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The Coincidence #3

The Destiny of Violet & Luke

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Luke Price's life has always been about order, control, and acting tough on the outside. For Luke, meaningless relationships are a distraction-a way to tune out the twisted memories of his childhood. He desperately wishes he could forget his past, but it haunts him no matter what he does.

Violet Hayes has had a rough life. When she was young, she was left with no family and the memory of her parents' unsolved murders. She grew up in foster homes, living with irresponsible parents, drugs, and neglect, and trying to fight the painful memories of the night her parents were taken from her. But it's hard to forget when she never got closure-and she can't stop dreaming about what happened that tragic night. To make it through life, she keeps her distance from everyone and never allows herself to feel anything.

Then Violet meets Luke. The two clash instantly, yet they can't seem to stay away from each other. Although they fight it, they both start to open up and feel things they've never felt before. They discover just how similar they are. But they also discover something else: The past always catches up with you . . .

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 7, 2014

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About the author

Jessica Sorensen

398 books20.2k followers
Jessica Sorensen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author from the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.


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Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,657 followers
Shelved as 'z-2014'
January 7, 2016
Luke's NOT GAY! :( :( *ugly sobs*

We get a release date and blurb! :D AND a chick's name :\ Gah.

Luke Price's life has always been about order, control, and acting tough on the outside. He uses meaningless relationships as a distraction and a way to tune out the twisted memories of his childhood. He secretly wishes that one day he could find that one perfect person, but deep down he doesn't believe that perfection really exists.

Violet Hayes has had a rough life, surrounded by drugs, neglect, and irresponsible parents. She thought she could escape that kind of life when she went to college, but her past catches up with her. To protect herself from getting hurt, she acts tough and keeps her distance from everyone. But then she meets Luke. The two of them clash, yet they can't seem to stay away from each other. The more they get to know one another, the more they realize just how similar their lives are, and that maybe the perfection they've always been looking for lies in each other.

Expected publication: January 7th 2014

Good lord, 3 books.. 3 years :|
Eeeeeeeeppppp!!! It is Luke's Book!!!!!! *hoot hoot*

Want one for Seth toooo :( :(

Just a thought :P *sheepish grin*
Profile Image for Christy.
4,339 reviews35.4k followers
January 15, 2014
4 ‘It can’t end like this’ stars!

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There are a few things you can be fairly certain of when you read a book by Jessica Sorensen. There will be broken or damaged characters, the writing will be amazing, and there is a pretty good chance there will be a brutal cliffhanger. All three of those things happen to be true about The Destiny of Violet & Luke.

Luke is best friends with Kayden Owens. From previous books, we know that Luke’s mom has issues, his sister killed herself at sixteen, and Luke copes with his screwed up family life with alcohol. Luke has learned in life, it’s best and easiest not to get close to anyone. They will only let you down in the end. He’s never had a normal relationship with anyone. His mom is a crazy addict, his father has been absent most of his life, and with women, well, he gets sex and thats all. No relationships, no closeness.

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Nothing was ever okay from that point on. It’s still not okay, but livable, as long as I have enough alcohol in my system that the fucked-up parts of my life don’t feel real. As long as I have control over the things that I do I’m fine.

Violet is Callie’s college roommate, but we don’t know much else about her. Violet grew up in the foster care system after her parents were murdered when she was just a child. She has learned the same hard lessons as Luke. Never let anyone get too close. She has no family at all (except her last foster father, aka the creep, Patrick) and no real friends. At a party, she gets in a bit of trouble and Luke helps her out. She’s not sure why. Then, they start bumping in to each other more. Violet finds that she actually likes Luke, but she won’t let him in either.

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I understand why both characters are reluctant to let one another in, but it does get a little bit frustrating. You can tell they are starting to develop feelings for one another, but neither will admit to it. Violet and Luke start hanging out a little, and you can just feel the heat and the tension between them. The few kisses they share are sizzling. It leaves you wanting more. You can tell both want each other, they just don’t know how to do this thing.
I want Violet more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I want everything I’ve been avoiding since I turned sixteen and I no longer care that I’m not thinking just about myself.

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Luke’s the first person that’s ever been able to lift some of the weight off me and it makes me want to cling to him as long as I can.

