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The Destiny of Dragons #4

The Book of Family

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After the devastating Dark Destruction, peace came to Ay in the form of a single man, Kai Canarbis. However, some didn’t welcome peace and, for six-and-ten winters, Bran, the Raven Lord of Life and Death, has waged an unconscionable war against Kai's empire of righteousness.

After the imperial heirs are abducted, a diabolical trap is set for Kai and sprung. Bran delights in sabotaging the empire’s guardians and condemning the realm, until a long absent hero returns in all force, to oppose him with incredible power akin to a god’s.

It might be too late though, for with the empire smarting from incessant war and ill prepared to defend herself, and the realm responding furiously to Kai’s sore absence, a quick conquest seems inevitable. With too many refugees flooding High Infinity, when the spells which created her begin to break down, a desperate search for Ay’s strongest guardian unveils the distressing truth on his fate.

471 pages, ebook

First published July 31, 2013

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About the author

Billie-Jo Williams

8 books73 followers
Born in Shrewsbury, died who knows where, I currently bathe in that beautiful, cultural, historical Shropshire air!

I seek to become a full-time author to fulfil a life-long dream. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write and I can’t imagine a time when I won’t. Having lived without electricity for a time, necessity sparked my love affair with the written word, as it was easier to write than read in poor light. No one else had penned the story I wanted to read and my characters yearned to live and breathe, so I had to bring them to life. Now I write for the experience and the pleasure, for it is my passion, my religion, my parent, my councillor: my identity. I write because I don’t know how not to! My head is full of stories all jostling for position and it’s never a matter of which book to write next, for I work on concurrent projects. I primarily write fantasy, but have written poetry, science fiction, historical fiction and horror.

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Profile Image for Billie-Jo Williams.
Author 8 books73 followers
September 24, 2017
Check out the latest in the epic Destiny of Dragons fantasy series, fourth of nine books and first in the second story arc.

Billie-Jo Williams :[
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