for the mystery surrounding Sam's death. Relax, that wasn't a spoiler; we know he is dead from the get-go. But then I get to the end and the cause of his death is so underwhelming that I was tempted, for the very first time, to throw my Kindle, my precious KINDLE, against the wall.
I am so fed up with tons of people giving good reviews to books when the material is nowhere near a three-star rating, let alone a 5! You guys need to stop doing crap like that (as if any of you will read my review). You are in no way, shape, or form helping the author! They need to know where their weaknessess lie, that way they can improve their writing!
How do I know, you ask? Because I, myself, am an aspiring writer. In fact, I guess I can legitimately call myself a writer because I have written a book, a book that will never see the light of day, but a book nonetheless. I would much rather people be honest with me about my writing than gush about how great it is when it clearly is anything but. It is rare for an author not to want to know how they can improve, unless they are one of those who loves to attack anyone who gives their work a bad rating. But those authors should never publish their works, even if they are passionate about it, because they are too soft. Most authors are not as soft, so be TRUTHFUL people! Plus, it would save a ton of people from wasting their money on a book they think is going to be amazing judging by all the great reviews!
This book actually had potential. In fact, I am willing to bet that, had Ms. Ward been in contact with beta-readers who are not only avid readers, but HONEST (there's that word again) avid readers, she would have gone far with this book. The plot is both interesting and unique, something that hasn't been done before that I know of. More character building and WAY more "showing" the reader what is unfolding rather than "telling" us would have made all the difference. Then, and only then, would the ratings this book recieved have been fully warranted.

Profile Image for Jenn.
1,034 reviews256 followers
January 11, 2013
I'm not saying I disliked this book however, it's not what I expected it to be. I felt like the first half of the book was mainly FILLER. So much back information with flashbacks. I felt we spent too much time in Asha's head or in flashbacks. I felt little interaction actually took place with Luke and Asha. And if I saw 4 specific phrase's one more time I was ready to throw my kindle. The character also spent a lot of time with booze, in particularly with beer. As for Sam, I really wish we could have had more of his story as Natalie Ward makes you fall in love with him.

At half way in, there is not much in the way of a LOVE story as one would believe there would be. It's mainly about all the people who died in Asha's life with little interaction between Luke and Asha. I had high hopes for more interaction after the half way mark.

Finally, at 30% away from the end, we see more interaction and the kind of story that should have taken place the entire time. Granted we still have two death flashbacks to complete by the time the story is done.

I love Luke. I wanted to wrap him up and take him home . He's the kind of man dreams are made of. I can't even begin to go in to details about him. He's the perfect book boyfriend of all time. Can't there be a real live Luke ? If there is I want to meet him. ;)

If only this story could have had more character interaction and less back filler. If only we could have had more band mate involvement as they seemed like a really great cast of characters and had good senses of humor. If only we could have had more of Asha and Luke's love story unfold long before the 30% mark before the end of the story hit. If only this story hadn't read like someone's personal diary and not allowing you to experience things for yourself as it went but instead you feel like its telling you how to feel. Then I could have devoured this book and rated it higher.

Thanks Jennifer for reading this with me and reading all my text msgs over this. Thanks Bethany for letting me text you to death over this book as well.

The author did do three things for me with this book. She made me cry my eyes out over Sam's death flashback. She made me fall in love with Sam. But she made me fall head over heels in love and turn my heart over to and for Luke. Well done on that score! :)
Profile Image for Christy.
4,338 reviews35.4k followers
October 10, 2012
Life is too short to live without the things you want, to not fight for the things you love