Both Luke and Violet have pretty messed up pasts. The way their pasts intertwine, the ‘big twist’ of the story was unfortunately very easily predicted early on in the story. Even though, it was still heart breaking when both Violet and Luke discovered it. It seems just as they were both ready to put down some of their walls and give what they had going between them a real shot, this comes out in the open. And that ending... yes. HUGE cliffhanger. I am giving a little prayer that we will not have to wait very long for the next book to be released!

Two people tormented by their pasts. Luke and Violet’s story was intense, heartbreaking and just down right depressing. I’m really hoping these two get some things figured out and get their hea in the next book!

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**ARC kindly provided by Grand Central Forever publishing via NetGalley in exchange for honest review**
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,960 followers
January 5, 2014
4 emotionally draining stars!

What I expect whenever I read a Jessica Sorensen book:

1. Intensity
2. Imperfectly perfect characters
3. Twists I never see coming
4. Cliffhangers

This book took depressing to a whole new level. I think this is the first time I've read a NA book with both characters having SO MUCH baggage. There's no doubt that Jessica Sorensen can write a great book, but be prepared to have your happy mood crushed. There aren't any butterflies and unicorns here.

Both Violet and Luke suffer from early traumatic childhoods that no person should ever go through, let alone kids. They're both used to the idea that no one will be there for them, no one will stick around long enough to know them so they have a tough shell wrapped around their hearts. There's nothing heartwarming about it, only heartbreak to see such broken characters fall in love, knowing that somewhere along the way, their jagged pain would end up hurting each other.

For Callie and Kayden fans, you won't be disappointed since they have many appearances throughout the book. I'd say that those two were like a beacon of light in this dark, gloomy story.

I think you can tell I'm really miserable because this review is shorter than my other ones. I just really need some laffs right now.

ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
February 22, 2016
4 Stars
It's been a long time since I've read the first two books in this series. I knew going in that this was going to be sad but I didn't realize it was going to end leaving me hanging. Thank goodness the next book is out!

Violet and Luke are both loners. They both have had a very messed up childhood. They both have very different ways that they cope with their feelings but yet they both kind of deal the same way.
Violet doesn't let anyone get close to her. She doesn't even tell people her real last name. She could care less what people think about her. She lies so much that it just comes easy for her. She lives for danger. She loves to push her limits. She's never had anyone stay around her and help her unless they want something in return. Until one night she crashes into Luke.

Luke doesn't let anyone close to him. He only thinks about himself now. For 16 years of his life he's had to take care of his crazy mom. When he finally gets old enough to get away from her he promises himself that he will only think about himself. He drinks daily. He can't function unless he's drinking or smoking. He's angry all the time. He loves to fight and he loves to get hit when he fights. He loves to party and screw different woman. That is until Violet jumps off a balcony at a party and lands on him.

Luke's sister killed herself when he was younger by jumping off a building. So he can't help but wonder if Violet was trying to do the same thing when she jumped. Luke and Violet go to the same college and they keep bumping into each other. They tolerate each other. They both aren't sure about how they feel about each other.

Luke and Violet's childhood story broke my heart. It made me understand why they both are the way they are. I felt bad for them both. Neither one of them have never had anyone in their corner to fight for them. I was happy when they met and slowly started to get used to being around each other. How they both felt the noise in their heads quiet when they were close. I loved Luke and Violet and can't wait to see how their story continues. I pray we get some happy in the next book because this one had zero happy in it. It was super sad. Both Luke's and Violet's inner thoughts are sad and depressing throughout the book.

Im off to read the next book because this one left me hanging on a huge cliff. A cliff I seen coming from a mile away and need to know what's going to happen. I'm glad I picked this series back up! I loved it:)
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews790 followers
September 17, 2014
4 Emotional Stars

Wow, this is such an emotional read, and it all just came crashing down at the end. This review will be short, because I have to jump into the sequel to see what happens next.

We saw glimpses of Luke in Kayden and Callie story, he is Kayden’s best friend. I have loved Luke from the beginning, he is understanding, sarcastic, and accepting. After reading Luke’s backstory it is completely understanding why Luke is so accepting of other people. Abandon by his father at a young age, he and his sister are raised by his drug addict and mentally ill mother.

I didn’t realize it until the end of Redemption of Callie and Kayden that Callie’s roommate was Violet. Violet has a reputation for being a slut, even though she is actually a virgin. She has been in and out of foster homes her whole life and has basically adapted the strategy of doing whatever it takes to get by.

