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Bloodlines #3

The Indigo Spell

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An ancient magic.
A heart-wrenching decision...

Sydney Sage is an Alchemist. She protects vampire secrets - and human lives.

In the aftermath of a forbidden moment that rocked Sydney to her core, she is struggling to decide between following her Alchemist teachings - or her heart.

Then she meets alluring, rebellious Marcus Finch, a former Alchemist who is now on the run. As Marcus pushes her to rebel, Sydney finds that breaking free is harder than she thought.

There is an old and mysterious magic rooted deeply within her. And as Sydney searches for the person attacking powerful young witches, she realizes that she must embrace her magical blood - or else she will be next.

401 pages, Paperback

First published February 12, 2013

1,169 people are currently reading
45.4k people want to read

About the author

Richelle Mead

126 books69.1k followers
Scorpio Richelle Mead is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of urban fantasy books for both adults and teens. Originally from Michigan, Richelle now lives in Seattle, Washington where she works on her three series full-time: Georgina Kincaid, Dark Swan, and Vampire Academy.

A life-long reader, Richelle has always loved mythology and folklore. When she can actually tear herself away from books (either reading or writing them), she enjoys bad reality TV, traveling, trying interesting cocktails, and shopping for dresses. She's a self-professed coffee addict and has a passion for all things wacky and humorous.

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Profile Image for Sam.
769 reviews503 followers
December 4, 2013
No. Just no. I've literally just finished The Golden Lily and I feel like screaming and crying...and screaming and crying some more. The ending was pure torture!

Richelle, when your lying in bed at night, please think of us Adrian Ivashkov fans sitting at home re and re-reading chapter 24 looking a bit like this:


2013 is TOO far away! I NEED my daily dose of Adrian!

Update: GUYS! GUYS! IT HAS A TITLE! The Indigo Spell! It sounds freakin' awesome! :D But.... :O February 2013?! Too long.

Update: A cover! Omg! A cover! I love the colour, I love Adrian, I love Sydney....but wait a minute.....



[image error]
“Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.”


"We need to get inside. I think my hair gel’s frozen.”

"It’s Kahlua, Sage. Packed with sugar and coffee flavor."

"Who knows more about male weakness: you or me? Use my knowledge, Sage."

"Do you want me to call you Celery Stick instead of Cupcake or Honey-Pie? It just doesn’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy feelings.”

* Team Adrian Ivashkov all the way, baby! *

Update I just finished the book. I... I have no words. Apart from the ending wasn't as horrible as TGL.

The Indigo Spell is the third thrilling installment to the urban fantasy spin-off series, Bloodlines. After a shocking and heart-breaking ending from The Golden Lily, The Indigo Spell is back with a BOOM! Action, mysteries, romance and plenty of magic awaits.

Sydney is struggling to remember and act on her Alchemist teachings due to her ever growing relationship with the forbidden Moroi, Adrian Ivashkov. Though no matter how she hard she tries to shut him out and deny her feelings for him, he is still willing to help her find Marcus Finch. A runaway Alchemist with more secrets to share than a teenage girl's diary. On top of trying to work out what is the truth and what is not from what she has been taught, Sydney also has to deal with an evil magic user in the nearby state who has been targeting young witches, and Sydney may just be next on the list.

I have been waiting for this book, for what seems like a year, and I really couldn't have enjoyed it more. This book is the turning point, I think. We have left the world of Vampire Academy completely, and are now focusing on the magical elements, which I think is pretty interesting! Sydney is slowly realising that maybe what she's been taught by the Alchemists isn't necessarily true, and she is testing her magic out like never before. Yes, we see kickbutt spells being performed and put into action by the one and only Sydney Sage, who in the book "Bloodlines" was too scared to even be near magic!

And of course we can't carry on without dedicating a paragraph to the wonderful, gorgeous, crazy, and totally lovable, Adrian Ivashkov! We all know that he is after our main girl Sydney? And that The Golden Lily pretty much broke both his heart and ours. Well, Richelle Mead and served us this exquisite novel that gives a little more page space to Sydney and Adrian. Completely fine with me. The two are as funny and as adorable as they were in the previous books, maybe even more so.

The Indigo Spell introduces new characters with entertaining personalities and bit roles to fill in the plot. Not only that, but a lot more danger is introduced and there are most obstacles for Sydney to get through using her magic. It brings a bit more action and mystery, which totally spices up the book.

The Indigo Spell is an incredible installment that I'm sure fans will love, enjoy and cherish until the next book The Fiery Heart is available.

Read more of my reviews at Falling Books!
Profile Image for shre ♡.
375 reviews726 followers
February 13, 2018
(I know :( My gifs are all gone...but the review was too long XD)




Holy mother of all things good and sane...what is...what has the world come to?! I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to be writing a sane review which will give you guys enlightening insight into the book, but, *scoffs*, that's not how this is going to go down AT ALL. First of all, I'm going to really quickly address the people who have read the book...*blank stare*, secondly, I'm going to address the people who haven't...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!? No, really, pick it up now because you honestly don't know what y'all are missing out on! Especially all you fellow Sydrian's out there! I never thought as this series went along that the books would get better, instead, I thought they'd lose the appeal they once had, but that's not the case at all. Richelle Mead once again manages to put together a helluva novel with just the right amount of suspense, mystery, magic, action, vampire delicousness, evil witchiness, AND romance! I don't know how she does it, but she has once again brewed together a hot and tasty bestseller! Well done, Miss Mead, well done.

Once again, our main protagonist, Sydney Sage is back with a blast, but this time with a smexy sidekick (*cough* Adrian *cough*), and even more on her plate than a battle b/w good and evil. Not only does she have to deal with her witchy training, but also babysitting a bunch of "supposed" creatures that she'd been warned about her whole life, falling in love with one of them, battling evil witches, breaking long-held bonds, and basically having everything she's ever believed in come crashing down beside her. With an evil witch going around killing innocent girls, Syd's had to increase her witchly training. Her relationship with Adrian also grows more complicated with every steamy kiss. What she once thought was the truth, turns out to be a lie leading her to make a dangerous descision that will change her life forever. But of course, this is all in a day's work for Sydney Sage...

Ok, I'm going to start off by saying that I might have a slight crush on Sydney Sage. Seriously. Lot's of people don't like her for some reason, but to me she's smart, helpful, and strong! Yes, she has the whole leaning-towards-anorexia aspect going on, but with each book this starts to become less and less severe. In this book, she actually eats PIE. YES. CALORIE-PACKED PIE. Huzzah for Sydney! Just like in Bloodlines and The Golden Lily, Syd is back with her awesome investigative skills and kick-ass moves. I adore her for always trying to help out the best she can with everything even though she has a lot on her plate; shows that the girl's up for any challenge. So overall, Sydney did not dissapoint me at all in this book, and that's a rare when it comes to the main character for me.

Speaking of main characters, I, OF COURSE, have to bring up Adrian Ivashkov...*dreamy sigh*. He's on my top list of book boyfriends and always will be. Why? Because he has a great sense of humor, is poetic, protective, and...just...charming, yah dig? I honestly don't know what Rose DIDN'T see in him but did in Dmitri...eep, don't kill me, I know you can't help who your soulmate is, ha ha. Well anyway, thank god she didn't choose Adrian, because then we wouldn't have SYDRIAN *gasps at the thought*. Sydrian was as strong and funny as ever in TIS especially because they were basically stuck at the hip throughout the entire book, which, of course, I loved. Adrian played Robin to Syd's batman, and together, they were able to destory the joker, well in this case, evil witches (but there's really no difference). ALSO, and I warn you, some of the scenes in this book between Sydrian will be sure to send you guys through the roof so make sure you're tied securely to a chair! THE ROMANCE IN THIS BOOK WAS OFF THE DIGGY (yes...it deserves its own word).

Characters? Check. Plot? Check plus. Romance? Check PLUS PLUS. I don't know how to put into words how flawless this book was to me. I thoroughly enjoyed it, laughed, loved, and lived through it, breathed it, worshipped it, and basically made it my adobe for the entire read. This series has not diasspointed me once and is slowly making its way into my top three favorites.I don't just recommend it, I INSIST (or else I'll shove it into your face...maybe...wellll...yah I think I will, ).
Profile Image for ~Calliope~.
247 reviews398 followers
January 31, 2023
“I'm done with the pouting," he said. "Done with being moody—well, I mean, I'm always a little moody. That's what Adrian Ivashkov's all about. But I'm done with the excessive stuff. That didn't get me anywhere with Rose. It won't get me anywhere with you."
"Nothing will get you anywhere with me," I exclaimed.
"I don't know about that." He put on an introspective look that was both unexpected and intruiging. "You're not as much of a lost cause as she was. I mean, with her, I had to overcome her deep, epic love with a Russian warlord. You and I just have to overcome hundreds of years' worth of deeply ingrained prejudice and taboo between our two races. Easy.”