This was a book I was unable to put down once I started it... I had to know what was going to happen!
Ash feels a constant guilt. She has had everyone she has ever loved or been close to her die. And she is convinced it is all her fault. After the twelfth death, of her boyfriend Sam the last person alive that she loves, she has a fear of getting close to anyone. She cannot love anyone, and no one can love her. It does not end well.
Then enters Luke... Luke was a guy you just had to love. He made you feel hopeful. You could tell he had feelings for Ash right away, but he took his time with Ash, didn't overwhelm her with his feelings or try to rush her in anyway. He was the hero of the story... loved him!
This was a beautiful and emotional read. Ash's story was heartbreaking at times but I loved the way it ended!
Profile Image for Sarah 'Oh how I LOVE a bad boy xx'.
108 reviews56 followers
November 5, 2012
What an INCREDIBLE book !! X
So beautifully written and so emotional x
Luke is just PERFECT...the way he cares so deeply for Asha and helps her through everything, slowly becoming closer to her and waiting for her to be ready..to want to be with him !!
I loved the way their story and relationship unfolds and the way it is told using her flashbacks and then present day !
When she finally decides to accept his love and decides to change fate.....it was perfect x
Such a beautifully told, emotional, heart warming, incredible story....with wonderfully strong characters....a beautiful heroine and the ALL important, gorgeous, sensitive, tattooed, guitar playing Hero...who writes and sings her love songs.....AND COOKS HER CAKES XX
What more could you ask for ????!! Lol x
Profile Image for Lisa.
165 reviews161 followers
October 8, 2012
4.5 Stars

Natalie Ward wrote a wonderfully beautiful, yet incredibly sad novel in I Love You to Death.

To say that this book made me sad would be an understatement. Natalie Ward had a way of wrapping me in her words so I felt them almost as if I were a character in the book. Each chapter began with a look into Ash's mind, her deepest thoughts and fears which seemed to set the emotional tone for what was to come. Natalie Ward can create beauty with words and she used them to set up this masterful but sad depiction of one girl's journey to let herself feel love again.

Ash is wounded, fearful, sad and drowning in guilt. She has been through so much and has convinced herself that everything that has happened is her fault. Since the book is told in her point of view and reads like a diary at times, I felt like I had a great understanding of her and what she was going through. She was hesitant to get close to anyone because she was certain it would cause their death but I think she was more afraid of losing another person she was close to. These past events have damaged her heart to the point where she thinks it would be better if she were alone for the rest of her life. Personally, if I went through anything remotely like her life, I would have the Great Wall of China around my heart. If you don't feel, you can't love and if you can't love, your heart cannot break.

Luke was perfect! He was so kind and understanding and had a way of being there for Ash without suffocating her. He made her feel like someone cared and slowly worked his way into her life by inviting her to things and making other little gestures to show he was there if she needed him. He seemed to know if he moved in too fast, he would lose any chance he had at being her friend. I don't think I would have respected him as much if he put the moves on a young woman who had just lost the love of her life and was glad he didn't. Oh, did I mention he sings and plays guitar in a band and bakes cupcakes? Yep, he is PERFECT!

This book felt so real because of the slow build in the relationship between Luke and Ash. He likes her but she doesn't want to be close to anyone. They eventually become friends and only then does Luke slowly hint at wanting more before making what I would call a grand gesture to ask for her heart. Ash knows giving her heart to him will probably have a not so happy ending but how long will she be able to resist? Is it better to love for a short time than to never love at all?

The books alternates between present and past events, telling the story of Luke and Ash and giving a glimpse into why Ash is the way she is. I liked getting to know loved ones from her past and connecting to their relationships and what it must have meant for her to lose them. It was incredibly sad and I think this might be the first book I have ever read where I shed a tear before I even hit 5%.

The only thing I would change is the number of occurences that ended in death. I was really feeling it and then after I had read through several misfortunes, it really started to wear me down. I would say I felt like Ash, guarded and unfeeling toward the end. Less would have given the book a little more realistic feel.

This is a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of facing fears and living for today. We can't predict what tomorrow will bring but we can enjoy every minute of today while we have it. I highly recommend it for anyone who likes an emotional, romantic story.
Profile Image for Madison.
184 reviews86 followers
October 2, 2012
Read this and other reviews at Madison Says.

I was excited to pick up this book just from the cover alone. It’s amazing. Then I read the blurb and I was sold. From the first page, I loved the playlists included and they way she tied music into the entire story. I would say that I have and regularly listen to about 95% of the songs she listed in here. This made me all the more connected to the story because I felt like seeing that playlist before starting the chapter gave me an idea of what I was in for.

It’s hard to believe that a combination of sound and silence can have such an effect on you. But it can. And it can affect you in ways you never thought possible.

