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オセロ [Othello] #7

Othello, volume 7

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Shy Yaya has always lacked the self-confidence to follow her heart–whether that entails pursuing her budding relationship with the nice-guy guitarist Moriyama or making her singing aspirations a reality. That’s why Yaya has suddenly given her alternate personality, the loose cannon Nana, complete control of her life. Can the world survive a full-time Nana? Can polar opposites, Yaya and Nana, find enough middle ground to make their mutual dreams come true? It’s all here in the exciting final volume of Othello!

192 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

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Satomi Ikezawa

38 books26 followers

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Vanessa.
478 reviews3 followers
March 24, 2024
«Evitavo di guardare questo mondo scappando da me stessa. Per riconquistare lo splendore della verità, cosa devo fare? Vorrei diventare forte… mutando piano piano. Vorrei diventare forte… per vivere. Vorrei diventare forte… per te che un giorno incontrerò…»

Yaya ha trovato la sua forza interiore e si è salvata grazie a Nana, ossia grazie all'accettazione di se stessa. Sono convinta che se le azioni di Nana fossero state meno esagerate nel susseguirsi della storia, il manga ci avrebbe guadagnato ulteriormente in qualità e avrebbe avuto un taglio molto più adulto. Visto il target di riferimento, sicuramente si è voluto alleggerire l'atmosfera dell'opera attraverso azioni e situazioni assurde volte a creare comicità.

Nel suo complesso, Othello è un'opera interessante con un buon epilogo che lascia soddisfatti. Siamo davanti a uno shoujo manga romantico che parla certamente d'amore, ma in cui non ci sono principi bellissimi che salvano la protagonista indifesa e che si differenzia dai manga dello stesso genere, e soprattutto dello stesso periodo d'uscita (2001 in Giappone), per la particolare caratterizzazione della protagonista. Recupero Consigliato.
Profile Image for Kristin ✨.
1,257 reviews23 followers
October 18, 2020
I did kind of expect more from the end of the series but I guess it's okay. I would at least have wanted Yaya to respond to his confession so we knew they would be happy and maybe even some type of flash forward into the future? It ended up being to rushed one more volume would have been perfect.
Profile Image for Miri Gifford .
1,576 reviews69 followers
April 1, 2016
I was wondering how Ikezawa was going to deal with the actual mental illness that is the premise of the series. Not knowing a lot about it myself, I can't say whether it was handled correctly, but I liked the way it was wrapped up along with the translator's note at the end—with a little information about Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder) and a statement that Yaya's situation is more metaphorical, not a real example of the disorder.

Aside from all that, I just loved the story and characters—especially Nana. She seems so over-the-top, but I'm pretty sure that's only because we're all so conditioned with the idea that girls shouldn't show anger when they're mistreated. When you think about the often very serious ways Yaya is mistreated, Nana's responses are actually quite proportional. Usually.

I love that, in the end,
Profile Image for Shelley.
445 reviews19 followers
August 15, 2021
I absolutely love this series. I always have. Probably because I’ve always felt such a personal connection to this series. I was a very sensitive kid and was bullied in grade school and middle school just like Yaya always by the mean girls. And one day I got tired of it and became just like Nana! I realized that if no one else was going to stand up for me, I would have to stand up for myself! So I kind of became like Nana in my own way and learned to not put up with the bully’s shit anymore and they finally stopped bothering me like Seri and Moe!

That’s what this series is about to me. Empowering yourself to accept your weaknesses and become a stronger person by stand up for yourself when those weaknesses show through instead of running away from your problems!!

That’s what this series is about! Taking charge and taking the stage!!