Together these two have had some of the roughest childhoods I have ever heard about. The backstory of Luke and Violet is heartbreaking. Honestly all of these characters have been to hell and back, but the journey and watching the characters grow makes all the tears worth it.

Despite all the tears I have cried reading this, I am still hooked and on to Luke and Violet’s sequel.

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,548 reviews5,372 followers
January 14, 2014
3.5 Stars


Violet and Luke get the most miserable couple award!

This was one of the most depressing books I have read. Not because of their circumstances but because of their draining dual pov. Usually a book will have one positive person or funny or something. Luke is an alcoholic/man whore and Violet is an adrenaline junkie/drug dealer both struggling with events from their past.

Slowly these two become closer, breaking down each other’s walls but honestly the happy was about 5% of the story.


Violet and Luke are equally miserable and the big cliffhanger which a reader figures out by 40% is just what it is. Nothing shocking and overall it was very anti-climatic for me.

I recommend a positive outlook heading into to this story and a sexy/funny read lined up once you're finished!
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,156 reviews6,438 followers
February 13, 2017
I AM LOVING THIS SERIES SO MUCH SRSLY. This one was really predictable though, but based purely on my enjoyment reading this book and the feelings it evoked!
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,130 followers
January 5, 2014
4 depressing stars!

This book took a lot out of me. This is one of the most depressing book I've come across considering that both main characters are barely 20 years old and they're already carrying loads of baggage.

Luke and Violet both suffered very traumatic events in their childhood that rendered them incapable of forming healthy relationships. They met and despite their reservations, became friends and then lovers, for lack of a better world. Their relationship wasn't an easy nor a conventional one.

Luke and Violet are two of the most broken characters I've ever come across. Honestly, I had a hard time connecting to them and the story. In fact, I stopped reading at some point because both of them were just too miserable that they're making me miserable too. I had to change my mindset a bit in order to finally enjoy the book. I did enjoy it immensely after that.

And just when Violet and Luke are finally starting to open up to each other, and just when you thought they might actually make it work, a massive twist happened. The 'twist,' if you pay attention, is easy enough to figure out. You can see it a mile away but still well executed. And this wouldn't be a Jessica Sorensen book if there's no cliffhanger. Of course, there's a cliffhanger and a brutal one at that.

I don't want to say anything more least I might spoil it for y'all but if you're in the mood for something heavy and dark, this book is definitely for you.

ARC provided by Forever in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brandi.
663 reviews1,464 followers
August 10, 2016
"Every movement, every breath, the way my heart beats fiercely in my chest, is all because of her."

Violet and Luke both have traumatic pasts. Using alcohol, sex, adrenaline and violence, to cope with the nightmares they endure. Keeping everyone at a distance, never letting anyone too close. Violet and Luke meet and although they fight it, start to care about one another. But the secrets they are running from are not far behind. Will they be able to survive the truth?

And what Jessica Sorensen novel would be complete with out a lovely cliffhanger...So of course, we get one.

I have been looking forward to Luke's story, and I liked it. There were times when I struggled to connect with the characters, I don't know why. I have been really sick while reading this one, maybe that's it. Also, the *twist* was pretty obvious to me, and I wasn't crazy about it....Overall, I liked this story. For me it was a good 3.5 read. And will read the next book.
Profile Image for Luciana Gomez Mauro.
234 reviews113 followers
May 24, 2019
"Me haces sentir como si estuviera cayendo en este mundo fuera de control y lleno de locura".

Qué final!!!!!!!
Me esperaba un poco como la familia de Luke tenía algo que ver con el pasado de Violet, me lo espere por qué ya en el libro te da pistas, o por lo menos es lo que ví, pero no me esperé esa reacción de los dos..
Ay que decir, amo como escribe Jessica.
Ya leí hace tiempo los 3 libros de Callie y Kayden y los tengo guardados en mi corazón.

Cómo estos 3 libros son de la historia de Luke, mejor amigo de Kayden y de Violet, compañera de cuarto de Callie.
Cuando leí la coincidencia de Callie y Kayden me acuerdo que pensé también que Violet era una zorra, por todo lo que le decía a Callie.

Obviamente me equivoqué. Lo que más me gusta de esta saga es que los personajes son muy reales, los 4 tienen pasados muy turbios, y es normal que cambien y actúen como lo hacen, lo que si me molesta bastante es que ninguno recibe ayuda de su familia y es doloroso, por que existen familias así...

