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This is what happened I met him at the candy store. He turned and smiled at me and I was surprised enough to smile back. This was not a children's candy store, mind you; this was the kind of place you went to buy expensive imported chocolate truffles for your boss's wife because you felt guilty for having sex with him when you were both at a conference in Milwaukee. Hypothetically speaking, of course. I've been hit on plenty of times, mostly by men with little finesse who thought what was between their legs made up for what they lacked between their ears. Sometimes I went home with them anyway, just because it felt good to want and be wanted, even if it was mostly fake. The problem with wanting is that it's like pouring water into a vase full of stones. It fills you up before you know it, leaving no room for anything else. I don't apologize for who I am or what I've done in; or out; of bed. I have my job, my house and my life, and for a long time I haven't wanted anything else. Until Dan. Until now.

432 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 1, 2007

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About the author

Megan Hart

248 books4,041 followers
Megan Hart has written in almost every genre of romantic fiction, including historical, contemporary, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, futuristic, fantasy and perhaps most notably, erotic. She also writes non-erotic fantasy and science fiction, as well as continuing to occasionally dabble in horror.

--from the author's website

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name.

For Megan Hart, the nutritionist, click here

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Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
491 reviews6,532 followers
March 25, 2015


Sorry to all the lovers of "Dirty", don't hate me or my review, these are just my thoughts after I finished the book...

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You know that feeling when you see a good book, it's labeled "erotica", and most of your friends absolutely loved it, saying it's emotional and deep and all... I was very excited to read this one. I wanted some emotions with all the sex, that's the best erotica out there. Well. I can't really say this book made me feel a lot of emotions. At all. I didn't cry. There weren't any heartbreaking scenes in here. But what it did do was kill my emotions dead by the time I finished it. It put me in a terrible, terrible depressing mood, because through the whole book there was no reprieve, always depressing, always horrible stuff in the background, always the heroine's panic that leads to her childhood traumas.

I couldn't even enjoy the sex, (well maybe for the first one in the club), but after that? Nope. I guess I got too much into the head of the heroine and since every single damn sex scene had that panic of hers behind it, I just couldn't enjoy it. By the time I finished the book I was completely numb and felt absolutely sh*tty, which was NOT my goal when I decided to read an erotica novel.

And the story, the author chose something horribly, horribly disturbing for the heroine's past, and it was THERE, the whole time, through the whole damn book! I hated it! And it just got worse with every page the more it was discovered. It wasn't angsty at all. I don't mind angst. I don't mind crying when there's a sad scene in the book. But this didn't have either. It just had that incredibly dark and disturbing thing that looked you in the eye on every damn page!

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And so I told to myself, it's gonna get better, I know this has a good ending. Yeah. I had to read 7-8 hours of absolute depression to get a sentence or two of a possible happy end. F*ck that. Now I have to read the damn other book too! Yeah there was a

That said... The writing is amazing. I really loved it. The characters are done SO well, just great.
There was one happy scene in the book (just one!!!), it was funny and I had laughed, yes actually laughed when I read it :D It's with the dildo in the conference room :D And that's it...
Objectively this book is really, really good. But subjectively I hated it's guts! So I won't be rating this one. It wouldn't be fair to the book because I am the problem here, I don't like to spend my time with something that will kill me dead. And if I choose to spend my time with something that would put me in a bad mood, it would be to make me cry or feel something intense. This didn't do either. So I don't think I'll be grabbing another book by this author. Just not for me, I'm afraid.

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Profile Image for Isabella. R.
1,007 reviews2,019 followers
August 3, 2021
5 The Prince Who Paid Attention Stars ⭐

This book was a profound experience. It needs to be read slowly and savoured to be fully experienced. It was erotica at its finest. Poignant, gripping, shocking and sexy beyond words. For me, there are not enough stars, and Dirty will remain on my mind for years...

There are damaged characters and then there is Elle Kavanagh. Beautiful, successful, fully functional and completely fucked up. But if you knew her backstory, one would only have admiration for her. Where in the past she has used sex and numbers to tune out the white noise in her head, she has now been celibate for 3 years. Proof that casual sex is overrated until Dan. A man that pushes all her buttons and makes her want to try.

"I was lost. Lost in his eyes, in his touch, in the pounding pulse of music and lust. Lost in my own desire, which I’d denied for so long and now could no longer fight."

Dan Stewart is drawn to the broken girl who doesn't accept compliments, won't date and refuses kisses on the mouth. Yet, she loves to be commanded and that certainly appeals to him. Even with this many obstacles, it's not enough to deter him because Elle fits him like no other.

“You act like an angel,” he whispered in my ear and sent a shiver down my spine.

“But you fuck like a demon. Don’t you.”

Any lesser man wouldn't have bothered. The effort too great. But in his company, Elle reveals parts of herself and she can be truthful. Even with all the missing pieces, Dan wants to know her, to chip away the barriers and embrace the chemistry that consumes them.

"I kissed him because at that moment I could not imagine not kissing him. I kissed him as proof I could survive."

This story tore me apart. It was tragically heartbreaking, salacious and unconventionally romantic. This is not a fairytale love story but it's theirs. The patience and compassion Dan portrayed was commendable and the tears I wanted to shed for Elle gutted me. Their journey was never easy but it was real and so fucking worth the effort. 🖤🖤
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,977 followers
September 20, 2015
ETA: downgraded to four stars. September 20, 2015.


"All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people."
- by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince" -



What would you reply when the woman you're falling for is telling you that she's had sex with 78 men? Judge her?

The heroine, Elle Kavanagh, is a junior vice president of corporate accounting. She prefers having casual sex and one night stands. In fact, she doesn't do relationships and intimacy. It's been more than three years since she slept with a guy. Enter Dan Stewart...He's a lawyer. Dan and Elle meet at an expensive candy store. The interest is instantaneous, and she expects to have sex with him but nothing happens. When they meet again, however, she doesn't leave anything to chance. And Elle gets more than she bargained for with Dan, as he agrees to her no dating policy. Instead of dating they call their interludes "appointments". Both of them agree to not getting serious. No attachments, just casual sex.

I've never felt more convinced than at this moment that writing a story in first person POV could be that perfect. It fit. Irrevocably. Wow, this was a very intense, emotional, and riveting story! This is NO comfort read. Actually, it really hurt reading this book and it was sad, but on the other hand there's also a lot of hope. Granted, I have to admit that in the beginning there's no such hope at all. However, as the story unfolds I felt that there's hope for Elle to overcome the pain, shame, and guilt, hope to be able to lead a "normal" life again, hope to find happiness and to be loved.

Also, the writing is excellent as well as beautiful even though the subject matter is the opposite of beautiful. As it is it's very ugly. There's a lot of depth here and you'll find well developed characters. The author has written a very thoughtful and thought-provoking story, and I appreciated it how Ms. Hart was pointing out the psychological effects.

Elle was repeatedly raped when she was a teen. Elle is deeply hurt and very seriously messed up. Shame and Elle are no strangers to each other, and she feels guilty what happened in the past. Elle is thinking constantly. All the time. What's going on in her head is called "white noise" and she can't just turn it off.


She has a lot of baggage to deal with and as the story unfolds, I was doubting rather often if she would really be able to overcome her pain and to just let go of the past. I don't know if I can explain it properly but sometimes it felt kinda surreal. Elle tells her story and the reader (at least my humble self) gets the impression that her body is cut off of her mind. She is "real" but at times it seems like she's telling someone else's story. Elle is very detached, quiet, and reserved, and she is not used to smile or to laugh a lot. Elle has this kink to count anything she's seeing. It helps her to calm down and she shields her mind and body by counting or doing maths. It is like a body armor.

The sex scenes are well-written, erotic, sensual, and hot!

I had a minor problem with Dan. The heroine offered a few hints regarding her issues, and he should have known that something was very wrong with Elle. When a woman refuses to kiss on the lips, when she doesn't like being hugged, and when she refuses to let a man go down on her because it's "ugly" then he must know that something isn't quite right. He knew that she had big issues with intimacy. Why didn't he insist much more to have a talk with her? Granted, he tried and Elle didn't let him in. But please, you have to try harder, just be more tenacious.