My heart broke for Ash. So completely. I wanted to give her a hug, tell her it was going to be alright and keep her out of harm’s way. She was so fragile and in such a dark place (and really, how could you not be?). I loved how it was told in the first person, because even though I would LOVE to see inside Luke’s head, being in Ash’s head created such emotional turmoil. It was written in a way that when she felt butterflies, so did I; when she was frustrated or angry, so was I. It was so very powerful.

It’s funny the things you wish for. When you get them, you never want them anymore. And you’d do anything to take them back.

Luke – I don’t even know how to go on about him. Because there really aren’t any words. I LOVE HIM! The way that he was introduced to the story was great, and the relationship that evolved between him and Ash was beautiful. I appreciated every aspect of their story. He was so patient and kind and caring and really he was her saving grace. The tension between them was SO THICK I felt like I couldn’t breathe at times. And then, I would think something was finally going to happen, and someone would call ‘uncle.’ Talk about frustrating…but in a good way.

“I’ve wanted to be with you since the first minute I saw you. The very second you walked back into that shop and I felt my heart stop when I looked at you. I knew right then, I would do absolutely anything for you.”

Natalie did a fantastic job of writing between past and present tenses. If not done correctly, this can be super confusing and muddy a story. She did this SO WELL that it’s unreal. It really brought the story full circle and helped me make all the connections. It was fantastic! Because of the way it was written, too, it was damn near impossible to put down. I had a sick kid, so there was a lot of moving watching and snuggle time going on yesterday, which allowed me plenty of time with my iPad…and thank God for that because I NEEDED to know what happened next. When I thought I had it figured it, it completely changed…and I’ll tell you, I was FREAKING OUT. What happened was not what I expected, and I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath…I was flipping the pages so damn fast. But, overall, I would say that it ended how it should have. I don’t want to give anything away, because it’s just too good not to experience firsthand, but it was very powerful.

I give this book 4.5 stars and recommend it to anyone. It’s a more mature contemporary – some coarse language, sex (although not overly graphic), but the characters are 25-27ish so that’s to be expected. This is a MUST READ! It will have your head spinning, heart pounding and a flurry of butterflies in your stomach, but it’s so worth it and so beautiful!
Profile Image for Iva.
636 reviews99 followers
November 25, 2012
Even after two weeks of reading this book, I still think about it often. I guess it hit quite close to home.

The main character, Ash, is probably the most tragic person I have ever read about. Imagine a person, an innocent human. That person, from the moment it's born is defined by the fact that every person it was or gets close to, dies. Imagine that, in your short life of 24 years, you lose 12 dear persons. And you indirectly caused those deaths. Your family at some point, starting from your mother at birth. In some really ridiculous play of fate that became a sort of curse, 12 people get killed because of you. And no, I'm not joking.

At first I thought that this really isn't a good idea. It's ridiculous to think you are responsible for people dying. But as this book goes and every story is laid out, I began to understand why she is living in that horrible belief.
Ash is living alone, working, going from one day to another, trying to keep her distance, to not to make friends which she desperately wants. Who wants to live alone? And then comes Luke, the new guy at work - your standard good guy musician, handsome, even cooks. And he tests her resistance. We see that he's interested in Ash and he's being very patient with her and slowly tries to gain her attention.

The first half of the book was more memories and trying not to cry on every page. Seriously, I can't remember the last time I cried so much. But in the second half, Ash begins to give in to Luke's persistence. Her fear weakens and she can't resist him anymore. What happens next throughout the book is a fight between fear, immense fear of loss and her feelings for Luke.

This is an incredibly sweet but most of all a very emotional and touchy read. Everyone should prepare themselves a lot of tissues and a hard heart to take all those stories.

Personally, I find the experience of losing someone extremely difficult to survive and overcome. Everyone lost a dear person at least once in their life. It's inevitable, but the sheer number of people close to Ash who died is too much.

Death gives you a sense of finality. It always starts those life questions: Why am I alive? Why do people die? For what do I live? Do I really have a purpose? Is just living purpose? Because all dead people have lived their own life in some way that was either good or bad. It left a mark or it was just a life of a small farmer who enjoyed cooking and reading books.