It’s Yayas then now to take the stage!
And once she does, all her dreams come true!
Profile Image for Harriet.
618 reviews62 followers
October 6, 2017
I don't know a lot bout split personalities in real life but I liked the way the manga ended the series. I loved Moriyama. He is just so down to earth. I just want more :(

Profile Image for Jillian -always aspiring-.
1,838 reviews546 followers
February 15, 2020
2020 Read #185

There is no real catharsis with this concluding volume because everything is rushed to the point that the series loses any grip it had on leaving a satisfying end.
Profile Image for Oberhuu.
358 reviews6 followers
December 2, 2013
Es ist wirklich eine Weile her, seit ich das letzte Mal einen Manga gelesen habe. Letztes Jahr ungefähr stand der bekannte KKJ von Arina Tanemura auf meiner Liste und jetzt war ich einfach neugierig, was sich in den gut 5 Jahren an Neuerscheinungen getan hat. Natürlich war die Zeit zu gering, um mich wirklich durch die unendliche Vielfalt zu lesen. Othello ist die einzige Reihe, die ich in den Tagen gelesen habe. Ansonsten habe ich mich nur mit One Shots beschäftigt.
Hier geht es um ein schüchternes, schizophrenes Mädchen, welches sich mit sehr ernsten Themen im Alltag beschäftigen muss. Sie selbst liebt Cosplay und macht um dieses Hobby ein großes Geheimnis. Ihr Kindheitstraum war es Sängerin zu werden, doch natürlich kann sie auch das mit ihrem Charakter nicht in Einklang bringen. Die andere Persönlichkeit, welche sich Nana schimpft, ist natürlich das komplette Gegenteil.
An und für sich finde ich es gut, dass solche Themen behandelt werden. Gerade Mobbing ist in der heutigen Zeit ein ziemlich heikles und aktuelles Thema, aber letztendlich geht es etwa ab Mitte der Reihe nur noch um den Aufbau von Nanas/Yayas Karriere. Gerade dafür gibt es den Abzug. Ebenso, dass ihr Vater von all dem überhaupt nichts mitkriegt, was nun wirklich ziemlich unwahrscheinlich ist. Doch der Zeichenstil war sehr angenehm und schön und generell waren die Bände angenehm zu lesen. Im Gesamtbild empfinde ich eine Bewertung im Mittelfeld hier ganz passend.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kirstie.
Author 14 books20 followers
September 9, 2012
Poor shy Yaya is so retreating she can't stand up for herself. Lucky for her hiding inside her is another personality. Strong assertive (or perhaps more accurately aggressive) Nana fights Yaya's battles for her, but in this final volume she has a chance to be the dominant personality.

After Moriyama's ex forces Yaya into awareness of Nana Yaya retreats into herself leaving Nana as the only personality. While Nana enjoys her chance to pursue her own aspirations she also worries about Yaya. Finally Yaya emerges and she Nana share the same body and work towards a singing debut facilitated by Shohei. Slowly Nana realises Yaya is gaining the ability to stand up for herself and thus the need for Nana is disappearing.

I was glad to finally see Yaya grow as a character. She finally became able to stand up for herself in her own way. It was interesting to watch them co-exist, but I also knew it was not a sustainable solution.

The conclusion is sad, satisfying and even a little humourous.

I recommend this series to any lover of shojo manga.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miss Ryoko.
2,657 reviews167 followers
September 17, 2011
Awwwww!! I totally cried during this volume (no surprise if you know me XD)!

I was really happy with how the series ended! I was a bit worried how things were going to go down with Yaya and Nana but I was extremely pleased with the outcomes.

The only thing that was missing was a kiss between Yaya and Moriyama! Haha, but oh well, I'll live.

Fantastic work Satomi Ikezawa! Great characters, creative storyline, the makings of a great manga! I will definitely be buying this series for my personal collection!
Profile Image for Mike.
932 reviews44 followers
March 2, 2014
Quick thoughts: Othello was an odd series. It started fairly well and I love it towards/at the end, but the middle wasn't nearly as enjoyable. The main problem is outside of few central characters the supporting cast existed only to move the plot along or make life difficult for the lead. This made them extremely one-dimensional and my interest dropped dramatically whenever they took over the story. Still, I liked the series as a whole and the bookends to Yaya and Nana's journey made slogging through those parts worth it.
Profile Image for Katt Hansen.
3,798 reviews102 followers
June 29, 2013
I'm glad they took time at the end of the book to explain what actual DID is, simply because Dissociative Identity Disorder is not well understood.

All in all this was a satisfying, even if somewhat bittersweet at times, ending. I'm glad I picked this up and would recommend this story for manga lovers who enjoy stories that involve singing.
Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,546 reviews122 followers
October 4, 2009
i loved the ending! it was great! i was wondering how the two personalities would meld together.
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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