Me encantó el carácter de esta chica y como se defiende sola, siendo tan independiente. Quiero tener ese carácter.
Estos dos son muy diferentes de Callie y Kayden, ambos hacen fuego estando juntos. Por qué son bastantes parecidos. Y eso me encanta.

Luke me gustó, no llego a enamorarme y no sé por qué, por qué yo me enamoró fácil, pero con el no pude.
Me encantó el desarrollo de su relación, y ese final me dejo impactada.

ya seguiré con los que siguen...
August 24, 2015
I just read that book in one day so obviously this is a quick read. None the less, it was really good.

At the start of this book, I wasn't sure what to expect. Luke had been one of the minor characters who was always understanding which is why all of us readers knew that he, too, had a rough past. Violet was mentioned only a few times which was intriguing since I never really knew why Ms. Sorensen made a big deal of pointing her out. I didn't expect each other life stories, but they weren't a let down.

The third book in this series starts out with each of their pasts shown through I guess what you would call a flashback. Luke is devastated by his relationship or lack of relationship with his family and his lack of control. Later when he's older, he is all about the control he didn't have when he was younger.

Violet at a young age was traumatized by the murder of her parents and no justice since the murders were never found and caught. She is tossed around from foster home to foster home and trying to make enough money to live and go to school. Part of living for her, is disconnecting herself from everyone who might want to make contact with her and make her feel.

That's why when Violet meets Luke, they clash. She is at a distance and yet they both feel drawn to each other. Through their arguments, they make a connection and feel the emotions that both of them have been trying to put away for years.

Okay, so I have to get this out there first: There were many more references or actual scenes of sex. That was one of the things that I didn't like but I understand that it has to do with both of the characters and how they live.

A minor thing that I thought was inconsistent was Seth. He seemed so nice and cheery in the first two books with Callie and in this one, he was mean. I get that it is because it was directed at someone who had bothered Callie but still.

Both of these characters are very well developed as Ms. Sorensen accomplishes through the flashbacks or dreams/nightmares they both have. Violet and Luke also change and open up more which was good to see since they didn't just stay stagnate.

Violet is a fiery and tough girl that would go against her small stature. She threatened and did things that I'm sure much taller and stronger people would be scared to go through. This was one of the reasons that I continued the book after reading about the sex. I loved her as a character and I respected her for being strong and tough despite her being very vulnerable on the inside.

This quote was upsetting to read but it definitely showed Violet's character:

"And sometimes, when my imagination got the best of me, I’d secretly tell myself that once the bad guys were behind bars, my parents would come back to me again.

But neither ever happened and eventually the case was closed, like the lids on my parents’ coffins."

Luke is also a great character. I loved him from the start because he, like Violet, is messed up but is still strong and willing to help others for no apparent reason. He is sweet, handsome and confident. The thing I loved most I'd have to say, was how he realized that with Violet he did lose some control. Even though he wanted to fight it, he realized that Violet was worth it.

There was a lot of humor in this book which was a contrast to the darkness and sobriety of their conversations at times.

Towards the end of the book, I knew what was going to happen and what Violet would learn that would change so much of her past and future but what I didn't expect was how she dealt with it. I was a little disappointed there but I am definitely going to read the next book.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,053 reviews358 followers
October 3, 2014
omg...no way in hell is that the end! what a complete Bomb drop..explosion then nothing! I really am speechless...I can't even come up with a good review because there it isn't over...one of thebiggest damn cliffhangers ever!

This is a strange yet intimate dance with Violet and Luke. Both are broken and barely hanging on to what little possessions they have. They have frequent run-ins in which there is flirty banter, almost intimate moments, and friendly actions, each bringing them closer to one another. In a way, both seems to save one another from bad decisions and even worse consequences. Because of this, they find safety in one another and companionship that neither has ever had. Since both are homeless and uncertain about their future, it only makes sense to move in with each other, right? Well, this friendship quickly turns more and for once both are opening up about their ugly pasts only to see the true beauty in one another. Little did they know that their pasts are so closely related, thus creating one heck of a nightmare. Ultimately this destroys any chance for a future together. The conclusion of this leaves the door wide open for more as two characters are completely broken and about to make the worst decisions ever! Be prepared for a huge cliffhanger of epic proportions.