"Still staring at the woman in the mirror, I hung up the phone. She looked as if she was going to cry. I felt bad for her, that woman with the dark hair, the one who only ever wore black and white. The one who might have been pretty if she'd only take care of herself, if only she weren't smarter, if only she didn't earn more money. I felt sorry for her but envied her, too, because she, at least, could cry and I could not."
June 15, 2010
Title: DIRTY
Author: Megan Hart
Review Rating: 4/5 Stars
Reviewed by: I ♥ Bookie Nookie


Wow! I was not prepared for DIRTY... It was heavy! I was expecting something "Dirty", but that's not all I got. I am always interested in the meaning behind the title of a book and I really look forward to that moment of clarity, because in a good book, there is always a definitive moment the reader can say: Ah-ha, this is where the title came from... There is, of course, a very good reason for the title, but I'm not going to ruin it for you--you'll just have to read it!

Why is it okay for men to be promiscuous? Why r they considered studs and women whores? When Elle attends a sex toy party at a friend's house, they play a daring game of 20 questions--all explicit about sexual situations and experiences. Elle does as she usually does and lies about pretty much everything. For instance, she has had sex with 78 men (like she would tell that truth to a room full of strangers). Don't tell me you wouldn't judge the girl at a sex party who admits to sleeping with that many men--YIKES! Women are conditioned to lie about such things in our society because they are in fear of being ostracized--becoming an outcast and judged for their actions. What a slut! No one typically stops to ask why is she acting out like this...what is she trying to make herself feel better about?

Elle is so consumed with self loathing she isn't even living her life. Even when the saintly Dan comes along (love him, he deserves a medal) and slowly sweeps her off her feet, she tries every way possible to push him away. I felt like Dan was taming a wild animal...slowly coaxing Ella into life one painfully slow step at a time. Obviously there is a reason she feels she doesn't deserve to be happy and I couldn't put the darn book down until I found out WHY?? This book is about sexual prowess, sexual exploration and acceptance.

When I finished reading DIRTY, I wasn't sure how to categorize it...after some deliberation, I realized I need a shelf for dark and sexy books that lack the "fluffy" tone that frequently accompanies erotic novels. Are there scenes in DIRTY that light your pants on fire? Most definitely! DIRTY is so much more than an erotic read, it is more like a great drama with some great sex and a lot of emotion...an erotic drama. Get it! Read it!

✳✳ Reviewed on I ♥ Bookie Nookie Reviews

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Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
November 16, 2012

4.5 - 5 stars

Woah. I think I loved this book.

It was a completely unconventional erotic romance. Raw, but not gritty. Real, introspective, dark and sexy, painful and yet not in a rip-your-heart-out way, very erotic, heavy and just so “different” than anything else I’ve read so far.

It a very well written, character-driven book that touches on themes of guilt, self worth, trust, survival. And a sort of love.

I started this one because I wanted something ‘different’. Don’t get me wrong, I live for my romance books that you see me review all the time but every once in a while you want something a little outside the box. Something that kind of jars your senses and makes you sit up and pay close attention because its ‘new ground’… this book gave me that. Still, after having finished it, I’m not sure where to classify it and I’m fine with that… and I like knowing I have Megan Hart’s writing to turn to to add more change-ups to my to-read list.

So don’t go into this expecting your classic romance story. You have to be open minded and I think that if you know that from the start, it will help you better appreciate the story. But, that being said it is a romance. For sure. All the way. Just not your regular guy-meets-girl, they fall in love, they sleep together, declare love and live happily ever after romance. Its heavier. More raw. Real.

Elle meets Dan in a candy store. Unlike all the other men in her past, he doesn’t compliment her, ask her name, make a move, or try to sleep with her. He just shows her a good time for the afternoon and then walks away.

“So, you’re a good girl.”…
“Depends on your definition of good .”…
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Do you want to do what I want?” My pulse pounded at his question, murdered directly into my ear.”

She can’t get him out of her head.

“I’d met men who made me laugh, who made me sigh, even a few, very few, who’d made me come. Until now I had never met one I couldn’t forget.”

The next time he pops into her life, she is again drawn to him. They are at a club and he gets her off on the dance floor. And she lets him. He seems to treasure her but not try to claim her.

“The next time I watch you come,” he said, “I want to be inside you.”
Then he got up from the table and left me there, alone.

Elle’s life has made her disenchanted with men and she doesn’t believe that Dan is any different from. She doesn’t date. Only has sex. Never anything more. Almost the same way guys typically go through women – not really caring emotionally about who they screw, just using it as a means to an end. She doesn’t want to fall in love and doesn’t want to be loved. She has closed her self off from all intimany. The only thing she will accept is raw sex. No strings.

“I believe Dan and I were drawn together… I believe I was empty and waiting to be filled, and Dan was there to do it. And I believe it could have been someone else, that we are not bound for one person in the universe, and another time or another man might have found a way to fill me. I believe that, but I am glad it was Dan who did. Dan had opened my eyes, but only because they were ready to open.”

So Dan goes about showing her slowly that she can be cared for. Not pushing what he wants on her but willing to give whatever she’ll accept. Showing her through his actions rather than his words how serious he is at the same time of being respectful of her feelings.

And eventually Elle realizes that, at some point, she has to choose between having the wall she’s built around herself or taking a real chance on the man she can’t stop thinking about.

“I do not like that I let circumstances rob me of the ability to have a normal relationship with a man, to have friends, to be happy. I do not like it, but I had felt myself powerless against it.
I didn’t want to feel powerless anymore.”

Why is it that if a guy sleeps with a lot of women, its accepted, but women who do the same are looked down on as sluts and whores? How is that fair? Its an interesting concept though because Elle is clearly neither of those, but still has slept with 78 men in her life.

Elle was very… real. Neither fake nor fantasy perfect. Just… real. She was a complex, damaged woman with a lot of pain and emotional scarring in her past. But I like that she didn’t feel completely broken. Damaged yes, but not broken. She had found a way to cope. To move on with her life. I loved that Dan helped her bring down some of her walls, but at the same time, I totally understood why those walls were there.

“Sex is not wrong. Sex is not dirty. Not even sex in a public place with a man you barely know. Its not. Sex is a gift, a built-in human pleasure, something to enjoy and cherish and utlizie. Sex rejuvinates. Sex replenishes…. Sex is not. I am not dirty. I’m not.”

And omg Dan was just perfect. But not in a ‘too perfect’ way. His patience with her melted my heart. I totally fell in love with him. With how was willing to just take her as she was. To hold back and give her what she needed to feel safe. Not caged, but safe. To make her trust him…. If he had done it any differently, he would have lost her in a heart beat.

It was like he knew she couldn’t be tied down, but he was always there to catch her when she fell.

I loved that their relationship (or arrangement, or whatever you want to call it) wasn’t rushed. No insta-love here. It was about building trust. A connection. Until finally it naturally developed into something deeper as Dan helped bring Elle out of her shell and taught her to feel safe again.

The book was very well written. Very introspective. Kind of just pulls you right into Elle’s head. Into her thoughts. You see her move through her life as well as hear her pause to contemplate things along the way. It was a seamless blend of the two. I honestly started highlight a bit in this one chapter near the beginning and had to stop when I realized I pretty much had a solid page and a half I wanted to quote. You’ll just have to read it for yourself to see what I mean. There is really no fluff in this book. No excess drama. The story was utterly non-perfect and I loved it.

“Sometimes grief is a comfort we grant ourselves because its less terrifying than trying for joy. Nobody wants to admit it. We’d all declare we want to be happy, if we could. So why, then, is pain the one thing we most often hold on to? Why are slights and griefs the memories on which we choose to dwell? Is it because joy doesn’t last but grief does?”

And boy is it EROTIC !!!! The sex in this books is OFF. THE. CHARTS. HOT. I really mean it!!!! Graphic. Erotic. Sensual, Kinky … A part of me felt like I should have had a problem with some of the things that happened, but oddly enough, in the context of the story, I felt that everything was just right.

I’ve heard mixed reactions to the ending and so I was very curious about it. I think the best way to describe it is ‘perfectly fitting for the story’. Its a happy ending, and yes, they are together, but at the same time, it wasn’t “riding-off-into-the-sunset-with-hearts-and-rainbows-and-fluffy-unicorns perfect”. Like the rest of the book, it just felt very real.