“But each time you use spirit, you're more likely to go crazy.”
“Already crazy about you, Sage.”

“I know. It’s certainly not to me. And that’s why I’m not going to give you a hard time.” He paused dramatically. “I’ll just love you whether you want me to or not.”
“Whether I want you to or not? What on earth does that mean?”
Adrian grimaced. “Sorry. That came off creepier than I intended."

"He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew."

All I can think is Sydney and Adrian! Yeahhhhhh!! Finally!!! In the entire book Sydney was acting like she didn't want Adrian, or she was lying to herself. But in the end Adrian won because he is AWESOME!!!! SYDRIAN FOREVER!!!!

I am okay!


Where do I start? Ms. Terwilliger and witch problems? Marcus, the Alchemists and the Warriors?? Oh, fuck that!

1)In the previous book, Adrian reveals his love for Sydney and she rejected him. After that, Adrian was moody and he was cold with her. But, Sydney and Adrian were invited to Sonya's wedding but she was supposed to being flying separately from him so people don't find out they are in the same place. But something happen and Sydney gets switched to Adrian's flight. Thank god, Adrian was done being moody and tells her that he will love her even if it's hopeless.
"And hey, if I keep loving you, maybe you'll eventually crack and love me too. Hell, I'm pretty sure you're already half in love with me."
"I am not! And everything you just said is ridiculous. That's terrible logic."
Adrian returned to his crossword puzzle. "Well, you can think what you want, so long as you remember-no matter how ordinary things seem between us-I'm still here, still in love with you, and care about you more than any other guy, evil or otherwise, ever will."
"I don't think you're evil."
"See? Things are already looking promising.”

2)At the wedding, Sydney was with the alchemists (Stanton and Ian) and Adrian was with his father. But, Adrian had other plans! He asked her to dance! At first, all( Moroi, dhampir and humans) were in shock because of the "good relations" she accepted!

Even Rose and Sonya comment on how good they look together. How Sydney cannot see that?

3)Then, when they go on a mission(witches problem, I'll explain later), they end up at a college party and Adrian was drawing T-Shirts and that leaded to kiss passionately on the floor!

And the next day...
“I sent a quick text to Adrian: "I have a hickey! You can’t ever kiss me again. I honestly hadn’t expected him to be awake this early, so I was surprised to get a response: "Okay. I won��t kiss you on your neck again."
So typical of him. "No! You can’t ever kiss me ANYWHERE. You said you were going to keep your distance."
"I’m trying", he wrote back. "But you won’t keep your distance from me."
I didn’t dignify that with a response.”

4)At the hotel, when Adrian explain to her why he know she's in love with him! Because of what her aura does when he touches her, and he would kiss her if Alicia come in...I wanted to killed her in that moment..and later!

5)Of course, the spirit dream! Sydney saw Adrian her dress she bought for her "date" with Ian
“Piece of Heaven?"
"No, that other place I'm going to go to for thinking what I'm thinking.”

And then, the kissing, kissing, more than kissing. But Jill wakes her up.

Now, I am ready to talk about the other stuff.
6)Witch problems!
At the beginning, Ms. Terwilliger woke Sydney up and asks her if she was a virgin.

She drags her out to the middle of the desert so Sydney can do a spell, but Ms. Terwilliger cannot do it because she wasn't a virgin. Ms. Terwilliger is worried because her sister is nearby and she uses an evil spell to suck the youth and power out of powerful girls, which means Sydney may be in danger. Her teacher gives her a spell book so she can protect herself. Sydney and Adrian go to the the "hotel" Veronica(Jackie's sister) stays but she wasn't there. Also, they went to warn the girls and give a necklace to protect them. Later, Alicia(the receptionist to the hotel) calls them and told that Veronica came back. They went back to the hotel, and Adrian being Adrian distracts Sydney with his love and she pulled away and her cross come off. We thought that Veronica took the necklace and she came to Sydney's dreams. But Adrian every night came to her dreams so Veronica cannot reach her. But it wasn't Veronica! It was the nice girl, Alicia. I didn't like her but I did not see that coming. She and Sydney battle at Jackie's house and caused fire! And Alicia was in the house but afterwards they said that no one was found in the house.So..

7)Marcus, the Alchemists and the Warriors!
Marcus was an alchemist who is not longer that. Sydney asks Stanton about him but she claims that he doesn't exist. So she uses a location spell(like the spell she did to find Veronica) and she found him. Even though, at first they attack to each other but then he sees that she is Sydney and says that he was looking for her. Also, she meets Sabrina who Sydney saw before with Warriors but she is actually a spy. Marcus finds Alchemists and Warriors that want to leave their groups, and helps them. He also says that he can break the group compulsion in the Alchemist tattoos, but that she has to pull off a mission to collect evidence of Alchemists and Warriors working together first.
She uses Ian's crush on her(with Adrian's help:P) to get access to an Alchemist facility and, using magic, collects the information she needs. She then agrees to the breaking her tattoo process, but almost gets herself into a trap by questioning her superior. But she "cover it up".Hmm..

8)Anyway, Sydney eventually decides to go to Mexico with Marcus to get her tattoo sealed, and finds it hard to say goodbye to everyone, especially Adrian, who leaves her a letter. Before she gets on the train to Mexico, she changes her mind and realizes she loves Adrian and doesn't want to leave him.

9)She follows the letter's directions Adrian left her, and finds him at a museum of Roman antiquities. Finally, she tells him she's staying and that they will date in secret.

10)And in the end, Zoe(Sydney's sister) arrived!

11)Ohh, I almost forgot! Angeline and Trey!! I saw that coming from the start! On one hand, I feel bad for Eddie because Angeline cheated on him, but on the other hand I love Angeline and Trey together! They just fit! Trey is stupid though because he says he can't be with a dhampir. But he is in love with her.

Now, Eddie is single and Jill can have him.

He is a Callistana and Sydney made him to warn her if she is in danger! He thinks that Sydney and Adrian as his parents because they were the first people he saw when he was created. I love him!! And Adrian was an "amazing" father!
"You can take him for now. I'll handle weekend visitations."

Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.2k followers
January 28, 2016
YESSSS. This was my favorite in the series so far! There was so much action, romance, and humor and SO many plot twists. Sydney is one of my favorite female protagonists and I am in love with her character development. Everything was just excellent and I cannot wait to see how the next book goes especially with that whirlwind of an ending!
Profile Image for Rimsa Ivashkov .
188 reviews18 followers
May 18, 2013
I was SO EXCITED to read an ARC because The Golden Lily was one of my favourite books of 2012, so naturally I couldn't wait to get my hands on TIS. It was as phenomenal as I was expecting and my expectations for the SYDRIAN stuff were very high based on Richelle and Penguin's tweets. I'm so happy to say that the book was HOTTER than I would have thought.

Adrian and Sydney's relationship develops a lot and Sydney finally realises her feelings for him. We get to see Sonya's wedding too, which was freakin AMAZING and it will kill you with SYDRIAN feels. *sigh* There is a lot of HOT SYDRIAN stuff to look forward to and their scenes were definitely the highlight of the book. They have the best chemistry ever and the sexual tension is killer! Any SYDRIAN fan would worship this book.

Adrian was a total sweetheart as always and i really liked how he handled Sydney's denial and was quite patient with her. His dialogue is brilliant as always and will make you laugh and swoon everytime.
His development in this series has been fantastic and I cant wait to see where his character goes. In TIS, we get to see more sides of him, especially how protective he is of Sydney and Adrian being manly. lol <3

Sydney changes a lot in this book, She's pretty rebellious and daring and she's definitely changed for the better. She questions the alchemists a lot and doesn't just take people's word for anything. I really like that about her and it makes her more relatable and likeable than when she blindly followed orders. Marcus and Adrian have been very good influences on her! She is also very accepting of magic - both vampire magic and her own - and uses it to kick some major ass!

Speaking of Marcus, he turned out to be pretty different to what I was expecting. I'm glad to say that he wasn't another love interest for Sydney and there is no sign of a future love triangle. Marcus is quite mysterious and learning about his past was fun and the information he reveals is very interesting and makes the plot very exciting. I'm not sure he'll be in the next book, but I'm pretty sure we'll see him again because his role seems pretty important for where the story seems to be heading.