I have been patiently waiting for more in this series so when I got Luke and Violet’s story I figured it to be a quick side story. I had no idea that their tale would take a life of its own or that it would be so distraught and so dark. I was surprised how terrible Luke and Violet’s lives had been and even more shocked at the twist of fate that both put them together and tore them apart. I had a hard time connecting with either character as both were so emotionally inept, yet at the same time I could not stop reading their tale. I am seriously angry at the lack of ending as I absolutely had cliffhangers, especially when the bulk of the story has been so dark and twisted. I was left mouth agape and yelling a lot of profanity! So I will put this on the list of “to be continueds” and pray that these two find some peace or light in the tragedies that are their lives.

full review posted on netgalley
also to post at http://thewindowseat13.com
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books784 followers
Want to read
January 1, 2014
Please be Luke's book! I love him.....almost as much as I love Kayden and that's A LOT!!! I want him to be happy, he deserves it!!! Please, please, please Mrs. Sorensen! :)

YES! YES! YES! YESSSSSSSS! It's Luke's book! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! I love Luke! Can't wait! CAN'T. WAIT.!!!!!!
Profile Image for Zita.
116 reviews45 followers
May 9, 2021
So hard to even try to form a decent thought about this book.
In the series, the first ones are one of my all-time favorites and I really liked Luke. He is so complex and yes, broken. I don't even remember the last time when I read something so heavy, and breathtaking - and I don't mean in a good way, simply just sometimes I could not even breathe, because of the story's aura and the topics. The writing style is so raw and scary, too real. That is definitely not a fairytale, and right now I am not sure how they are going to be happy and free from their past. How they are going to cope with everything that they have been through their whole life.
In the end, I felt deep down what is gonna happen but I did not see coming how it ended, at all. I still feel sick to my stomach, and I am not even trying to be dramatic. That is true.
There were times when I smiled, but most of the time I was so depressed I can not even....
So, yes I am going to start the next one because ended in a painful cliffhanger and I can't just leave this way.

"It’s not like I wanted a lot, just someone to help me feel safe from the darkness that was living inside me, the memories that haunted me, the loneliness."

“Addiction is dangerous,”

"I need to not have so much damn noise in my head."

Trigger warnings:
Profile Image for Claudine.
597 reviews58 followers
January 7, 2014

Ms. Jessica Sorensen is famous for writing novels with characters with horrible pasts but turning into great people.

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Ms. Jessica never disappoints.

I guess it is right to write something like The Destiny of Violet and Luke. I find it really raw and realistic. While reading this, it's like I'm on the actual scene and I'm with them witnessing everything.

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I'd been waiting for this book since I read Callie and Kayden's series and started wondering what is Luke's story because his mom is giving me the creeps since then. Violet and Luke's destiny seems really ironically not funny at all when it happened in real life. Their story is so sad that after reading this all I want to do is crawl into a fetal position and stays there for a while.

The writing is amazingballs as always.
Profile Image for Kaitlin.
177 reviews
July 11, 2014
I hate to say this since I haven't read the second book about Kayden and Callie yet but I rather read more about Violet and Luke more than Callie and Kayden
Profile Image for Luzie.
926 reviews103 followers
April 8, 2020
This review may contain SPOILERS!
Starting off with the third book of this series and I was really looking forward to this. Violet and Luke seemed mysterious in the previous books and reading their story I can see why. Reading about Violet and Luke was weird at first, cause Callie and Kayden had such a sweet and rather innocent tone to their relationship (don't get me wrong, they had their problems as well), while Luke and Violet's was filled with rage and hatred and a lot of misunderstandings in comparison. This book was also very hard due to the emotional and physical violence that took place in both of their lives, with the story ending on a rather sad note as well. It was hard seing how they bonded cause it happened gradually and somehow also painfully. I am intrigued on how this continues and hopefully the next book will give more answers and a more healing perspective of both their issues and feelings. I want to read more and am ready for them to put their problems behind them to really dig into the relatonship emotionally.
4/5 stars
Profile Image for Nσҽɱí.
468 reviews
November 4, 2020
Decir que estoy enganchada a esta serie es quedarme corta, menuda historia, madre mía. No podía parar de leer y más con el final, que solo te dan más ganas de empezar el siguiente, haré un pausa y lo retomare cuanto antes.
Profile Image for Annie .
2,486 reviews944 followers
August 4, 2014

Jessica Sorensen is one of the best authors I have discovered this year. Each one of her books has had me feeling so many different emotions, from happiness, to angst, to hatred and to shock. One thing that you are guaranteed when you pick up a Jessica Sorensen book is a whirlwind of emotion. You cannot read one of her books and feel stoic about it. Sorensen pulls emotions from her readers and that takes a lot of talent, I think, in a writer.

