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Fade #1

Fade into You

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Olivia Rowland leaves her Midwestern life behind after graduating from college and heads off to Los Angeles to work for a Hollywood talent agent. Life in L.A. is a culture shock, but nothing compared to the jolt she gets when Max enters her life.

Max Dalton is Hollywood's youngest and brightest movie producer/director/writer. He's wealthy, successful, hot, and there's never a shortage of women throwing themselves at him, but there’s only one woman he wants, and he intends to make it happen.

As Max pursues Olivia, he finds that she presents a whole new challenge for him. When Olivia finally gives in the stage is set for a perilous, yet passionate relationship. Together they discover each other’s deepest desires, and darkest secrets.

Erotic Romance novella | Approx. 22,000 words

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This ebook is no longer being published as an individual book. You can find all 3 novellas in this series combined in 1 book -->> Fade.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 7, 2012

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About the author

Kate Dawes

21 books461 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary erotic romance

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216 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,800 reviews3,941 followers
November 9, 2012
What to say...what.to.say.... Well I will say that Sylvia Day deserves some royalties of this thing. A shocking amount of it is a hare's breath away from plagiarism & the parts that aren't aren't all that interesting. The dialogue is prosaic. Their relationship lacks depth & heat for that matter. There are parts of it that are downright laughable they're so cheesy.

Olivia has moved to LA after a harrowing experience with her long term boyfriend in Ohio. Well, it takes her all of about 3 seconds to get "swept away" by Max & shun all her inhibitions & all of about 10 seconds later she's spilling her guts to the guy that for all intents & purposes treated her like a common whore. So much for boundaries, huh? And she says she's built a fortress around herself complete with a moat. Yeah. right. sure. And I've got some ocean front property in Arizona, wanna buy it?

Max seems to have as much depth as a puddle & I'm going to be a total bitch here & say the guy drinks white russians. Heeeellllllllllooooooooo, 1987 called & they'd like their libation of choice back. Thanks. I'm sure the next installment will somehow manufacture some sort of backstory on the guy & I'll be perfectly honest & say I'm gonna be a masochist & subject myself to the next 2, mainly because I see they were both published prior to Reflected in You so I'm wondering where she got her material from for them. Perhaps it might be original? Fingers crossed.....
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,184 followers
November 8, 2012
By the end of the day I was completely enthralled with Max Dalton, and I had no idea how much pleasure and pain it would bring me in the coming months.

Sounds promising right? Well, the rest of this novella doesn’t really live up to that exciting quote – let’s hope for greater things in the sequels.

Olivia has left her cheating, abusive boyfriend behind in her Podunk town where her parents wanted her to marry and procreate with the cheating, abusive boyfriend and headed to tinsel town to forge a career working for a casting agency. She attends a meeting with Max, big time Oscar nominated producer, and her jaw falls wide open and she gapes, unashamedly, at his masculine beauty. She’s blinded by him.

Max pursues her. Of course he does and they share a dazzling one night stand and then, as Olivia is still coming down from her orgasmic high, Max ushers her out, takes her home and that appears to be that. What an arrogant, slimebag sleazeball!

He does eventually crawl back with the lame excuse that he is just used to treating women that way but I found it extremely hard to warm up to him. He’d definitely improved by the second half of the novella and I think I was starting to see the hero that Kate Dawes wants us to see but she sure made it hard.

There’s a mild blip of a suspense plot involving the cheating, abusive ex-boyfriend but it’s a blink and you miss it moment just giving Max the chance to throw a few punches and look macho.

This is very short and there’s not much character or plot development although we do manage a few sizzling sex scenes. I found it hard to see either Max or Olivia in my imagination and it all felt rather rushed. I think this needed to be much longer but I see the potential and so I’m going straight onto the sequel.