It’s not the kind of book I’d reread over and over again but I loved that I read it.

I think what I’m left with is the thought of what a talented writer Megan Hart is. She has a really beautiful writing style and I’m very much looking forward to reading more of her books.

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Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,274 reviews1,566 followers
December 21, 2012
Five+ Stars!!

I think I'm in love...not with Dan, the amazing man in this book (though he's great too...) but with this author, Megan Hart. Her talent for delving into the human soul is truly amazing. In Broken, she destroyed my preconceptions and bias, just ripped me apart and somehow managed to make it all better. Now in Dirty, she's once again making me question my beliefs and convictions.

The opening of the book introduces us to Elle, a woman with a past...and a woman with seventy eight past lovers. Now it's such a cliche' to say that a woman who sleeps with that many men has issues with loving herself. No one talks of numbers, because of the stigma and huge double standard when it comes to different gender expectations in regards to sex. And it's really hard not to judge. I believe that sex is an act that should not be done lightly. You should feel as if you give a part of yourself to your lover.

Now, for Elle, this is a number that she has no desire to add to. That part of her life is over. She has different ways of coping with the tragic, traumatic circumstances of her past. She is extremely orderly, self contained, and straight laced. So much so that she really doesn't have much of a life outside of work. No friends, no close family, and definitely no lovers. And then she meets Dan.

Dan...whom she meets at a candy store.
Dan...who takes her out for drinks.
Dan...who whispers sexy innuendos in her ear.
Dan...who walks her to her front door.
Dan...who......leaves her without so much as a good night's kiss?!

And now Elle is confused. Her orderly life is jacked, her thought constantly centered on the man who broke through barriers that she didn't even know she had erected. Her routine suffers, and she begins to see how alone she is, how messed up she has allowed herself to become. All due to a chance meeting with a handsome stranger who had no expectations of her.

Of course, the two meet again.

I knew arousal. I knew desire. Lust. This was something else, all three and something different, too. This was tumbling headfirst down the rabbit hole, this was standing on the edge of the liff and preparing to leap, this was nothing and everything all at once."

Let me tell you, I've never read an erotic author who does is so well. Everything is sensual...the slightest touches and heated glances serve as foreplay to foreplay. Yes, there is a lot of sex, but none of it is misplaced. Hart writes as if the sexual side of the relationship is so important that it's necessary for the reader to understand how deep a connection this couple has. Dan and Elle make love, they do it soft and sweet...but they also fuck like rabbits and can't get enough of each other. I never thought I'd say this, but the menage...yes, a menage...totally moved their relationship forward. It was a tasteful menage, lol!! They have sex in public places, they get it on many, many, many times. And every time was new, every time was fresh, and every time solidified their burgeoning love for each other.

Dan is just in awe of Elle, and she doesn't know what to do with that. She knows men lust...for all women, not just her. And up until Dan, they've all been fine with a nice quick fuck to take the edge off, or for Elle to just quiet her head and stop thinking. But Dan...not Dan. He wants to know her. He's fascinated by her contradictions.

"You look gorgeous, Elle, and you don't act like a gorgeous woman does."
"I don't?" I sounded cynical. Because I was. "How do I act?"
"You act like an angel," he whispered in my ear and sent a shiver down my spine. "But you fuck like a demon. Don't you."

This character driven story moves forward slowly. Much of the time, you live inside Elle's head. Somehow, authors tend to do tortured heroes very well and women love them. But tortured women often come across as complete bitches, or bat-shit crazy. Elle is tortured, but once again the words of Hart somehow make the way she deals with her issues just sad. I was hoping so badly that Elle could learn to let her past go, to accept the gift of companionship that Dan is so fiercely trying to give her. And he is fierce. He is absolutely wonderful.

"The heart has it's reasons of which reason knows nothing." ---Blaise Pascal----

Somehow, Elle has to learn to let go and trust Dan, trust the blossoming friendship that she has with her co-worker Marcy, mend fences with her bitch of a mother, and deal with even more tragedy when it strikes.

Dirty is a big thinker novel. One that forced me to remember that every single person I meet has a back story. Moments that define them, and not all of those moments are good. Poor decisions are just that, and don't make the person bad, don't make them unlikeable or unlovable. It makes them human and fallible. We all are, and should remember that.

This is going on my favorites shelf!!
Profile Image for Heather.
176 reviews20 followers
June 30, 2008
This was a wonderful erotic novel... It has an amazing back story, with LOTS of character development.

This is a story about Elle. She is a twenty-something successful business woman with a hang-up about getting into serious relationships... she is terrified of them.

Til she meets Dan. He is patient with her, he entices her, he deals with her weird quirks, and oh yeah, they have really hot sex!

This book takes place over a somewhat lengthy period of time, I would say, probably 6 months to a year. There are plenty of ups and downs and it seems like a very realistic story. Not fantasy, but yet grabs you and makes you want to find out so badly what happens to Elle in the end.

This is an unconventional romance that is tinged with sadness and dysfunction, however its still an erotic book and a wonderful read.
Profile Image for Miss Kim.
535 reviews138 followers
November 6, 2009
I really liked this book. After just one read, I’ve become a Megan Hart fan. It seemed to come off as a very ‘real’ read. Elle is a successful professional woman who knows what she wants sexually. She doesn’t ‘do’ dating, and for many years, went through a series of no-strings encounters. However, by choice, the last three years she has remained celibate. She wasn’t happy and didn’t like her self. She felt Dirty.

Later we find out she was molested by her older brother for three years while she a young girl, and then he killed himself when she finally got the courage and strength to tell him ‘no’. Her mother blames her for the brother’s death and treats her poorly. Her father is an alcoholic, who has basically checked out years ago. Her other brother is a homosexual that her family no longer acknowledges. Her mother says she is Dirty.

She meets Dan and is immediately draw to him and him to her. They have a series of extremely hot encounters. She keeps telling him up front she does not do ‘relationships', and he seems to understand her. Dan is a wonderful Beta man. He knows how to handle and Elle and he works so hard to get her to open up and admit she cares about him. She never reveals anything about herself, but he keeps trying. The story takes place over about one year. He knows she’s obviously suffered through something terrible in her past, and he keeps waiting for her share. He loves her and she keeps pushing him away. She finally she succeeds, and then they are both miserable.

This is a very emotional book. I am not sure if it will appeal to all readers because of the incest content. She finally accepts Dan and says that he has made her feel Clean. She’s no longer Dirty. I do not think she ever tells him she loves him out loud, and there is a bit of a HFN feeling to the ending. I did learn they get a short epilogue called Reason Enough, and I’m interested in seeing how they are doing a few years later.

The sex scenes are smoking hot, especially one involving them and a hot guy! Whew!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,662 followers
October 21, 2019
I wasn't prepared for how emotionally deep this book was. Elle is a beautiful, very intelligent VP for an accounting firm. Elle knows she is beautiful so to offset unwanted advances from men, she dresses very conservatively.


The mystery of her past relationships is revealed slowly as the story progresses. This story is told in first person from Elle's point of view and it needed to be because Elle has a lot of issues.

She has erected a tough exterior shell to help protect her fragile interior. Elle wants sex on her terms cause she has an issue with feeling dirty. She is has no problem with having sex with total strangers but she has a major problem with emotional attachments.


She meets Dan at the candy store and things begin to change. There is an instant attraction between Dan and Elle that neither of them can deny or explain.

Dan often says to Elle,
"What are you, Elle? Are you a ghost? Are you an angel or a demon? Because you can't be real."

The pain Elle struggles with is all too real. Dan proves time and time again that he has the patience to deal with a woman that won't allow him to kiss her on the lips. Neither pair of lips, if you get my meaning. Dan stole my heart as Elle continued to break it.

I'm fine

I usually don't like my smut mixed with deep emotionally distressing subjects. I don't wanna be sexually stimulated only to find myself crying five minutes later. That being said, I loved this story of growth and acceptance because that's what this book was truly about. Yes, there was a lot of hot sex, but that was just the outer crust. The interior however, was full of betrayal, pain, and yearning. A woman yearning to be normal, hoping to feel clean, and learning to love.