Why live? Why try hard at life?
This book gives an answer to that.
Profile Image for Sugar and Spice Book Reviews.
462 reviews171 followers
November 26, 2012
Let me just start off by saying I'm mad at myself. I'm mad that I didn't read this book sooner because what a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL story it is!

This is the story of a troubled young woman, Asha, whose life has been surrounded by unfortunate tragedy. She has survived the loss of just about every person that has ever mattered to her, and my heart just shattered into a millions pieces for this girl. She meets Luke and he sees her for more than the damaged soul that she is. Luke slowly, with his love heals her and makes her whole again.

I felt like I experienced every emotion in this book with Asha. I related to this story on such an emotional level because I have lost so many family members to unfortunate events and my heart just bleed right along with Asha's as I read. Then, I fell head over heels in love with Luke(Yup, he's HOT, and in a band). He reminds me so much of my husband.....how he is caring, sweet, and would do anything for the love of his life.

I loved this book with a passion. It was a beautifully written story that will take you on a journey of depression, despair, wanting, hope, and finally love. I can't wait for the next book and to read more from this author. Keep the tissues handy, I leave you with the snippet below......

"He walked into my life and slowly, gently he showed me how to smile again, how to start living again. He gave me a reason to breathe again. Showed me that living was worth it and it was worth fighting for. That it was worth taking a risk and making the choices you wanted to make. That he was choosing me, fighting for me and he wanted me to fight for him, for us."
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,907 reviews320 followers
October 19, 2012

Omg this book has rendered me speechless, puffy eyed and completely wiped out but it is amazing!!!! The way the book has been written is different but it so adds to the story and actually makes the book! I love Ash and Luke sooooo much, the way their relationship developed over the space of months and months made it so much more believable. I felt Ash's pain, everyone she loves dies 12 people to be precise and she is frightened to make any more friendships in case they too die, it is soul searching, angsty, tear jerking, thought provoking and an AMAZING read, I super loved it and have kept kleenex in business today.... Fab book, did I say this book was great, amazing, fantastic, brilliant... Enough superlatives just read it for yourself you'll see!!
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
978 reviews680 followers
June 4, 2013
It's been a long time since I read this book but I just remembered how much I loved it.

Ash has lost a lot of people in her life and is entirely convinced that if she gets close to people that they will die. Enter the lovely Luke, he is so patient and loving that you totally fall in love with him right from the beginning.

And the end, my god - I was on the edge of my seat!

Please read this if you get the chance.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,061 reviews92 followers
January 5, 2013
I really don't know what to say about this book. I am probably in the minority, when I say that I wasn't that impressed with it. That might be my own fault because I was trying to create something out of the story that just wasn't there. I would have to say that I liked this book but I definitely didn't love this book. It wasn't what I expected it to be. I have to say that I completed this book because I was far enough in that I needed my final question answered. Once that was answered I wish I hadn't gotten that answer...the answer was devastating :( I wasn't shocked by the answer because it went along with the theme of the story but I was sadden by it. This book...even though it is a love story, is definitely not your feel good love story. This story truly is a sad story even though there is a HEA. There was a point in the book that I didn't believe a HEA was even possible. The end of the book I thought was very well written and probably one of the best parts of the book.

I have to say that Natalie Ward did a really great job with her characters. I loved Sam I also LOVED Luke. He was so sweet and patient. He made my heart grow by some of things he would say. Ash was all kinds of messed up...I was truly irritated with her by the end. I understand she went through a lot of crap in her short life but I was ready to slap her and tell her it wasn't her fault. I have to say though I felt a connection with every character from Ash's life....which to me is a sign of a great writer.

I would still recommend this book to people because I feel it was wonderfully written, just not what I thought the book was going to be.
Profile Image for Shazza66.
239 reviews8 followers
August 22, 2013
OMG, where do I start with a review for this book.
If I am honest I did struggle a little with the style of writing, returning to Asha’s past so often throughout the book lost me at first. Then something clicked and I totally understood why Natalie had chosen to write that way, I get it I loved it.