Eddie wasn't in it that much sadly and I kinda felt bad about what happened to him in this book. I really don't like Angeline anymore and am officially Team Jill. Trey was kinda depressed and as much as I love him, some things he said in this book made me kinda wary of him. I suspect he might do some bad stuff in the future. Ian returned and he was kinda bland but it was cool to see him back.

The plot was really cool and other than the SYDRIAN romance (which is a VERY big part of the book) there were two main plots in the book. There was a lot going on and it kept the pace of the book pretty enjoyable. There were also some twists which were unpredictable and they were good to see because TGL's plot was a little expected. The ending isn't as painful as last time but made me very very excited for the next book.

[image error]



Sydrian wallpaper i made :)

"Who knows more about male weakness: you or me? Use my knowledge, Sage."

"it’s Kahlua, Sage. Packed with sugar and coffee flavor."

"Adrian's face was the picture of perfect politeness and restraint, meaning something disastrous was probably about to happen"

"We need to get inside. I think my hair gel’s frozen.”

Profile Image for Katy.
611 reviews329 followers
February 12, 2013
I've never been a huge fan of Sydney, but she really grew on me in this book. Oh, who the hell am I kidding. I read this book solely for Adrian, and he sure did not disappoint.

08.05.12 - I just noticed the finished cover (released 07.12.12). Left tattooed guy has got to be Marcus.
06.26.12 - Yay! We have a cover! Um, who's the other dude?!?
06.14.12 - The Golden Lily had me until the last page!
I was like
What am I going to do for another year?
Can I PLEASE have this book now?
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
2,034 reviews34.2k followers
February 9, 2013
Hooray--my status with Richelle Mead goes from "it's complicated" back to "in a relationship" again! *throws confetti* This review is spoiler-free even if you haven't read any of the other books Bloodlines or VA books.

Vampire Academy is one of my favorite YA series and I'm usually a big fan of this author's, but I've had middling reactions to her books across all genres since Spirit Bound and Iron Crowned. I am happy to report that the magic is back again for this latest installment of the Bloodlines series, which follows the problems that Alchemist Sydney Sage encounters as she tries to protect Jill, the spare to the vampire throne.

The Indigo Spell picks up a few weeks after the events of The Golden Lily, and Sydney is learning to how to cast spells with Ms. Terwilliger. Eventually she goes in search of the mysterious Marcus Finch, an ex-alchemist who apparently betrayed them, but who may hold the key to secrets that Sydney is trying to uncover about the only way of life she's ever known.

Things I thoroughly enjoyed:

-- The overarching story about the Alchemists' magical tattoos. The idea that a special indigo ink might stop a particular aspect of the tattoo's power is really interesting and well-done.

-- The physicality of Sydney using magic. I always loved that part of Mead's Dark Swan series, and there are shades of that descriptive writing here in the hum of energy and use of incantations.

-- The southern California settings which I obviously have a soft spot for. (Plus I think the bunny-themed bed and breakfast might've been inspired by this crazy bunny museum in Pasadena!)

-- There is NO love triangle...yet.

-- The mystery behind Ms. Terwilliger's missing sister Veronica is pretty intriguing--she's not the first evil woman rumored to steal the youth and beauty from young girls, but that idea is always fun to me.

-- We don't see a lot of Jill, thank goodness! She drives me bananas.

-- Adrian seems like Adrian again. After being such a mopefest in the last two books, he's back to being so witty and charming that your pants may have disappeared before you've even noticed.

-- Sydney doesn't irritate me as much in this book. There are also some reasons suggested for why she might be so very obedient.

-- There is finally--finally!--some Sydrian chemistry. I never bought the attraction between them, and I'm still not 100% into this relationship, but there are a few scenes that definitely show a spark between them. Although I'm still not sure she really gets how awesome he is.

-- There is pie. Lots and lots of pie.


I don't really have any, other than that Sydney's still not my favorite heroine. I like her much more than I thought possible, but I just think Richelle Mead is better at writing kickass heroines. I felt this way about Seth in her Succubus series, too--both he and Syd come off as more wimpy and tiresome to me rather than reserved and brainy.

But Sydney's finally starting to become interesting, or the story is becoming better suited to the things she might actually be good at, with less time spent on all the things that showcase her annoying traits. The plot in this book is much more engaging than in the previous two, and it's a relief that the author isn't relying as much on Rose and Dimitri appearances to transition things through.

So in closing--if you enjoyed Bloodlines from the very beginning, you're going to go nuts over this book! But if you've had mixed reactions to the series thus far, you may just find that this one is better suited to your taste. I'm grateful that a copy of The Indigo Spell landed on my doorstep unexpectedly, because I really enjoyed it--and I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment.

But really...Adrian can touch my aura anytime.

This review also appears in The Midnight Garden. An advance copy was provided by the publisher.
Profile Image for MischaS_.
783 reviews1,447 followers
March 28, 2019
♥“If I was drunk, I wouldn’t be here at all. And really, this is pretty good for four White Russians.”
“White what?” I almost sat down but was afraid the chair might dematerialize beneath me.
“It’s a drink,” he said. “You’d think I wouldn’t be into something named that—you know, considering my own personal experience with Russians. But they’re surprisingly delicious. The drinks, not real Russians.”
(Side note, White Russian is really a great drink!)

This was amazing! I'm pretty sure that I'll die before I get Fiery Heart!
You know, after the second book I was really afraid that the whole begging of this book would be WITHOUT Adrian. So I was really happy, that he was there almost all the time! And he was charming as always.
Sometimes I was almost sorry for Sydney because she had really too many problems going on. Anyway, I'm really glad that she finally became confident with the whole situation, it's such a relief!
Then since the whole Marcus think I was so afraid that Richelle will put a love triangle in this story. .

There is also one difference between VA and Bloodlines, Rose could work without Dimitri, and you still enjoyed the book so much.
I love Adrian since the first time in VA, and I wanted him to be with Rose, but now I'm happy that he didn't. :)

I'm still curious what's going to happen with whole magic thing storyline :)
The end of this book almost killed me!

Love it so much! - Pretty sure that what I'm saying is 100% confusing the book kept me reading for hours, and I was re-reading the best parts again and again :D

And the Zoe thing? Kill me, that's going to be epic, well there is like hundred other things which going to be epic, but whatever :D

♥“You're not as much of a lost cause as she was. I mean, with her, I had to overcome her deep, epic love with a Russian warlord. You and I just have to overcome hundreds of years' worth of deeply ingrained prejudice and taboo between our two races. Easy.”

♥“Adrian looked over at me again. “Who knows more about male weakness: you or me?”

“Go on.” I refused to directly answer the question.

“Get a new dress. One that shows a lot of skin. Short. Strapless. Maybe a push-up bra too.” He actually had the audacity to do a quick assessment of my chest. “Eh, maybe not. But definitely some high heels.”

“Adrian,” I exclaimed. “You’ve seen how Alchemists dress. Do you think I can really wear something like?”

He was unconcerned. “You’ll make it work. You’ll change clothes or something. But I’m telling you, if you want to get a guy to do something that might be difficult, then the best way is to distract him so that he can’t devote his full brainpower to the consequences.”

“You don’t have a lot of faith in your own gender.”

“Hey, I’m telling you the truth. I’ve been distracted by sexy dresses a lot.”

I didn’t really know if that was a valid argument, seeing as Adrian was distracted by a lot of things. Fondue. T-shirts. Kittens. “And so, what then? I show some skin, and the world is mine?”

“That’ll help.” Amazingly, I could tell he was dead serious. “And you’ve gotta act confident the whole time, like it’s already a done deal. Then make sure when you’re actually asking for what you want that you tell him you’d be ‘so, so grateful.’ But don’t elaborate. His imagination will do half the work for you. ”

I shook my head, glad we’d almost reached our destination. I didn’t know how much more I could listen to. “This is the most ridiculous advice I’ve ever heard. It’s also kind of sexist too, but I can’t decide who it offends more, men or women.”

“Look, Sage. I don’t know much about chemistry or computer hacking or photosynthery, but this is something I’ve got a lot of experience with.” I think he meant photosynthesis, but I didn’t correct him. “Use my knowledge. Don’t let it go to waste.”

♥“The future of our relationship hinged on advice from a fifteen-year old girl, a probably untrue story from a one-eyed Chihuahua trainer, and me unromantically – yet skillfully – kissing you on top of silverware and china?”

♥“Look at it this way," Ms. Terwilliger said, after several moments of thought. "The callistana thinks of you two as its parents.”

♥“Adrian sifted through the bags and pulled out a slice of coconut cream. "If I were a dragon, this is what I'd go for."
I didn't argue, mainly because that statement had no logical argument.”