Profile Image for Sayuri_x.
74 reviews78 followers
January 18, 2009
It's a relatively simple storyline. Quite common. Elle is a loner and feels socially awkward. She has her skeleton's hidden way at the back of her own personal closet. The she meets Dan. She doesn't want to want him, she doesn't want to like him, she doesn't want to get close or connected. But just because she doesn't want to doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Soon they embark on an affair and slowly she is forced to confront her past and try to embrace her future, even though it may destroy them both in the process. (Ohh it sounds awfully melodramatic, but it's not.)

I don't even know where to start. This book was genuine and heartfelt and uncomfortable and stark. The starkness of the writing, the starkness of the female character Elle, just made the emotions all that more vivid. It certainly pushed a few of my personal 'intimacy' buttons and took me way past my own comfort zone.

It's not a comfort read, it'll never be that. But it's a great book, well crafted, built, written. Themes of forgiveness and redemption, intimacy and love, family and friendship. Conflict which isn't simple and easy to fix. Characters that are complex, yet easily accessible.

It's wrong to label this book as Erotica because it's so much more and not even close. There's no kinks, no whips. No D/s. Yes, the sex is hot and plentiful but it's all weaved in and about the characters, completely integral to the characters and the plot. It's never gratuitous (although I love my gratuitous smexxin), always hot. The emotion is always there underneath, whether it's a slight subtle touch or brash and in your face.

I can't sit and tell you rationally what I enjoyed about the plot or if I liked the heroine or the hero. (although he was YUM) My nerves and emotions are still jangling after finishing it and one minute I'm laughing at a remembered passage and then next I'm crying. All I can tell you is this....

I f*cking loved it.

Every. single. word.

Do yourselves a favour and read it.
Profile Image for Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader .
481 reviews331 followers
January 10, 2013
Megan Hart is a very good writer, but this wasn't at all what I expected. It was emotionally draining from beginning to end. I highly doubt I'll read another book by this writer.
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,425 reviews160 followers
December 2, 2017
3,5. Vaya por delante que empecé este libro con alguna que otra reticencia sobre la manera de escribir de Megan Hart, pues había leído Switch y no me convenció nada. En este libro he descubierto a una autora a tener en cuenta, que narra de forma muy real y creíble (nada de fuegos artificiales ni señales divinas ni hombres de ciencia ficción) una relación entre dos seres imperfectos y muy humanos que empieza siendo solo sexo (como casi todas, no nos engañemos, el insta-love no es lo habitual) y acaba siendo mucho más. En ella la autora retrata cómo los traumas y abusos pueden marcar una vida para mal y cómo el amor de otros y, sobre todo, el querer ser feliz uno mismo, ayudan a superarlos. Me ha encantado el personaje de Dan, comprensivo y siempre dispuesto a darle a Elle lo que quiere y necesita, presionándola lo justo para sacarla de su zona de confort en blanco y negro y que se abra a una vida en technicolor.
Profile Image for Smitten's Book Blog.
337 reviews314 followers
September 1, 2016

Wow. I'm almost speechless. Let me just collect my thoughts and find something constructive to say about this book.

Let's start with something simple. I loved it. It is beautifully written, intensely thought provoking, extremely classy, even with some scorchingly erotic sex scenes and powerfully emotional.

“You look gorgeous, Elle, and you don't act like a gorgeous woman does."
"I don't? How do I act?"
"You act like an angel. But you fuck like a deomon. Don't you.”

This is a story about irreparable emotional damage and a woman learning to live again when she thought there was no life for her other than one of pain, guilt and loneliness. Her journey of discovery is as ugly as it is beautiful.

Sometimes grief is a comfort we grant ourselves because it's less terrifying than trying for joy.

This book has a charm and maturity about it that you don't often encounter when reading erotic fiction. It's raw and affecting. It tugged at my heart strings and my tear ducts. There were a number of sub-plots and all were equally as emotive.

Dan was perfect. Completely perfect. He was patient, gentle, kind, persuasive, adoring and gentlemanly. But sensual and sexy to boot.

“You look like a goddess when you come, did you know that?"
"I'm not a goddess."
"Not a goddess. Not an angel. Not a devil. Are you a ghost? Because you can't be real."
"I'm real.”

I loved the scene with Jack... I'll say no more. *fans self*

“Do you think he would?"
"I think he'd give his left nut to get in your pants."
"Very nice," I told him. "So elegantly put."
Dan laughed and leaned forward to nuzzle my neck again. "Yes, Elle, I think Jack would love to fuck you.”

The dialogue is fabulous and true. The interactions between characters isn't choreographed to perfection, as Elle points out, and it makes the book all the more real.

One thing I really liked about this book was that there were no misunderstandings. Elle had trouble talking and opening up to Dan... but there was no instances where he assumed an alternative meaning to her words and stormed out, leaving things unsaid. He gave and took in a perfect balance. He listened and spoke when she needed him to and encouraged her to open up without pushing her too much. I loved that. It didn't make me scream 'That would never happen that way' at my Kindle.

I had no words to give him. No explanation. I didn’t understand it, myself. It scared me, but then so do roller coasters, and I ride them anyway, too.

I think, in conclusion, this is a story of love, heart ache, strength and weakness. It's elegantly written, poignant and original. A definite must read.

To read more reviews go to my Book Blog: http://smittensbookblog.wordpress.com/
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Profile Image for Rose.
1,963 reviews1,073 followers
October 10, 2020
Initial reaction: I read this all in the span of a day. I'm still trying to put together my thoughts and the rating's tentative, but it's very likely this is going to end up being 4.5 stars (provided that I think about how it ended and whether or not it dragging its feet a little in the end is enough to make me knock off a half star. That and giving some thought to whether or not I was bothered by the emotional turns in some of the conflicts. I need a night to sleep on it.)

I think one thing I'll say off the bat is that I don't think this story is without its share of bumps in the road, but it took me on quite a ride and I loved the relationship between Dan and Elle - there were some very powerful moments in this book, ones that really struck me at my core. Sure the sensual scenes were there and well written, but the story and the way Hart crafts the characters here were with such an intimate focus that I I didn't expect it to have as much of an impact on me as it did. I'm hoping I can articulate it better once I gather my reflections. Still, there's no denying that this novel had an impact on me and ranks as one of my favorite reads from Hart's work.

Full review:

How do I even begin to write a review on this book? I've been at a loss for words since finishing and reflecting upon it, a few tears in the aftermath. Had to step away and give myself a moment. This is as much of a steamy read as it is a journey of discovery, healing, and coming to terms, primarily through the eyes of its protagonist Elle.

Now I'm going to address something right off the bat before going too far in this review, and I'll try to do so without spoiling the experience of the book for anyone. From almost the get go, I realized Elle had a damaged mindset/soul, particularly within her respective relationships and life in general. It's introduced in stages throughout the story until it builds up to the climax where it's revealed in full. However, I think Hart provides enough foreshadowing and story pieces to connect the dots as you're going along Elle's narrative. I realize that it can be difficult to feel for a character that has the kind of emotional filter that Elle has, and that in that damaged mentality, many of her loved ones get caught and burned in the crossfire because of how she pushes them away in some considerations. That taken into consideration, I really did sympathize with her. Even if I didn't like the decisions or reactions she had at times - I understood where she was mentally, emotionally, physically. That allowed me to follow her narrative without many qualms at all. I think Hart's writing allowed this to come through much more than other contemporary pieces (who shall remain nameless) that attempt to depict characters who are of a damaged sort, but presented with shallow constructions.

Elle, at least on the surface, seems to have a happy and successful life - working a prominent position, having a shoulder to lean on with her good humored, sweet brother (who's dealing with issues of his own in thinking about having a baby with his partner). Elle's not into committed relationships and she establishes that from the get go - but she meets Dan, rather handsome and charming even in his introduction, at a candy store. From there it leads to thoughts of him and seemingly interesting public places where the two have intimate encounters.

Their sexual chemistry is intense, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with Dan's character in both his construction, emotional resonance and appeal. He's so in tune to what Elle feels and from the get go, you can tell he wants to pursue a relationship with her. He doesn't press her farther than she's willing to go (though he's assertive), actually listens and responds to her, and the only point at which he presses her beyond her boundaries is when he's trying to get down to the issue of what's keeping them from becoming more than just two individuals having sex. Elle says she doesn't want the commitment, but the reality is more that she's torn between the pain of her past and the promise of the present in her relationship with Dan.