I was a complete mess throughout the book I never thought I could cry so much over a book. This is a book that will stay with me a very long time so will Asha & Luke.

My heart must have stopped for 13 seconds so many times, I just wanted to jump in the book and rescue Asha myself then adopt her.
Luke what an amazingly perfect guy who fell completely in love with Asha the first time he saw her, I fell in love with him for these reasons
Knowing what she needed
Knowing when to be patient
Knowing exactly what to do
Knowing exactly what to say
Knowing exactly when to touch her

I have felt all of Asha’s pain all of her grief even understood her guilt.
Luke has made her laugh again, made her feel alive again, he’s made her happy again.

This is definitely a MUST READ,
Thanks Donna C and AB x
351 reviews13 followers
November 4, 2012
I want to believe him. I want to be happy again. I want Luke and I want him to love me. I want to be able to love him. I want to be given that choice.

This book was truly beautiful.

Ward has a way with words. Talking about death is a difficult thing, and the topic is not one that can be taken lightly. But ward knew just how to weave words perfectly in this book, and knew just the right way to approach such a topic. I was very worried in the beginning, what with having read the synopsis and knowing how deep this book would go. But honestly this book exceeded my expectations, and I felt like it pulled my heart in so many different directions.

The way the memories were placed in between Ash's current day life, really made the story so much stronger. Every mini story, revealed a little bit more of the heartache she endured throughout her life, and opened up her character to us even more. Every mini story coincided with her present day life so well, that it really enhanced the love story between her and Luke. I really wanted to cry for her after every story, seeing how she blamed herself. The reasons behind why she thinks this, wasn't irrational thoughts, and even though in your heart you know she can't be responsible, I never got the feeling that she was crazy. I could honestly see how she would think that after how each death played out.

What can you say about the lead male. Wow. Luke was literally dream boy to me. The way he chipped away at her armour and made her open her heart up to him.. sigh.. gotta love a hero like that. I loved how we didn't get a proper description of what he looked like until a quarter of the way through. It allowed me to imagine what he was like, and fall for his actions rather than his appearance. (But of course when she calls him 'good looking' I couldn't help but think he was even more perfect)

My heart literally stopped when the climax of the book came to head. I don't think I could breathe properly until the very end of the book. This book made me laugh, cry, smile, and feel such sadness. Every time Ash's heart broke mine did too. By the end of the book i was so emotionally invested in Ash's life that I didn't want to leave it.

This book for me was a stand out 5/5 ! Really loved the way it was handled and I recommend it to all those who want a love story, where a boy helps a girl learn to move on and truly live. Just remember to get that box of tissues out for some major tears.

Beautiful, beautiful girl
I can see the sadness you hold in your eyes Beautiful, beautiful girl
I see all of the pain you bury inside Beautiful, beautiful girl
How much I long to make you smile Make you feel happy for a while Bring back the light to your life Beautiful, beautiful girl.
Have you let me love you for a while Beautiful, beautiful girl.
Profile Image for Morgan.
521 reviews265 followers
October 22, 2012

I Love You to Death was a beautiful novel. I strongly recommend this novel to "mature" young adults.

I recommend reading this novel when you are in the mood for a beautifully written, lyrical novel with a dark undertone. I Love You to Death is about a girl who has lost everyone she has ever loved. Not only has she lost everyone she has ever loved, but she feels responsible for the deaths of everyone she has ever loved. Readers will feel sympathetic toward Asha because the author illustrated Asha's role in her loved ones deaths really well. Asha never intentionally hurt anyone, but she feels like her choices created circumstances that led to her loved ones deaths and she feels responsible.

At the beginning of this novel, Asha is suffering from the latest loss in her life. Her boyfriend. Her roommate. Her lover. Her best friend. He was the only person she had left in the world, and she deals with his death by drinking and keeping her distance from everyone. She refuses to let anyone in her life because she thinks that if she gets close to anyone they will die. Asha keeps her distance from everyone, until Luke, one of her new co-workers, eases himself into her life.

Asha and Luke's friendship develops very slowly. Asha is reluctant to let anyone else in her life because she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt, but little by little, day by day, Asha starts to open herself up to Luke. But the harder Asha falls for Luke the more she questions if falling in love is worth the risk.

