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Please Note - this book contains some violence, language that some may find offensive and sexual situations.

The protection every child is owed was lost on Ella Munroe. Her tiny body was beaten, bruised, cut and bloodied. And the thing about pain, it demands to be felt……. While searching for affection, Ella gave away her body and her escape was found in drugs. Self-loathing led to self-destruction and she tried to cut that hate from herself. They say pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver; Ella had more strength and bravery than most. With her head down, scars covered and heart locked behind a wall of steel Ella ran. On the streets she may have found her freedom but she was still alone, until she found ‘Mercy’s’, until she found Jax.

Born a warrior, Jaxon Carter could intimidate with no more than a glance, but this warrior was not born to destroy, he was born to protect. To Jax, Ella was much more than a tiny beaten girl, Ella was an angel. Ella was Jax’s angel, she was his to protect and cherish. She was his to love and although Ella’s first instinct was to run, Jax made her yearn for things she had long forgotten. In capturing her heart, Jax freed Ella. In embracing her imperfections, Jax owned Ella. Sometimes though, you have to fight for love and sometimes blood is destined to run a river. Sometimes, hate trumps love.
All Jax had to do was keep Ella safe, it all seemed so easy….

“Your scars might remind you of where you’ve been angel, but they don’t have to dictate where you’re going.” ~ Jaxon Carter

324 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 23, 2013

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About the author

Kirsty Dallas

23 books762 followers
Just a girl who likes to write and stuff

Kirsty Dallas is an internationally acclaimed, bestselling author residing in the picturesque Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia.

Known for her unflinching honesty and masterful character development, Kirsty Dallas weaves stories that delve deep into unsettling themes, skillfully infusing heart-stopping action and a whirlwind of emotions into the pages of her books.

Kirsty's talent extends beyond the written word. She collaborated with renowned Australian director and screenwriter, Chris Sun, serving as a script editor and advisor on the horror feature film, "Boar," a chilling cinematic experience that was signed to Universal Pictures Australia and released to critical acclaim in 2018. Her commitment to the art of storytelling led her to further script editing roles, including Brendan Byrne's haunting thriller, "Our Social Playground," and co-writing "The Possessed," a globally-released sensation in 2022. Kirsty's latest cinematic endeavor, "Dark Moon," sees her once again contributing as a script editor and advisor, as it gears up for pre-production.

Kirsty Dallas continues to captivate readers and filmmakers alike with her passion for storytelling, promising more thrilling tales and cinematic adventures on the horizon.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews
254 reviews395 followers
July 14, 2013


As a child, Ella dreamed big.
Her art was her life, her Father her biggest supporter.
All that changed the night Ella's father died.
Her mother remarried EVIL and for the next 4 years, the Ella that once loved and had dreams, died.
The Ella that now existed was filled with hate.

~ Hate - to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility.
Such a powerful word, such a strong emotion. To live without hate must be bliss.~

After years of Abuse, and failed attempts at escape, Ella is bidding her time.
One night the Abuse is taken to whole new level, Ella refuses to be controlled no more. Ella fights. Fights for her life and runs.

~I ran, I escaped, I survived.~

Jax Carter has spent the last nine years serving his country.
Having seen so much pain, blood and hurt he still can't stay away from his mom’s shelter. Helping the beaten and solemn women who grace Mercy’s doorstep is his mission.

After 4 years on the run, Ella finds herself in front of Mercy's Shelter.
Jax saves her as she takes a fall on the ice.
Despite the size of Jax, Ella feels safe around him.

Jax can't seem to stay away from Ella. He is intrigued with her, and soon finds himself wanting more from her.

~"Jax, a man who barely knew me, knew none of my secrets, none of my dirty awful past, he had brought me a gift that pierced right through all the bullshit and wrapped itself right around my heart."~

Jax feels a connection to Ella, he wants to know who hurt her.
He feels protective over her and vows to help her overcome her past.
He vows to make her feel safe again.

~"Deep breaths angel, breathe with me baby. You're safe here. It's just you and me and you know I won't hurt you."~

Soon their connection is too hard to ignore.
They both felt it and need it.