I was also impressed with the secondary characters that were a part of the side stories in this work, they engaged me just as much as the main storyline. I had my suspicions as to where some of those threads would go (some of them had positive resolutions, others of them were much more melancholy), but they hit me hard in terms of how Hart addresses and develops them, with Elle remaining as the observer and participant in those threads. They were very well developed and paced throughout the story.

I think when the story came to its climax it slowed a bit of momentum getting to the conclusion, but I saw what it was ultimately leading up to, and I still felt content with the way things resolved themselves by the end of the work. "Dirty", on the whole, is a wonderfully written story with a lot of emotional punch and steamy scenes that engaged me, but the aftermath of all the events and emotionally resonant characters left me thinking long after I finished the work. Those are the kind of stories that I love and I can say that this is indeed one of my favorite works from Hart to date.

Overall score: 4.5/5
Profile Image for Zeek.
902 reviews149 followers
April 1, 2010
I know that Hart's second book is titled Broken. To be honest, it would be an equally apropos title for this one as Elle, the protag, was just that- a broken woman.

Written in first person, Dirty follows a short section of Elle's life starting with an encounter with a man she met at an upscale chocolate store. She's instantly attracted to Dan and, though she's just met him, she agrees to go with him to a local bar.

Elle has no qualms about one night stands- she's had plenty. The sexual tension with Dan leads her to allow him to follow her home. But he leaves her at the door with a brief kiss and no promises for more. Of course she can't get him off her mind and when she chances upon him again, they pick up where they left off. But this time he leaves her with a bit more- a very public, but well hidden, sexual encounter ... and a business card.

Elle wants to keep her distance emotionally, after all- sex is just sex in the end. But Dan won't have it. He's no steam rolling Alpha and though he comes off as dominant in the bedroom- it's only because he knows she wants it. Still, he gently leads her down the path of getting exactly what he wants and, in the meantime, leads her to wellness.

Dirty is not a light read. It has depth to it and it retains a very erotic edge. (Imagine that!)

Elle is seriously screwed up from a gravely dysfunctional childhood and some of her choices really bugged me. I honestly didn't like her ... in the beginning. Oh, I knew early on she had some issues and why she had them, though it wasn't truly revealed until the end, and normally I can empathize. But for some reason she really got under my skin. I think it's because Hart did such a good job of making her seem- cold. Broken people who hate what they do to numb the pain and can't seem to stop, melt my heart. Broken people who show no sign of wanting to change make me want to scream in frustration.

However, later in the story I found an edge of compassion for her because she found hers.

This book won't be for everyone. And honestly, if I was in the mood for a darker read I might have liked it more.

Still, I'm giving it a 4.5 because it truly is a well written novel.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
September 14, 2011
Story Rating 4
Character rating 5
Romance Rating 4
Heat Level 4 out of 5
Overall Rating 4

This is a very hard story for me to rate and review because I never read a story quite like this. I had a hard time in the beginning of this book understanding the heroine. As the story unfolded and she started to come around I found myself totally absorbed in it. There was some absolutely beautifully written parts in this book that had wowed me.

Like I said the heroine has some major problems from her past that kept her from being able to love or even want to be loved. I did not like that but I kept on reading and little by little it turned around and the story grabbed me.

The hero was just an average guy with an average look and yep an average cock size. I liked that too, it made him more real.

With these two I could not say that there was love scenes, it was more like sex scenes especially in the beginning. As his love grew for her, I felt he was making love and to her it was just still sex. Again as the book moved along I felt her slipping into wanting more than just sex. At one point they had another man join them and the scene was very hot. As a matter of fact all the sex scenes were hot.

This book had a lot of angst to the story. I've always' heard that Megan Harts book's will make you cry and even though they are highly rated I shied away from them for this reason. This book was VERY emotional on a lot of levels but I only found myself tearing up at on one part.

I'm not sure if I can say that this book ended up with a HEA for the H&h but I can see that it had the possibilities of that happening. The heroine was finally accepting the past and doing a great job of trying to get on with her life with the loving help of the hero.
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,107 followers
September 10, 2011
Excellent book! Not at all what I expected. Oh yes, it was over the top hot, but there was such a complex story to go along with all the passion. Elle and Dan’s first meeting is nothing more than casual with some sensual flirting. They run into one another again and enjoy some dirty dancing, very dirty, dirty dancing. YOWZA! As their relationship continues, both of them hold back when it comes to anything other than being intimate, that’s putting it lightly, with one another. At some point Dan tries to peel back the layers that surround Elle as he begins to look for something more, but she’s not willing to go there with him. Little by little she reveals bits and pieces of herself, and you can guess most of what happened and why she avoids sharing her heart with someone. For Dan though it’s not enough, for the first time in his life he wants it all and he wants it with Elle, but her tragic past is preventing her from finding happiness, even though Dan is perfect for her in every way. Emotionally she just can’t connect. There is also an interesting secondary story involving Elle’s teenage neighbor.

A very well written, extremely passionate and emotional book.

Thanks for the recommendation Baba!!
Profile Image for Megan.
418 reviews390 followers
July 24, 2012
Dirty tells the story of emotionally messed up Elle and her friends-with-benefits *wink* dude, Dan. The hot scenes were hot, as per usual with Megan Hart. But all the other stuff... the plot and the main characters and the supporting characters simply didn't hold up as well as they normally do. This isn’t to say this story is bad. Had this been my first Megan Hart novel, it would have earned so many more stars from me. But this author is capable of much better than what is put forth here.

Elle is an unlikable main character. One of those women who is so scarred by her past, who clings to her baggage and uses it as a shield to ward off any intimacy with another person. Elle doesn't just shun romantic attachments, but also regular friendships and acquaintances with her neighbors. She also dresses in simple, black and white clothing. And she decorates her home in only black and white. Yeah, her past is fucked. But by the time we readers learn exactly what horrid thing had happened to her, I was beyond caring.

Perhaps Hart was experimenting with a different style here? What typically makes her novels so very good is how authentic they feel. She presents you with such realistic characters with believable and in-depth personalities. But here, the big mystery reveal shocker was saved until the end. Long after I wanted to slap Elle and tell her to get over herself. Had Hart exposed Elle's secrets earlier, and shown the readers exactly what she was struggling with, her story may have affected me more. But all I could see was a cold, self-absorbed woman who got far more people reaching out to her than she deserved. After all, how often can a person rebuff all attempts at friendship and romance from the same people? Not too many, in my experience.

This isn’t a book I want to rip apart because Megan Hart is normally so fantastic, and one of my favorites. The woman has written a ton of novels and short stories, in so many genres (well, mainly erotica but they span the range of contemporary to paranormal to sci-fi.) She is bound to have some misses as well as hits. Although this novel doesn’t come close to being as fantastic as Broken, it’s still better than so much of the erotica and chick lit that is out there. (Not that I consider this chick lit, but what else to call contemporary, female oriented fiction?) Anyhow.. two stars compared to Hart’s other works, three compared to anything else like it on the shelves. Makes this a two-and-a-half for me.
Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
690 reviews4,763 followers
October 18, 2012
“I’d met men who made me laugh, who made me sigh, even a few, very few, who’d made me come. Until now I had never met one I couldn’t forget.”

It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me or has ever read any of my reviews that I like books that make me blush but this book went so much further than that – it is by far the most arousing, tantalizing, toe-curling, panty-obliterating, sensual read I have ever come across. This story, however, should not be just nicely slotted into the “erotica” genre – this is a beautifully executed psychological drama as well, one with so many layers that the reader just keeps peeling off until the very end.

Our heroine is Elle, a woman of a thousand dichotomies. Elle has a respectable job and she lives alone. She is single by choice and she is adamant that she does not do relationships. But there is a whole other side of Elle that not even her few closest friends know about – she tends to sleep with random men, often without even giving them her real name. Sex is more than just a release for Elle – it helps her to stop thinking because for Elle her thoughts and her childhood memories create a constant prison in her mind.