♥“I tried to dredge up the same reaction other girls had around Marcus, but nothing happened. No matter how hard I tried, I just didn't have that same attraction His hair was too blond, I decided. And his eyes needed a little more green.”

♥“Adrian: Sometimes it’s worth lingering on the journey for a while before getting to the destination.”
Metaphors. This was the cost of making out with an artist.”

Really good idea to put Rose and Dimitri for a while into the story :D
Profile Image for Μaria Vrisanaki .
189 reviews174 followers
September 15, 2018
I love each member of this “family”

Sydney and Adrian


They are the perfect couple! I think I like them more than Dimitri and Rose, because we read more scenes between them. Adrian respects Sydney and treats her like a woman, not like a child, as Dimitri did with Rose (the only thing that didn’t like between them). They have passion and romance. Finally Adrian finds what he deserves!

“You're my flame in the dark”

Well done Sydney! Thank you for making my love happy <3

Jill and Eddie

I LOVE EDDIE! Ι loved him from book tree of vampire academy. He grew up. He is touch, but also cute, with sense of duty and sense of humor. He has everything I want. I think, no, I’m sure I love him more than Adrian. I want him with Jill!

Angeline and Trey

Ok, Trey is not a member of the “family” but he is perfect for Angelina and managed to enter the family.


It was obvious they would end up together.
Angeline reminds me Rose sometimes, when she breaks rules and kicks asses. I hated her for hurting my Eddie but it was necessary for the Eddie-Jill relationship, so I forgive her.

Now, about the story… much more interesting than the precious book, with magic, kisses, secrets and plenty of romance and humor, but not as perfect as VA to take 5 stars. However it was enjoyable. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
654 reviews1,018 followers
July 5, 2016
I've read this gem together with sis Bea. You can read her beautiful review here. :)

The Indigo Spell has put a spell on me! Once again, Richelle Mead captivated me with yet another amazing Bloodlines sequel.

This book was overloaded with so many happenings that are very significant and important. In this sequel, Sydney Sage delved into more dangerous situations-- discovering her magical abilities and even finding out the conspiracies hidden by The Alchemists. Adrian was there for her all the time, supporting her and looking after her in every perilous occurrences.

Sydney's character became incredible here, though I must say I have mixed feelings with her. She was at times, very stubborn and too reluctant to give in to her heart's desire which is to return Adrian's feelings. Nevertheless, I admire her bravery and her usual critical-thinking that can always make the situations bearable and manageable. Adrian's character was also great. He became more passionate and swoony and a total bae!

The romance in this book was beyond amazing. I mean, who couldn't resist the romantic scenes between Sydney and Adrian? Those scenes absolutely outdid the ones in the previous books. I couldn't stop myself shipping them because it's hard not to. They're too perfect! *sigh And their chemistry!

I guess what I truly love about this sequel, apart from the great romantic development, was the action scenes. Totally amazeballs! Those scenes, especially the one where they were running away from the evil witch, were EPIC! Simply adrenaline-pulling that I found myself truly thrilled.

At some point, I found some dragging parts but the remaining chapters saved everything. I was about to rate it 4 stars but Chapters 24 and 25 were a game changer and it's hard to resist it when you're fangirling over everything-- especially when it has something to do with SYDRIAN.

Overall, a great sequel! Hands down! The series gets better and more thrilling and I can't wait to find out what will happen in The Fiery Heart.



Pearl's Book Journey (1)


Profile Image for Jennifer.
672 reviews1,748 followers
March 14, 2022
Oh man SWOON!!!! Okay similar to the last review I have to say I'm still lying naked covered in cigarettes, alcohol, cheery slush and now also fondue begging Adrian to have his way with me!!! LOL Plus can I be an honorary member of AYE?!?!?!?!

Happy Indigo Spell Release Day!!!!

This will be more Adrian fangirling than anything resembling a review but I think that is what this book calls for!

Let's start with my husband of course! I say this all the time but I would seriously lick the ground Adrian walks on. I want to just offer myself to him on a platter covered in cheery slush, alcohol, cigerettes, and now fondue. Whatever he wants I would seriously give him. People continually write him off as a bad boy but he is nothing but kind, sweet, and loyal. Even though Sydney pushes him away he pushes back. After getting hurt by Rose I kind of thought he might give up on Sydney but he continues to play his cards right and works his way further under her skin. He is hilarious! Look forward to his famous "tattoo" coming back! Look forward to lots of awesome lines. I seriously have no idea how Richelle Mead writes his parts because he feels so truly real to me! And badass! His words!

Sydney. Okay I admit I've disliked her for most of the serious. BUT....she made major positive movements in this book. I was truly shocked and happy. There were a few scenes where I still wanted to hit her head against the wall and knock some sense into her but I was happy. Tons of AMAZING syndrian scenes. Beyond what I was hoping for. Spirit dreams, dancing, going under cover to a B&B, sorority parties, just so many great scenes. Sydney still has some more work but I finally feel like she is worthy of Adrian. I'd still be better though JUST SAYING!

I was worried about Marcus and a dreaded love triangle but was so happy with the development. Sydney really doesn't see him that way although at times he was charming. I liked him okay but after so much build up I didn't think he did too much. He helped Sydney see some of the Alchemist lies so I do thank him for that. Also love how protective Adrian was when he showed up and there was some hilarious arguments between them about who has better hair! Of course Adrian wins. Adrian always wins! Forever and always!

I love Eddie but that poor guy really can't catch a break. I really want more development from his character but he was way in the background again. But Adrian should always be front and center so I can't complain too much. I didn't feel much in the way of Jill's development either. The Bloodlines series was a bit of a transition for me because it is so much more about magic and not about fighting Strigoi but I finally really love the pace and change of plot. Plus I'll follow Adrian anywhere! You have no idea how excited I am to get Adrian's POV in The Fiery Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. I sprayed my wool coat with cologne and cloves and sleep with it pretending it's Adrians.

2. I made myself an honorary member of AYE.

3. I made reservations for myself and Adrian at a fondue restaurant.

4. I dream of wedding receptions where I expect Adrian to show up

5. I tell people my name is Jet because Jet sounds badass.

6. I named my car the Ivashkinator.

7. I got a dragon figurine and named it Hopper.

8. I got a tattoo of a pirate skeleton riding a motorcycle with a skeleton parrot also throwing ninja starts ON FIRE!

Adrian shook his head, still smiling. "I've said over and over, I'd do anything for you. I just keep hoping it'll be something like, 'Adrian, let's go hot tubbing' or 'Adrian, take me out for fondue."
"Well, sometimes we have to--did you say fondue?" Sometimes it was impossible to follow Adrian's train of thought. "Why in the world would I ever say that?"
He shrugged. "I like fondue."

"Oh...Adrian, I've got one more favor to ask you. A big one."
"Fondue?" he asked hopefully.

Maybe," I said reluctantly. "But each time you use spirit, you're more likely to go crazy."
"Already crazy about you, Sage."

He waved dismissively. "Keep it. I've got others."
"What am I going to do with a wool coat?" I asked.
"Especially here in Palm Springs?"
"Sleep with it" he suggested. "Think of me."

"Jet," said Adrian. I nearly groaned. For inexplicable reasons "Jet Stelle" was a pseudonym Adrian really liked using. In our rehearsal today, he was supposed to be called Brian.

"I don't know, Sage. You threw yourself in the line of pepper spray for me. You must like me just a little bit."
"I--I figured it'd be a shame to ruin your pretty face," I stammered.

"Oh, no," I groaned. "Not the tattoo."
"It's our logo," he said. "Isn't it badass?"

"Just something kicking around in my head. Reminds me of you. Fiery and sweet, all at the same time. A flame in the dark, lighting my way."

"I'm not dangerous," I breathed.
He brought his face toward mine. "You are to me."
And somehow, against all reason, we were kissing.

"I have a hickey. I let Adrian Ivashkov give me a hickey."

"Well, I guess you can't. But when I touch you, your aura... it smolders. The colors deepen, it burns more intensely, the purple increases. Why? Why, Sydney?" He used that hand on me to pull me closer. "Why do yo react that way if I don't mean anything to you?"

"I know I'm not supposed to say this," he said. "But I think I love you more than ever."


Thanks Renee for the awesome pic!

Chapter 2 http://shelf-life.ew.com/2012/12/21/r...

Teaser Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtP5y...

From Chapter 15 of The Indigo Spell

Adrian looked over at me again. “Who knows more about male weakness: you or me?”

“Go on.” I refused to directly answer the question.

