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322 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1934
** القــصـــة **مع 13 شخصية بعربة قطار نوم من قطارات الشرق السريع المتجهة من اسطنبول الي لندن، ينجح بوارو بصعوبة ان ينضم لهم في حجز مكان بها، الفضل لصديقه وأحد رؤساء شركة قطارات النوم السيد بوك ، وهناك أيضا الدكتور الذي سينضم لهم للتحقيقات
ياللغموض، ياللغرابة
** الشخــصــيـات **
** جو الأحداث **كما قلت، للقطارات سحر
وقد جائت فكرة الرواية عندما حدث الأمر في قطار الشرق كانت تستقله اجاثا كريستي وقد احتجزته الامطار والسيول 24 ساعة كاملة مع ركاب مختلفين استلهمت منهم تلك الشخصيات في قطار روايتها
- the straightforward way the characters are presented, how the crime is introduced, and all the evidence that is gathered makes for a very easy way to follow poirots deductions. some may say its pretty formulaic, with each chapter being an interview of a different suspect, but i think it works.
- even though i already knew “whodunnit,” i still think the mystery/crime itself is creative, especially with it being confined to one location/setting.
- the writing is soooo bland and sterile. there is no introspection or descriptive narrative. its very matter-of-fact dialogue and informative action and thats it. i mean, i tend to prefer dialogue-heavy stories, but this is too much. even for me.
- poirot. hes such a jerk! are we meant to like him? because i cant stand him.
- each of the twelve suspects feel like carbon copies of each other. i mixed up who was who so many times.