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Frozen: The Junior Novelization

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When a prophecy traps a kingdom in eternal winter, Anna, a young dreamer, must team up with Kristoff, a daring mountain man, and his reindeer on the grandest of journeys to find Anna's sister, the Snow Queen Elsa, and put an end to her icy spell. Encountering mystical trolls, a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Everest-like extremes, and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom from destruction. Frozen: The Junior Novelization retells the whole exciting story and features eight pages of full-color scenes from the movie!

128 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2013

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Sarah Nathan

36 books31 followers

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Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews164k followers
December 9, 2020
Let it go, let it go
Can't read this one anymoreeee
Let it go, let it go
Burn the audio, slam the doorrrrr
Oh lordy. Lordy lordy lordy. Talk about the movie being better than the book.

Princess Anna and Princess Elsa lived in the same castle for their entire lives and yet they barely knew each other.

When they were kids, they did everything together - often sneaking around late at night to play with Elsa's budding snow-magic-powers.

One tragic (and convenient) accident later, Anna's memory of Elsa's powers is completely wiped and Elsa is told to bottle up all her emotions and powers for the rest of her life.


That sounds like a great plan.

Oh. And because it's a Disney movie, they get conveniently orphaned along the way. Can't make a children's movie without killing off the parents, right?

Anyway, much to everyone's surprise, suppressing all emotions and magic does not end well for young Elsa.

When Princess Elsa is about be crowned queen, she suddenly loses control of her powers, plunges her kingdom into eternal winter, brings a snowman to life, runs away, builds an ice-castle, brings a snow-monster to life and nearly kills her sister (again). (Yes, really.) (In that order).

Now, while I love the idea of this one...there are a few things that didn't pan out.

The whole no-powers-and-emotions thing just didn't make sense from any perspective. It's even less explained in the book.

The whole unlimited powers took away any credibility to the story.

And the whole writing style was so flat and emotionless that it took away any sort of connection and enjoyment from the movie.

Audiobook Comments
Read by Andi Arndt and oh good lord. Burn this audio. Burn it with fire. For such a vibrant and whimsical and musical movie, surely the audio should have had some sort spark of life, right? No. Apparently not.

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Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 205 books1,458 followers
July 3, 2015
This was a fun adaptation. We listened to it in the car on a road trip. I thought there were some sloppy places and a little too much show not tell, but all in all it was really entertaining. I loved that we got insights that you don't get I the movie. That's the best part of books that movies can't beat. If you loved the movie, then you'll love this. However, there's no music, which I realize is a big deal for people.
Profile Image for Michelle.
71 reviews152 followers
October 8, 2013
The fact that I've read this really proves how freaking excited I am for this movie.
Profile Image for Alexandria K.
437 reviews32 followers
February 25, 2016
In this book, two sisters Elsa and Anna were really close when they were little until Anna and Elsa play in the ballroom of the kingdom of Arendelle and while Anna is jumping down the slides of snow that Elsa made Elsa slips on ice and accidentally hits Anna on the head, the snow goes through her curls. Luckily she is saved Pabbie the troll, he leaves the fun, but Anna doesn't know that Elsa has powers. Anna has no idea of her accident with Elsa, so Anna doesn't know why Elsa shuts her out and moves into a room next door, the only evidence of her accident is a white streak in Anna's hair. Anna keeps asking Elsa if she wants to build a snowman Elsa wants to build a snowman, but she is afraid that she will hurt Anna again so she says nothing. When they are a bit older the King and Queen are going to travel to another kingdom, but when they leave there's a storm and it makes their boat capsize and then they have the King and Queens funeral. Three years later it was Elsa's Coronation Day and the guards opened the gates. Then Anna gets engaged to Prince Hans Westerguard of the Southern Isles which leads to Elsa's secret being out and now everybody in the castle and in the courtyard knows about it. In the end, Anna saves the kingdom from destruction and saves Elsa from being killed by Prince Hans Westerguard of the Southern Isles by sacrificing herself for Elsa. Anna's sacrafice saved herself. Then they never close the gates again. Anna is THE bravest princess of all of them she sacrificed herself to save her sister!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandy.
1 review1 follower
April 4, 2014
Awesome book

it is amazing.I love this book.I have the DVD,the book,and the song book.it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great.I love it so much
Profile Image for Tara.
97 reviews7 followers
January 9, 2014
Such a cute book. With a few exceptions, it follows the movie exactly. I kept singing the songs to myself as I read.
Profile Image for Dorian Jandreau.
Author 26 books109 followers
December 12, 2021
Elza nuo mažens turi stebuklingų galių sukelti sniegą. Vieną rytą bežaidžiant su sesute Anna ji netyčia pataiko jai į galvą ir tėvai ją išgabena pas trolius, kurie pagydę Anną, liepia nuo jos slėpti Elzos galias visą gyvenimą. Taip jos užauga visiškai nebendraudamos viena su kita kol vieną dieną jų tėvai žūsta laivo katastrofoje ir Elza turi būti karūnuota. Per karūnavimo dieną Anna susipažįsta su princu Hansu ir abu pareiškia Elzai, kad tuoksis. Taip įsiutinta Elza netyčia panaudoja savo galias, kurių bijo ir pabėga į kalnus. Ant miestelio užeina gili žiema nors ir esant vasarai. Anna iškeliauja ieškoti Elzos. Pakely susipažįsta su Kristofu, kuris padeda jai pasiekti Elzą, tačiau Anna ir Elza vėl susikivirčija ir Elza šį kartą pataiko į Annos širdį.... Ir tik tikros meilės bučinys padės panaikinti kerus....