“Get a new dress. One that shows a lot of skin. Short. Strapless. Maybe a push-up bra too.” He actually had the audacity to do a quick assessment of my chest. “Eh, maybe not. But definitely some high heels.”

“Adrian,” I exclaimed. “You’ve seen how Alchemists dress. Do you think I can really wear something like that?”

He was unconcerned. “You’ll make it work. You’ll change clothes or something. But I’m telling you, if you want to get a guy to do something that might be difficult, then the best way is to distract him so that he can’t devote his full brainpower to the consequences.”

“You don’t have a lot of faith in your own gender.”

“Hey, I’m telling you the truth. I’ve been distracted by sexy dresses a lot.”

I didn’t really know if that was a valid argument, seeing as Adrian was distracted by a lot of things. Fondue. T-shirts. Kittens. “And so, what then? I show some skin, and the world is mine?”

“That’ll help.” Amazingly, I could tell he was dead serious. “And you’ve gotta act confident the whole time, like it’s already a done deal. Then make sure when you’re actually asking for what you want that you tell him you’d be ‘so, so grateful.’ But don’t elaborate. His imagination will do half the work for you. ”

I shook my head, glad we’d almost reached our destination. I didn’t know how much more I could listen to. “This is the most ridiculous advice I’ve ever heard. It’s also kind of sexist too, but I can’t decide who it offends more, men or women.”

“Look, Sage. I don’t know much about chemistry or computer hacking or photosynthery, but this is something I’ve got a lot of experience with.” I think he meant photosynthesis, but I didn’t correct him. “Use my knowledge. Don’t let it go to waste.”
Profile Image for Jolie.
38 reviews42 followers
August 31, 2012
Okay. So what would you like to happen?
Me. I want (if these don't already happen in TGL)
~ Sydney and Adrian to date
~ Sydney and Adrian to date
~ Sydney and Adrian to date
~ Sydney and Adrian to date
Well, now that I've TGL, I guess I still want these to happen, but maybe I should say this:
~ Sydney and Adrian to kiss (again)

Okay, so The Indigo Spell is the third book in the really awesome Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. It is hopefully going to be like The Golden Lily, a sad but happy story. Richelle has always been really good at suspence and she has shown that far too many times. E.g. 'Dimitri Belikov had arrived' and 'I was off to kill the man I loved.'. Hopefully she does what she does best with this book...

I'm loving this cover!

What happened to the cover????!!!!

What I Know:
-Sydney and Adrian make up at this place called "Pies and Stuff"
-Sydney really starts to question her beliefs and starts a rebelion
-Adrian is awesome

I'm now making a vow to give you all the real quotes from TIS that I can:
“Adrian’s face was the picture of perfect politeness and restraint, meaning something disastrous was probably about to happen.”-Sydney

“We need to get inside. I think my hair gel’s frozen.”- Adrian (I think...)

“Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.”- Adrian!!!

"It’s Kahlua, Sage. Packed with sugar and coffee flavor." -Adrian

"Who knows more about male weakness: you or me? Use my knowledge, Sage." -Adrian

"Do you want me to call you Celery Stick instead of Cupcake or Honey-Pie? It just doesn’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy feelings.” -Adrian
Profile Image for Tanja (Tanychy).
589 reviews284 followers
April 17, 2013
Review also posted at Ja čitam, a ti?

It's not a secret that I've always been team Dimka. He was - I believe - my first vampire crush and now looking back it's hard to believe that all those years passed by so quickly. Still I was happy to read Adrian's story as I've always believed that he need his HEA. I still don't how will he get one but he deserves it.

The Indigo Spell was one of most-expecting books this year and needless to say a lot of amazing books are coming out this year. So I was really happy when I got to read the book. Once again it's hard to write review as some people haven't started with Bloodlines yet (I believe you'll soon) but I can tell you something about characters. Sydney wasn't favorite storyteller for most of the people. She wasn't Rose - the funny, kick-butt girl with whom you could easily connect. No Sydney was new in this. She wasn't (isn't) a vampire and she needed some time to get used to this. It looks to me that she broke that shell around her here. Adrian was, you know Adrian. It's not easy to describe him as he is something else. You need to meet him and then you will see it. It's been years since I've seen him for a first time and during the time he get closer and closer to my heart. You can't help but like this crazy, funny and sometimes too honest boy.

For me this book was so far the best in this series. Yeah I know - there are still three more to come and I somehow believe that I'll love them even more. Before I though that Bloodlines would be too much like VA but with time you could see that this is different story.

This book has a title? When did that happen?
I'm lost in space and time!



It has a cover!! and it's blue!!!

But...wait..wait...where is her tattoo??
And who is this behind her?

EDIT 7/13

There are tattoos...and now we know who this guy might be!
Profile Image for Ronda.
889 reviews176 followers
September 11, 2020

Absolutely loving these re-reads....



Another episode over and I really tried to soak this up and make it last, but here I am, inevitably at the end and once again waiting for the next instalment.

I LOVED The Golden Lily and this book, for me, picked up right where the The Golden Lily finished. And once again, I loved the storyline and as I became reacquainted with the characters, my love for both Sydney and Adrian grew... I have to say though, Jill and Eddie are still right up there with these two, and the four characters together are amazing.

Sydney takes us on a bit of a hunt here, actually more than one hunt, and she really seems to grow and change in this book, I see her becoming a young adult, much like seeing Rose grow.

The journeys take us from one place to another and between the few adventures that are simultaneously running, there is an epic climb toward the end...

No tears for me this time but definitely a melting of my heart... I loved this story!!
Profile Image for ♥ Becky  22 .
162 reviews260 followers
April 2, 2013

(Wow. Aren't I talented. :D)

After reading:

1) I want to marry Adrian Ivashkov.
2) I want a Callistana. (Do not google what that is.)

Every second I spent waiting for this book to come out was WORTH it.
Indigo Spell = SO, SOOO awesome.

That college party scene!

And THE FREAKING CALLISTANA ! I laughed so hard. Seriously, any scene with that thing was hilarious.

And EVERY SINGLE SYDNEY/ADRIAN scene was jhufdkshfdshdhf!!!

"I have a hickey. I let Adrian Ivashkov give me a hickey."

"Metaphors. This was the cost of making out with an artist."

The ending
I didn't want this book to ever end. But it did, and here's what I thought of the ending (only read this if you've finished the book, because, well, spoilers.)

Before I read this, I was all:

[image error]


Profile Image for Ida.
345 reviews64 followers
May 6, 2013
I can’t even complain about that dreadful ending because I’m still full of RAINBOWS, GLITTERS, RUNNING TOWARDS THE SUNSET HAPPY SYDRIAN FEELS!

And that is far as spoilers I am willing(and able to give because I already feel the beginnings of the wrath of the God of No Spoilers *shudders*). So the rest of my review will stay hidden to spare my life, just to be sure because I think I won’t be able to stop myself with the surge of STRONG FEELINGS that I would surely have while writing this review. And I think it will be spoilery at some point, although not full on this-sh*t-is-what-happens-in-the-book type. So proceed with caution. Hahaha! ;)




Update 8/5/2012

“Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.” #Adrian #IndigoSpell --From Richelle Mead's twitter


Profile Image for emma.
2,371 reviews82.1k followers
August 12, 2022
here is how you write a richelle mead book:

first 75%: we are living our normal lives. we are up to our usual hijinks. we are finding some stuff out. we are making Discoveries. things are starting to seem pretty fishy around here...


last 5%: everything is perfect and neatly wrapped up :) and everyone is in love <3

repeat at the next book.

this was like...a slightly more interesting version of the usual.

anyway. once again we are stunned that as of last we checked i liked these books.

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago and absolutely no one asked
Profile Image for Mitch.
355 reviews622 followers
September 10, 2016
Wow. For fans of Sydney & Adrian, Richelle Mead is on fire.

As for the actual plot, The Indigo Spell is my favorite of the series so far, although the different storylines needed a bit of juggling. But so looking forward to The Fiery Heart.

You can also see this review on my blog here.

There’s a reason why there are so few authors whose books I anticipate as eagerly as Richelle Mead’s. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the kind of guy for whom an author can do no wrong, but after Vampire Academy, its sequels, Bloodlines, The Golden Lily, and now The Indigo Spell, I really mean it when I said in my review of The Golden Lily that Mead’s proven herself again and again and earned my trust because hers are books that just keep getting better and better. I wouldn’t get carried away and say they’re worthy of winning any major literary prizes, but they certainly are the gold standard of the paranormal genre simply because Mead’s mastered the formula for writing the perfect balance of character and plot.