~"This," he whispered, squeezing my hand. "This is a gift." His fingers then touched my face with reverence, running tenderly down my temples, tracing my scar and finally sweeping around my eyes which fluttered closed. "These," he brushed his thumbs gently over my eyelashes, his face so close I could feel his breath on my skin. "These see more truth than anyone I have ever known."
"And this," he pressed his hand over my chest, right over my heart. "This is the most beautiful thing in existence."~

It is a slow build between them.
Jax is patient and kind. Ella holds so much pain from her past and needs time.


~Please kiss me, I silently begged. He did, but not at all how I expected it. Jax took my hand once more and placed his warm soft lips to the centre of my palm. No one had ever kissed me in such a way. The kiss vanquished all ugliness and left me feeling raw, naked and beautiful. This kiss rocked my world like no other touch could. ~

Soon the fire between the two is blazing and Ella is the one that needs to take them to the next level.

~"I want you so bad Jax. Take me away from all of this, make me feel beautiful."~

I wasn't expecting too much steam, but wow the steam factor once they got there was just perfect. I loved it.

~"I'm greedy angel, I want to be in you when you come for me the first time. Next time it will be around my tongue." ~

They have a little struggle with Jax making a Douche mistake.
Normally you have to expect these things but… Man, Jax just broke my heart when he played that hand. I was like WTF?????
But bigger things come to head and soon more danger is in store for Ella. Will she run from her past again, when Jax is her future?

~"You don't scare me Jax Carter. I've been waiting a long time to find a man who could love me again. My heart is yours, so please be careful with it."~

I really enjoyed this. I have read a few intense books... but that prologue and 1st chapter owned me.
FUCK it was way intense my heart was pounding, I was seriously in freakout mode.
Marcus is a sick fuck and I wanted to stab in the face.

I loved all the secondary characters. I loved Mercy.
I can't wait for the next in the series.
Rebecca was a hoot!

Normally I'm a huge bossy alpha male fan, but Jax was sweet, kind, loving and swoon worthy.
His patience with Ella was so sweet and I fell in love with him as soon as he called her Angel.

I loved the Epilogue. Love me an epilogue.

Definitely a must read.

4.5 Stars

Buy it.
Read it.
Love it.

Follow my reviews @ Fab, Fun & Tantalizing Reads

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,487 reviews10.3k followers
June 4, 2013
5 Huge Heart Felt Stars..

This book had everything I loved in a story, could've been a dark tale of survival/death etc but this was just so beautifully written..Can't wait for book 2..

To anyone who has been/is being abused I hope you find the strength to get out and that you find your very own Angel..
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,907 reviews2,060 followers
August 17, 2013
Jointly reviewed for totallybookedblog.com


Gitte: This is the first book we’ve read by this Author isn’t it Jenny and wow, it was truly beautiful but so very heart-breaking and emotional. I loved the writing style, the story and the characters. It started with intensity and intrigue and had a near perfect relationship build up which never felt rushed. I just couldn’t put it down to begin with. I was swept away as Jax and Ella’s story unfolded and we learnt of their pasts. Ella’s just plain broke my heart.

“Somehow my heart already felt the weight of his loss. Without warning the most important thing in my world had been taken from me and I felt horribly alone.”

The one person she loved and who loved her in return is no longer in her life and everything she knows changes when she becomes a victim of cruelty and violence.

“Where Daddy’s eyes had been gentle, full of love and fun, Marcus’ eyes were full of ruthless hate and indifference.”

Jenny: Yes G, and don’t we just love it when we pick up that random book and we’re so richly rewarded with an engaging and wonderful story with characters that are so relatable.

I really liked this story about healing, finding strength in yourself and not being afraid to lean on someone, to know that there is someone out there who is willing to help, accepting it, knowing that you matter, and in the process opening your heart. The story flowed well and apart from a small part around the middle of the story where is seemed to drag, I was invested in Jax and Ella’s journey.

Gitte: Ella did everything she could to escape her home life; escape Marcus. She lived a wild and irresponsible life outside her front door as a defence mechanism, a survival tactic throwing defiance back at Marcus. I suppose in response to the horrific control, abuse and terror she suffered at his hand and mind. The feel of the knife, drugs, alcohol and sex numbing the real pain and hurt.

Every time Ella tries to escape and get away from the clutches of Marcus and the ignorance and obliviousness of her Mum, she’s rounded up and found by the various people Marcus has in his pocket. He has connections everywhere and Marcus wants Ella for unfathomable reasons.