I gave I Love You to Death by Natalie Ward 4 STARS. Honestly, I didn't intend on reviewing this novel. Every now and then I like to pick up a book and read without thinking about what I'm going to say in my review. I went into this novel with zero intentions of reviewing it. But this book just called out to me. I couldn't resist telling everyone about this book. It's definitely not a book for when you are in the mood for something light and fun. It's an emotional, darker novel. For the most part, this novel is about a girl who feels responsible for the death of everyone she knows. It's about a girl who has lost everyone she has ever loved. Does that sound like sunshine and rainbows to you? Don't get me wrong, this novel is really sweet at times. There is romance. There is passion. There is chemistry. And most importantly, there is love. It's definitely a story worth reading. I strongly recommend this novel.


Profile Image for Jessica's Book Review.
671 reviews368 followers
April 4, 2013
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First of all, WHEN you decide to read this DO NOT… I repeat DO NOT read in a public place! I read part of the book on my lunch hour and came back to work with puffy red eyes from crying my eyes out. You will need to invest in stock in Kleenex for this book!

I was emotionally invested from the get-go. I felt connected to Ash right from the start reading about Sam’s death. I absolutely LOVED that format of the book going back and forth from the past to the present to help the reader understand Ash’s feelings. Even if the wait was killing me to find out how Sam died I think it was essential for the reader to wait till the end for his death story. His letter to her, oh man that just about killed me to read. I lost it right at that point and the tears just fell down. I cannot even imagine what life would be like Ash having no one at all still alive who you are close to and is even family, from losing parents, siblings, best friends, lovers. Everyone in Ash’s life dies and she blames herself.

Then Ash meets Luke… Luke, Luke, Luke… let me tell you ladies. He’s pretty freakin’ amazing! Where can I order a Luke? Because I want like 10 of them… He is simply amazing. That is the perfect word for him. He adores Ash from the day he meets her and is always there for her. Their story is touching, slow, but once it starts its full force love affair. I just couldn’t get enough of him and want more Luke in my life.

I’m not sure if I Love You To Death is a read over and over again kind of book but it sure is a book I am SO glad I read. It’s touching, sad, very sad… but sometimes a good cry is what you need in life and this book gave it to me.

I give I Love You To Death 4 stars. Only reason I could not give it a full 5 is just because I don’t think it’s a book I can read over and over again like I can with my favorites and I am pretty greedy giving away 5 star reviews. It is beautifully written with a wonderful storyline.
Profile Image for Amy J RAREtte4Life.
846 reviews290 followers
December 8, 2019
OHHH I was going to give this story 3 stars but when I looked back and thought about it the story had all the requirements of a good book. The author is tremendously talented and tells this story with the raw emotion that is Ash. Personally, it was just too much sadness and I love emotional heavy reads.

I started off really liking this book and the author tells you up front the devastation Asha has gone through during her life,but its still soooo much. How can one person bare so much sadness? The book starts of strong, depressing, but strong and has the end which I require. The story is a slow love story, the way it needed to be with her past. Luke is strong and steady never wavering , oh and he happens to be the lead singer of his band which makes him all that more appealing. He is sweet, supportive, has great friend, and is very normal and well adjusted...maybe too well adjusted.

I guess it just went on too long, it was just too depressing. I bought into the story so much I kept waiting for Luke to die even though I hope he doesn't. There was no real character development other than Ash. I mean we kind of know about Luke and what a great guy he is and what he has gone through but we don't feel it. Mia, his sister, is fun and awesome but pretty immune and too normal for what they went through. Even though Liam was an ass and Sam could see through him, it never clicks what the connection to Ash is.

Natalie Ward's writing style and story telling abilities are excellent. She captured the raw emotion from Ash for each death she endured in her life. The significance of 13 was captured poetically. The playlists for each chapter is an added bonus, I love when authors do this especially for each chapter. I Love You To Death is a great platform for the continuation of Luke and Asha's story. I want to see Ash have a normal life and watch her adapt to normal problems.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 538 reviews

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