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234 pages, ebook
First published March 10, 2013
4 1/2 Stars. My corneas are on fire right now from what I just experienced. (And a few other things too)
Ok. 5 things…
Chemistry? Affirmative.
Flynn Rand is the lead singer of the Renegade Saints, one of the hottest rock bands for the past decade. He meets Tessa at one of his concerts at a time in his life where he is on a downward spiral from the rockstar lifestyle feeling disillusioned and jaded about life. Tessa has a front row seat and is enthusiastically watching the concert and singing along when they lock eyes and they feel a sudden connection. Suddenly Flynn is snapped out of his numbness and wants to put on a worthwhile show for the brown-eyed beauty watching. He serenades her for 3 hours and afterwards is embarrassed over his unexplainable emotions over a teenager and his bandmates don't hesitate to tease him that she is his "Priscilla to his Elvis."(Elvis met Priscilla when she was a young teenager and fell instantly for her.)He blows off the experience but it inspires him to turn his life around and stop all the meaningless sex-drugs-and-rock-and-roll garbage.
Fast forward 6 years later and Tessa is now 22 and a photographer just out of college. When Flynn is shown some photos she took of another band "The Chaps" He is impressed and shocked at the hot pictures of her with the band. She seems familiar but he can't place where he might have seen her. He decides to hire her for their photographer for their last tour before they move on to running their own recording label.
When they meet for the first time, to say that they are attracted to each other would be a slight understatement. Tessa:
For a moment time stood still and there wasn't anything or anyone else in the room. Hell, there wasn't even a room. It was just Flynn and I. Not Flynn Rand, hotter than hell singer, but Flynn Rand, the man. And what a man he was. I had a hard time remembering that I'd seen his face, looked into his eyes and heard his voice before, and I was alarmed that in seconds I was wet…
Jesus Christ, I was a groupie cliche.
I very seriously wondered if there was any scenario available that would make throwing her over my shoulder caveman style and running off with her to the closest bed for the next seven to ten days acceptable. Decorum prevailed and I reached my hand out to clasp hers. With that first touch I. Was. DONE. Ring the bell, sound the alarm, turn off the lights and lock the doors. Done.
From this point on the story alternates between Flynn getting to know Tessa, spending time with his sweet family, and having lots of white hot sex. We get to know the other band members as well and there is some set up for future books which has definite potential.
As a side note, Flynn's grandma is flippin' hilarious and had me smiling over her Twitter activities.
I loved this book. It kind of had an "insta-love" but it worked for me because of their previous meeting and "connection" when they were younger. And something about these two together fits just right. It's the perfect time in their lives for them to connect and they are finally ready for each other. It's not all smooth sailing, there are a few roadblocks but they overcome and these two are a captivating, ridiculously hot read.
**If you read Ella Fox's Hart Family series, you will be happy to hear that they play a part in this book as well.
Source: mens-lifstyle.com via Dana on Pinterest
Source: tumblr.com via Dana on Pinterest
"I promise you that I'm not trying to fuck and run, Tess, but YOU aren't sure of that yet. You also don't fully know that you can trust me. I know that I have to earn that trust. This isn't a fling so it's not something that I have any experience with, to be honest. You're different, sweetness. For you, I want everything to be just right."