When Ella finally manages to escape I think I held my breath until I knew she managed to do it, until I knew she was safe. My heart pounded and I was chanting ‘be safe’ in my head.

Enter Jax….and what an entry, I fell in love with this gentle but fierce giant of a man.

“It’s all in the eyes. No one can hide what lies there, but it takes someone special to be able to see it…”

He happens across Ella near the Women’s refuge where he works and which is run by his Mum. He sees an ‘Angel’ and brings her home. I just knew this was it, didn’t you Jenny, he’d keep her safe; he’d help her heal. But it wasn’t an easy journey for Ella who lives day to day not daring to plan ahead, the only plan being surviving. Nor was it an easy one for Jax really either. It was fraught with drama and violence; fear and issues of trust.

“…from the pits of despair they shall rise stronger.”

There was so much beauty in the midst of the ugly. I had tremendous respect for Ella, she was so strong and independent yet so very broken inside. She had been beaten down; a woman living in a shell trying to survive whilst running from pain and violence. Trying re-build a sense of normality. Just trying to live life; a basic right. Just wanting to feel safe.

“These were mine, I pointed to the light scars that laced my forearms like a horrifying web of pain. They were my lowest point….I pointed to the deep ugly scars on each wrist. This was him. He drugged me, and he cut me. He told me it was to prove that he owned me and controlled me.”

Her story really broke my heart and made me fall in love with her saviour Jax who’s got his own demons!!

Wasn’t Jax an amazing man Jenny?! A heart of pure gold, a patience that knew no end and a protective streak and humanity that was proven time and time again. He was a hero in so many ways wasn’t he?!

“Please let me protect you…”

So yeah, I loved this story, I only had a few issues of the middle dragging and the 4 missing years, but overall I thought this was a beautiful and gut-wrenching story of overcoming a horrific past, healing and giving and accepting love and trust.

“I don’t really know what normal is….”

Jenny: Jax was certainly amazing Gitte, and like you, I had so much respect for Ella. This girl was indeed a survivor. Ella had suffered and been made to feel insignificant at the hands of a cruel and evil man. Marcus…grrrr I hated that man with a passion. But Ella is made of stern stuff and would make the the choice that might eventually save her life when she finally escapes Marcus’s clutches. Jax would enter her life at a time she was at her lowest. He would offer her the salvation she so desperately craved.

“That’ s it angel. You’re safe.”

Hearing both voices via the alternative POV’s really did allow me to connect with both Ella and Jax. Each had such an engaging voice and I found myself looking forward both POV’s equally.

Ella was such a troubled girl, but she showed such strength and courage and this girl would not be broken. Her past has made her vulnerable and her lack of self esteem is understandable considering what she had experienced but Ella always fought through.

Jax…..Gitte, you know how much I loved this man. He had forged his own battles, fought them and instead of becoming jaded, he became the saviour of so many and especially Ella who would also have his heart.

“And this.” He pressed his hand over my chest, right over my heart. “This is the most beautiful thing in existence.”

This man brought me to my knees. He was so beautiful inside and out. This mountain of a man with the kind and giving heart completely won me over.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Saving Ella. . I was completely invested, I loved the main and secondary characters and can’t wait to devour more of their stories in the next installment of the Mercy’s Angels series. As each book is about different characters, this can be read as a stand alone.
Profile Image for Desiree Mosley - A Love Affair With Books.
537 reviews44 followers
May 29, 2013
This may be the second hardest review I have ever written. Why? Because honestly with me, when I read a book that takes amazing to a whole other level, it feels like an absolute impossibility to put your thoughts and emotions into a couple of paragraphs. When the only negative thing you can find to say about a book is that it ended, you know that you've got an amazing story on your hands.

With Saving Ella, that is just what this was....AMAZING! Kirsty created two characters with painful backgrounds but gave them both the opportunity to take their pain and do something with it and even inspire others along the way.

To read the rest of my review, please visit the blog at A Love Affair With Books.
Profile Image for Kirsty Dallas.
Author 23 books762 followers
April 26, 2013
I think it was A-Mazing... but I may be bias ;-)

Hopefully I will have a release date soon!!! Cover shoot booked for May 18th, so it will follow on the heels of that..