Oh, and it also helps that I’m a huge fan of Sydney Sage. Have been since the first Bloodlines – sure she can be described as naive and sheltered, but I for one love how Mead writes her character because it’s that combination of earnesty and quirkiness that makes Syndey so cute and fun to read about. And after The Golden Lily, I think I love her a million times more – I certainly respect her a million times more, because no matter how cruel that ending feels, for me, it’s perfect, it’s one of the best lines I’ve ever read because it says everything about Syndey’s character in just two sentences:
In my chest, my own heart was breaking. On my cheek, the lily reminded me who I was.

Yeah, she’s questioning the purpose of the Alchemists, her purpose, but at the same time, it’s all she’s ever known, so while her heart is pushing her one way, the lily is pulling her another. So the first question in The Indigo Spell is where she goes from there, after making what has to be one of the hardest decisions anyone’s ever had to make, and surprisingly, Mead goes for light and fun – let’s just say Syndey and Adrian fans will be very happy within a few chapters – instead of intentionally angsty. But I swear, it totally works, because Sydney’s not the kind of person who second guesses the wisdom of her decisions from an emotional point of view, she’s way too practical for that, and besides, it’s way more fun to read about two people dealing with a rough patch by working around it as friends than moping around like what happens in it seems like every single other paranormal out there ever.

The flip side of the coin is of course Adrian. Obviously he knows, or at least suspects, why Sydney did what she did, so even if he’s hurt, he’s good about it, and that’s why I like him way more than the million other guy characters who’ll degenerate into jealous jerks. I do think Adrian will make a way bigger impression on a lot of people than he did for me, especially in a particular scene in which the title of the next book is mentioned (yes the words ‘fiery heart’ appear in this!!) not only because this is definitely the most Adrian and Sydney centric of all the books by far, but also because they work well together - although while I appreciate this is of course a book focusing on Adrian and Sydney, I do kind of miss seeing as much of Eddie, Jill, Angeline, and Trey as I had in the past. It’s not a huge deal, but like I also mentioned in my review of The Golden Lily, one of the strengths of Vampire Academy and now Bloodlines is the richness of the characters – even the minor characters feel fully fleshed out to the point there’s always someone to root for, or as I called it, don’t like Rose and Dmitri, there’s always Lissa and Christian – so while Rose and Dmitri make their obligatory cameo with Lissa and Christian this time at Mikhail and Sonya’s wedding, I could’ve used more Eddie, Jill, and Trey. Angeline, not so much.

The plot itself is a tough one because Mead’s actually juggling two separate storylines, one with Sydney delving more into the Alchemist conspiracy and the Alchemist’s connections to the Warriors of Light, the vampire slayers introduced in the last book, and the other with Sydney exploring more of her witchy magic and having to confront her mentor Ms. Terwilliger’s evil magic draining sister. Although the two are connected, Sydney for example starts to stray from Alchemist teachings as she starts to embrace her magical affinity and later uses her magical training to infiltrate the Alchemists, the evil sister feels more like a self contained ‘A plot’ that starts and ends this book while the Alchemist conspiracy is more of the ongoing ‘B plot’ that’ll be continued in next sequel. Sure, there is one hanging thread left over concerning the identity of the magic draining witch, which I have to say while predicted I still feel is much better done than the Warriors of Light arc from the last book, but I guess I just got more closure from the witch storyline than the conspiracy storyline. As for the mysterious Marcus Finch, I have to say Penguin’s marketing campaign really overhyped the character, while he certainly presents Sydney with a third path – not with the Alchemists and not with Adrian, he’s just sort of there as a character and pretty much as effective as Brayden was in the last book.

In fact, Marcus is such a nonissue that the ending here could’ve worked just as well as for the last book in the series and it still would’ve left me satisfied, at least where Sydney and Adrian are concerned. I’m still going to rush out (er go online) and preorder The Fiery Heart though because Mead absolutely knows exactly which buttons to press and which characters to introduce to leave me hanging and anxious to know what’ll happen next to Sydney and the rest of the gang.
Profile Image for Jessica.
287 reviews3,366 followers
January 16, 2016
OH. SNAP. Sydney what have you gotten yourself into now...
(full review to come on my blog!)
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
760 reviews1,522 followers
August 20, 2024
|| 2.5 stars ||

This was okay, but definitely not great.
Nothing really significant happened (or at least, nothing I cared about), and I didn’t feel particularly connected to anyone or anything.

It had a somewhat decent plot (albeit simple and predictable), but I feel like the romance took over from everything else way too much. Normally I wouldn’t mind that (because I love a good romance), but it was honestly a little boring here. Even though Adrian and Sydney could technically not be together, there was never any drama between them and their relationship always remained insanely calm and relaxed. I just didn’t feel the tension or the spark between them, so the non-stop focus on their blossoming relationship was pretty bland to me.

Besides, I feel like Sydney’s infatuation with Adrian kind of diminished her own characterization; I really liked that she was initially so independent and smart, but now she was just boy-obsessed rather than bad-ass and strong. And it’s not like she suddenly turned into someone weak or stupid, but it was just obvious that all of her priorities and focus had now shifted to one single thing: Adrian. Everything else about her kind of just fell away.

Unfortunately, all of the other characters are still completely superficial and annoyingly insufferable.
Angeline is just terrible, Jill gets on my damn nerves, Eddie is pathetic, Magnus gave me the ick, Trey no longer has a personality, and Zoe just seems like a twat.

'Bloodlines' series:
1. Bloodlines - 3.0 stars
2. The Golden Lily - 3.5 stars
3. The Indigo Spell - 2.5 stars
4. The Fiery Heart - 3.5 stars
5. Silver Shadows - 3.5 stars

Prequel 'Vampire Academy' series:
1. Vampire Academy - 3.5 stars
2. Frostbite - 4.5 stars
3. Shadow Kiss - 4.5 stars
4. Blood Promise - 3.0 stars
5. Spirit Bound - 3.0 stars
6. Last Sacrifice - 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,078 followers
March 12, 2013
Conversation was irrelevant. Only pie mattered.

If you have not read the Vampire Academy series, I'd suggest you read part 1 of this review and stop there, or you will have VA spoiled for you (Bloodlines is a spin-off). If you have not read VA, then you are free to picture me scowling at you. Vampire Academy : Blood Sisters is going to be a movie soon, so get on it! Before you ask, don't even blaspheme my review by trying to compare this to Twilight. It's not the same. At all.

Why the random pie quote from this book? Because Mead is like comfort food to me and that's why I keep coming back. Since we're at book 3 already, I can't sell you on this series by telling you what the book is about. So instead, I'll give you a taste of why I love this author.

1. She writes great characters. I can't help but fall in love with each and every one. Yes, the guys are swoon-worthy, but the females are pretty badass too!
2. She writes great concepts. While I'm not as big of a fan of the magic training in this series as I was the fight training in VA, one strength of Mead as an author is that she brings something new to the table every time.
3. She writes a great balance of action/adventure and sexual tension. I can admit to being girly and liking some romance but my favorite books bring it in other areas too.
4. She's funny. I laugh with each and every book.
He was distracted by a lot of things. Fondue. T-shirts. Kittens.

I certainly hadn't expected to walk away from today's trip with joint custody of a miniature dragon.

The future of our relationship hinged on advice from a fifteen-year-old girl, a probably untrue story from a one-eyed Chihuahua trainer, and me unromantically kissing you on top of silverware and china?

Love. That is all. On to the second part of my review.

"Just walking Miss Sage back. She had to get something from her room."
Pete looked dazed for a moment. Then he nodded in understanding.
"You compelled him," I whispered, once we were safely out of earshot.

For some reason, that scene reminded me of Star Wars and the "these are not the droids you're looking for" scene, which put a smile on my face.

This is the part of the review for people who have read The Indigo Spell, or at least have started the Bloodlines series and won't mind my minor spoilers. If you haven't gotten here yet, BACK AWAY! It's not really going to be much of a review from here on out anyway. I just need to ramble on some points.

*waiting for people to exit so I can get ranty*

Sooo.... You all can get angry at me if you like but it's bugging me how the word primal keeps getting used to describe him in this book. He acted primal, he had a primal instinct, etc. NO. JUST NO. Primal is what I have called If you don't believe me, check out my review for Blood Promise. I don't care if somehow morphing into this protective guy who will fight for the girl he loves...oh wait, I do care because he didn't do that for the "other" girl he claimed to love. Out of character, what? Yes, I get that he technically might not have loved that other girl. But the point is that he was willing to risk getting in trouble and other things for her when he believed himself in love with her. But now he will fight? Fine, go ahead and argue that they took a class. Pfft.