3 stars contemporary romance

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Profile Image for Elizabeth.
98 reviews36 followers
February 26, 2013
Such an unlikable female character. The only time I related to her was when she was partying with her roommate, Krystal. Typing this, I actually forgot the female character's name. That oughta tell you something. However, Max is the male lead's name. When he said he had baggage, I was expecting something more traumatic, or even DRAMATIC, than what it is. Really, you are tired of meeting superficial gold diggers for one night stands, so you treat all women as superficial gold diggers for one night stands? That is his excuse for treating what's her name badly. Um, I would totally not buy that bullshit. If he wanted his dating life to change, there are ways to acheive this. As for who's it's baggage, ol' girl had nothing but a cheating ex. yes, they had an intense fight, but NOTHING actually happened. I did not see her as strong, but weak if something as (literally) EVERYDAY as that has her running away to L.A. and vowing off men. Weak and cowardly. Also, there is not enough dialogue, or relationship development for me to believe that these two cooky kids are in love. I will list their encounters: business meeting; he runs into her in Vegas, not a lot of talking, just a kiss good night; he digitally pleasures her in his office, without saying much; they do the nasty and he sends her home, without talking much; he comes by her house to talk about baggage (ha!) and leaves. That a passionate love affair does not make. I may read the sequels, only because I have already downloaded them with the first one, and I may run out of others to read (not likely, bc I have a NOOK and a KINDLE). I don't recommend these at all. Please save your money. If you want something like Christian Grey, then I suggest you read the FIFTY SHADES trilogy again.
Profile Image for Pam Godwin.
Author 43 books11.1k followers
November 9, 2012
This first novella in the Fade series is a buildup of flirting, seduction, and celebrity male hotness, resulting in the wham-bam-shove-her-out-the-door-ma'am. There's not much to this story beyond the steamy scenes. In the end, Max claims Olivia is different from all his other conquests, yet there is no meaningful dialogue or profundity in their interactions to contribute to this supposed uniqueness. When they unload their baggage, my reaction was indifferent because their problems seemed superficial and self-induced. KD's ostensive writing style lent itself to this quick heated story, and I might have been content with the novella being just that if the character and plot depth hadn't felt so forced.
Profile Image for I ♥ Bookie Nookie (bookienookiereviews.blogspot.com).
1,028 reviews2,907 followers
November 6, 2012
What a fantastic little gem of a read! FADE INTO YOU is romantic and sexy and I just love the characters. Olivia is a strong and independent female lead and Max is a dominant and commanding hero, but not in an obnoxious way - I love them both and I am starting book 2 immediately because I can't wait to see what's going to happen next!

✳✳ Copy provided by the author/publisher for an honest review.

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews

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Profile Image for Kenya Wright.
Author 130 books2,510 followers
November 22, 2012
Damn It! Oh man I was excited to read this! So So So excited. . . but I guess it left me wanting. It could be that I over thought when I read this.

I didn't get why the guy was attracted to her. He's in hollywood. There's hundreds of sexy women.

I didn't feel a connection with the main character.

However, the sex scenes were good.
Profile Image for Ella.
279 reviews21 followers
January 3, 2018
Cover: Uh...huh?
My Rating: 90/100
Overall: Loved it
Page Turner: Yes

COMMENTS: I love Max. Love him. How he protected her from Chris is just the best. I'm liking their story, I want to continue.
Profile Image for Sarah's Book Blog.
227 reviews929 followers
October 30, 2012
This was a really really great novella. I thought for $.99 on my kindle, why not. I love trilogies, love anything like the Fifty Shades/Crossfire series. The characters are so easy to like, don't aggravate you and they get right to the point...LOVE IT
Profile Image for Funzee Shu.
932 reviews106 followers
November 19, 2012
Konon kabarnya buku ini ckp 'menghebohkan'.....
Isinya cukup 'panas' dan bikin 'mendamba'....
Setipe ma 'fifty' yg menghebohkan itu loh....
Penasaran dong....
Secara kan emang lg trend cerita model2 si Fifty,ada Bared,ada Anything....well besok entah apa lagi....

Sebenarnya ini novella....
Cz ceritanya pendek2 per bukunya,setipelah ama Anything yg ebook-nya mpe 5 seri itu loh....
Nah,ini ga jauh beda....
Tapi cuma 3 ebook sajah,kemudian di rilis dlm bentuk paperback dg juduL "Fade".

Fade into You merupakan seri pertama dari trilogy 'Fade'....

Kisahnya sendiri sih stereotip yah...
Pria handsome kaya tipe alfa dominan yg naksir dg gadis 'biasa' dg bumbu kisah cinta yg menggairahkan,kisah masa lalu yg kelam,trauma.....dan para mantans (⌒˛⌒)

So far.....
Karakter Max mayan jg sih,meski awalnya agak ga suka,tp ntar lama2 bakalan suka jg kok.....
Dia tipe care protective ke cewek nya.....dan sweet....
Dan Olivia....yg awalnya gw kira tipe 'oste',ternyata ga oste2 amat kok....

=TBC Fade into Me=

41 reviews
December 13, 2012
The first of a three part series of novellas, that the author should have really tried to invest more time in developing the characters and give you more details. So many times the writer let Olivia just tell you how an event happened rather then spending the time to write the event out.. so you miss so much details and only seem to get one side of the story.. only through Olivia`s eyes. The actual story line had potential yet it was lacking in suspense and action as well as romance since you never seem to feel like you got the full picture. I think all three books should have just been made into one really good one. But you are forced to read the next two just so that you are not left hanging.
Profile Image for Denise.
7 reviews
June 10, 2020
After reading the Fifty shades trilogy and The first 2 books if the Crossfire trilogy, I had hoped for something more substantial in this book that what it turned out to be.