Kas gi nežino įžymiosios Elzos ir Annos iš „Frozen“. Šita knyga apie pirmąjį filmą ir galiu teigti, jog ji žodis žodin atitinka filmo scenarijų. Knyga yra skirta jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus skaitytojams. Ar ši knyga yra išversta į lietuvių kalbą? Nežinau... bet tikriausiai, kad ne. Todėl labai nudžiugau, kad ZLibrary turėjo ne tik šią knygą, bet ir daug kitų Disney knygų, kurių nėra lietuvių kalba. Kadangi knygutė plona, tai neįkyrėjo skaityti jos, kad ir ebook formatu.
Profile Image for Twyla Meeus.
52 reviews3 followers
March 30, 2014
Since I don't watch TV that much and everyone I know is going crazy about this movie, I thought I'd just read the book and have it over with. It also took me less time than the movie would, which is wonderful.

I can't be as positive as everyone has been about this movie. It's a Disney movie and we all know that they're pretty much all the same. Drama -> solution -> real love -> happy ending. And that's the same with this one.

It's decently written and only a few typos, which is pretty good.

It also keeps you reading but lets not forget that it's a Junior Novelization which aims at children so it's designed to keep you interested through the short story. Anyway, you'll finish it quite quickly, since I read slow and only needed about 100 minutes to finish it.

It's a cute story with some fun characters but as it's Disney, it's still predictable which doesn't take away the fun either.

Frozen lovers will enjoy this either way, so will Disney lovers but if you simply don't want to watch the movie, then this is a perfect solution to keep you up to date with your Frozen crazy friends.

Profile Image for Isabel.
65 reviews5 followers
July 9, 2022
Just like the movie, this book is great to read to younger siblings! It keeps them enthralled, especially the ones who love princesses, snowmen, and winter wonderlands!
Profile Image for J.E..
Author 36 books59 followers
March 30, 2020
Listened to it with the kids. Cause watching Frozen, Frozen two, all the shorts, coloring Frozen pages, listening to music, and talking non-stop about Frozen isn't enough. Let me just say... WHY DOES THIS EXIST. It's literally word-for-word the movie, with no variation and no new information.
Profile Image for Ali.
718 reviews
September 4, 2014
Anna, a little girl couldn't sleep one night. She woke up Elsa. They started playing Elsa used her ice powers to make ice pillars so Anna could jump from pillar to pillar but she accsadently hit Anna with her magic.
Anna would be all right but Elsa had to hide her powers from Anna. Years and years went by and Elsa still didn't open her door for Anna.

One day the king and queen went on a ship but did not return because the ship sank into the waves in a fierce storm. The people of Airendale needed a new queen!

Elsa was going to be the new queen because she was the oldest daughter of the queen.

At the party where Elsa was going to become the knew queen she accsedently let out a streak of her icy magic. She fled to the mountains so she could be safe from the people who wanted to kill her.

Princess Anna went out to find her sister and she left prince Hans to stay in charge of the frozen kingdom while she was gone. On the way she met a man named Kristoff. Together they went on their way until a talking snowman showed up.
The snowman's name was Olaf, even though he was a snowman he dreamed of it being summer instead of being winter.

In the mountains Elsa she built an Ice castle for her to live in. She could finally let her ice powers be free like herself!

When Anna's horse came into Airendale without Anna, they let out a search party to find Elsa and Anna.

They found Elsa's ice castle though. Elsa let out some of her icy magic to make a snow monster to protect she and her ice palace. But unfortanetly the snow monster fell down a very steep cliff.
The search party thought Elsa was a monster so they tried to kill her.

Prince Hans saved Elsa's life. He asked her to bring back summer but she said that she didn't know how.

Anna on the other hand, she thought prince Hans was her true love. Kristoff was actually her true love.
Anna had to reach Kristoff.

Prince Hans had found Elsa and was going to slice her with the sword. Anna saved her with her last and greatest strength by flinging herself in front Elsa.

Before the sword could slice her, she turned to ice. Elsa saw her and wept over her while prince Hans was flung backwards into the ice and snow.

When Elsa wept over her frozen sister she and forgave her she suddenly thawed up and returned back to life!
The snow and ice melted and it was summer again! Olaf was melting but Elsa used her ice powers to make him to not melt in summer.