Is anyone else sort of bored with the magic training? No? It's just me? I like fight training better.

I did laugh when Sydney remarked that she'd downloaded the 'bad boy book' online.

The dream scenes were hot. Those were some of my favorite VA scenes, so I'm glad to see more of them.

And I did crack a smile when They're surprisingly delicious! Haha.

...and there's my sloppy end to part 2. Told 'ya it was just gonna be rambling. I'd love to see thoughts/agreements/disagreements about my disgruntlement with the direction they've taken Don't get me wrong, I still love him. But I don't think he needed to be 'that' in this story. We loved the other guy because he could do this. We loved this guy for other reasons.
Profile Image for Stephanie (Bookfever).
1,060 reviews192 followers
March 3, 2013
Bloodlines has grown to be one of my favorite YA book series, if not the favorite. And of course you all know I'm more than crazy about
Adrian Ivashkov.

So reading this books has become something I'm looking forward to everytime. I must say I like these better than Vampire Academy! *waits for VA fans to strike me down*
I just get so much joy from reading these Bloodlines books. Especially when Adrian comes in. *swoon swoon swoon* ;D
I loved it so much. So many amazing moments. Ahhh, Richelle Mead, you did it again!

The Indigo Spell started a few weeks after where The Golden Lily ends. We all know where that was. I loved how you could definitely see a change in Sydney, especially when she kept analyzing what happened with Adrian. So obvious, Syd!

Sydney in this book, was different from the one we say in the previous book. I can't believe how far she came, considering how she was when we first met her in Blood Promise. She might have her doubts a little bit about using magic but in the end it seems like her doubts have gone away.

My favorite aspect of this book was... all the Sydrian stuff! I mean, seriously this book was pretty much all of that. And I loved it. I've been waiting forever for this! Adrian and Sydney are perfect together. They complete each other perfectly. I did get a little annoyed whenever they kissed Sydney would back away again but she made up for it in the end in my eyes.

So. Markus. Not sure what to say about him. I do not like this dude. I don't know what it is about him but I'm not feeling it. So we'll see if he shows up in the next book if I still have that disliking feeling about him. I'm not sure what everyone else thinks about him but I'd be glad to hear your opinions about him. :)

The only negative things I can say about The Indigo Spell is how I kind of missed the gang. Jill, Eddie, Angeline. Trey. They weren't in it as much, although they had their own little dramas to deal with. I must say I'm starting to like Jill more. Well except when she

I was surprised by the stuff happening with Veronica. What happened there in the end surprised me but I loved that scene. Another swoon moment for Adrian when he . *sigh*
I did wish all of it would've been slightly more unpredictable but it was okay in the end. More than okay. :D
And boy do I love Hopper! :D ♥ So adorable!

Overall I LOVED The Indigo Spell. I couldn't get enough of it. I was SO in my Adrian bubble and didn't want to get out. Sydney was absolutely kick ass and I'm looking forward to the next book The Fiery Heart because it has Sydney AND Adrian's POV!

Everyone who hasn't read Bloodlines yet and I know there's a lot of you out there. Get your business together and start it right away. You'll get an overdose of Adrian, which is a very good thing!

Now on to waiting for The Fiery Heart. *sad sigh*

Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,017 reviews1,942 followers
March 6, 2013
I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in the opinion that The Indigo Spell, with its 400 pages, is far too short. I finished it in a single afternoon and then I just sat there for a while, hoping it would grow a few (hundred) extra pages but sadly, I don’t share Sydney’s magical abilities. Not a single page grew and I had to let it go...for now.

The swoon factor in The Indigo Spell was so high that I had to fan myself on several occasions. If there is still a heart in this world that Adrian Ivashkov doesn’t own, he’ll win it over with his selfless and mature actions in The Indigo Spell. I was always Dimitri’s girl, right from the very start, and I never thought I’d say this, but in some ways, Adrian is even better. Here's how he sees his situation with Sydney:

"You're not as much of a lost cause as she was. I mean, with her, I had to overcome her deep, epic love with a Russian warlord. You and I just have to overcome hundreds of years' worth of deeply ingrained prejudice and taboo between our two races. Easy."

I didn’t think there was any hope whatsoever for me and Sydney, but her behavior and courage in this book endeared her to me after all. She is a far cry from the judgmental, prejudiced girl from Blood Promise and Bloodlines. She finally learned to stand up for herself and do her own thinking. It’s not easy to break a lifetime of rigorous conditioning, and watching Sydney open her eyes and see the Alchemists in a whole new light was a wondrous and unforgettable experience. My hat’s off to Mead (I’m actually wearing a hat right now, you know) for turning this unlikely heroine into someone I can root for and admire.

So who is Marcus Finch? A disappointment, really. He didn’t bring much to the story, but I suppose he served his purpose. I was ecstatic when I realized that Mead won’t torture us with another love triangle after all. I don’t think I could have kept reading if that was the case. But Sydney was never even remotely interested in Marcus, and it made me admire her even more.

The Indigo Spell focused mostly on Sydney’s magic, her doubts about the Alchemists and her relationship with Adrian (yaay!). Jill, Eddie and Angeline were present, but they didn’t play a big role this time and I kind of liked it that way. Both Jill and Angeline can be pretty tiresome and as soon as the story turns to them, it becomes infinitely more childish. I’m perfectly happy with them remaining in the background.

Mead promised us the most powerful scene she’s ever written in The Fiery Heart and she compared it to Shadow Kiss, which of course left me terrified for Sydney and Adrian. I think I won’t sleep well until November. The word re-education is mentioned in the synopsis and it was more than enough to send chills up my spine. What do you think will happen? Are you as terrified as I am?

I think it’s clear that I’m very happy with the direction this series is taking, as long as no one becomes a Strigoi or a mindless drone in the hands of the Alchemists. Given the choice, I think I’d prefer a Strigoi – Dimtri was hot even when he was dead.

Btw, am I the only one who desperately wanted fondue when I finished reading this book?

Profile Image for Isabella.
Author 3 books85 followers
February 22, 2013

Beautifully written book and great sequel!! I actually loved the developments in here, even if I can't really imagine what could happen next... Or better, I could, but all I see is me suffering and screaming because of the ANGST that is coming.
And it IS coming.

P.s. Sydrian <3


27/11/12 - Dear Richelle,
Just so you know, I haven't forgotten about your evil plans for this book and am still stalking you like there's no tomorrow.
Love the new pics from the trailer.
Sincerely, me.

09/08/12 - “Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day"
YES, Richelle. THIS is what I need. THIS... And possibly more.

15/07/12 - SOOOO New version, new prospective LOL THAT MUST BE MARCUS FLINCH! I don't know what happened to his hair, but can't wait to meet him! I hope there won't be a love triangle--Sydney is not the type!--and he better be some kind of tutor for our girl.


27/06/12 - "The Indigo Spell cover: this is still an early version" (Tweet by RMead)... Ok then, I got it. The tattoo will come later, but still.... Who's the man on the left?? -> STOP saying he's Marcus Flinch! He's supposed to have "straight blond hair"!!!!! TGL someone...?

Let's focus:

Adrian (he's on the right--F*CKYES)
Marcus Flinch (he has "straight blond hair")

Clarence (?)
Sydney's father (has he dark hair?)
Anyone else????????? Maybe a new character? (OMG SO EXCITED)

22/06/2012 - Dear Richelle Mead, Dear Razorbill,
Please note that if the world is going to end in December, I expect The Indigo Spell to be out sooner (or, at least, in my mailbox). Even November (but the sooner, the better) would be perfect, thanks.




Profile Image for Komal.
51 reviews341 followers
November 13, 2013
I wrote this while I was high on Sydrian. So it'll probably contain lots of incoherent gushing and fangirling. Just warning.

Initial Reaction after completing the book


Okay. I needed to get that out of my system.
But I'm so happy. So freaking happy!
I don't even know what to say. I am zapped. Speechless. Yep, it was that amazing.

What I loved
Callistana. Hair gel. COLLEGE PARTY. Dreams. Distractions. Math tutors. Airplane rides. Hopper. Ivashkinator. Quick Study. CALLISTANA. Loving from afar. Adrian(of course). Sydney. The opening line. Ms. T. Jackie. Old World Bed-And-Breakfast. Adrian.

What I hated did not like


*thinking hard*



Ok, fine. So I can't find any, not one, thing that spoiled the book for me.
That's a first for me. So getting down to the book.
I just can't stop smiling. Can't. Stop. This book makes me so happy.