And then one day she meets Dan, just as randomly as any other guy before, but their connection is different. They slowly begin a series of encounters, always of an extremely intense sexual nature and before Elle realises it, Dan has made his mark on her fragile soul. She unveils parts of her to him that no man has ever been privy to before, he knows her name, he knows about her quirks, he knows what she likes and does not like, and he knows what she needs.
“I will never forget the feeling of standing naked in front of him that first time. How he looked at my body as not pieces, but as a whole, woven together by those small things about me I’d allowed him to know. … He looked at my body knowing my real name, the way I drank my tea, the sound of my laughter. My nakedness came from what he knew about me, what I had let him know, those tiny, irrevocable intimacies I never share with anyone.”

What began as a purely sexual relationship, starts feeling more and more like an actual relationship and that happens to be Elle’s trigger – her every instinct tells her to flee and protect herself from heartbreak and disappointment, but Dan’s pull is equally irresistible. This is not a traditional story of two soul mates finding each other and never letting go. This is a story of overcoming your own emotional scars, of finding the courage to confront your past rather than erase it, and of letting yourself believe that you deserve to be loved.
“Why is kindness so much harder to believe than cruelty?”

Elle is so deadlocked by her past traumas that she pushes love away. Her mother’s disapproval of everything she does has filled her with suffocating amounts of guilt. Her constant criticism and condemnation have shaped Elle into a woman who goes through an act of passion and then self-flagellates herself mentally over it. Her innate sexuality and sensuality are something she indulges but never fully embraces. She experiences even the more intense physical sensations with a certain detachment, never quite letting go.
“Are you a whore?” She sneered. “Is that your work? Or maybe it’s not just work that keeps you from doing what any decent daughter would do. Maybe it’s something else? Maybe you’re too busy being… dirty.”

Elle’s “ever-present need to count, catalog and calculate” is not just a quirk, it is also her coping mechanism, her safety escape when she cannot cope with her emotions. By not complicating her life with romantic feelings, she is not forced to confront other ones deeply buried inside her. She never cries, she never talks about her past and she never moves forward.

Dan is the rope that takes her out of her rabbit hole. He takes away her need to make decisions by always anticipating and knowing what she really wants. He takes away her need to think by telling her what to do. By giving her the illusion of taking control from her, Dan feeds a craving inside her that she wasn’t even aware of having – the freedom of having responsibility taken away from her. Their bond only grows stronger over time, their only obstacle being Ella’s almost violent aversion towards falling in love.
“He made it so easy for me to do what he wanted. I wanted that. I craved it. Having it made easy for me to not have to decide. I rewarded him with my acquiescence. He took away the responsibility, and I shivered with delicious, illicit joy. There is so much freedom in not having to choose.”

There are so many shocking moments in this story, so many heart-wrenching layers that we peel off and immediately wish we could stick back on. Ella’s story is so inspiring and yet so incredibly sad. I’d like to think that her story is one of pure fiction and that things like that don’t happen in real life but I have lived long enough to know better. Ms Hart is an exceptional writer, one that uses language skilfully and purposefully. She has made me feel such a colourful array of emotions and left me wanting more, so much more. Her more erotic scenes are unbelievably sensual and yet so sexy that they will blow your mind. She will stretch the boundaries of your comfort zones, make you pant at scenes that would normally make you uncomfortable, and she will show you that sex is not a dirty word. And then she will simply melt your heart with such romantic ideals that you will be left daydreaming for days.
“Dan smiled at me with lips still moist from mine. I have seen clouds part for the sun. I have seen rainbows. I have seen flowers in the morning, covered in dew, and I have seen sunsets so brilliant with fire they made me want to weep. And I have seen Dan smile at me, his lips still wet from my kiss, and if I had to choose which sight moved me the most I would say it was that one.”

A must read for anyone looking for an intense well-written sizzling-hot romance that is everything but predictable.

~ N ♥

See this review on my blog! | Follow me on Facebook!
Profile Image for Unapologetic_Bookaholic.
580 reviews71 followers
May 8, 2010
As always Megan Hart's erotic novels go far beyond being a steamy read. I love how her characters are so layered and how she can write the hottest sex scenes ever. Its sex, not love making.

Elle is a dirty girl. She sleeps with men, never wanting a relationship. Sometimes not even giving her real name. One night when she goes out with her co-worker and her boyfriend she runs into Dan. A guy she met at a candy shop. The things they did on the dance floor could have melted chocolate.

Dan is described as someone that wears printed ties. Has a fit body and can touch Elle just right. Elle tells him she's not into the dating thing, so don't ask her out. Don't fall for me. She says. I won't. He says. Their subsequent encounters range from Elle coming over in nothing but a trench coat and panties. To sex in a public bathroom.

All the while Dan is trying to figure Elle out. He knows she's a bit more complex than, she just doesn't date. Elle's family is broken and the family secret made me cry when she finally told Dan the whole story (though it may not be so bad. I have been emotional/stressed lately, lol).

Since Tempted I have enjoyed Hart's books, characters and writing. But this one really had it all for me. Elle was broken without being weakened by it. She was a little cold hearted, but she was dealing with a hard issue. I am looking forward to more Megan Hart books!
Profile Image for Katie.
173 reviews
May 14, 2012
This book started out to be the best book I have read in this genre. I haven't read that many erotic books (mostly historical romance, or paranormal romance), but it was by far the best in its class...until the end. I had the same feelings when I read the Outlander. Outlander was headed straight for my all time favorite's list - until the weird exorcism of Jaime's arsehole in the abbey close to the end of book. Why was that necessary? I was shaking my head and asking myself the same question here. Why, oh why? It had so many things going for it... What did I expect; it is after all in the title! Hey if you like those sick twisted endings - this book is for you. If you are a big fan of this genre - it is a must read. BUT, if you are like me and don't like the sick disturbing endings that seem to be thrown in for shock value; you might try something else. This book was not at all bad. It was actually pretty awesome right up until 70% or so...you have been warned.
Profile Image for Mimi Smith.
597 reviews117 followers
July 17, 2014
4.5 stars

I'm not sure what I expected of this book, but this isn't it. Based on the blurb and the title, maybe I expected it to deal with promiscuity. It didn't, exactly. It dealt with the reason of Elle's actions and her inability to be in a relationship. Both of which were caused by a tragedy in her past...


What to say about Elle? The easiest way to describe her would be to say she is broken. She is scarred and she had been shattered and she is now holding the pieces together. clutching them really, letting nothing inside of her. She intentionally drives people away, seeks nothing but pleasure from men, she can never stop thinking.

Elle comes from a very dysfunctional family. She has never forgiven them for their actions, or rather the lack of them, and they'd never forgiven her for what had happened to her, making her unable to forgive herself. Basically, everyone besides her younger brother is a jerk.

Even her family, both the good and the bad part of it were incredibly drawn and detailed. The good was shown with the bad, despite everything.

The motive of her assignations was very present here, but not in an overwhelming way. Rather, just to demonstrate her inability to connect with anyone, and her feeling of low self worth...

"My assignations had never been about any sort of amorous feelings. They’d been about filling an emptiness inside, of chasing away the dark cloud I could usually escape but sometimes…could not. I went to bars and parties and the park to pick up men who might take me away for a few hours, might make me forget everything in my head. Sex had been a choice I made to ease an ache inside. I knew it. I knew why I did it. I knew why I looked like a librarian and acted like a whore."

I also liked how she was presented as a rounded up character. She is not just dysfunctional at a personal level. She is also smart and successful. She likes to count and she has graduated in astronomy.

“What stars are we looking at?”
“That happens to be the Big Dipper.” He held me closer, keeping me warm.
“How come you wanted to study astronomy?”
I leaned into him, looking up at the pinpricks of light against the night’s black sky. “I used to think I could count them all.”


This is where we see the majority of Elle's problems. She doesn't date.Doesn't like any emotional entanglements. She'd do most everything in the bedroom, but won't accept hand-holding in public. She drives Dan away constantly, yet she still expects sex. The whole relationship is hard to read about, yet it's also beautiful seeing it unfurl. To see her becoming to care and love was lovely. Not to say she didn't make mistakes or pushed Dan away, but they got past it. This book, unlike Broken, is almost completely hopeful. There was also less conflict for me. I knew I just wanted to see Elle get better. Hopefully with Dan...

I loved these.


"Sex is not dirty. I am not dirty. I’m not."


"Then I knew the truth I had been denying. He made me clean. Dan made me clean and shining and bright. He made me beautiful, and I did not want to lose him."