Please add to your 'want to read' list... You will not be disappointed!!
Profile Image for Tash.
103 reviews51 followers
January 24, 2019

I haven't been able to find a book to captivate me lately but this was great, i couldnt put it down. It wasnt perfect but i definitely want to see more of these characters.
Profile Image for Stacie.
176 reviews13 followers
June 16, 2013
Gut wrenching. Heart breaking. Motivating. Beautiful.

This book was exactly what I needed; an emotional storyline with a beautiful HEA. I absolutely loved every page. It came as such a pleasant surprise too. I bought it on a whim without hearing much about it. It had me hooked... I mean HOOKED from the prologue.

Ella lost her father at the age of 13 and was physically and mentally abused by her douche hole of a step father for years. Girl had been through more shit than any one person should ever have to experience. Jax is a soldier with the absolute biggest heart ever. He helps out at a shelter for abused women. It is there that Jax and Emma's story begins.

Jax and Ella are so incredibly beautiful together. Together they are strong, resilient, and determined; an absolutely perfect combination.

Thank goodness there will be more books in this series. I absolutely can't wait for Rebecca and Charlie's story.

Only thing this author needs is a good editor (common thing for indie authors). There were many grammatical errors but it absolutely did not take away from the story.

Highly recommend. 5 well deserved stars.
Profile Image for Kylie.
26 reviews
May 5, 2013
OMG...What an amazing story. It had everything, drama, laughter and passion. It made me chuckle to myself, shed a tear and even made my heart do that fluttering thing that only comes when reading a good book. It's one of those novels that is impossible to put down and leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy. I love a H.E.A romance and LOVE, LOVE Jax! (Swoon, my new book boyfriend)
Profile Image for Bethany.
189 reviews28 followers
December 4, 2013

“You’re having one of those moments of irrational and foolish thoughts that men are prone to, you’re being a domineering asshat Jax.”

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life.”

Saving Ella had me from the very start. I mean I can’t even say the first chapter, because it was the prologue! I read it and I was GLUED. The idea of a traumatized heroine gets me, every time. Kirsty did an amazing job with the characters, and the development of the storyline. Not once did I get confused or have to think back to another page. For Kirsty’s first book, I can’t even tell you how floored I am with this novel. I don’t want to say I don’t expect much from a new indie author, cause that’s not the case. However there were virtually no mistakes, the stories continuance was flawless, and the dual POV was perfection.

I fell in love with Ella. Even though I haven’t been through half of what she has, Ella is a completely relatable character. I was simply amazed by her determination, strength, resilience, and her will to fight. Even though she was horribly brutalized by a man, she still had the capability within herself to love again. I can’t even imagine what life is like on the run… to look over your shoulder constantly. To KNOW that someone is always looking for you, never giving up on the thrill to find you and hurt you again.

As for Ella’s love interest, his name is Jax. He is now my love interest as well. HOT DAMN what a book boyfriend he is! Blond hair, Grey eyes, Tall, SOLDIER, and helps at a women’s shelter?! Score. Jax is a haunted by his past in the military, and definitely has his own plate of shit to deal with. Working at Mercy’s shelter isn’t his only job, but he likes to spend most of his time there. He was always protective of the women that entered the shelter, but when he found Ella, he knew she was different. Jax made it his object to keep her safe.

Saving Ella is brilliantly written. Kirsty I can’t even tell you how much I loved this book, since I couldn’t do the emotions I had while reading this ANY type of justice. This is one of those novels that just stands out. You can’t even reel in your emotions, let alone write them down. It’s taken me almost a week to write this review cause I just can’t keep my thoughts in check. YES. It was THAT good. The witty banter between the characters, the steamy and angst ridden scenes of pure unadulterated lust, the raw emotions, and the happiness just blew my mind.