Fifty Shades has been criticised for the writing, but that was nothing compared to this. I had no emotional attachment to the characters in this book where I most definitely did with Ana & Christian and Eva & Gideon.

I won't be buying the other 2 books in the series.
Profile Image for Sammi.
71 reviews15 followers
January 13, 2013
Ok, so this was a nice little story. The main female character was a little bland but you grew to like her. It annoyed me a little that she was so easily swayed to do anything she was told to do, but hey, thats her gig i guess.

It was a short book and i found myself finishing it in 1 day, not a bad thing but doesnt give me time to love any of the characters.

Will read the rest of the series but im going to need a filler book between each one so i dont end up throttling the main char :-)
Profile Image for Kristen.
19 reviews6 followers
March 22, 2023
a quick fantasy erotic romance. I completed it in a couple hours. I enjoyed it. I down loaded the next two to see what happens. It's def a cut to the chase type of book. Dives right in, my only complaint is and that you don't know a whole lot about the characters(in the 1st book anyway) but I appreciate the jumping to the sex parts(lol) haha
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,720 followers
December 5, 2012
I guess I'm just not really a fan of novellas...this was decent. I liked Max but with a novella and a three part one at that--just as you get in to the story and start to feel a connection to the characters the book ends. Granted book 2 picks up right where book 1 left off but why not just make it one book?!?! Guess we'll see where the story goes.....
Profile Image for K.
417 reviews
February 13, 2013
I officially give this book a RATING OF 3.3

First off, I come with (compared to this book) high expectations from fifty shade and crossfire, when reading the summary, I was BUMMED OUT that the steamy hot guy was a stupid Hollywood producer/writer...that was hot when I was in like seventh grade! But then I turned 14 and got over it!
Profile Image for Carroll.
6 reviews
October 16, 2012
This book series was suggested in one of my book groups and im glad i read them. I read all 3 today and really enjoyed them. Yes they were short which would be the only down fault of them, but thats me being selfish and wanted more because i couldnt put them down.
Profile Image for Jen.
88 reviews7 followers
November 19, 2012
Just write one fucking book already! This whole each chapter was a separate book shit pissed me off. The story was already cheesy and poorly written, but that shit was just annoying! I do not recommend this series!!!
Profile Image for Amber Rose.
321 reviews840 followers
December 29, 2012
I liked this one, I wanted to like it more, but it was too short maybe. The characters seemed to bring their issues out quickly to my liking. The sex sense were quite good but maybe the next book will be better hopefully. I might hold off though for a little while.
Profile Image for Paris.
Author 14 books66 followers
November 16, 2012

I like Max and Olivia. They were definitely super hot together and there were a ton of scorching intimate scenes between them in these books. Even read back to back to back the story seemed a little short, but it was a really cute romance and I'm glad I gave them a shot.
Profile Image for Sassafrass.
3,199 reviews101 followers
January 1, 2013
This is definitely a hot beginning to this trilogy. I can not wait to see what's going to happen next. I can see how Olivia would be totally swept away by Max and his commanding side. I will immediately have to go into book 2 to see what's going to happen next!
Profile Image for Mahareni Sukadi.
590 reviews14 followers
December 5, 2015
Blas gak ada chemistry antara Max+Olivia. Daku malah lebih penasaran sama Krystal. Dapat duit dari mana ya dia buat membiayai hidupnya? Apalagi kadang dia suka ngilang berhari-hari. Kira-kira dia pergi ke mana and melakukan apa?
Profile Image for Dana.
11 reviews
October 17, 2012
Read all 3 of the books in this series... They were $1 each on Kindle and so worth it(i would have paid more) They were short but very good! Didnt take long to read them. Wish there was more!
Profile Image for Alana.
30 reviews
October 21, 2012
I really wanted to like this book series unfortunately it felt very "highschool". I really tried, it lacked a lot of maturity and depth.
Profile Image for Chrisabel.
1,547 reviews
November 3, 2012
Wow!!!! This was a crazy sexy read. I only paid $.99 and it was just so good. I will be downloading the whole series. So glad I found this series....
8 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2012
This book just didn't do it for me. Super cheesy I have loved all of the erotic novels that I have read lately and this one just didn't add up.
Profile Image for Yulia.
381 reviews33 followers
December 5, 2015
It was okay, but I didn't enjoy it that much.
I think this book is better for pasing the time.
Profile Image for Breann Bianco.
152 reviews31 followers
March 20, 2014
Super easy read! I liked the book but I think Max was a little too quick in his approach to Olivia. It moved rather fast but the end of the book was nice.
Profile Image for Katie Gens.
26 reviews
February 14, 2013
Good story but too short. I like a whole book, not just a few chapters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews

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