I'll tell you what the book was about in a nutshell.
Sydney doing some kickass magic, throwing fireballs (FIREBALLS!!!), Sydney thinking about Adrian, defying the Alchemists, Sydney thinking about Adrian, Sydney running millions and billions and gazillions of errands for her little group, Adrian being a sweetheart, Adrian being a badass, Adrian spouting some very, very, extremely cheesy lines, Sydney denying her feelings for Adrian, Adrian hitting on Sydney, Adrian-Sydney, Adrian-Sydney and more Adrian-Sydney.

This book is a heaven for Sydrian. More cheese, more drama, more confusion, more feelings, MORRREEE SYDRAIN MORE MORE MORE!!!

The Characters

She finally, finally, finally grows a spine.
Hell with the Moroi-Human traditions, hell with the Alchemists, hell with Jill, hell with the world, I'll be with Adrian. Adrian Adrian Adrian.
Yes, that's the spirit. YES!!

Okay, I just can't do this anymore. I can't write about the characters, I have to need to speak about Sydrian.
I'll just list the scenes and my feeeeeelings, K?

The Airplane Ride
I’ll just love you whether you want me to or not

Yeah. Now, Sydney, you poor girl, resist that!

The Sorority Party
To my horror he began painting a pirate skeleton riding a motorcycle.

And what follows is the PDA on the floor of the sorority. FLOOR OF THE SORORITY But, of course they have to be interrupted. Huh.

The Next Day
“You might want to do something about your neck.”
I was totally lost. “My neck?”
A small, brownish purple bruise on the side of my neck.
“What on earth is that?” I exclaimed.
Ms. Terwilliger snorted. “Although it’s been a while for me, I believe the technical term is a hickey” She paused and arched an eyebrow. “You do know what that is, don’t you?”
“Of course I know!”

Ha! Knowing the Sydney in Bloodlines, I would never, ever, ever have imagined that Sydney, Adrian and hickey will be used in one sentence. HICKEY and Sydney in a sentence! Talk about split personalities.

The Velvet Suite
Here, Adrian goes all like if she doesn't feel anything for him, why does her aura change when Adrian comes near her. And, the smartass, Sydney makes some really, really lame excuse about him being a Moroi and she a human.
Really, Sydney? Oh, c'mon, what would it take for you see you LUURRVVE him. Accept it already.
Sydney, honestly, for someone so smart and practical, you sure are exasperating.

The Dream
No comments. None at all. Not even a gif.
The chemistry way off the charts. Enough said.
But just that I'm a quick study was hilarious, coming from Sydney. I mean, who says that? Cute, but funny too.

Spoilers ahead. Don't read if you haven't finished the book
And finally, finally when Sydney accepts her feelings for Adrian and they are together, I'm like, high time. But, they are together and that's what matters, right?
Just one more thing. It's not really a flaw in the book but it has been eating me since the end, Sydney doesn't say 'I love you' back to Adrian.Not even once. I mean, Adrian has said that like, every opportunity he gets. Sydney does say it to Markus in an offhand way but that doesn't count. The guy says that to you a million times and you don't say it back even though you feel the same, that's just rude.

Is it me, or does everyone have a really, really bad feeling about the ending? The Zoe and all. I'm so afraid that it's all gonna blow up in their faces in The Fiery Heart. Maybe Sydney will get caught and be sent to Re-Education because of Zoe who's all for being a perfect little Alchemist? What, then?
If that happens, I'll seriously lose it.

No, no, no. Please don't let that happen in TFH. Please just let that be me and my morbid, pessimistic thoughts and not the fucking reality.
Oh, I almost forgot. When Adrian points out the risk of getting caught to Sydney, she's like, it'll be alright as she'll have Adrian for company in the dreams. Really? Not cool Sydney, not cool at all.

The Conclusion
Read it, read it, read it now! You won't regret it. The best book in the Bloodlines series yet. If you like me, are hesitant to read this because of the VA connection. Don't. It has no very little connection to it, so don't let that keep you from devouring this one. And if you didn't like the VA, doesn't necessarily mean you'll dislike this one too! Yes, I'm speaking from experience.

Oh, and just one more thing.
Rose-fucking-Hathaway. Adrian is happy with someone else. And he does not care or mope about you any more.He's over you. Take that, bitch.
*triumphant smile*

Scarlet, Basuhi, Liz, Jerry. I owe you guys. Big time.
Profile Image for Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession.
1,224 reviews3,622 followers
November 28, 2022
5 Risk worth taking Stars

*********Major spoilers in this review/recap*********

[image error]

My God so much happens in this book. Sydney is fighting her feelings for Adrian. Adrian is fighting for Sydney's love. Sydney has a evil witch after her wanting to suck the life and magic out of her leaving her old and in a coma. Sydney finally finds the infamous Marcus Finch the ex-alchemist. Marcus tells Sydney that her alchemist tattoo has compulsion in it to control alchemist and make them loyal. Marcus tells Sydney that if she goes on a mission to collect evidence that Alchemists are working with the Warriors of light he will break her tattoo's compulsion. Sydney gets said proof, gets her tattoo broken. The compulsion in the tattoo may be broken but until it's sealed it can be added back to the tattoo if the alchemist catch her.

Sydney is also working with her teacher learning more magic to stop an evil witch that is sucking the life out of other witches. Sydney has a lot of personal growth in this book. She is asking questions about her long held beliefs. Especially when she learns the alchemist are lying to her and they are working the with the warriors of light. Sydney and Adrian had some really sweet and really hot moments in this book. Some smoking hot make out sessions. Sydney is scared of course everything she thought she believed in and all that she thought she was is changing. Her and Adrian spend a lot of time together in this book really building up their relationship. Adrian is amazing and supportive. He is very protective of Sydney. After denying her feelings for so long Sydney finally realizes she in love with Adrian. At the end of the book she and Adrian are together.

Sonya and Mikhail get married. Jill isn't in this book a lot. She and Sydney are having a hard time being around each other. Since Jill's bonded to Adrian and can feel and see what he does that means she was a 3rd wheel in those sexy times. Of course that grosses all 3 of them out. Eddie and Angeline break up because Angeline is cheating on Eddie with Trey. Sydney lets Eddie know that Jill has feelings for him. There's a epic witch battle that Sydney won but the evil witch Alicia got away. I feel like that's not the last we will see of Alicia. Jill got some new protectors at the end of the book. A dhampir Neil Raymond and the most shocking of all Zoe Sydney's 15 year old sister. I have to say I really can't stand Zoe and I'm sure she is going to cause a shit load of problems. On to The Fiery Heart!
Profile Image for Beatrice.
1,209 reviews1,723 followers
December 19, 2015
Buddy read with the amazing sis Pearl. --> click to read her wonderful review. :)

Just a perfect read on a rainy night. There are LOTS of Sydrian moments and I just can't help highlighting and also smiling like an idiot. This is making me a hopeless romantic but I SHIP SYDRIAN SO HARD I HAVE HEART EYES. (Forgive me for fangirling, Adrian Ivashkov is just irresistible.)

The Bloodlines series just keeps getting better. I love how Richelle Mead adds more twist on Sydney's adventure as it focuses on two conflicts:

a.) Finding Ms. Terwilliger's older sister, Veronica ,who absorbs someone's magic to make her stronger and enhance her beauty, leaving the victims in coma and frail. Sydney must prevent her from taking more by protecting them with charms. She learns more defensive and offensive magic (It was badass imo). Adrian's vampire magic protects her more since Veronica couldn't detect it.

b.) Meeting an ex-alchemist, Marcus Finch . He reveals that there is a conspiracy in the Alchemy world as they secretly coordinate with the Warriors of Light (Vampire Hunters). He proposed to Sydney on joining their group and as well as break the golden lily tattoo, replacing it with an Indigo ink (which breaks the compulsion).

I love Sydney Sage. She might holding back her feelings to Adrian at first, I think it's understandable since she was trained to follow the alchemist beliefs. Seeing her character development is just wonderful. She's becoming more confident, and lets herself do the things according to her will without being controlled or dictates by anyone. I love how she breaks out of her shell.

As always, Adrian Ivashkov is the most romantic vampire ever. He's just there for Sydney no matter what, even if it means loving her by afar. (damn you, Syd). omfg! Everything he does here will melt your heart and I WILL NEVER GET ENOUGH OF HIM. That spirit dream...*fans self* Their romance/chemistry is just strong and adorable. Absolutely on point!

I am looking forward on the next book. I am nervous and excited at the same time because I can sense some trouble (and more Sydrian moments, haha!). I peek on the next book and it's in dual perspective! I'm a happy fangirl. Richelle Mead is amazing!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,440 reviews

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