I seriously can’t wait to read Kirsty’s next novels. Yet another author has been added to my list of authors to buy without hesitation or looking at synopsis. Note: this list isn’t very long, but If I keep finding authors like Kirsty – Oh boy am I in trouble! I’m also going to mention that Kirsty just happened to mention THE READING VIXENS in her acknowledgements!!! How freaking cool is that? I didn’t even know until after I read it! What an amazing surprise for us. Our FIRST book acknowledgement and I could not be happier. What a perfect book to be acknowledged in. Oh, and a word of advice – get this sooner than later!! Soon it’ll be a Best seller on so many different lists. I totally won’t be surprised when I see this on USA Today, or NY Times. By the way… Kirsty, I effing love you! You are my favorite Aussie of ALL time. (Female, anyways)
Profile Image for Tana.
619 reviews212 followers
March 8, 2016
Saving Ella (Mercy's Angels #1) by Kirsty Dallas

This is the first time I have read a book written by Kirsty Dallas and I thoroughly enjoyed reading Saving Ella. Kirsty Dallas's writing is great, I couldn't put this book down.

Ella has a lot to overcome and at times the book was hard to read as you feel so bad for the life Ella had, but she escaped and found the love of her life. Of course there is way more to the story and its so worth reading. Oh and Jaxon Carter a man who every woman would want! The book description says it all.

I have given Saving Ella 4 stars and now I am reading the entire Mercy's Angels series. I haven't stopped reading. Love it!!!
December 5, 2017
Good concept. But the overall writing style was so unimpressive, the character development so cliche, the grammar so bad, and the dialogue so stilted it was shockingly hard to read. I'm sorry, but I never DNF and I DNF'd on this book. It feels as if it was published without an editor.
Profile Image for Melissa.
108 reviews
January 3, 2017
I would most definitely give this book a higher rating; however, while I fully enjoyed the storyline, the blatant horrible typos, grammatical errors, and missing words made it a very difficult read.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,093 reviews940 followers
August 17, 2013
Jointly Reviewed on: http://totallybookedblog.com/2013/08/...


Gitte: This is the first book we’ve read by this Author isn’t it Jenny and wow, it was truly beautiful but so very heart-breaking and emotional. I loved the writing style, the story and the characters. It started with intensity and intrigue and had a near perfect relationship build up which never felt rushed. I just couldn’t put it down to begin with. I was swept away as Jax and Ella’s story unfolded and we learnt of their pasts. Ella’s just plain broke my heart.

“Somehow my heart already felt the weight of his loss. Without warning the most important thing in my world had been taken from me and I felt horribly alone.”

The one person she loved and who loved her in return is no longer in her life and everything she knows changes when she becomes a victim of cruelty and violence.

“Where Daddy’s eyes had been gentle, full of love and fun, Marcus’ eyes were full of ruthless hate and indifference.”

Yes G, and don’t we just love it when we pick up that random book and we’re so richly rewarded with an engaging and wonderful story with characters that are so relatable.

I really liked this story about healing, finding strength in yourself and not being afraid to lean on someone, to know that there is someone out there who is willing to help, accepting it, knowing that you matter, and in the process opening your heart. The story flowed well and apart from a small part around the middle of the story where is seemed to drag, I was invested in Jax and Ella’s journey.

Gitte: Ella did everything she could to escape her home life; escape Marcus. She lived a wild and irresponsible life outside her front door as a defence mechanism, a survival tactic throwing defiance back at Marcus. I suppose in response to the horrific control, abuse and terror she suffered at his hand and mind. The feel of the knife, drugs, alcohol and sex numbing the real pain and hurt.

Every time Ella tries to escape and get away from the clutches of Marcus and the ignorance and obliviousness of her Mum, she’s rounded up and found by the various people Marcus has in his pocket. He has connections everywhere and Marcus wants Ella for unfathomable reasons.

When Ella finally manages to escape I think I held my breath until I knew she managed to do it, until I knew she was safe. My heart pounded and I was chanting ‘be safe’ in my head.

Enter Jax….and what an entry, I fell in love with this gentle but fierce giant of a man.

“It’s all in the eyes. No one can hide what lies there, but it takes someone special to be able to see it…”

He happens across Ella near the Women’s refuge where he works and which is run by his Mum. He sees an ‘Angel’ and brings her home. I just knew this was it, didn’t you Jenny, he’d keep her safe; he’d help her heal. But it wasn’t an easy journey for Ella who lives day to day not daring to plan ahead, the only plan being surviving. Nor was it an easy one for Jax really either. It was fraught with drama and violence; fear and issues of trust.

“…from the pits of despair they shall rise stronger.”

There was so much beauty in the midst of the ugly. I had tremendous respect for Ella, she was so strong and independent yet so very broken inside. She had been beaten down; a woman living in a shell trying to survive whilst running from pain and violence. Trying re-build a sense of normality. Just trying to live life; a basic right. Just wanting to feel safe.

