Telisa Relachik studied to be a xenoarchaeologist in a future where humans have found alien artifacts but haven't ever encountered live aliens. Recruited by a group of artifact smugglers, Telisa endures deadly opposition on her first expedition and comes out an experienced explorer. Struggling to sell the artifacts found on their expedition to the Trilisk ruins, Telisa and Magnus fear reprisal by the world government. Because of their harrowed existence, they are receptive when the alien they call Shiny resurfaces and offers them the chance to scavenge his war-torn homeworld. Their Shiny's robotic nemeses, the Bel Klaven. Telisa and Magnus feel up to the challenge, but does Shiny have a hidden agenda? Meanwhile, a new team forms to hunt down the smugglers... The Trilisk AI is the second book in the Parker Interstellar Travels series.
I am a software engineer in Silicon Valley who dreams of otherworldly creatures, mysterious alien planets, and fantastic adventures. I'm also an indie author with over 150,000 paid sales and another 150,000 free downloads.
Enjoyed the continuing story of the Telisa and friends. It's a good 3.5* stars, but not quite as good as the first..seemed a little disjointed in parts, but I will probably still continue reading the stories...they are easy, fun and interesting so far, although I can see that there are quite a few books and I hope they don't get repetitive...
I enjoyed this book as much as the first, The Trilisk Ruins, which is to say it was a fun read. The story contines where the first left off and runs. Telisa and Magnus are on the lam and in short order have a new mission and a pursuer. I quite like the dynamics of the relationship between Shiny and the humans: complex and fraught with uncertainty. I also find the technology in the story quite fascinating.
Because of the delay between reading The Trilisk Ruins and this sequel I was wishing for a few more reminders of the events that took place in the former. But overall I quite enjoyed it.
This review war originally published through Invincible Love of Reading under Kurt's Frontier.
Synopsis: This is the second book of the Parker Interstellar Travels series. It is about Telisa Relachik. In book one, due to the restrictive nature of her profession as a xenoarchaeologist by the world government, Telisa throws her lot in with a group of smugglers in order to practice her trade and search for the coveted artifacts of the Trilisk. This proves to be a baptism by fire as she is only one of two survivors of the expedition. They are aided by an alien creature they dubbed Shiny.
The second book opens with Telisa and her lover Magnus living a life on the edge, fearing the world government’s reprisal for stealing artifacts out from under their noses. They find themselves reunited with Shiny. A faction of Shiny’s people picked a fight with a race allied the Bel Klaven. The Bel Klaven have used robotic weapons to ravage Shiny’s home world leaving his race all but extinct. Shiny offers them a chance to scavenge the remains of his destroyed world. In exchange, he wants an artifact that will allow him to start over. Their concern: Shiny is obviously not telling them everything.
At the same time, Telisa’s father, a former navy captain, is hunting for his daughter.
The Review: Michael McCloskey has spun a tail of one possible future of humanity, where people are hooked into virtual reality through neurological implants. The mystery of the Trilisk people is a constant theme throughout the stories. The story is a fast paced one with surprises around every corner as Telisa and Magnus make their way into the underground city of Shiny’s world with Bel Klaven machines constantly looking for signs their work isn’t finished. Telisa and Magnus also have to contend with the fact that Shiny isn’t a human and thinks very differently. The reader will find this a very entertaining and exciting book.
I enjoyed this book. It is the next book in the saga of the Trilisk. Telisa and Magnus are wanted by the Space Force as well as by a detective that has been hired to find them. They are mainly interested in Telisa. The adventure is quite good and I'm sure you will like it as well as I did.
Solid book. Naturally, a continuation of the first one, and while it does feature characters investigating/puzzling their way through matters a la the first, it takes a different shade of tone here (And now I'm actually interested in learning more about the Trilisks). Pretty consistent with the first novel, although there is what looks like one minor retcon worked into the manuscript.
But, more than just the Trilisks, we also see a (slightly) larger scope of the setting. However, there were not a lot of other characters introduced in this book, at least of any real consequence. The book closely follows its two main protagonists - and only its main protagonists - even as the universe is gearing up for war. This may be intentional for a variety of reasons, I don't hold it against the book, but at the moment the war certainly feels like a backdrop item rather than anything of real consequence.
This one is also much more obviously a setup for/lead in to McCloskey's next coming book in the series. On the one hand plot and character advancement both definitely get done in this novel, but on the other - perhaps because of said coming war - I can't help but feel it was flying a holding pattern for the next Trilisk book.
Maybe when we can buy all three in one volume it'll feel a bit more... whole.
As a miscellaneous note, I liked the point about prayer.
Telisa, Magnus and the alien set out for the alien's devastated planet to recover a powerful artifact. A big drop in quality from the opener: the author starts up a subplot about Telisa's father tracking her down and then abruptly, arbitrarily drops him from the story (apparently); there are a number of detailed VR rehearsals for various exploits that do absolutely nothing to advance the plot or provide insight into the characters; the eventual expedition down to the surface and below is a succession of encounters with inscrutable seemingly random alien creatures and structures so protracted that I became bored and just started skimming...and that's the climax! I'll start the next episode, I guess....
I have never read, outside of terrible fanfics, worse dialogue. The omniscient narrator makes it even worse, with the internal thought process. It's not even funny anymore. It's like an actual alien wrote this.
The alien itself is interesting, but I find hard to believe an entire technological race that can't understand natural law. It's like Space Drow with their chronic backstabbing disorder.