Luke Price has always been a little misunderstood. After the weird incident in the last book of the series, the opening scene pours light on Luke’s situation at home. As you can guess, it’s not pretty but it was also different than what I had anticipated for him. Now, Luke drowns himself on alcohol and sex, hoping to gain control of his life that way. It doesn’t work and when he falls deeper and deeper into that dark hole, only one person becomes the very distraction he needs.

Violet is a very dark and complex character. She hasn’t been particularly warm and fuzzy but as you read, you realize that in order for her to survive the harsh world she lives in, she needs to be that way. She purposely keeps people out of her life and her reasons are good ones. As that part of the story is revealed, you come to understand her pickliness and her attitude problem. Violet’s character actually reminds me a lot of Beth from DARE YOU TO by Katie McGarry. Both are a product of the foster system and have a huge chip on their shoulders. Unlike Beth though, Violet remains distanced until the very end where you see some of her core showing through.

This is when Sorensen hits you with a twist that will have readers fall into a hysterical tailspin. At 85%, I thought I was going to go mad from it. Thoughts started jumbling in my head. How will Sorensen fix this? At 90%, everything that Sorensen that built in this book comes crashing down. It’s a hard read and because of that, I still don’t how I feel about this book. I love/hate it. I love/hate Sorensen for pulling that stunt at the end and leaving me feeling like a broken heap on the floor.

As I mentioned earlier, you will feel a variety of emotions while reading Sorensen’s books. Although I didn’t cry for this book, it doesn’t mean it’s not dark. The lives that Sorensen writes about are messy. These kids go through so much that the angst that is there feels more genuine and real because of it. Some books feel injected with a heady dose of angst because readers love it. But with Sorensen, I feel like the angst is a product of their hard lives. This is what makes them so relatable. This is what makes us feel what they are feeling. And this is what makes Sorensen’s books so great.

I will be on my knees begging for a sequel for Violet and Luke. My heart refuses to accept that this is the end for them. Please, please, please, Jessica!

*ARC provided by author

Read my alternate review of this book at Fresh Fiction
Profile Image for Heather .
450 reviews138 followers
January 25, 2014

Both Violet and Luke have more baggage than Louis Vuitton.

Violet has been shipped from foster home to foster home never finding a solid place to land. Luke has struggled to deal with his drug addicted mother who suffers from paranoia.

They both have decided that relationships are not in the cards for them. Letting people get close can only lead to getting hurt.

Both feel incredibly broken in their own way.

When they find each other, Luke discovers that he is curious about a girl for the first time in his life. Violet pushes him away at every turn. But eventually she finds herself stuck in a situation where she is forced to be in close proximity to him for the entire summer.

Eventually violet finds her carefully erected walls come tumbling down.

Both struggle to stay a safe distance and not get involved.

And then everything goes wrong.

This book takes a very terrible turn and... BAM, it ends!!!

There is a significant plot twist at the end that had my head spinning. And now...I have to wait. Why do authors do this to me?

The secondary characters in this book were the primary characters in beginning of this series. Violet is the room-mate of Callie and Luke is the friend of Kaden. They all go to college together. Violet makes some seriously questionable choices but despite her immaturity, I would still call this one a New Adult book. There was some sexual exploration but this one was pretty tame as far as steaminess.

Violet has done a good job of hiding her past and her secrets for years. She finds solace in the adrenaline rush she gets while seeking danger. Violet is sexually inexperienced. Luke is a man-whore and what I would consider either an alcoholic or well on his way to becoming one. There are some definite standard formulas going on here but not totally predictable.

I am giving this one four stars because there wasn't a whole lot of happy in this book. It went back and forth between two tortured souls in their never ending search to end their pain. I really got into it and had a hard time putting it down, but I did want to see some kind of resolution. Something, anything! I would still highly recommend this one to all of my friends who enjoy a good angst-filled drama.

Profile Image for *P.
1,565 reviews35 followers
December 18, 2013

Yes, I am a fan of Sorensen because I feel she brings to life some of the most wonderfully broken characters whose stories affect me deeply. But seriously I should know better by now. It never fails that I am wanting to chuck my Ipad across the room when I hit the cliffhanger ending. Perhaps since I just finished reading The Ever After of Ella and Micha and since I thought of this as a shoot off like Lila and Ethan's book, I didn't expect the gut wrenching feelings I now have. But as always, any book that can evoke that much emotion from me, is in my mind an awesome book.