"I believe Dan and I were drawn together like stars whose gravity brings them closer and closer until they merge to create a sun. I believe I was empty and waiting to be filled, and Dan was there to do it. And I believe it could have been someone else, that we are not bound for one person in the universe, that another time or another man might have found the way to fill me. I believe that, but I am glad it was Dan who did. Dan had opened my eyes, but only because they were ready to open."

"Dan smiled at me with lips still moist from mine. I have seen clouds part for the sun. I have seen rainbows. I have seen flowers in the morning, covered in dew, and I have seen sunsets so brilliant with fire they made me want to weep. And I have seen Dan smile at me, his lips still wet from my kiss, and if I had to choose which sight moved me the most I would say it was that one."


The only complaint I have about the book is the characterization of Dan. I know the primary theme is Elle and her issues, but I would've welcome something more about him. Yes, we find out random things about him in the course of the book, but what about the big things. What is his family like? His childhood? How did he decide to be a lawyer? has he ever loved someone else? What are his dreams and desires. It felt a bit, like the only way we see Dan is reflected through Elle's needs and desires, not through getting to know him.

I also felt like their relationship was a bit unbalanced because of all this. It's like Dan's her rock, the great guy who's always there for her. But does she know any of these things about him? I know because of all things Elle, it couldn't have been "normal", but a bit more about him would've been nice.I don't know, it kind of bugged me.

Some Quotes About Life

"Why is kindness so much harder to believe than cruelty?"

"There is so much freedom in not having to choose."

"When asked the question “What are you thinking about,” many times the answer returned is “Nothing.” It’s a lie. Nobody ever really thinks of nothing. The human mind doesn’t stop. Doesn’t go blank. It’s a tricky thing, the mind, always working on some problem or idea, even when it seems to be quiet."

"And you’re not afraid of it ending?”
“Sure I am. But I’d rather have something this good for a little while than have nothing forever.”

"There are always choices in this life. Move forward. Retreat. Leap. Fly. Fall. Succeed…fail.

Warning. Although this isn't a menage book, there is one (very hot) M/F/M scene portrayed. There's also lots of sexy scenes, sex in semi-public places and heavy duty emotional angst.

Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,059 followers
January 4, 2013
4.5 stars

"What happend?"
"I stopped smiling... and nobody asked me why."

It was all to REAL, every detail and every reaction, made you get involved. It was crazy and oh so sad, almost painful at times. I can't say much, because you almost have to live through it to appreciate it. Elle and Dan's story is not your fairytale happily ever after, it was just After.

Elle lived a world of black and white, finding comfort in numbers. Elle didn't date, didn't kiss, didn't do intimacy, didn't want to be called beautiful, didn't like the simple words "Thank You", she doesn't want to remember and never let anyone get close. Courtesy of her mother- the wicked witch, Elle believed that she was Dirty. She needed the booze, she needed to count and she needed sex to escape, to cope with it all. I think I was most surprised that she didn't frustrate me, sure some of her actions did, but I didn't see her as weak, I saw her as a someone trying to survive.

Dan, was a gentle alpha, he knew what she needed and wanted when she was to afraid to say so. He was with so patient, stern but caring, understanding and kind. And all the ways he pleasured her, ... WOW> He was the "knight with the hammer to break the glass tower." He was the lightness in this book, he made everything Clean

Profile Image for Sugar.
8 reviews20 followers
March 27, 2009
Accountant Elle prefers to engage in anonymous sex and one night stands. It's been over three years since she has slept with a man, and finds herself intrigued with lawyer Dan Stewart, whom she met at a candy store and thought would accompany her home, but merely received a chaste kiss. But when they meet again, she doesn't leave anything to chance. She gets more than he bargained for with Dan, as he agrees to her no dating policy (they have "appointments" instead) and claims that he won't get serious. But soon the relationship is appearing to be pretty exclusive.

But Elle is scarred from a childhood rife with guilt, pain and grief, and a family that doesn't know how to connect anymore. With a mother who could apparently not love more than one child, and an openly gay brother who is shunned from the family, it is no wonder Elle harbors resentment at her mother's constant requests to meet. Can a woman so damaged open her very closed off heart to a man who appears to have staying power?

Hart has done an incredible job of crafting an erotic story with an actual storyline, rather than lots of "wham, bam, thank you man" sex. There is plenty of sex, including a threesome, and most of it graphically realistic (no flowery euphemisms here). A recommended read for those looking for something sensual yet deeper.

-Tracy Vest, amazon.com
Profile Image for majo .
657 reviews305 followers
July 13, 2018
I need Dan to be real. And marry him.

I need more female protagonists to be like Elle and understand that they dont need a man in order to be completely happy.

And I need to read more healthy relationships like the one Dan and Elle have.

btw, this may or may not contain spoilers....

This book started really boring. And that's why I took so long to read it. The good thing is that after it got a lot better.

This book was so sad but I think it treated really well the sensitive subject sorrounding Elle. This was a hard, touching and credible romance. I LOVED how it developted and how we get to see Elle's determination to heal her heart and her soul. And how Dan give her the space she needs but at the same time, doesn't give up on her. This is not a romanticised relationship between a "broken girl" who needs a guy to feel loved and a sexy dude who can heal her; on the contrary, is the story of a woman trying to overcome something horrible that has happen to her, and how in the way she meets an awesome man and very very slowly they start a romantic relationship. (yes, it begun like an "only sex" relationship, but the process of that turning out into a romance is extremely well done).

I want to read more of this author.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews617 followers
August 19, 2012
If I could give this book 6 stars, I would. This book was profound. I loved the writing style, the characters, the plot, everything. There is nothing that I didn't like about this book. Yes, this book is true to its title. It is dirty, but it's profoundly dirty. I will even go as far as saying that it was better than 50 Shades of Grey because it has better story line. The main character, Elle, is broken because of her traumatic childhood. She is a logical, analytical person who has three coping mechanisms that allow her to stop thinking: drinking, counting, and f-ing.

I've never cried so hard in a book as I did in this one. I really identified with the main character because I am such an analytical person. I understood her. The B characters were so intriguing from her best friend that she forms during the book (because she is so f-ed up that she doesn't know how to even make friends) to the next door teenage boy with the screwed-up home life.

This book started off dirty, but it ended with acceptance, forgiveness, and love.
Profile Image for Autumn  .
218 reviews61 followers
March 11, 2011
Phenomenal erotica read!!!

-from RR-

My concept of reviews is rather simple: ignore the rating, read the review. Never have truer words been spoken than in the case of the review I’m writing for Dirty. It’s a wonderful book. Emotionally draining, heartbreaking, the kind of book that lingers well after the reader has finished the last page. However, it is not for everybody, and I wager this is one book that will illicit strong opinions on both sides of the fence. Readers are either going to really love it, or really hate it.

Elle Kavanagh is a very good accountant. She’s also emotionally dead inside. She enjoys her works, spends her days counting, and her nights having meaningless sexual encounters. One of the things she discovered in college is that sex made her forget. It made her forget her pain, it made her feel needed, wanted, desired, and it stopped her from always counting. This is, of course, no real way to live. Her mother is a shrew, her father is a distant drunk, and her younger brother ran away to California where he could be gay without listening to their mother spew hateful words at him. She hasn’t had a real boyfriend since college. Then she meets Dan.

She meets him in a candy store and for the first time Elle finds herself transfixed by a man. She can’t stop thinking about him. She had given up those meaningless sexual encounters, because ultimately they left her unfulfilled. Now she sees Dan and he excites her. However, Elle is running, always running from anyone who might get close to her, love her, actually give a damn about her. She wants Dan, but she wants him just as a toy. Someone to have sex with. Someone to have orgasms with. Someone who knows the rules and won’t expect anything emotional from her in return.

However Dan has other ideas.

As the plot would suggest, this book isn’t for sissies. In fact, the depression that hangs over the story is often times suffocating – which is good since one wagers that is the tone the author is shooting for. Elle is the antithesis of everything romance readers have been taught about romance heroines. She isn’t particularly likable. She’s empty, hollow, and emotionally devoid of any sort of warmth. Naturally she has reasons for this behavior. No one springs from the womb like this, and it’s this unfolding of Elle’s life that makes the story. She’s carrying the story, written entirely in first person, so either she’s going to work for the reader, or she isn’t. If you need a sunshine happy heroine looking for love, this isn’t your girl. If you’re looking for a heroine with deep seeded pain, unable to emotionally connect, and ultimately a woman who has to learn to let go, move on, and allow someone to come in – then this is your book.