“These were mine, I pointed to the light scars that laced my forearms like a horrifying web of pain. They were my lowest point….I pointed to the deep ugly scars on each wrist. This was him. He drugged me, and he cut me. He told me it was to prove that he owned me and controlled me.”

Her story really broke my heart and made me fall in love with her saviour Jax who’s got his own demons!!

Wasn’t Jax an amazing man Jenny?! A heart of pure gold, a patience that knew no end and a protective streak and humanity that was proven time and time again. He was a hero in so many ways wasn’t he?!

“Please let me protect you…”

So yeah, I loved this story, I only had a few issues of the middle dragging and the 4 missing years, but overall I thought this was a beautiful and gut-wrenching story of overcoming a horrific past, healing and giving and accepting love and trust.

“I don’t really know what normal is…”

Jenny: Jax was certainly amazing Gitte, and like you, I had so much respect for Ella. This girl was indeed a survivor. Ella had suffered and been made to feel insignificant at the hands of a cruel and evil man. Marcus…grrrr I hated that man with a passion. But Ella is made of stern stuff and would make the the choice that might eventually save her life when she finally escapes Marcus’s clutches. Jax would enter her life at a time she was at her lowest. He would offer her the salvation she so desperately craved.

“That’s it angel. You’re safe.”

Hearing both voices via the alternative POV’s really did allow me to connect with both Ella and Jax. Each had such an engaging voice and I found myself looking forward both POV’s equally.

Ella was such a troubled girl, but she showed such strength and courage and this girl would not be broken. Her past has made her vulnerable and her lack of self esteem is understandable considering what she had experienced but Ella always fought through.

Jax…Gitte, you know how much I loved this man. He had forged his own battles, fought them and instead of becoming jaded, he became the saviour of so many and especially Ella who would also have his heart.

“And this.” He pressed his hand over my chest, right over my heart. “this is the most beautiful thing in existence.”

This man brought me to my knees. He was so beautiful inside and out. This mountain of a man with the kind and giving heart completely won me over.

I would have no hesitation in recommending Saving Ella. . I was completely invested, I loved the main characters and secondary characters and can’t wait to devour more of their stories in the next instalment of the Mercy’s Angels series. As each book is about different characters, this can be read as a stand alone.

Profile Image for Ana Oh.
654 reviews13 followers
August 9, 2018
Good Story

The story was good, but the writing could be improved. The author is clearly gifted; she only needs a little help shining up her ideas.
Profile Image for Rosie Siemer.
140 reviews4 followers
August 13, 2016
Some books just suck you right in from the very beginning! The prologue in this did exactly that! I was hooked! I was terribly saddened by the life Ella was suffering though, the cards she had been dealt were heartbreaking. But at the same time I was amazed at her strength, her resilience, her determination to live. Ella was a fighter!

"My life had become some sort of sick, twisted game and the winner would be the best player. Marcus playing the part of an anxious concerned parent and I playing the part of an indifferent and sullen teenager. He and I were the only players in this game and for a while, he had defeated me. I was ready to give up and he would have won. That was a moment of true clarity for me. If my life was to be a game, then I’d be damned if I would let Marcus Fairmont win!"

As a soldier Jax has witnessed things that most of us are fortunate enough to never have to know about, think about, let alone remember. He has been brought down to his knees, but his strength and determination to change and not continue down a path of self destruction is admirable. He not only volunteers at his Mum's shelter for Women but he also helps to keep the shelter going using his own funds. Jax is a born protector!

"It never ceased to astound me the people who found themselves on the
streets, homeless, abused. A fucked up life was not discriminatory. Young, old, rich, poor, plain or beautiful, bad shit could happen to anyone. I hated that my world was full of women who had been
harmed by men."

This storyline itself was brilliant. However it was made even better with the way it was written. The characters felt real, raw, we felt their emotions, their highs and lows. Their language was honest, unrestrained and at times crude. The harsh reality of life is often easy to ignore, but it is always there!

"Tonight I saw the entire truth in his eyes, the panic, the fear, the pain, the desire, and the love. He didn’t care if I was too thin, or not thin enough. He didn’t see my scars as ugly, he didn’t want my face
hidden behind layers of makeup. Jax wanted me as I was, broken, flawed and honest. And never before had I been so utterly consumed and owned as I was by Jax."