I love this book, and I've also watched the movie of frozen! It is the best movie ever! But I like the book just a bit more!
Profile Image for Leah.
1 review
November 30, 2013
Flew through this book it was so magical and excited to learn about the characters love it if u love disney and magical fairy tales then READ this book !! :)
Profile Image for سارة محمد سيف.
Author 6 books967 followers
February 12, 2022
ملخص قصير للفيلم مناسب كقصة قبل النوم للأطفال.
قرأتها كرواية عربي انجليزي على تطبيق أبجد.. بعدد صفحات أقل للنصف تقريبًا. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for venus paris.
39 reviews
November 7, 2022
I REMEMBER READINF THIS IN LRIMARY i cant believe it’s almost been a decade
Profile Image for Miss Ryoko.
2,657 reviews167 followers
March 26, 2016
I was very excited to see there was a Frozen chapter book that I could use at school. At the preschool I work at, I read chapter books before rest time with my class. And currently, my whole class is obsessed with Frozen (who isn't?), so when I saw this book in the Scholastic catalog, I ordered it right away.

I don't have much experience with movie novelizations, but I had very low expectations for the writing of this book. But it was only $5, and I knew my students would be super excited, so I didn't really care at how bad the writing might be. But I was actually quite pleasantly surprised at how decent this book was actually written. Of course, it had it's moments of dull writing and feeling like the majority of children's chapter books are written these days, but for all those moments, there were equal moments of great writing and rich vocabulary. I was pleased and thankful for the decent writing.

Now, if you are expecting an exact replication of the film in this book, proceed with caution if that is something that'll anger you. There were slight differences here and there with dialogue and scenes, obviously to make the book slightly different to hold interest. I think people who complain about movie adaptations being different or leaving things out will have the most problem with this. Adaptations of originals almost always need to be slightly altered to make it work. It's the way of the world people.... get over it. That's what I have to say about that.

But, however, if you have children or students who love Frozen, I do recommend this book for reading. The decent writing is hard to find these days in children's literature, so take it and run. It's already a subject children love, so of course they will want to read it.

Thumbs up!
Profile Image for Miss Pippi the Librarian.
2,644 reviews60 followers
July 21, 2014
As the title suggests, Frozen: The Junior Novelization is a written out story of the Disney movie Frozen which came out in 2013. The audio of Frozen the chapter book came out in 2014.

Overall the stories are very similar, but the novel fleshes out the storyline a bit more. The songs are not sung in the audio, but the atmosphere of the celebrations are mentioned. The story follows the movie closely, only two strange items were mentioned that caught my attention - Kristoff's wagon and someone wearing goggles. Those two items stood out for me, but all in all that is very minor. Frozen fans will enjoy another version of this popular movie. It is a chapter book, so it might be advanced for little listeners, but if the youngsters want to listen -- by all means share the story!

Andi Arndt narrators the Frozen story. She did a fine job. It was not overly exciting or dry and dull, but right in the middle. If readers are expecting the different characters voices, please remember that the book is read by one narrator. The voices will be slightly different from each other, but they won't be as different as a separate reader for each person.

Reviewed from an Audiobook Jukebox copy. Thank you, Blackstone Audio!
Profile Image for Hope Strickler.
5 reviews7 followers
March 31, 2016
I am writing about a book called frozen. It is about two girls named Elsa and Anna. And it was snowing and Elsa use her powers and mad it snow more but then Elsa struck Anna's head but the got better. After that there parents went on a boat and they died. After that it was Elsa and Anna's coronation but while that was happening they found out about Elisa's powers then she ran away. Then Anna went to find her and se did but then she got struck in her heart by Elsa and was dying and only true love can help. But then Anna got kissed and it did not work but the someone tied to kill Elsa because they thought she was bad. But then she was frozen and Elsa was alive. After that Anna got her true love and was alive
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
36 reviews
August 27, 2014
She did not like how they deviated from the movie. She didn't like the extra bits about the the sled being able to be a wagon. She was very adamant that they forgot to tell Olaf not to the touch the fire too.
January 21, 2014
Lol. Okay look. I know this is probably a kids book and all,but I wanted to read it. So I did. You got a problem with that? Cuz if you do then-uh......... I don't know..... Fix it?

April 3, 2014
Greatest movie ever

you know how to write a good and movie and a good book I think this should be on Broadway

Profile Image for Stephanie.
142 reviews
July 8, 2018
We are fans of the movie (my 3 girls & I) so we naturally wanted to read the book at bedtime 👌🏼
Profile Image for Joanna Loves Reading.
618 reviews259 followers
September 23, 2017
Cute story based on the movie. The narrator was clear and easy to listen to, nothing amazing but decent. I have problems with the storyline, as I do with the movie's, and there are no fun songs to make up for it here. Hans is and always will be a problematic character to me, and the biggest weakness of the story.
Profile Image for Billy.
343 reviews70 followers
July 3, 2020
Listened to the audiobook cause I was a bit sick (or hungover, who knows) and I needed something to keep me company. Found it a fun and nice adaptation. Most is exactly the movie (which I have seen more times the a 21 year old should have) which I appreciated. Liked the little side bits which gave a bit more information about our heroes.
Profile Image for Anjali.
86 reviews15 followers
August 26, 2020
Loved this book! It was fun to read it; light, easy and entertaining.

Olaf, the Snowman, I liked. One mistake that I found is in the beginning, at one point narration changes all of a sudden and that isn't right.

Other than this, the book is a quick fun read!

(Will update when watch the movie)
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