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Oath of Shimerian #2

Oath of Challenge: Conquering Kate

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Twenty-nine-year-old Kate is happily single and thoroughly independent. She thinks men are pretty much like expensive stockings...sexy when you first try them on, but apt to run like hell at the first snag. From bedroom to boardroom she's never met a man she couldn't handle. Tair will be no exception. She'll walk away smiling after two fun filled weeks of sex... Tair is a psychic warrior cop who's used to winning at whatever game he plays. He knows Kate's deepest fantasies. He knows what it will take to seduce her. And he knows this particular game is the most important one he'll ever play. "Definitely not to be missed." - Michelle Gann, The Word on Romance "This is the second book in Marly Chance's Oath series and I highly recommend both. This was a fun read from the beginning and I couldn't put it down." - Laura Lane for Sensual Romance

236 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Marly Chance

10 books41 followers
Award-winning author Marly Chance lives with her husband and young son in a small Tennessee town where truth is always stranger than fiction. She believes firmly in happy endings, chocolate, family and good friends.

When not writing, she stays busy persuading her toddler that the coffee table was not actually designed to be a trampoline or a teething toy. Her hobbies include reading, bowling and playing poker.

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9 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
February 10, 2014

Following the same formula as the first book where earth's government had signed an agreement with the planet Shimeria, in exchange for their advanced technology, human females were encouraged to sign a register to become mates to Shimerian males. At age 18 Kate had signed without realising the full implications of what this would mean to her future.

Many years later and now a successful lawyer Kate is called to take the oath. Having just watched her BF Sharon be called she's furious. Kate is nobody's fool and does not intend to give in to Tair the Shimerian warrior who is her prospective mate.

This was okay but tended to get straight to the sex, there was little else to this story except the battle of wills between Kate and Tair. I wasn't too keen on Kate at times she was more alpha than Tair, she was a bit too full of herself.
Overall this was just okay, it relied too much on the sex scenes at the expense of any plot.
There was supposed to be a third book in this series, as part of this book sets that story up. But for some reason known only to the author she has not written it.
Profile Image for Malinda.
1,852 reviews245 followers
October 1, 2014
3.5-4 stars

This was a pretty good story. I liked Kate and Tair and their story was sexy and very enjoyable. This is the first story I've read by this author and I liked it well enough that I'm likely to try more of her work in the future.

Kate is a no-nonsense lawyer that kicks butt and takes no names. Kate lost her parents at a young age and she mainly just has her brother, Gage and her BFF, Sharon (the heroine from book #1). Both Kate and Sharon registered when they were 18 but never actually thought they'd get called to Oath by an alien wanting to mate them. Kate has had fleeting relationships but she covers her tender heart with a tough shell and not many men stick around too long.

Tair is a cop on his world and brother to the hero from book #1. He is determined and very skilled and wants Kate but he's lost people in the past so he's not as willing to get him emotions involved when he mates.

When Sharon is due back from her challenge period, Kate has the papers ready and waiting to dissolve the temporary relationship (assuming her friend would never fall in love with and want to stay with an alien). Kate's surprised when she's told that Sharon isn't ending things but instead getting bonded and shocked to find out that Tair has called her in for the temporary period where he'll try to convince her to stay with him for good. Kate's unwilling to even think about it and chooses a challenge where Tair gets to tempt her for 2 weeks with no intercourse but lots of sexual discovery. If they have sex it's an automatic bonding but Kate's confident that she can hold out on Tair and just enjoy everything else. Things start out rather adversarial at first and the banter and the back and forth between Kate and Tair keeps things interesting outside of the bedroom as thing heat up in the bedroom. It takes some time and work on Tair's part to get Kate comfortable with things and beginning to like the possibility of her new life. Tair is surprised by his budding feelings for Kate and is determined to get her to return them and stay with him. There are some issues to get past, including Kate, but they manage to get through things and end the story starting their HEA.

This was a pretty enjoyable story. Kate and Tair were both characters with issues but they worked well together and I was happy to see them find each other. The story was mostly interpersonal relations and not much on the action side but it was still interesting enough to keep my attention. I'll probably go back and read book #1 as I'm now curious about Sharon's story. I'd recommend this story. :)
Profile Image for Jennifer.
180 reviews23 followers
May 11, 2010
I thought this book was "fun". I DID roll my eyes at the whole LINKING tho.

I got the "caveman" feeling about these books. You know, "me big he-man alien, you fragile human girl, you be w/ ME now" lol
I gave it 4 stars because it was a fun read. I laughed, I rolled my eyes, the sex scenes were great.

Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,372 reviews63 followers
February 14, 2017
Me ha gustado mas que el primero, pero tampoco es para tirar muchos cohetes

Muy muy hot, sexo para aburrir... pero me ha pasado como el otro, que no me ha enganchado

Profile Image for Holli.
576 reviews33 followers
June 8, 2016
Even though this one takes place weeks after the first book, I feel like I've missed something in where we find Kate. It's very jarring and I felt like I was about three or more steps behind where I should have been in what's thrown at me so soon. Then even more so by the vaguely insta-lovey reaction of Kate doing her best to climb inside Tair shortly after they are in a room together. Followed by her turning back into the over-the-top, biggest, baddest, most dangerous female in all of lawyer-dom. I found it ridiculous and Kate herself beyond annoying in her near-constant "I'll show you" attitude. I'm hard on books as they are a form of self-therapy for my ADHD and dyslexia and having them make me want to do everything else, or simply skim read instead of enjoying the trip the book wants to take me on, just aggrivates me. The prologue was also one big infodump and my eyes glazed over halfway through it, which didn't help in this. All in all, the book fell flat for me. As does the fact it sets up a book that never happened to cover the oath of capture.
Profile Image for J.A. Hornbuckle.
Author 20 books399 followers
March 23, 2013
Conquering Kate (Oath, Book Two)
I loved this book! A great set of characters with a storyline that stays interesting throughout the book. And the sex? Uh-huh, plenty of that as well. Yummy!
If your tastes, like mine, veer towards steamy alien-human connections, I fully recommend this book. Tair and Kate are both fiery people and to watch their romance develop was a treat. She thought she was getting two weeks of unbridled sex, he was looking for a full-life mate. Don't you just love it when the hero and heroine have different expectations of how their partnership is going to go. And the fact that Tair is 100% alpha just adds to the fun--because Kate is the kind of 'gal with control issues' that we all try to be!
I loved it and look forward to reading Marly Chance's other offerings.
Profile Image for L8blmr.
1,179 reviews12 followers
November 25, 2015
I wanted to love this book. It is not this author's fault that I have read so many absolutely wonderful paranormal novels, but it does mean that she and any other writers new to me are going to have to meet a higher standard. I feel Ms. Chance has great potential; some of her ideas were original and entertaining. However, I found some of the writing immature, and she tended to repeat herself (every character rolled his or her eyes too often).

If you are new to paranormal, this might not be a bad place to start; if you've read Ward or Cole, though, you might want to wait until Marly Chance steps up her game.
Profile Image for Kiki.
126 reviews
April 27, 2013
Como me gustó tanto la historia anterior no podía dejar de leer este libro tb. Si bien lo original ya pasó con la primera parte, esta novela fue muy buena también y además nos adentro aún mas a las costumbres shemerianas! Tengo ganas de mas...la autora dejó entrever q seguiría con esta saga...alguien sabe si lo hizo? Sería genial!
Profile Image for  Rosebud.
1,052 reviews194 followers
October 21, 2013
This has a "Taming Of The Shrew" quality story line. New to me author/series. Good story line and flow.

I'm a sucker for a good alien/sci fi read so had to grab this one when I found out about it. I did tag m/f & m/f/m but just so it's clear the core relationship is a m/f one but you know those aliens..... :D

Profile Image for Melissa.
124 reviews12 followers
March 29, 2012
I liked this book even more than the first one. Kate is very smart and determined and she gets into lots of amusing trouble. I love that she ends up fainting at the portal and at the sight of Tair's pet. I simply loved these characters. I look forward to the next one.
Profile Image for MK.
275 reviews21 followers
March 1, 2013
This story is better than the first. I like feisty heroine and even more resilient heroes. I now get why she doesn't want to put her trust to the hero. The author should also have a story to Gage, on if he is a shimerian or not.
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,282 reviews150 followers
July 26, 2011
3.5/5; 4 stars; B+

Another fun story. I hope that Marly Chance will write the third instalment.
Profile Image for Carolyn F..
3,491 reviews51 followers
August 26, 2011
These books are just okay to me. The story is predictable and you can pretty much guess what the ending is going to be. I'm giving it 3 stars because it was better than okay.
Profile Image for Angela.
275 reviews17 followers
January 31, 2012
I have a soft spot for this book. It was the first "Romantica" book I picked up and that was that! :)

I did enjoy this series as it combines my two loves scifi & erotica.
3,349 reviews36 followers
February 25, 2013
Great premise for a story... loved the whole Shimerian fantasy, especially how the main character 'fought her feelings' until the end. Now I need to read the rest in the series.
23 reviews
November 11, 2014
Loved both books! So annoyed that she introduces us to Cas and Jadik and then nada! If the author is reading this.... Please finish the series
Profile Image for Brittany.
3,356 reviews27 followers
February 2, 2014
Pretty good read love glad the hero admitted that he was in love first. Nice change of pace!
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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