To view my blog 'Rosie's Reading' http://rsiemer.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Renee.
1,224 reviews24 followers
December 4, 2013
The protection every child is owed was lost on Ella Munroe. Her tiny body was beaten, bruised, cut and bloodied. And the thing about pain, it demands to be felt……. While I absolutely love the realistic way the book is written, I know it isn't for everyone. It is one of the books that I loved and I WANT everyone else to love it too. Ella was so tormented, it was sometimes hard to read parts of the book. That is the first sign that the author did a wonderful job, making it that real!

The journey of this young girls life was very well put together, the plot was strong as well as the lead. The supporting cast lends just the right amount of love and tough love. The owner of the shelter where Ella winds up is Mercy, hence the name. I liked her because she was the epitome of a strong tough business woman. Who can run a woman's shelter and not be tough?

Ella meets Jax at the shelter, unsure, scared and lonely, he notices her need right away, but recognizes the pain too. Ella doesn't know affection and when faced with some budding friendships, she doesn't know what to do. She never had a friend, confidant, or lover.

This is going to be an amazing series. Since I read Breeze of Life, I liked the author and her style. Although this is not the same type of novel, it shares a lot of the boldness. I applaud her for the realistic way she portrays Ella. Please Note - this book contains some violence, language that some may find offensive and sexual situations.
“Tonight I saw the entire truth in his eyes, the panic, the fear, the pain, the desire, and the love. He didn’t care if I was too thin, or not thin enough. He didn’t see my scars as ugly, he didn’t want my face
hidden behind layers of makeup. Jax wanted me as I was, broken, flawed and honest. And never before had I been so utterly consumed and owned as I was by Jax.”
Profile Image for Say.
1,266 reviews49 followers
June 9, 2013
I've read this a few days ago and since my son is sick I haven't had time to do a decent review. So here is it:

I came across this book and reading it's (long) blurb I was instantly intrigued. Well, for one I love stories on abuse and how the character deals with it and how he/she conquers it in the end. Second, I love stories wherein a girl who was abuse has a knight in shining armor (a big oaf with a big heart) and sweeps her off her feet and protects her with his life. This is a great example of that.

I LOVE Ella. Her courage and strength was beyond words with what she had to endure under her step father. She didn't give up instead she found hope in the hell she is living in. And of course there is Jax. Oh how I love him! He epitomizes your "knight in shining armor." He's big (like an oaf), he has compassion, he is a good son, a good friend and overall he is a guy with a big heart. Not to mention he is H.O.T.!!! what more can you ask for. I love how the relationship between the two developed. The only reason I gave it a four star rating was......I wish for Marcus (Ella's stepfather) to have had a long and painful death.

Can't wait for the second book....Rebecca and Charlie!!!
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews472 followers
July 29, 2013
The plot

Jax served in the army...

Now he's helping his mum at the women's shelter...

Ella is running away from her past...

Her step father...

The two meet...

Will Jax be able to save Ella from her past?

My thoughts

I think one of the best opening chapters I've read in a while. It drew me in and from the very beginning you just knew how the story was going to play out. Though it didn't stop the adrenaline pumping as I was getting towards the end.

It is an insta kinda of love which bugs me at times but I found this couple really cute together.

My heart is yours so please be careful with it

Would have loved Jax to be a bit more broken considering his ex-army life.

I felt the story did slow down a bit in the middle but overall a great read and there is a nice scene set for Rebbeca and Charlie's book. Looking forward to it x
Profile Image for Joanne.
344 reviews9 followers
December 7, 2013
A friend recommended this book to me....and I absolutely loved it. Our heroine, Ella, endures so much in her life yet remains strong. There are no indecisive whiney characters in this book and the story is full of everything you want in a book, you will laugh, cry, you will raise your fist and want to punch fictional characters. Read this book, you will not be disappointed.