Dan isn’t quite as well drawn as Elle, but he serves his purpose. For a while one wonders exactly what he sees in her, why he pushes her towards something deeper. Sure the sex is great, and she’s beautiful – but is it merely a challenge? Wouldn’t most men be ecstatic to meet a woman who just wanted to have great sex and nothing more? Why can’t he be happy with his free lunch and stop prying into her life? Because while it is lust that brings them together, Dan can’t seem to stop himself from caring about Elle.

Harlequin Spice is billing this as an erotic novel, which is partially correct. It is erotic, and there are a number of sex scenes. However, it’s not what drives the story. It’s a way for the author to explore Elle’s psyche. To show her grow, change, open up, and maybe allow some true emotion to enter her life. It takes her the entire book to achieve this, and when dark secrets are revealed, it serves as a punch in the gut for the reader. No, Dirty is more of a general fiction novel. A chance for the author to take a seriously damaged heroine and explore how she got that way, and how she works to overcome it. The sex serves as a way to advance the plot – which will be shocking for readers who think anything erotic is about nothing but sex.

Dirty is not a book for everybody. While it does end happily, it’s a bittersweet happiness. We know Elle is better than she was on page one, but the tone is entirely different than that of a traditional romance novel. If you’re looking for sunshine happy land, this is not the book for you. It’s emotionally exhausting and challenging at the same time. As the reviewer, I didn’t always like Elle, but Hart makes me understand her. She makes me relate to her in such a way that I knew this character. I knew everything about her even as she was hiding behind defense mechanisms and pushing Dan away.

Megan Hart is easily one of the more mature, talented voices I’ve encountered in the recent erotica boom. Deep, thought provoking, and heart wrenching, it’s a story that sticks with you long after the final page. While it likely will fail among readers looking for fluffy escapism, or pure titillation, it’s an extremely accomplished novel and one that deserves heaps of praise.
Profile Image for Steph.
1,370 reviews3 followers
January 12, 2013
This book was so amazing.

After reading the synopsis of this book, I already thought I knew what was going to happen. How this book was going to pan out... Boy was I wrong!

This storyline had me enthralled from the very first page, to the very end. Ms Hart was very slowly, but cleverly slotting in little hints to Elle's past, things that left me constantly trying to fiugure out what the hell had happened to Elle?
Why was her oldest brother dead? Why is her mother so cruel to her, for no apparent reason? Why will her youngest brother never come home or speak to their mother?
These are just some of the questions floating around in my head. I really love books like this, books that keep me guessing. You can never tell what's going to happen next or where Hart will take you. It's great.

Now, I will admit that for probably the first 40% Elle annoyed the hell out of me. I knew that something bad had happened to her in the past to make her this way, so I tried to cut her a little slack. But my patience isn't great at the best of times. I hated the way she pushed Dan away, when every time he tried to get close to her, she pretended that she didn't need him, didn't want him. She kicked him down when he was vulnerable and putting himself out there, for her. She made him feel like shit to make herself feel better, which is really shitty of her no matter her insecurities.

Dan was such an wonderful hero. When we first meet him, you get the impression that he sleeps around a lot. The way he flirts with her leaves no doubt in your mind that Dan has seduced people before and he's damn good at it too...

'He reached into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a business card. He put it on the table between us, and then pushed it in front of me.
"The next time I watch you come," he said, "I want to be inside you."
Then he got up from the table and left me there, alone.'

While Dan is incredible sexy and sensual, he could also be so caring. Some of the things he said were so sweet, he always makes sure she knows exactly what he's thinking. I loved that about him.

'I want to see you again..."
"Why, Dan?"
"Because I didn't get to see your face this time... Because you have the sexiest laugh I've ever heard in my life, and I don't think I could stand knowing I'd never hear it again."
Why is kindness so much harder to believe than cruelty?'

There were some really great side-line stories in this book and I loved all of the extra characters.
Okay, well maybe not all of them.

Elle's mother was a real piece of work. As the book progresses we see the disgusting things she allowed to happen in her home, the way she adored such a monster. Elle begged her mother for help when she was being abused and she chose to just ignore it. I think Elle might've even been able to forgive her if she didn't still refuse to help her, to talk to her about it. Instead, this is what she gets...

"Mom," I whispered. "Please. I need to talk to you about it. About what happened. I can't not talk about it anymore. It's making me sick inside."
"You're sick inside, alright," she countered poking at me with her cigarette. "You need to get over it! He's dead! He's gone!"

I could not believe the way she blamed Elle for everything. The way she spoke to her made me feel sick. It was so awful.

I think Marcy was exactly what Elle needed, a best friend. Someone that wants to be her friend, no matter what. Who wants to be there for her whenever she needs to talk. Also, being pretty fucking hilarious always helps too.

I won't say any more, in fear of giving too much away. But I urge people to give this book a chance. But I'll be fair and give you all a Warning:This book doesn't have a big, happy, fluffy, light-hearted ending. So don't read this if that's what you're expecting.
Reading this book means reading about a topic that people are afraid to speak out about. Very bad things that sadly could happen to anyone, even in their own home, where they are supposed to be kept safe.
This book is about learning of the damage abuse can do to a wonderful person and how it affects them for the rest of their lives.

I was so happy that Elle met Dan, that she doesn't have to fight alone anymore,

"I cried out, his name like candy on my lips. Sweet and fragrant, licorice and whiskey. His name. Dan. Who had listened when I wanted to speak. Who had cared about why I didn't smile."
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
738 reviews81 followers
December 13, 2011
(I love this cover)

This book was recommended to me by many and recently by my friend Francesca. I finally gave in after I heard the rec’ for the n’th times and because she said it is a sexy book. So, I went for it.

Fran is right; this book is super hot and sexy. However, as I am now realizing that most of these Erotica or BDSM books are not just about “hotness”. Okay, well, it IS. What I mean is, there is a hidden deep story behind every kinky page. I enjoyed Elle and Dan in their crazy adventure to the land of HEA. How they got there, what they did to get there was definitely an experience. I will never look at a rocking chair and any cute male waiter the same way.

Megan Hart did an excellent job in making this book not just smutty but plot worthy.

I cannot wait for my next Hart read!!!

***During my read, I made some comments on twitter to this awesome author and I got very friendly responses that made me LOL. She is super cooool! J/S
Profile Image for Annie .
2,486 reviews944 followers
May 14, 2011
This is the first book I’ve read by Megan Hart and I can officially say that I am a big fan of hers. Dirty is beauty in its simplest form. Megan has a distinct writing style that is both very simple and yet engaging. I loved it! But I think the real reason why her books have become such precious gems to her fans is because she puts so much heart into one little book! It’s kind of ironic that her pen name is Megan Hart. It’s fitting and lovely, just like her writing.

This book was such an emotional journey and although I didn’t exactly cry, there were plenty of moments in this book that broke my heart. I loved the subplot with Gavin and his relationship with her. It added another layer to an already complex storyline.

I don’t usually enjoy first person POV because I feel like there’s too much ruminating. But Elle’s perspective worked for me. However, there was one thing that irritated be a little bit and it had to do with some of the dialogue. Like the rest of Hart’s writing, it’s simple and straight to the point where a conversation usually consists of one word responses. Sometimes I wished they were more articulate because I was dying for Dan and Elle to communicate more in their relationship. But again, that had to do with Elle’s past and her reserved personality.

When she finally spills her darkest secrets to Dan, it’s through a monologue and I wished that we could read about Dan’s reaction to her confession. I knew Dan would have said the right things to make her feel better. He was the perfect hero. And if Elle was Princess Pennywhistle, Dan would be her prince, one whose armour wouldn’t tarnish, as Elle had learned when she was younger. I loved that Dan knew exactly what he wanted in the relationship, never pushing Elle too hard and never confusing her with mixed feelings. He was simply amazing.

This book was fantastic! Hart somehow manages to incorporate real life issues and still have that spark of humour and love. I don’t think I can decide on which book of hers to read next!
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