In The Destiny of Violet and Luke we get the story of Callie and Kayden's roomates. We have glimpsed Luke's messed up past in Callie and Kayden's books, but it is brought to the forefront in this story. Holy cow, I knew things were bad with his mom but I had no clue. For awhile I was worried the story was gonna be incestous, but this is just as warped.

Violet on the other hand is entirely different then what I had expected. She has a past that is just as messed up as Luke's and obviously she doesn't form attachments because of them. Luke feels for Violet after an incident which reminds him of his sister. After that they just seem to keep running into each other and along the way, they each find some comfort and the relationship evolves.

Completely off topic, but I loved Greyson in this book. His part was small, but I'm definitely loving him.

Back to what's really on my mind. I really shouldn't be so upset about the twist at the end as through my updates it was somewhat predictable and part of me is wondering how likely something like that could be. Still, what bothers me is that the twist is revealed, Violet reacts, and BOOM, the story is over.

I hope Ms. Sorensen is cranking out the next one because I am on the edge here.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tana.
619 reviews211 followers
September 18, 2016
The Destiny of Violet & Luke (The Coincidence #3) by Jessica Sorensen

Ok so first I will say it took me a bit to finish this book, the writing was good story flowed well, but I had a hard time liking the two main characters Violet and Luke together.

Jessica Sorensen gives us readers stories that are wonderful, loving, and at the same time heart wrenching and most of the time I can't put the book down. She is a 5 star rated author.

Violet & Luke's story just didn't to it for me. At times I thought why are these two together. I liked Luke's character and never really connected to much with Violet.

The ending has a bit of a cliffhanger, which normally I won't read if I know ahead of times. Either way I am not sure I want to hear the rest of their story.

I have rated The Destiny of Violet & Luke (The Coincidence #3) by Jessica Sorensen 3 stars. The writing was good, and just because I couldn't connect with these two doesn't mean other won't love this book.
Profile Image for Liz.
188 reviews13 followers
February 2, 2014
Questo libro è un nodo allo stomaco dalla prima all'ultima pagina. Un nodo che qualche volta sembra sul punto di sciogliersi ma mai interamente. E che ritorna ad essere più stretto che mai nelle ultime pagine.
Non so come riesca la Sorensen a raccontare storie così disperate e a renderle così coinvolgenti. Nè come faccia a creare personaggi maschili uno più tenero dell'altro.
Kayden è stato per un anno il mio preferito ma ora questo titolo lo merita Luke: il dolce, passionale, tormentato e autolesionistico Luke.
Al quale Jessica deve regalare un happy ending.
Altrimenti la strozzo. With love, naturalmente. ;)
Profile Image for Alex.
576 reviews76 followers
July 15, 2015
Daer Jessica Sorensen
Cioè mio basta con sti finali eh!!!!
Luke ammmmmore mio sei troppo tutto ❤️
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,238 reviews93 followers
July 2, 2017
This was a great read. The writing is amazing. The way Jessica Sorensen writes her broken, damaged characters is very intriguing. This is the start of Violet & Luke's story. Though it was not as good as Callie & Kayden's story, I still really enjoyed this one. There were some moments where I thought the story got a bit repetitive. However, it did not take away my enjoyment from this book.

Luke is Kayden's best friend. He has issues with his mother, and his sister, Abby, committed suicide at the age of sixteen. To say the least, he has had a pretty disturbing childhood. Hence, he does not let people into his life because he thinks they will let him down in the long haul. Violet is Callie's college roommate. However, we never got to know her before this book. In this book, we find out she grew up in the foster care system after her parents were murdered. Her last foster dad is a real creep. She has no other family besides him. Luke & Violet start bumping into each other after the night that she kicked him in the face.

They seem to have great chemistry. Also, the plot twist near the end of the story was heartbreaking, yet predictable. It was sad to see the way their relationship ended after the discovery because it looked like they were making progress to become something more than friends/roommates. I wonder what will happen after that cliffhanger ending. I can't wait to see what The Probability of Violet & Luke will have in store. Luke & Violet are just two tormented people with horrible pasts. The relationship showed the intense and depressing moments in their lives. I hope that they get their HEA. Overall, a heartbreaking read to start off Violet & Luke's story.
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