I like how quite ingenious tech is put into context with only a little extra explanation. Michael avoids the old trap of actually explaining too much of how it works, he focus more on what it does. The extra star is much Shinys doing, I really their relationship in cooperative mode.
I actually finished this a while ago but forget exactly when. It is book two in the series and, like many serialized stories, I see a sameness appearing. The adventure is good enough and the characters are still OK, but not a lot is added to the long story arc. It was not quite good enough to make me want to read another.
Suffers from a wandering plot, weak character development (if any), and a general inability to hold the reader's attention. This comes across as a book that was written too quickly.
For a book about exoarcheology, McCloskey spends an awful lot of time going over VR training. I wouldn't mind a book about VR training but this isn't it.
I gave this book 3/5 stars because I found it to be insanely uneven. It consisted of two stories that came together in the end and without going to spoiler territory, I found how they came together incredibly disappointing. I started reading this series because I was promised xeno-archaeology, something I find endlessly fascinating, but one story is anything but this and I found that part to drag, almost unrelentingly so. It simply wasn't interesting to see how Telisa's father was running around trying to get to her. The fact that it ended in a massive letdown didn't help.
The ending in general was just... weird. Something is clearly being set up, lots of future conflict and drama, but I just found it... anticlimactic, somehow. It could've been wrapped up so much better but instead it felt like just another chapter end, not an ending to a book.
But all of that said, when they were down on Shiny's homeworld, digging through the remnants of his civilization, I was quite gripped. It wasn't as interesting as the first book, there wasn't as much mystery and nothing to really solve. And some parts felt like they were just there to pad the page number but that's fine. The only mystery in question came in towards the end and felt more like something was being set up for the next book. Or several future books. Still, I enjoyed it. I was about halfway through when I got tired of the B-plot and was on the verge of deciding not to pick up the next few books but I'm not sufficiently invested again that I'll probably take a peek at the sequel sometime soon.
Hopefully that one is less B-roll and more A-game. Get it? Ahhhh, I crack me up.
Edit: Oh, minor note. I thought for the longest time the book was actually called Trilisk A+ because of the cover.
The first book in this story got my attention with a solid plot and good characters. I like Telisa and Magnus and particularly like Shiny. I’m a little disappointed with the ending of this book though. I also am a little frustrated with some things that feel like gaping holes in the plot from time to time and also some poor descriptions of the environment and situation that leave me skimming over some of the action sequences with little or no real understanding of what is really happening.
McCloskey has a good plot and decent characters, but needs work on illustrating the scenes in which the story takes place. Also I feel like the characters are two dimensional and make illogical or bad decisions too often and it sucks some of the FUN out of the story.
I don’t read sci-fi for Shakespearean plots or artistry. I read it for fun and too many times, the story isn’t fun enough for my taste. It isn’t fun when too many important players die too often. This isn’t Game of Thrones, let’s let ‘em work and let ‘em live.
I think Arthur C. Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology would be almost indistinguishable, to a less advanced race, from Pure Magic”, ( or approximately so), Mc Closkey takes that one step further in this volume by inferring also perhaps indistinguishable from being a God!
This is not only a good Sci-Fi action story, but a thoughtful, deeper look, into the possibilities of how ancient Alien Technology could have influenced Earth’s religious Old Testament icons, and mans concept of good and evil.
This has been a very good read. It has everything that a science-fiction reader would want. Aliens that tap dance to communicate all the way to an alien factor which is unknowable at this point of the story. The heroine is a runaway from a politically powerful father and is living life on her own terms. She has been the first person in the series to really deal with aliens of this variety. Many twists.
There is good action in this 2nd in a series. Though not a cliff-hanger, the reader is left with questions. Is the purported ally really cooperating or is there competition? Maybe both? Alien artifacts and actual aliens lead the reader to want to find out what's going to happen next
Going home with an alien is a real adventure when that world has been invaded by another race of aliens who killed all planet side natives without mercy. Now to get what they came for and get out alive. So much conflict and deceit going on. This book was hard to put down. Looking forward to next installment in series.
Fantastic work. Very interesting alien species. Great "hard science fiction" book. Some really novel ideas. Sometimes for me a little of the character interactions fall flat, but I love it overall.
Not as clean as first book, but still good. Good character development and good story line. Consistent with first book without being the same. I like a consistent story because you then know what you're getting generally. I very much recommend this series!
Lots of action, space ships, alien and alien artifacts. I wish the characters were developed more though, their motivations are a bit muddled and superficial. Still a good read though.
This was a fast, engaging read. Shiny returns with a mission for Tellisa and Magnus. Retrieve a tool for all the alien tech they can carry. They just have to avoid another alien race's war machines and Tellisa's father. This is a wonderful follow up to the first novel.
This book is an excellent follow up to the first in the series. The characters continue to be fleshed out in motivations and depth. The story and the series is getting harder to put down. I look forward to the next book.
I liked the simplicity, yet that's also its handicap, too straight forward and little process to actions relies on our having watched a lot of scifi, humbly said. Still, good work, hence 4*
This is a refreshing and exciting experience for me in reading the books written by Michael. The story line is unique in its own way of bringing together the cultures of various intelligent intenaties. A definite page turner.
Looking forward to the next book in the series. I enjoyed the interaction of the characters in this story. There were a couple of deaths,but I guess it keeps the story interesting.