I cannot Thank you enough.... Desiree for recommending this
Profile Image for Vee girl .
74 reviews4 followers
June 3, 2013
Was torn between a 5.0 or 4.5 because it was that good. Intense, gripping reality hits you hard with grief, violence but the journey here is very moving. A lovely story of love, trust and knowing what is important. Go for it, give it a read and enjoy the journey! Cheers to the author! Looking for to the next chapter of Rebecca and Charlie!
2 reviews
April 27, 2013
A great read! I enjoyed the story line. I didn't lose interest while reading it, which I do if not drawn in by the first couple of chapters. It made me laugh and shed a tear too!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,028 reviews967 followers
June 7, 2014
Review coming...
Profile Image for Coozie.
89 reviews6 followers
August 16, 2018
I have nothing to say that *this* review didn’t capture perfectly. This was simply not good. Not good at all, which is a shame because, like this reviewer basically said, she had the right idea....

Completely failed on execution.

Read Bookcrazy ~ So what? I'm still a rock star~'s 2-star review of Saving Ella by Kirsty Dallas
Profile Image for Arlene.
600 reviews5 followers
March 25, 2019
A feel good story - about friendship, dreams coming true and surviving in this crazy world.
Profile Image for Bookslapped.
30 reviews79 followers
June 4, 2013
Wow, this book completely took me by surprise with its awesomeness! I thoroughly enjoyed reading Ella and Jax’s journey. This is an absolutely beautiful story about survival, learning to leave your past in the past and live life without regrets and letting in the love that everyone deserves, especially the love you need to have for yourself. Ella is a beautiful, deep character, she is a fighter and a survivor and determined to make the best of a terrible situation. She never gives up, perseveres and has a beautiful, strong heart because of it. Jax is an amazing character as well. He served his country multiple times, came back and still serves those in his community by helping out at his mother’s shelter for abused women and children. His compassion for everyone that passes through Mercy’s shelter doors will melt your heart, especially when he meets Ella and the lengths he will go to protect her. I totally fell in love with Jax’s character! He is definitely book boyfriend worthy. What a man, what a man, what mighty good (and hot!) man :)

“‘Woo, as in date, as in force you to see what a catch I am and make you want me so bad I will consume your every thought. One day at a time Ella, I’m going to give you a future, and you’re going to trust me with your heart.’ Holy shit, I couldn’t tell Jax Carter this, but he already owned my heart.” -Kirsty Dallas, Saving Ella

One dark, snowy night four years into her run from her abusive step-father, Marcus, Ella feels drawn to the city of Claymont, so she hops on a bus and ends up lost in a snow storm with nowhere to go when she arrives. Just as she slips on some ice on the sidewalk, Jax decides to make sure there is no one waiting outside before he locks up for the night. He finds Ella flat on her back and helps her inside and convinces her to stay the night to wait out the storm. Although Ella is not much for charity, she relents and accepts the hot shower, warm plate and comfy bed he offers her in the shelter. Ella immediately begins pitching in helping Jax with laundry and dishes to pull her own weight during her stay at the shelter. In the weeks that come, they form a special bond and grow to trust each other with even their deepest, darkest secrets. Jax soon grows to feel extremely protective of Ella wants to help protect her from the evil man that marred her past with pain, ugliness and despair. But will his efforts be enough?! Will Marcus hunt her down and finish what he started all those years ago? You have to read it to find out! This book definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat, constantly wondering when and how Ella’s new life may come to a screeching halt and how, or if, she will be able to overcome it this time.

“Perhaps it was something other than sheer luck that brought you to us the night of the storm.”
“Like fate?” I wondered. Mercy smiled.
“Maybe…maybe you will be as good for him as he is for you…” -Kirsty Dallas, Saving Ella

Kirsty’s writing flows effortlessly, she interjects humor in just the right places to break up the seriousness of this book’s topic and includes a good amount of hot and steamy between this loving couple who are so drawn to each other. I think it is really brave of her to write about a topic like abuse, which sadly happens everyday and is way too often swept under the rug and ignored. It’s so important to be reminded as Kirsty quotes at the end of her book to “never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life.” I loved this book and would recommend it to everyone. It gets 4.5 bookslaps! This is the first one in the Mercy’s Angels series and I can’t wait read book #2 about Jax and Ella’s friends, Charlie and Rebecca. I have a feeling a lot more secrets are going to be revealed in this one! This is also Kirsty’s debut novel, so be sure to show this awesome Aussie author some love guys! Happy reading! XO, J
Displaying 1 - 30 of 205 reviews

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